Infinity Throne

【Speak something from your heart】

I have written 650 poems so far, and I have a clear conscience.

The plot is progressing steadily.

There are only 500 left to subscribe, and there is no chance for subsequent recommendations.

I will try my best to finish the book in about 5 million words and finish what needs to be said.

Let’s play a game with you:

If the follow-up order is 2,000, I will reach 8 million words; if the follow-up order is 5,000, I will reach 1,000,000 words. Isn’t it strange?

Haha. Just kidding…

In fact, if possible, I have many, many copies that I would like to write.

But I can’t spend another two or three years of my youth here...

I'm thirty, I won't be able to survive for a few more years, I hope you all will continue to support~

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