Infinity Throne

Chapter 856 One life

The morning light has just risen.

Father Lin is going to the fields to fertilize.

Lin Yi said that if the barren soil takes time to moisten and fertilize during the winter, it will be possible to loosen the soil and have a good harvest next spring.

When he woke up, Father Lin felt something was wrong for some reason.

It wasn't something that was bad, but in the past, when he got up in the morning, he always felt sore in the back, weak, powerless, palpitation, chest tightness, and weak. But today, it was as if I had taken some great medicine. My waist was no longer sore, I was out of breath, and I could run three miles in one breath. I felt very energetic.

People feel refreshed when happy events happen~

Father Lin's eyes drifted to the little girl from time to time.

When he woke up early in the morning, Xia Xiaoman didn't know if he was used to working hard in the handyman class, so he insisted on going to the fields with Lin's father.

The good Princess Daqian was actually trained to be like this. Everyone in Tianjian Sect is responsible.

But Xia Xiaoman didn't feel awkward at all. He skillfully rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs, and walked in the shallow water channel with his bare white feet.

"Xiao Man..."

Father Lin called Xia Xiaoman's name eagerly.

"Uncle, tell me."

Xia Xiaoman wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled.

"Baby, how old are you this year?"

"Just past sixteen."

"Sixteen is good! Sixteen is wonderful!"

Father Lin slapped his thigh, but he forgot that his hands were covered in mud. In his excitement, he slapped a few muddy palms on his trouser legs.

Xia Xiaoman: "?"

"As the saying goes, a female junior..."

But before Father Lin finished speaking, Mother Lin next to her saw Father Lin start talking, and she was about to scare away the daughter-in-law who was about to get him. Without saying a word, she picked up the water ladle and banged it from a distance of more than ten meters. It hit Father Lin precisely on the back of the head.


Father Lin covered the back of his head in pain. Why is this woman so energetic today?

Moreover, he has lived with Mother Lin for decades. Doesn’t he know whether Mother Lin’s eyes are good or not? I can't always see it accurately on weekdays, so why am I so sure today?

"Look at your foul mouth. You don't even have a word to say. What are you talking about?"

"Hey, what I said makes sense, makes sense, makes sense!"

Father Lin suddenly did not dare to say anything and concentrated on his work.

Xia Xiaoman was confused.

But she didn't think much about it.

Her attention was completely attracted by this "semi-automatic irrigation system".

"Uncle, aunt, let me ask casually, who dug this 'half-dozen irrigation' you are talking about?"

When the two Lins heard this, they felt amused. They wiped their hands on their pants, came up to each other, and said mysteriously: "Miss Xia, you don't know something about this. This thing was tinkered with by my kid." Miles!"

"Ah!? My surname is Lin...ahem, was it created by my senior brother?"

"Yes, my Lin Yi, I dare not say anything else, but he has a very good mind. He not only taught the village how to use this 'semi-automatic irrigation system', but also taught us 'living water fish farming' and 'fermented organic fertilizer' , it’s all Lin Yi’s idea! Otherwise, many people in our Qingniu Village would have starved to death!”

Lin's mother was afraid that her child would not be able to get married, so she began to talk about Lin Yi's glorious deeds.

Ever since he was born, he has neither cried nor fussed, refused to nurse, was eccentric and nagging... until he was twelve years old.

Xia Xiaoman was not interested at first.

Lin Yi, who is interested in him?

However, the two Lins loved their son so much that they made Lin Yi's deeds more and more miraculous, just like the reincarnation of a saint.

Gradually, Xia Xiaoman became fascinated by the music. He loosened the soil and listened. Unknowingly, the sun rose high and the mist dispersed. The early cold was harsh, but the warmth here could not be eliminated.

the other side.

Yi Lin had just finished washing up, freed from blood and sin, and walked out of the village feeling refreshed. She was soon surrounded by a group of young and beautiful girls, whose beauty could not be concealed in coarse linen clothes.

They all asked where Wang Xiaohu had gone.

When Yi Lin saw the posture of the girls, he surrounded him, with a "If you don't recruit me from the truth, I'll kill him right there." In desperation, he had no choice but to tell the truth, so that the girls would quickly give up: "I I’m just telling you, don’t tell anyone, I’m afraid his parents will be unhappy. Your little tiger brother is on a business trip to become a monk.”

"I do not believe!"

"We don't believe it!"

"Lin Yi, you are lying!"

"Brother Xiaohu is so handsome,"

"He's so strong,"

"He's so lovable,"

"Why do you want to be a monk?"

"You, Lin Yi, must be jealous of Brother Xiao Hu's peerless elegance!"

Well, a girl who has never read a book can even blurt out the words "unparalleled elegance". It seems that she has listened to Uncle Niu's boasting a lot.

It stands to reason that these girls should be shocked and frightened when Yilin transforms, returns to her hometown in fine clothes, and becomes an "immortal". But maybe it's because they grew up with Yi Lin, and Yi Lin's words and deeds are very down-to-earth, unlike Jian Nanchun next door, who makes people feel the aura that is thousands of miles away from the angle of their nostrils, so they For a while, he couldn't change the way he got along with Yi Lin.

To put it nicely, Yi Lin and these girls are all childhood sweethearts - the childhood sweethearts he and Xiaohu share.

It’s just that he’s not that familiar and can’t develop a bloody story.

In the end, Yi Lin couldn't withstand the bombardment of a group of girls.

He could only yell: "Whoever doesn't believe it, go to Ping'an Temple in Qingdu and look for Wang Xiaohu, he will be there!"

After saying that, Yi Lin threw a smoke bomb at his feet.


When the girls came to their senses again, Lin Yi disappeared without a trace.

The girls' story seems to have ended here.

It is said that after Lin Yi left, a few particularly infatuated people picked up their bags and headed north in the troubled times, bound to reach Heian Temple. Whether it's asking for a child, asking about good or bad luck, or reading faces, just ask for clarification.

This is something.

Sunset and dusk.

There was a little white cat lying next to Yi Lin. Yi Lin sat alone on the roof of the forest house, like a transparent person, watching the sunrise and sunset, and people coming and going in the village, feeling particularly peaceful.

"Does the Immortal have something on his mind?"

Bai Chuchu asked boldly.

"Yes, and no." Yi Lin smiled, and said softly in a casual tone as if she was expressing her thoughts to her pet: "A person's life passes by in a hurry and is extremely short. Some people are always living, and some are still alive. People have always wanted to live. Sometimes I think, if I hadn’t been thinking about it in my heart, living in this place for the rest of my life would have no regrets and it would be enough.”

Bai Chuchu listened quietly.

"I used to think that it would be very difficult to live a 'lifelong' life. I couldn't even see the future. By the way, I used to have a friend named Ou Lele. He always said that he wanted to marry a young wife. I was I just want to tell him that he may not survive until that time."

"I have lived here for thirteen years. The life here is so leisurely that I have the illusion that I have no regrets. Yes, there is a feeling that even if I am buried now, there is nothing to regret. I am so Thought."

“Sometimes I wonder if ‘feeling people’s joys and sorrows and enjoying the quiet passage of time’ is one of the ‘meanings’ of my coming here.”

"Shangxian," Maomao couldn't help but speak when he saw Yi Lin's words trailing off, "Chu Chu has lived for more than a hundred years, but he still wants to continue living, the longer the better. Therefore, Chu Chu doesn't understand how Shangxian wants to die. "

"When did I say I wanted to die?" Yi Lin rubbed the cat's head: "You don't understand, you shouldn't understand. The desire to live is normal. It's me, it's not normal."

As he said that, Yi Lin's eyes fell into the distance.

There, Father Lin, Mother Lin, and Xia Xiaoman were carrying buckets and poles respectively, returning from the fields and fish ponds. The three of them were talking and laughing, and in just two or three days, they became so close to each other. Familiar, I have to say that this eldest princess still has some diplomatic skills.

The setting sun dragged the shadows of the three people, two long and one short, all the way to the foot of Lin's house.

"time to go."

Yi Lin smiled, patted the cat's butt, jumped down, and shouted to the people returning home from a distance: "Let's go, Meow, it's time to eat! Let's have hot pot tonight~"

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