Infinity Throne

Chapter 830 Fangyuan Mountain

Yi Lin stepped forward to take a look.

I discovered that this game of chess had actually been played.

He silently stepped forward and carefully packed up each chess piece, clearly distinguishing black and white, and placed them in the bowl in front of the two of them.

After completing the entire set of actions, Yi Lin did enough superficial work for about ten minutes.

Gongyang Hei sighed softly and threw the black piece on his finger into the chess bowl beside him.

Gongyang Bai made the same move.

The two of them, from beginning to end, watched Yi Lin's move of packing up the chess pieces in silence. It wasn't until Yi Lin packed up that they both spoke at the same time:

"Do you want to go to Fangyuan Mountain?"

Yi Lin nodded.



At this time,

Yi Lin hasn't answered yet.

A crane with snow-white wings hovered down from the sky and stayed outside the door.

The crane lowered its head and made poses, as if waiting.

Yi Lin didn't expect that the second elder was so silent that he even called the bus crane for him in advance.

So, Yi Lin turned around and held his hands towards Gongyang Hei and Gongyang Baigong: "Disciple just wants to experience the mystery of the formation technique."

"Go ahead."

"Come back often."

Ram Black and Ram White moved in unison, both waving their hands impatiently.

Yi Lin turned around and walked out the door.

As soon as he crossed the threshold, Gongyang Bai suddenly said:

"Who did you drink with yesterday?"

The two of them had the same mind, and Gongyang Hei also said, "Who is it?"

Yi Lin hesitated for a moment, thinking of Chen Bei in the handyman class, but in the end, without saying anything, she climbed on the crane and flew away.

Behind him, there was the sound of chess pieces hitting the chessboard hard.


Of course he will come back.

Yi Lin thought of the agreement she made with Chen Bei when she was tipsy last night.

The cranes flew and flew.

Float and float.

When the crane flapped its wings, it blew the fine hairs on Yi Lin's face, making Yi Lin itch.

The flight trajectory of each crane seems to have a fixed route.

It's really just like a bus.

There were flocks of cranes coming and going in the sky, but none of them collided with each other.

Yilin rode a crane and crossed over from the floating fairy island.

Many monks passing by saw Yi Lin's clothes and gave them secret advice.

Yi Lin was still wearing the clothes of a registered disciple, with a registered disciple badge hanging around her waist.

Logically speaking, the registered disciple has no right to take the crane bus, but he did get on it and felt quite comfortable, so he attracted a lot of onlookers from his fellow disciples.

Practicing Taoist skills seems to have the effect of prolonging life. In short, at a glance, among the senior sisters and brothers in the sect, the women are as beautiful as flowers, and the men are handsome. I don’t know how old the grandparents are behind this skin.

Thinking of this, the world of Yi Lin's secret monks is very dangerous. In the past, you had to take off your makeup to find a partner. When looking for a partner among monks, there seems to be no way to confirm a person's age except skin picking. This is really scary when you think about it.

While thinking wildly, Yilin flew over the mountains and approached the outside of Fangyuan Mountain.

Yi Lin remembered what Jian Nanchun said that there were terrible restrictions outside Fangyuan Mountain. If he flew around, he might be innocently attacked by air defense and nuclear weapons, but he would be fine riding a crane.

From the naked eye, there is nothing unusual around Fangyuan Mountain. There were so many monks in Tianjian Sect that Yi Lin did not dare to use telekinesis to detect the restrictions ahead.

After all, telekinesis is also a manifestation of mental power, and spiritual consciousness is also another use of the spirit. There are similarities between the two. If telekinesis is released rashly, it will easily make people in the door The old guy noticed something was wrong with him, which made things worse.

In the distance, the mountain peak floating in mid-air had a faint strange aura.

This breath made goosebumps rise all over Yi Lin's body. He subconsciously squinted his eyes and looked at the mountain carefully with his naked eyes. The outline of the mountain gradually became slightly distorted in Yi Lin's eyes. But when Yi Lin blinked again, the distortion disappeared again.


Yi Lin nodded secretly. He seemed calm on the surface, but he was excited in his heart. He slapped the crane's butt and shouted: "Brother Bird, speed up!"

"Choo Choo Choo--"

Being slapped hard by Yi Lin, the crane under his crotch suddenly convulsed, letting out a trembling cry, and spitting out a few mouthfuls of white saliva... It seemed that he was extremely scared. Immediately afterwards... Brother Xianhe suddenly started to accelerate.

The closer we get to Fangyuan Mountain, the more distorted the scenery, light, and trees are. Yi Lin felt like he was in an invisible maze. After a moment of trance, he realized that he had actually arrived.

The crane trembled, as if it was afraid that Yi Lin would kill it, and unexpectedly threw Yi Lin to the ground. At a faster speed than when it came, it disappeared in a flash.


Yi Lin did not dare to use any strange abilities, so she could only let the crane throw him to the ground. Yi Lin rubbed her butt that hurt from the fall, and shouted in the direction where the crane left, "I'll eat you sooner or later!"


Fangyuan Mountain, this name, makes Yi Lin feel particularly familiar.

Yi Lin walked up the mountain on the bluestone path.

Found on the top of the mountain, it is another villa.

The decoration style of Bieyuan is slightly different from that of Chuandaoyuan.

There are no flowers or grass growing in this yard, but there are many jagged and strange rocks piled around it.

There is a bit of forcefulness in the coldness, which makes people unpredictable and incomprehensible.

At first glance, it looks like a rock, but at a second glance, it looks like a rugged mountain peak or a ferocious monster, which makes people shudder.

Outside the garden, there is a small pond.

In the pond, a small water wheel rotates on its own, splashing water.

The yard is empty.

At a glance, it covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

But at this moment, the yard was a little crowded.

Because it was full of people.

Disciples wearing different costumes waited patiently in the courtyard.

Some people pop a pill into their mouths from time to time, which is a "food pill" used to fill their stomachs.

When Yi Lin came closer, as his clothes rubbed against each other, he remembered that he was sweating all over after being hungover. He hadn't washed up yet, and his whole body was sticky.

So he glanced inside and found that everyone else was waiting, so he walked outside to the pond, pulled out his wide belt, exposed his upper body, hummed a tune, and used the belt as a towel while soaking in the water in the pond. Rubbing your back happily.

The clear water in the pool became a bit turbid as Yi Lin rubbed her back, but this was not a problem.

After finishing sorting, Yi Lin returned to Bieyuan and found that those people were still waiting.

He looked around and searched for a while...oh, he really found an acquaintance.

Yi Lin stepped forward, looked at the generous figure, smiled slightly, patted the other person's shoulder, and sat down beside him.

"Ah! It's you!"

The latter was stunned.

That person was the Emperor Yili who had been mentioned before. He stayed in the handyman class for ten years before finally ending his handyman career. Yi Lin never expected that the two of them would meet here.

The two had no close friendship when they were in the handyman class. What's the other party's name...? Yi Lin thought for a moment and quickly recalled the other person's name.

The surname is Zhong, the given name is Lin... Zhong Lin.

"Old Zhong, why are there so many people here?"

Based on her biological age, there is nothing wrong with Yi Lin calling her Fang Lao Zhong.

Old Zhong's life in the handyman class was almost as old as Yi Lin's.

Pretend to be young, who can’t?

Zhong Lin looked straight at the familiar Yi Lin, his lips moved... numerous questions popped up in his heart.

Why did this guy come out?

Hasn't he only been there for half a year?

Why did it come out?

how could be?

This is impossible!

Questions were swirling in Zhong Lin's mind, but after wondering for a long time, he finally forced himself to swallow all the questions, his eyes were slightly dull, and he replied: "You don't know? A month ago, the elder of the formation said he wanted to recruit Ten inner disciples, these people are all waiting for the spot of the inner disciples of the formation elder."

"A month ago?" Yi Lin looked slightly stunned: "So you... no, these hundreds of people have been sitting here for a month?"

"It's just a month." Zhong Lin shook his head and finally recovered from the shock of Yi Lin coming out after only half a year. His eyes showed determination and he gritted his teeth and said: "If you have the chance to enter the inner gate in this life, don't tell me It’s January, even if it’s a year or ten years, why not?”

This kid has a promising future!

Yi Lin secretly sighed at Zhong Lin's great perseverance. No wonder he could work as an oddball for ten years without any complaints. He turned out to be the kind of person who was dedicated to the cause and had no distractions, even if he died, he would have no regrets.

The courtyard was quiet, with occasional small conversations.

After explaining to Yi Lin the reason for the large number of people at the scene, Zhong Lin closed his eyes and said no more. He has been sitting for a month and he is still suffering.

Yi Lin was not that perseverant. Fangyuan Mountain was quite large. When he got tired from sitting, he went out to pick mushrooms and wild fruits on the mountain. While the night was dark, he secretly lit a fire, cooked the food and ate it.

Don't underestimate these wild vegetables and mushrooms. These are grown by gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. They are particularly nourishing. As Yi Lin ate them, they became delicious. Later, she changed to other cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, roasting, and stewing. It also gave Yi Lin a different taste.

During the day, Yi Lin returned to the yard, took out an unknown piece of wood, took out a carpenter's knife, and carefully carved on the cylindrical wood.

He actually didn't want to carve anything. It's just that as a carpenter, he has been accustomed to passing the time in this way over the years, looking for inspiration, and seeing if he can make some new tricks...for example, he can explode "hearts" "Fireworks, grenades and the like.

in this way,

Yilin is in Fangyuan Mountain,

The wait is seven days.

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