Infinity Throne

Chapter 872: Eat and drink together (New December asks for everything)

Xia Xiaoman originally wanted to hide behind Jian Nanchun,

But I don't know if it was because Lin Yi "sacrifice" to save her life last night, which made Xia Xiaoman's favorability towards Senior Brother Lin Yi much higher. Xia Xiaoman was seen trotting up to Senior Brother Lin Yi who was picking his nails. He looked nervous and grabbed the corner of Senior Brother Lin Yi's clothes to prevent him from running away.

Currently Yi Rin is not exposed.

If King Zhennan attacks again, it will obviously be for Xia Xiaoman.

If he really thought that the "Apocalypse Assassin" who caused a scene in Jingnancheng last night was hiding in his mansion, he would not have spent the whole night in the city anyway.

One minute.

Two minutes.

ten minutes.

King Zhennan was followed by a group of soldiers who stood in front of the gate of the East Wing Bieyuan for ten minutes.

He also raised his hand for ten minutes, motionless, like a sculpture.

Outside the door, the heavy breathing of the soldiers was clearly audible through a wooden door.

Jiannan Chunyun smiled lightly, not nervous at all, and said to the door: "Prince Nan, since you are here, why don't you come in?"

There was still silence outside the door.

But there was movement.

King Zhennan lowered his hand that he raised to knock on the door and sighed softly.

"Niece, I hope you can consider the emperor's request. There were many offenses last night, and I hope my niece won't blame me. The royal family is ruthless, and there is nothing you or I can do about it."

After saying that,

King Zhennan did not continue to pester, turned around and left.

This was his home, and even though he said he was leaving, he didn't actually leave completely. He just took a different path and returned to his own courtyard.


The rest of the soldiers' breathing suddenly relaxed, and the sound of a group of people exhaling loudly made the closed wooden door shake violently, almost being blown open.

Immediately afterwards, all the soldiers obeyed the order of King Zhennan and left in an orderly manner.

In the east wing courtyard.

Xia Xiaoman and Jian Nanchun didn't expect that King Zhennan would just leave like this. They pretended that nothing happened, and they were both stunned and looked at each other.

"The emperor, the emperor's uncle is really gone?"

Xia Xiaoman didn't believe it himself.

If it weren't for the protection of Senior Brother Jian, who has a high level of cultivation, she might have left last night.

What does King Zhennan mean by that sentence?

Let her, Xia Xiaoman, think about whether to rebel?

Against his own brother?

After thinking about it, Xia Xiaoman subconsciously rolled up his sleeves and almost rushed out to find the emperor's uncle to find out.


Yi Lin carefully picked the nails on her hands and put away the carpenter's knife.

Jian Nanchun is male by gender and has female interests. He likes to show off, but he is also a thoughtful person. After Yi Lin opened his mouth, he waved his snow-white oil umbrella. I saw the oil umbrella rotating on its own, floating above the heads of the three people, and casting a faint light curtain.

This is the built-in function of his flying sword, which is to isolate sound, isolate spiritual consciousness, and have certain defensive capabilities.

After setting up defense, Jian Nanchun frowned and asked:

"Sure enough? What sure enough?"

Yi Lin stepped forward: "Last night, King Zhennan was preparing for a showdown, but during the showdown, I interrupted him, and he failed to show his cards. I was thinking about two possibilities today, either King Zhennan will completely Fall out, or pretend that nothing happened. The odds are 50-50, so it seems that King Zhennan is also a character, so he chose the latter."

Jian Nanchun glared: "Can this be treated as if nothing happened?"

Yi Lin spread her hands: "Yes, why can't it be done? It just depends on how embarrassed the King of Zhennan is. To put it nicely, it's called the person who achieves great things by bending and stretching, but to put it harshly, it's called being thick-skinned... Hey, a real dog ah."

Xia Xiaoman was so angry that he laughed and pointed at Senior Brother Lin Yi's nose: "You're still scolding me!"

She was not angry because Yi Lin scolded King Zhennan, but because she and King Zhennan share the same royal bloodline. If Yi Lin called King Zhennan a dog, then who was she?

"Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue."

"Then what do we do next? Junior Brother Lin, your identity must not be exposed. Prince Nan will not give up searching for the assassin's traces easily."

"Ah?" Yi Lin thought it was funny. He burst into laughter and pointed at his face: "Did you see the assassin's face last night?"

Jian Nanchun shook his head.

"Did you see the assassin's face last night?" Yi Lin asked Xia Xiaoman again.

Xia Xiaoman also shook his head.

"This is over. No one has seen the assassin's face. I am walking on the street openly. Who can prove that I am the assassin last night? Where is the evidence? Where is the evidence? I can talk nonsense without evidence. I can do it in a minute. Do you know who sued him for libel?"

Jian Nanchun and Xia Xiaoman looked at each other. Although they didn't understand what "slander" meant, they could figure out the meaning from Yi Lin's tone.

"So shameless!"

Jian Nanchun and Xia Xiaoman had the same idea in their hearts.

Since Lin Yi's identity as an assassin has not been exposed.

Xia Xiaoman and King Zhennan's cards were not fully revealed either.

After discussion, the three of them decided to stay in Zhennan Palace, eating and drinking.

Jian Nanchun certainly did not forget his master's instructions. The mysterious man in black who lurked in the shadow of King Zhennan last night took out a sinister magic weapon that even Jian Nanchun was secretly frightened. This kind of evil magic weapon should not have been written by Bodhisattva Tower.

So Jian Nanchun thought, maybe if he continues to follow the line of investigation of King Zhennan, he might be able to complete the mission of the sect by mistake and retire with success.

"Junior sister, the overall situation is the most important thing for all the people in the world. We can only let junior sister wait a little longer."

Jian Nanchun rubbed the mother-in-law nails in his arms and sighed secretly.

There was no other reason. He, Jian Nanchun, had a clear distinction between public and private affairs, and he would never delay important matters in the family for the sake of his children's personal affairs.

After making the decision, Yi Lin asked Xia Xiaoman to have King Zhennan deliver the menu at noon, mainly some local specialties:

Pork tenderloin splashed with oil;

Jingnan ham slices;

grain dumplings;

braised fairy fir;

Dip the bait into the sauce and cook it;

Yi Lin clicked eighteen times in a row and felt that it was almost enough, so don’t go too far. Then he went out for a walk to see if there were any clues that could not be found in the city after the commotion.

When Yi Lin first entered the city, he found out something that made him very concerned.

Xia Xiaoman used a small pen to write down the menu that Yi Lin had ordered. The more he remembered, the more frightened he became.

Senior Brother Lin actually dares to order a table of local special recipes?

How shameless a person can be to assassinate someone and then shamelessly stay in someone else's house and eat?


Before leaving, Yi Lin pointed at the oil umbrella above the heads of the three people, which was slowly rotating and spreading out the light curtain, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Jian, your flying sword seems to have a lot of functions? It can be transformed, and If you can set up a formation, what is the origin of this flying sword?"

"Hey!" Jian Nanchun often flashed his umbrella, and he had been pretending to do so for a while, but he never waited for his junior brothers and sisters to take the initiative to ask. But if he explained it himself, it seemed that the pattern was getting smaller, so Jian Nanchun kept holding back. Now when his junior brother finally took the initiative to ask, Jian Nanchun took out his precious flying sword and quickly revealed the secret:

"This sword is called 'Thousand Planes', but my senior brother narrowly escaped death in the sword tomb, and after desperately trying to get Feijian's approval, he finally took it out of the sword tomb. This sword contains thousands of formations, and the changes of the Thousand Planes are endless. , with detailed functions. Senior brother also relied on this flying sword to secure his position as the second master of the Commandment Mountain. Of course, if we really want to explain the infinite mysteries in the 'Thousand Machines' in detail, it may take three days and three nights. Take a peek at the tip of the iceberg..."

"Oh, there's no need to go into details. Goodbye, senior brother~"

As soon as Yi Lin saw that Jian Nanchun was about to make a long speech, he walked away without saying a word. By the time Jian Nanchun came to his senses, Yi Lin had already left the courtyard and was walking on the streets of Jingnancheng, swinging a small folding fan.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Yi Lin transforms into "Mr. Lin" and lives in the inn.

In the past three days, the city has been buzzing with noise and tense atmosphere.

There were twice as many soldiers patrolling the streets as usual.

Not only that, in order to prevent the "Apocalypse Assassin" from coming out to cause trouble again, the King of Zhennan even issued a temporary curfew. After the third watch, idlers are not allowed to wander on the streets. Once discovered by patrolling soldiers, they will be beaten at least, or jailed at worst. Prison, or even worse, life imprisonment, wait until you are incarcerated.

Yi Lin is still very well-behaved. Since Xia Xiaoman values ​​family ties where blood is thicker than water, and there seems to be no real benefit from chopping up King Zhennan now, he no longer wears the vest of "Apocalypse Assassin" and appears in Jingnan City. Inside.

Three days later, the atmosphere in the city calmed down a bit, and King Zhennan seemed to think that the Apocalypse assassin had left Jingnan City.

Yi Lin was not idle.

In addition to practicing, he took root among the people in the city and inquired about news.


His hard work paid off, and Yi Lin really gained something.

He first inquired about something from the owner of the inn where he stayed.

It turns out that they repaired streets and renovated shops a few days ago because an important person was about to arrive in Jingnancheng.

Although the innkeeper was not too wary of Yi Lin, it was difficult to associate the frail, white-faced boy in front of him with the increasingly evil "Apocalypse Assassin". But Yi Lin is a foreigner after all, and the innkeeper has always been tight-lipped about this matter.

Until Yi Lin wore the [Disciplinary Armband of the Disciplinary Committee], which increased her "persuasiveness".

The innkeeper told the inside story.

Then, Yi Lin found an opportunity to sneak into the military camp, found a soldier with a badge on his shoulder, ignited the "Spirit Swallowing Fire" on his five fingers, and used the skill of reading memory fragments.

Although Yi Lin was unfamiliar with using this move, the opponent's mental and will attributes seemed to be low, and he fell into Yi Lin's clutches after a short struggle.

The incomplete memories merged into Yilin's memory as the "Spirit Swallowing Fire" burned.

After carefully sorting out the incomplete memories, Yi Lin frowned:

"The Empress Dowager will send a secret envoy to inspect Jingnancheng today?"

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