Infinity Throne

Chapter 818 East Coast

The eldest princess, Xia Xiaoman, watched helplessly as the baby she had covered for half a month, which had lost its smell, fell into Yi Lin's hands, and she was stunned.

Yi Lin struck quickly, accurately, cruelly, swiftly and fiercely, but Xia Xiaoman couldn't react.


She watched blankly as shock appeared on the young man's face at first, then he frowned, and then, when the young man swung the imperial jade seal and smashed it into the soil, Xia Xiaoman couldn't hold his breath anymore and cried loudly.


"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Give me the jade seal!"

"Uuuuuuuuuah, my hair..."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I asked Father to get up and kill you..."

Crying until the end, Xia Xiaoman was incoherent and even said the words "Father, get up".

Yi Lin's mood was complicated at the moment.

The complicated reason was not because Xia Xiaoman was crying.

But... a legendary item was held in the arms of Princess Dagan for half a month?

This is a legendary item!

When Yi Lin touched the dark green jade seal, familiar attributes reappeared in front of her eyes.

What Yilin didn't expect was that one of the "seven keys" he was looking for suddenly appeared in front of him.

After thinking for a moment, Yi Lin threw the [Human Emperor's Seal] back into Xia Xiaoman's hands.

He just swung the [Human Emperor's Seal] and smashed it into the ground, not to despise the Daqian royal family, but to try out the power of this so-called "legendary" item.

Suppressing the country... The country is at his feet, but why can't he suppress it?

It seems that it should be related to the "restrictions" of legendary items.

"Is it exclusive to the Human Emperor?"

If you are not a human emperor, you will not be able to unleash the true power of legendary items.

Xia Xiaoman stopped crying instantly when the Human Emperor's Seal was lost and found.

She glared at Yi Lin fiercely, carefully rewrapped the Human Emperor's Seal, and with a sad look on her face, she picked up the scattered long hair from the ground.

That is her youth and consciousness.

How dare you just throw it away?

The concepts of this era are not that open.

The hair and skin of the body are influenced by parents. For them, hair is also a part of the body. If you say to cut off a little bit, it is almost like cutting a nail. But shaving off all the hair is equivalent to amputation of a finger, which is really treasonous.

Ordinary families all think this way, let alone the imperial family.

Yi Lin looked at Xia Xiaoman with tears in her eyes and stubbornly rewrapped the hair on the ground with the Human Emperor's Seal. She felt inexplicably pitiful for this little girl.

He patted the unnecessary dust on his body, stood up, and gave a reasonable explanation for Meng Lang's actions just now: "Look, you have no strength and only want to rely on others. You can't control anything. You ran away rashly. If you go to King Zhennan’s territory to ask for help, you might be betrayed without even knowing it before you ask for help.”

Xia Xiaoman glared at Yi Lin, hating in his heart but not knowing how to refute.

"Besides, don't you think your idea is too naive?" Yi Lin said without mercy, "You mentioned that the King of Zhennan was a powerful figure who was qualified to compete for the throne in the past. Do you really think that he has become a Southern Barbarian?" How can I be grateful if I become a local emperor in this land? Don’t forget what a hellish place Nanman was back then. It had a hot climate, swamps everywhere, crops didn’t grow, and poisonous insects were rampant. If I were the king of Zhennan, as early as thirteen years ago, you When dad died, he threw down his burden and rebelled. Hey, if you can endure it until now without having an attack, that's pretty cool."

After experiencing this little episode, Xia Xiaoman followed Yi Lin down the mountain obediently.

Apart from not mentioning Yi Lin taking her back to Qingdu anymore, she didn't know if she had really figured it out or if she was just angry.

In short, Xia Xiaoman didn't say a word on the way down the mountain, and it was rare to find peace.

This is the effect of training.

Yi Lin was secretly proud.

Although Xia Xiaoman stared at his back and felt a little stabbed in his back, it wasn't a big problem.

Walking out of the mountains of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, there is a plain.

The plains are mostly dotted with scattered fishing villages, and residents here have made a living by fishing on the seashore for generations.

The villagers will pickle the uneaten fish into dried fish and make simple coarse sea salt, and then go to the market on the other side of Dongzhou Mountain to exchange for daily needs.

There were people coming and going in the fishing village, all of them tanned and honest-minded. Yi Lin and Xia Xiaoman, who were obviously not locals, came to ask for directions. They all answered one by one without any delay.

While sighing at the simplicity of the people, Yi Lin quickly determined the direction and rushed to the seaside.

With about four or five days left on the journey, Yi Lin spent some money to buy a horse in a fishing village near the mountain, and the two of them rode together.

Seeing that Yi Lin only changed one horse instead of two, Xia Xiaoman pouted and felt unhappy, but he did not dare to say anything and sat down behind the horse obediently.

Horses in this era, except for war horses, most civilian horses cannot afford saddles. They are high-end goods that ordinary people cannot afford. Whoever rides a horse knows what it feels like to ride a horse without a saddle. Yi Lin knew that she couldn't bear it, so she took a blanket and put it under her buttocks, which finally made her feel more comfortable. But Xia Xiaoman, who was sitting in the back, didn't feel so comfortable anymore. Every time the horse went to a bumpy spot, her thin body was suddenly bumped up high, and then fell heavily. The pain was so painful that Her Royal Highness grinned and stood up. For a moment, it felt so uncomfortable.

But she didn't have an attack, she just endured it all the way without talking to the damn Lin Yi.

I will not say!

Even if I kill you, I won’t say anything!

Xia Xiaoman couldn't beat Yi Lin in terms of strength, but he couldn't lose in terms of integrity, right?

She obviously had sex with Yi Rin.

Just like that, walking around.

Riding horses in the red dust, traveling from the southern part of Dongsheng China to the East China Sea, in the end only Yi Lin and Xia Xiaoman were left walking.

Xia Xiaoman didn't take the initiative to speak, while Yi Lin shook the reins and would find some topics from time to time to relieve his boredom.

Xia Xiaoman is not as generous as Yi Lin and does not care about past grudges.

No matter what Yi Lin asked, she turned her head aside and said nothing except secretly crying out in pain.

How could she have time to reply to Yi Lin's bullshit when her ass was about to bloom?


Two days later, the two of them staggered on their horses and arrived at the beach.

Looking from a distance, a mile away, there are several simple bungalows randomly located, with country roads interspersed among them.

Yi Lin was riding on the horse and suddenly frowned. The oncoming salty sea breeze was filled with waves of unpleasant smell of blood.

Not to mention Yi Lin, even Xia Xiaoman could smell this bloody smell.

She was about to give a warning, but when she remembered the agreement she had made with herself that "whoever talks to the other party first will lose", she immediately covered her mouth, with a straight face, patted Yi Lin on the shoulder, and when the other party turned around Shi pointed to his nose again, using this action to remind Yi Lin to be careful.

Yi Lin smiled, didn't take it to heart, and continued to move forward.

A few hundred steps away from the fishing village, Yi Lin looked into the distance and saw a graceful beauty standing on the roof, her robes fluttering in the wind, her face as plain as frost, and her murderous aura.

At the entrance of the village road, a guest in white brought a table from somewhere and drank tea calmly, showing off his style.

It's Jian Nanchun and Chao Rushuang.

Yi Lin stretched his neck and then retracted it. His hands were itchy after being idle for a few days. Yi Lin wanted to do something, but she didn't expect it to be them. Yi Lin suddenly felt a little boring.

Yi Lin actually thought about it halfway through, why they had not been attacked since the people from Tianjian Sect appeared. It turned out that the group of desperadoes had arrived at the East China Sea in advance to wait and wait. Naturally, Jian Nanchun and Chao Rushuang had anticipated this incident and arrived at the finish line early to clear the obstacles.

Sure enough, this is the real world. It is far less bloody than the scenes in classical novels, where you are chased and beaten more and more along the way.

Jian Nanchun first saw Yi Lin but not Master Gu Ye, and accidentally choked on his tea. But when he saw the eldest princess behind Yi Lin, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He stepped forward and took advantage of Yi Lin's dismount to ask, "Why are you the only one left, where is Master Kuye?"

"When he arrived at Dongzhou Mountain, he took in a precious disciple and returned to Ping'an Temple first."

"That's it." When Jian Nanchun heard this, he felt better because he had encountered something unexpected. Otherwise, Zen Master Ku Ye of Heian Temple lost his life because of this matter, wouldn’t that mean that Tianjian Sect owes the Buddhist sect a favor?

This favor is hard to repay.

"Not bad, not bad, not bad."

Jian Nanchun patted Yi Lin on the shoulder. He now knew that Yi Lin had learned "little skills" by herself, so he did not hesitate to praise her.

"Hey, don't forget our 'promise', senior brother."

Yi Lin squinted her eyes and looked at Jian Nanchun. She spoke in a low voice before, but in the end Yi Lin deliberately placed the accent on the word "senior brother".

Jian Nanchun shrank his neck and subconsciously glanced at the roof where his junior sister was standing. When he saw that the other party didn't care about the movement at all, Jian Nanchun straightened his face and coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment: "Let everything happen, just let it happen."

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