Infinity Throne

Chapter 840 The throne is authority

"You're back."

The bat yawned and flew down from the tree.

Yi Lin rolled her eyes.

Xindao, this is my territory.

But you overshadow the guest, dominate the mountain, and act like a "welcome" as if you are the master. What's going on?

Have you slept for thirteen years, so much so that you have completely forgotten that you are the "outsider" now?

Of course, Yi Lin only dared to think about this idea in her heart, but she dared not say it out loud.

He was afraid that Green would have any objections.

One of the clones of this big boss lives here in the form of a bat. Although Yi Lin doesn't know whether it is a blessing or a curse to be dependent on a being of this level, but since he cannot get rid of it, Yi Lin can only let Green Laid on.

When he becomes more familiar with the use of "pivot", he might be able to collect rent from Green.

Yi Lin suddenly thought of Pan Zhengyi, who had multiple personalities.

Perhaps, there might be other people living in Pan Zhengyi's "hub", which is why he became crazy.

The bat flapped its wings next to Yi Lin.

Yi Lin started today's work.

He stretched out his fingers, which were filled with light, and wrote slowly among the parts.

Every time Yi Lin writes a stroke, there is a symbol, either "1" or "0", which condenses into semi-substance in the void and falls into the pile of broken parts.

Green watched quietly and didn't say much, but there seemed to be an emotion called "curiosity" in his flashing eyes.

Time passed bit by bit.

Yi Lin sometimes writes, sometimes meditates, sometimes erases some changes, and the progress is slow.

He already knows how to accomplish the true Dharma of Ishvara.

The prototype of the free method really took shape in Yi Lin's imagination.

He has been stuck in misunderstandings in the past.

Whether it's crystal patterns, magic, supreme spells, or the "formation skills" he is currently learning.

These systems have already formed their own mature theories. Yi Lin dare not say that it is impossible to forcibly combine them, but it is too difficult.

Yi Lin's steps and thoughts were suddenly too big, and it was easy for her to get hurt.

But Chen Bei's words accidentally woke him up.

Going too fast may not be a good thing.

Looking back, Yi Lin indeed made a new discovery.

Since it is too difficult to integrate the already formed systems, why doesn't he restore these systems to their original appearance, and then when he wants to use them, he can rearrange them and take them out?

The principle is simple.

Give a few examples.

Assuming that each system is a different language, and it is almost impossible to forcibly combine these languages ​​into a book, then Yi Lin only needs to do one thing.

That is to split these languages ​​into letters, or even into the most primitive strokes, or ink dots, and then rewrite these strokes and ink dots into books. In this way, the wall of language can be bypassed. Obstacles, smooth and unimpeded.

What he is doing now is to use the form of code to re-decompose each part of magic, crystal patterns, supreme flow spells, and formation techniques into the most original "codes", and then use them in the spiritual world bit by bit. The Didi is written together in the form of this imprint. When Yilin wants to use something, she only needs to rearrange the scattered codons to use the corresponding spell.

When the code in front of him is completed, he doesn't even need to spend time constructing spells in the future. He can make moves with just a thought.

Abbreviation: Follow your words.

Thinking about it, Yi Lin was still a little excited.

At first Green asked curiously: "Why do you think of '1' and '0'."

Yi Lin couldn't explain why.

He always felt that his birth, his connection with Ling Yiyi, and the two numbers accompanying their births must have special meaning.

Sure enough, Yi Lin succeeded.

He was getting better.

After a few days of work, Yi Lin successfully re-drawn all the systems using a line composed of two numbers "1" and "0" that could barely be seen clearly with a magnifying glass.

Everything he understands can eventually be systematically analyzed using "science".

Perhaps, this is also due to the help of "Xi Paradise". After their apostles registered, all their powers were digitized. Perhaps it was precisely because of this special "digitized state" that he could successfully transfer to his soul... ...The hub, like writing a program, truly creates a power system that is completely of its own.

"You don't seem to know what you want to do."

Green stared at the irregularly shaped "code" and chuckled.

"Nonsense, if I understand, I won't have such a headache."

In fact, Yi Lin wants to make the collection of codons in front of her into a "ball" shape, such as Yi Lin's ball or something, which is simple and crude, can be smashed when picked up, and is convenient and easy to use.

"How about..." Bat's narrow scarlet eyes narrowed: "How about making it into the shape of a 'throne'?"


Yi Lin suddenly paused with his bare fingers. He looked at Green strangely, wondering why this big boss came up with his idea on a whim.

The bat rolled up its wings and said, "Don't worry about what I said casually." He said slowly: "Don't you realize that in your heart, all appearances have meanings. This sea, this tree, this grass , that flower that is about to wither."

Yi Lin was thoughtful.

"The throne is power." Green's cute little wings drew a red arc of light in front of Yi Lin, and a crooked seat pattern flashed in front of Yi Lin: "To tell you the truth, in fact, I have it too."

Green's tone made Yi Lin feel that it was using a tone of "I have ten dollars" to calmly describe the fact that "I don't have to pretend, I am actually a billionaire".

Damn it... let it get there.

Green's words reminded Yi Lin of the scene in "Generation of the Gods". At the end, after Xiao Xi smashed "Endgame" with a slap, four phantoms of chairs of different colors descended from the sky. Yi Lin vaguely... Rin seemed to understand that Green was not talking nonsense, but meant something.

"Are you helping me? Why?"

Yi Lin looked at Green in surprise. He didn't understand the meaning of Green's behavior. He has never been able to see through the other person, whether it was the first meeting in Nightmare Town, the reunion in Gugu Town, or now.

From beginning to end, Green was like a mystery in front of Yi Lin, a dense mystery that Yi Lin couldn't see through.

Now, this mystery is stationed in Yi Lin's spiritual world, and it comes to her door without any hesitation.

Green didn't seem to be showing off when he said this.

He lightly shook his wings and flew back to the tree, lacking in interest.

From the trees came Green's voice.

"This sea is too boring..."

"It's no fun to stay the same for a long time."

"For you mere humans, time is a precious treasure, but for me, it is more like a curse, an unsolvable curse. Only dreams can allow me to find meaning in the boring time. Have some little fun."

Yi Lin found it difficult to understand Green's speech.

Green slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Good night, outsider."

"Have a... wonderful night."

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