Infinity Throne

Chapter 854 Returning home in glory

Daqian Dynasty.

Jisheng calendar, thirteenth year, twelfth lunar month, winter.

Lin Yi returned to Qingniu Village.

The whole village celebrates together.

The whole village, young and old, was welcomed by the whole village.

"Lin Yi is back!"

"Which Lin Yi?"

"That Lin Yi from Carpenter Lin's house!"

"Hiss... didn't he go out of the village to wander the world with the Wang family's little tiger?"

"Hey, you didn't know that that boy from the Lin family has a future! He became a monk!"

"What! Monk? Where are you on duty?"

"What's the job? He's a monk! The kind that flies around in the sky! He's alive!"

"Really or not! I'll go take a look too! See how he flies!"

"I heard that that boy from the Lin family has a promising career! He even brought a little girl back with him!"

"That little girl looks so unique! It's just that her butt is a little small. I wonder if she can give birth well!"

"Look at those breasts, the kid will be hungry in the future!"

"What are you afraid of! Monks can do magic. Maybe Lin Yi, if he does magic, will make the little girl's breasts expand as much as she wants!"

After Yi Lin returned to the village, within half a day, the outside of the Lin family's house was crowded with people, ten circles inside and ten circles outside.

Many people stretched their necks and peered through the paper windows, trying to see what the legendary Immortal and the future wife of the Lin family looked like.

Inside the Lin family house.

I've been crying here for a while.

Lao Lin and his wife hugged Lin Yi and cried bitterly for a long time.

Anyway, with the door closed, the crying could not be heard, so it was a rare indulgence for them.


Mother Lin touched Lin Yi's hair and wiped her tears with a crumpled coarse cloth: "You have lost weight..."

"No way!" Yi Lin pinched the flesh on her arm confidently: "I'm fat!"


While Lin's mother doted on Lin Yi and expressed her true love, Lin's father, with swollen eyes, brought a basin of water, wiped the two ancestral handmade benches up and down, left and right, and greeted the guests: "Hey, this sir Immortal, please sit down! Please sit down! And this... ahem, son, why don't you introduce me to daddy?"

The enthusiasm of the Lin family's parents made Jian Nanchun and Xia Xiaoman at a loss.

Especially Jiannanchun.

He looked at the bench and didn't want to do it.

If you sit down, wouldn't it ruin your "immortal" status?

This bench is short and small,

No matter what posture I use to sit, I feel uncomfortable!

"This is my senior brother, Jian Nanchun. As for this, Xia Xiaoman, the new junior sister has no status, so don't pay attention to her."

Xia Xiaoman didn't really want to sit down at first.

This stool looks so shabby.

But Yi Lin smiled kindly, patted the two stools respectively, and said, "You guys sit down, you're welcome."

Jian Nanchun and Xia Xiaoman immediately sat firm.

After being away for half a year, Yi Lin talked about interesting things happening inside the house.

The Lin family's parents listened carefully and laughed happily from time to time.

Yi Lin talked from this mountain to that mountain.

Before I knew it, it was getting dark.

"Ouch, look at my brain, I forgot to cook!"

Father Lin suddenly slapped his head and said in annoyance.

Yi Lin didn't expect time to fly by so fast.

It's evening all of a sudden.

Or should I say that his eloquence has improved and made people addicted to it.

In fact, what Yi Lin couldn't understand was that no matter what Yi Lin said, even if she told embarrassing jokes, both her parents would laugh happily. The point is not what Lin Yi said, but that it is rare for Lin Yi to go home and sit at home, chatting about his own affairs. For ordinary father and mother Lin, this is enough.

They chatted all afternoon, and the people outside also squatted all afternoon.

When they reopened the door, the couple from the Wang family next door broke in and asked Wang Xiaohu about it.

They couldn't wait for a long time. Lin Yi and Xiaohu obviously left the village together, so why was Lin Yi the only one back?

"Okay, let's eat together! Let's talk at the dinner table!"

Yi Lin smiled and comforted the two old men of the Wang family, rolled up her sleeves, and quickly escaped to the village fish pond, caught a few live fish, and went to the field to pick a few kilograms of wild vegetables.

As a soul cook, Yi Lin does not have high requirements for ingredients and is very casual. She simply adds some seasonings and a pot of boiled fish with full color, aroma and taste is ready.

At the dinner table, the two old men of the Wang family, who had never been tempered by this kind of soul food, almost finished the soup before finally remembering their original purpose.

"Lin Yi, why didn't my little tiger come back with you?"

Lao Wang used a piece of dry straw to skillfully pick at the gap between his yellow teeth and asked with a worried look on his face.

Lao Wang's question made Yi Lin worried.

As we all know, Lao Wang is looking forward to continuing the family lineage of Wang Xiaohu, who has been passed down for several generations.

But if it was mentioned that Wang Xiaohu was abducted by Ping'an Temple and became a monk, wouldn't Old Wang flip the table on the spot and get angry with him?

He doesn't understand that there is a bright future for cultivating Buddhism in Heian Temple.

Yi Lin glanced at Xia Xiaoman, who was drinking tea and gargling beside her, and said, "Wang Xiaohu is now on an errand in Qingdu. He was recruited by the eldest princess herself."


Xia Xiaoman squirted out a mouthful of hot tea.

When Mother Lin saw it, she quickly wiped it off and asked whether her future daughter-in-law was choked and uncomfortable.

When the two Lao Wangs heard this, their blood pressure soared with joy, and they called for a big banquet the next day, and the whole village would celebrate.

I'm on an errand in the city! It was Princess Daqian who recruited her personally. This person wanted to honor our ancestors!

Cow wow cow wow!

The two families talked all night long.

It wasn't until the moon rose above the branches that the two old Wang family members reluctantly left the Lin family.

at night.

Yi Lin stood on the roof, looking up at Leng Yue.

Jian Nanchun didn't know when he fell from the air and prepared to stand next to Yi Lin.

"Don't come down, this roof can't bear the weight of two people."

Jian Nanchun had just landed halfway down Jio, frozen in mid-air, very embarrassed.

In the end, Jian Nanchun had no choice but to let the flying sword float next door. He sat on it, which hurt his butt a little.

The two were silent for a moment.

Jian Nanchun finally couldn't bear it any longer and said, "Did you use the 'Calming Curse' on the whole village?"

Yi Lin grinned: "Yes, let them have a good sleep, otherwise, they will be noisy for forever."

Jian Nanchun always felt that what Yi Lin did was against the practices of the monks of the Tianjian Sect, but he did not say anything out loud, and instead asked: "Junior brother Lin, have you noticed that there is a faint evil spirit permeating the village, and there seems to be a demon here. "

"Didn't I tell you earlier? I covered this monster."

After saying that, Yi Lin looked somewhere and said softly: "Come out."

As soon as Yi Lin finished speaking, a kitten with snow-white hair that shone in the moonlight gave a "meow" and then cautiously swept out from the treetops, nimbly climbed up to the roof and came to Yi Lin's side.

There is a word "王" on the white kitten's forehead, and its bright vertical pupils sometimes fall on Yi Lin, sometimes on Jian Nanchun who is flying on the sword beside him, full of vigilance.

"Don't worry, he is my senior brother, we agreed, you are my protector."

Yi Lin smiled.

"Thank you to the Immortal." Mao Mao opened his mouth and came out Bai Chuchu's pitiful young woman's voice: "I didn't expect that the Immortal's cultivation has improved a lot after half a year."

When Yi Lin heard this, she was angry and funny. Bai Chuchu's desire to survive is a bit strong. Can't you tell whether he is diligent in his cultivation or not? Don't I still know in my heart?

Therefore, Yi Lin did not comment on the flattery and just asked the reason why Bai Chuchu appeared here.

"Didn't you stay well in Qingniu Mountain? Why did you become like this and squat in the village? Isn't the village not peaceful?"

Bai Chuchu did not show her original shape.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief after discovering that Jian Nanchun really did what Yi Lin said and would not draw the sword easily.

I saw her in the posture of a kitten, with her tail raised, her butt raised, her paws stretched forward and lying on the roof. She said "I am very obedient" and explained the reason:

"The Immortal doesn't know something..."

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