Infinity Throne

Chapter 883 Ten Days and Ten Nights

On the Black Wind Desert.

After a night.

In a black sand dune, several figures crawled out of the black sand in embarrassment.


With an expressionless expression, Yi Lin pulled her leg out of the sand, making a negative pressure suction sound.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Whether it was Jindan monks Jian Nanchun and Li Qianqian, or the pink and tender Xin Lin Yi and Xia Xiaoman, they all made the same action the moment they climbed out of the sand dune: spitting sand.

Jian Nanchun originally said it beautifully.

He said that he would not be so unlucky and would not encounter a black sandstorm easily.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a head-on blow on the first night.

Fortunately, there are two Jindan monks in the team.

They sensed in advance that the black sandstorm was coming. Without saying a word, they dug a hole in the ground. The four of them hid in the hole. Jian Nanchun used "Qianji" to make a cover and made a temporary "basement". The four of them hid under the sand and finally avoided this wave of black sandstorm.

Although they did not witness the horror of the black sandstorm with their own eyes, continuous vibrations were heard above the Thousand Chance Umbrella throughout the night. Until now, Jian Nanchun's hand holding the umbrella was still shaking involuntarily, as if the umbrella was broken.

Several people climbed out of the sand.

Jian Nanchun looked sad.

At this moment, the white paper umbrella transformed by his show-off Thousand Machine Sword was full of bumps and even had a few small holes.

Yi Lin used a "cleaning technique" on himself, brushing it from head to toe. He accidentally saw the miserable state of Qian Ji Sword and laughed dumbly: "Brother Jian, your sword... doesn't seem to last long."

"What are you talking about!"

Jian Nanchun endured the heartache and quickly squeezed out a few drops of blood essence, dripped them on the paper umbrella, and then put it away.

When he remembered that Chao Rushuang was still waiting for him to rescue him somewhere in the sand sea, he felt less pain. Jian Nanchun regained his composure, and Yun Danfeng smiled softly: "The Thousand Machine Sword is not an ordinary flying sword. It is ever-changing and has endless mysteries. Senior brother only needs a few drops of blood essence to nourish the sword spirit, and it can be repaired as before in the blink of an eye. "

"It's strange." On the side, Li Qianqian finished vomiting the sand, patted the dust on his body as if nothing had happened, and wondered: "It is said that in the black sand sea, black sandstorms may not be encountered even once a month. Why did we encounter one just after we came in?" What’s up?”

After Yi Lin finished cleaning, she coughed twice and remained silent.

Of course, after Li Qianqian muttered to herself, she stopped worrying about it and just treated it as a small probability event.

The four of them finished organizing and got back on the road.

In the raging black sandstorm that night, the four of them lived alone under the sand all night. But when they saw the sun again, they found that the surrounding dunes and shapes had completely changed. There was originally a flat desert land not far away, but after one night, a stretch of continuous sand dunes hundreds of meters high rose up out of thin air, resembling a mountain range, which was amazing.

This kind of power that can change everything in a blink of an eye is not easy for even a Golden Core cultivator to achieve. This is completely the power of heaven and earth, the wrath of nature. From this side, we can see the horror of the black sandstorm last night.

After Jian Nanchun put away the Thousand Machine Sword, as the leader of the team, he took the initiative to walk in front of a few people and comforted: "You don't have to worry, we encountered a black sandstorm before going deep into the depths of the sand sea. It is not necessarily a bad thing. . Maybe if we go further in, we won’t run into him again.”

"Cough cough cough..."

Yi Lin kept coughing on the side.

He really wanted to stop Brother Jian from setting a flag for him, but he didn't know how to speak.

Li Qianqian nodded in agreement.

Yi Lin once again used the water in the water bag and performed the "Water Mirror Tracking Technique" in front of Li Qianqian.

This time, there was no longer one red and one green on the water mirror, but two red and one green, a total of three light spots that flickered on and off.

Li Qianqian also came up, secretly thinking that this was outrageous.

This tracking spell is too intuitive, right?

On the two red dots, "one" is written next to one of the red dots, and "two" is written next to the other red dot. One is Chao Rushuang's position, and the other is the origin of the coordinates Yi Lin left before entering the sand sea. Everything is clear at a glance.

"Hey, Junior Brother Lin, can Senior Sister learn this weird spell of yours?"

Li Qianqian's eyes were hot, but she was not shy. She squeezed forward directly, surrounded by the fragrant wind, her charming eyes were like silk, her index finger was in her mouth, and she acted like "I can do whatever I want as long as I teach you."

Before Yi Lin could refuse, Xia Xiaoman's face turned red with anger, like a ripe apple. She pushed Li Qianqian away fiercely: "Sister, please respect yourself!"

"Oh, Junior Brother Lin and I are joking around. Junior Sister, please don't get involved. You're not as old as me!"

Li Qianqian said, straightening her plump and round pectoralis major muscles. It's easy to misunderstand. When she talks about being older, does she mean older by "seniority" or older by "age". After surviving, Li Qianqian stared at Xia Xiaoman with a half-smile, as if he had read through Xia Xiaoman's thoughts.

"It's okay, junior sister understands me." Yi Lin smiled calmly and said, "Because I was just about to say, senior sister, please respect yourself."

Li Qianqian: "..."

Li Qianqian is worried.

She knew that it was not easy to dig out some secrets from Junior Brother Lin in front of so many people.

Her smile did not change, as if she did not understand the "rejecting people thousands of miles away" in Yi Lin's words, and waved her little hand: "I hate it~ Junior Brother Lin is really good at joking."

Before this little episode could even be interrupted, the four of them were back on the road.

Jian Nanchun had no intention of joking at all. Following Yi Lin's "Water Mirror Tracking Technique", they re-locked the direction towards Rushuang. They meditated on the spot and breathed in and out. After almost recovering, they rose up with their swords again and headed towards the position. galloping in the direction.

Li Qianqian rode the spirit snake, but it didn't consume much, and he seemed to be able to do it with ease and not even break a sweat.

Yi Lin was cheating, so there was no pressure at all.

But this long journey is undoubtedly a big challenge for Xia Xiaoman. As she flew, she could no longer chat while flying like others. She could only grit her teeth and silently operate the technique, and dense beads of sweat gradually formed on her smooth forehead.

Yi Lin was really impressed by Xia Xiaoman.

Junior sister, she seems to regard this trip to the sand sea as an experience.

After confessing his master through dripping blood, the Frost Snow Sword was a little awkward at first, but the Frost Snow Sword and Xia Xiaoman had an excellent compatibility. After a few days of running in, Xia Xiaoman could easily control the Frost Snow Sword and fly steadily with the sword. , rush when you want, turn when you want, very skillful.

In the vast sea of ​​​​sand, it was impossible to tell the difference between east, west and north. When the four of them got tired, they rested on the spot. After meditating, they continued to take off. They flew for a whole day.

The scope of this black wind and sand sea is wider than imagined. After flying for two days, there is still no end of black sand in front of us, which makes people feel helpless and helpless.

At night.

When I fly to an unknown corner,

The smooth breathing of the four people stopped at the same time.

There was a familiar heaviness in the air again.


Jian Nanchun was shocked.

Li Qianqian's face changed drastically. She never expected that the black sandstorm that happened last night would come again tonight!

Why are you still here!

Yi Lin reacted faster than them. She immediately pulled Xia Xiaoman and landed on the sand dune. She chose a place and waved to the ashen-faced Jian Nanchun: "Brother Jian, come here quickly. This is a suitable place for digging holes! Yours The Thousand Machine Sword has endless mysteries, I must have almost recovered by now!"

When Jian Nanchun heard this, his face turned dark, and he stretched out his fingers and shook them, but in the end he couldn't say anything. He fell down beside Yi Lin and Xia Xiaoman, flipped his palm skills, and landed with his true essence. Dig out a big hole.

This journey is destined to be painful for Jian Nanchun.

He had no reason to refuse.

Because Chao Rushuang is deep in the sand sea.

But what he didn't expect was that what happened in the black wind and sand sea was completely inconsistent with the legend!

What about once a month?

Is it promised that ordinary people will not encounter black sandstorms?

Ten days later.

When the four of them crawled out of the sand pit again and spat the sand out of their mouths skillfully, they all seemed to have the same word written on their faces - "It hurts."

This is already the tenth time.

They walked in the black sand sea for ten days and suffered ten black sandstorms.

Later, as soon as he sensed something was wrong, Jian Nanchun didn't need anyone else to remind him. He took the initiative to dig a hole, squat down, and put on a mask, a whole set of techniques to avoid the black storm, all in one go, and he was extremely skilled.

With a dark face, Jian Nanchun shook the Qian Ji Sword. The "white paper" on the paper umbrella was almost torn, as if it had been stabbed back and forth by something. Only the ribs were left connected to the umbrella. It looked extremely miserable. , no longer as strong as before.

"Alas~~Junior sister, junior sister, where are you?"

Jian Nanchun lamented as he squeezed a few more drops of blood onto the Thousand Machine Sword, making his face pale.

In the past ten days, Jian Nanchun has lost a lot of weight, as if a layer of flesh has been blown away by the wind and sand, which makes everyone feel heartbroken.

But saying he felt distressed, Yi Lin actually didn't feel distressed at all. He secretly stuffed a chicken leg wrapped in oilcloth into Xia Xiaoman's arms, kicked the skateboard up to the sky, and while repositioning Chao Rushuang, he also From a height, observe the terrain changes after the black sand storm rages.


Yi Lin, who was performing the Water Mirror Technique on the high-altitude skateboard, was slightly stunned.

I saw that in the smooth water mirror, there should have been two small dots, two red and one green, on the radar, but only one dot remained.

——The only green light.

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