Infinity Throne

Chapter 838 Ten Star Chess Game

Half a month later.

It's the fifteenth day of the month.

Today is the day for the two elders to preach and resolve doubts.

Many people ride cranes in the sky of the Fairy Mountain, and go to the main peak of the Fairy Island together as if they are going to the market.

On the way, many disciples from the sect gathered in groups and whispered.

"Have you heard that a weirdo has appeared among the registered disciples recently?"

"Weird, are you talking about... Lin Yi?"

"Which Lin Yi?"

"Tsk, who else is Lin Yi? There is only one Lin Yi!"

"I heard that Lin Yiben is a registered disciple recruited by the elders of Chuandaoyuan."

"No way? Didn't you say that the two elders of Chuandaoyuan have not accepted a disciple for fifty years?"

"So, that Lin Yi must be something special and can win the favor of the elder who teaches the skills."

"So what, Lin Yi didn't know what was wrong, so he turned around and ran to Fangyuan Mountain again."

When several people were discussing.

Another group of cranes carried three or five monks. It seemed that they heard a few people discussing and couldn't help but come over to participate in the discussion and gossip together.

Gossip is human nature and instinct.

"Hey, you guys are so ill-informed. According to legend, after Lin Yi obtained the qualification as a registered disciple of Fangyuan Mountain, he turned around and ran to Yanmo Mountain, where he shamelessly approached the elder."


When everyone heard this, they took a breath of cool air.

Someone counted them with their fingers: "I heard that not only Chuandaoyuan, Fangyuan Mountain, and Yanmo Mountain, but also Jielu Mountain, Baicao Mountain, and Wenjian Mountain have successively accepted Lin Yi as a registered disciple!"

"Ah this? Are these elders so shameless? How can they tolerate Lin Yi's erratic behavior?"

"This is nothing. I heard that a registered disciple heard about Lin Yi's deeds and wanted to imitate Lin Yi's actions. He cast a wide net and fished diligently to see if he could win the favor of one of them, and then he could rise to the top with one step. Qualifications for becoming an inner disciple. But guess what?"

"What's going on?" I never expected to hear such secrets on the road. A group of people gathered together, extremely curious.

"I heard that the registered disciple who imitated Lin Yi wanted to follow Lin Yi's rise and join him one by one. But as soon as he reached Yuanshan, he was shot away by Ren Qingshan himself! In the end, he was hung up hundreds of miles away He was discovered by a disciple in the Purple Bamboo Forest. He had been unconscious for three days and three nights and was seriously injured and would not recover!"





"A moment of silence!"

"I hope nothing happens!"

More than a dozen cranes moved forward together, and the disciples on the cranes exclaimed in unison.

They thought this was unscientific.

All the elders in the sect want to save face.

This is a well-known thing.

Once a disciple joins a certain lineage, any disciple who does not follow the rules and is cautious and afraid of offending the master will be expelled from the master and sent back to the handyman class. Even the registered disciples cannot be kept.

But who is Lin Yi?

How could he commit crimes repeatedly and succeed again and again?

Could it be that he is the illegitimate son of an elder in the family?

Just as they were about to continue their discussion.

A green-fronted crane flies happily with a delicate pastry in its long and narrow beak.

On the green-foreheaded crane, there is a young man wearing a green shirt as a registered disciple, with a hurried expression on his face, as if he is in a hurry.


"It's Lin Yi!"

When the green-fronted crane passed by, a dozen cranes gathered together immediately separated and flew to their own places to avoid suspicion.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

As the crane's wings rose and fell, Lin Yi's waist made a series of crisp sounds.

That's a long list of named disciples' badges.

The crashing sound looked particularly dazzling in the morning light.

Today is the preaching day for the elders, the black and white sheep.

Thousands of people took their seats in the square one after another.

They found an open space and sat down quietly, waiting for the elder who was passing on the power to arrive.

When Lin Yi arrived, he attracted countless strange looks.

In the past month and a half, many people have heard that there is a strange person among the registered disciples.

However, this weirdo who was always at work, had everything he wanted, and every elder looked at him differently, which was very strange.

Yi Lin felt that the belt was so heavy that it almost fell off.

There is no other way. There are so many badges as registered disciples that I can hardly keep them.

Yi Lin herself was helpless.

With the help of Chenbei's tiger skin, Yi Lin successively conquered Fangyuan Mountain, Yanmo Mountain, Baicao Mountain, Wenjian Mountain, Zhujian Mountain, Jielu Mountain, and Taiyi Mountain.

Each waist tag weighs half a kilogram, which is equivalent to four kilograms of weight hanging on the belt.

He can hold it up, but the belt can't.

"Today I listen to the preaching of Black and White Eryang. The day after tomorrow I will go to Baicao Mountain to learn alchemy. Four days later I will go to Zhujian Mountain to learn how to open a furnace. Six days later I will go to Taiyi Mountain to learn hexagram deduction. Eight days later I will go to Wenjian Mountain to learn basic swordsmanship. Jue... Thirteen days later, the flower girl of Maruyama seems to be explaining the key points of the layout of multiple formations. The schedule is very tight!"

Yi Lin’s classes are fully booked.

Arranged properly.

If this continues, Yi Lin will be as busy as a top, with classes every month, almost non-stop.

So fulfilling.

It's still daytime.

In the evening, Yi Lin had other important matters.

Unknowingly, he became a celebrity.

Yi Lin was also helpless.

Yi Lin vaguely noticed it from the way other disciples looked at him.

There is no way, he is like a firefly in the dark night, dazzling and difficult to hide.

Yi Lin helplessly shook the heavy belt tags on her waist, chose a corner, and sat down quietly.

After arriving at the square, after waiting for a while, two sheep, black and white, came stepping on the auspicious clouds.

Long time no see, Eryang has snow-white hair on his temples and remains as charming as ever.

Without any nonsense, the two of them chose a classic book called "Xiu Ming Sword Book" and began to preach without emotion like chanting scriptures.

As soon as you hear the name of this book, you can tell that it is a technique that is biased towards female disciples.

Many female disciples' eyes lit up, they listened carefully and closed their eyes to breathe.

Practicing within the sect does not mean that you only need to immerse yourself in practicing one technique. Listening to other exercises can also corroborate the exercises you practice, and you can check for gaps and fill in the gaps.

This monthly evangelism has another important meaning. When thousands of disciples were breathing out their blessings, the elders who taught the practice would stand by and point out the disciples' shortcomings.

This strong learning atmosphere moved Yi Lin deeply.

But after listening for a while, Yi Lin lost interest and sneaked away.

While Black and White Eryang was not at home, Yi Lin thought about it and decided to steal the house.

The last purple bamboo brew promised to Chen Bei has been delayed for almost a month. I have received a lot of favors from Chen Bei recently, and I should pay them back.

After Yi Lin left.

The black and white sheep, who were sitting quietly on the soft futon, opened their eyes at the same time, stared in the direction Yi Lin left, and sneered secretly.


"That kid slipped away again,"

"I really thought we didn't know you sneaked around our wine cellar ban,"

"Want to get Zizhu Brewing?"

"Now this kid will suffer a big loss!"

A joking sinister smile appeared on the faces of the two elders at the same time, and their entire faces turned dark.

They laid the plan.

Their "Ten-Star Chess Game", even if it takes into account the friendship between master and apprentice to reduce the murderous intent, it is not something that a mere named disciple can break.

I'll slap you when I get back!

In the square, many disciples opened their eyes unintentionally and looked at the black face of the elder who was imparting the power. They were so frightened that they thought they had made some mistake.

Missionary Garden is not far away.

On the same main peak.

Yi Lin touched it with familiarity. Before she even entered the door, she noticed something was wrong.

There are many more decorations in the yard, and there are a few ordinary potted plants in the corner. After the black and white sheep played chess, they did not put away the chess pieces, but left an end game on the chess board.

The sun was clearly high in the sky, but inside the courtyard, it looked a little gloomy and the light was dim.

"Yo ho?"

The door is open, clearly inviting you to enter the urn.

Yi Lin squinted her eyes and stood outside the door for a while, taking a closer look.

"Those potted plants, the extra screen behind the door, and the slightly modified courtyard layout formed a confusing formation that seemed harmless."

Yi Lin quickly analyzed the scenery in front of her.

"But this apparent confusion formation is just a cover-up to confuse. The real killing move is there."

Yi Lin's eyes fell on the remaining game in the courtyard. The black and white chess pieces were clearly distinguishable, and there was a faint murderous intent.

"You can't break the game if you don't enter the game." Yi Lin closed her eyes and murmured to herself: "Master, what you are implying is that if you want to get wine, you can get it, but you have to pass your assessment first, right?"

Yi Lin felt the good intentions of the two masters and was moved in her heart.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

After saying that, Yi Lin opened her eyes, and the young man's eyes were filled with excitement.

He stepped inside, and before his eyes, the world was changing.

Above, in the night sky, ten dazzling stars formed a line.

The ground is filled with undulating hills and shadows, lined up in a row, all over the mountains and plains, endless.


A row of ancient soldiers with hazy faces, riding armored war horses and holding halberds. In the hazy mist, the horses' hooves stamped hard, and thousands of troops came to kill!

"Looks like I need to be a little more serious."

The young man had a faint smile on his face, and after opening and closing his eyes, his pupils were stained with blood.

Five blood balls, visible only to him, were suspended in the air.

"The Bloodthirsty Disaster·One Solution!"

Yi Lin selected one of the five blood cells, crushed it, and patted it on his chest.

In an instant, the surface of Yi Lin's body was covered with a layer of light red blood, like armor and gauze, mysterious and mysterious.

"Analytical horizon... open!"

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