Infinity Throne

Chapter 890 Gun Name Zhuxian

The strange man on the vine put more pressure on Yi Lin than he imagined.

Just two dates made Yi Lin blush.

Yi Lin conservatively estimated that it would be difficult to completely kill the opponent with the [Moon Destroyer Cannon] fired at full power.

But Yi Lin's purpose is not to kill the other party.

He was just trying to buy time.

Under fire suppression, even for just one second, it was enough for Yi Lin.

Time seemed to have stopped in an instant.

When Yi Lin placed his hand on Hongying's ancient spear, everything between heaven and earth was silent.

The wind in the mountains,

clouds in the sky,

man on the ground,

Fellow disciples from afar,

All was quiet.

The Kuili sword staying in the pivot stopped trembling.

But the next moment, the shaking came again.

This time, it was not the Guili sword that was trembling, but the ancient red-tasseled spear that towered in front of me like a giant tower!

Yi Lin's guess was correct.

Hongying Ancient Gun is one of the seven keys left by Xiao Xi.

When Yi Lin touched the Hongying Ancient Gun, the attribute panel that he missed and was familiar with once again appeared in front of his eyes.

[The Clock of the Earth·Zhu Xian]

[Level] Legend (7/7)


[Restrictions] Only those with the fate of "Tiansha Lone Star" can be used freely.

[Effect] Use points to break the surface, invincible.

[Explanation] Yes, this is one of the keys.

One cannot generalize between legends and legends.

Yi Lin is now certain that after Xiao Xi left this world, she left seven legendary items here.

The first one is the Human Emperor's Seal. Since it does not have the "Qualification of the Human Emperor", that thing has no other uses except for sealing.

The second item is the Guili Sword. Yi Lin has seen the power of the original Guili Sword with her own eyes, so naturally she is very greedy. But the legendary prop Lili Sword, which was in good condition, was in a damaged state at the moment. The three mother spirits rubbed it tirelessly for a while, but could not successfully remove the rust on it.

In short, it is not useful for the time being.

This third item, although its name is a bit corny... The Immortal Killing Spear.

But whether it's corny or not, that doesn't matter.

The important thing is... Judging from its attributes, this legendary item seems to be usable!

What is "Tiansha Lonely Star"?

It doesn’t sound like a big problem!

There are only a handful of legendary items that Yi Lin has ever touched with her own hands.

On the Caribbean Sea, he once touched [Poseidon's Trident].

Due to the damage of the legendary items, he later used glue to force them together. While using them reluctantly, he also lost the original restrictions. As a result, Yilin was able to use the power of a mortal to drive the legendary equipment and control the power of the sea. .

But based on several experiences, Yi Lin discovered that there are significant differences between legendary props and non-legendary props.

That is, the attribute descriptions of legendary items are vague and not detailed enough to be "digitized".

In other words, the prop effects of legendary props are likely to be unable to be completely "digitized" by Xile Garden's rules!

What is a legend?

This is a legend!

Once you have it, you can become a legend!

And this "Immortal Killing Spear" will become Yi Lin's second legendary prop!

"Gun... come!"

The young man was high-spirited. Even though one of his hands was broken, he still smiled and placed his hand on the huge ancient gun.


Following the boy's movements, the ground shook, and with the spear as the center, bottomless ravines opened in all directions.

The gun was pulled out!

As for the fate of "Tiansha Lone Star" in [Restrictions], Yi Lin ignored it at a glance.

What kind of restriction is this?

It's nothing more than limitations reflected on the panel, such as charm and luck.

It's not important, just pull it out and talk about it later!


Wherever the moon-killing cannon passed, it left a ten-meter-wide scorch mark.

Within the scorch mark, terrifying high temperature and heat are steaming, and the light is distorted in it.

But only the strange man growing with the vines, within a few meters of him, was safe and sound.

Looking down from a high place, the surroundings of the man with vines look like a lonely boat in the vast sea, looking out of place.

He... blocked the Moon Destroyer Cannon!

With just one hand!

With one hand, he easily blocked the terrifying high temperature and heat wave of the Moon Destroyer Cannon!

At this moment, he raised his head blankly and looked at the young man high in the air, who had one arm attached to the ancient spear and was trying to pull the Immortal Killing Spear from the ground. He did not stop him or make any other movements.

"Ha ha ha ha--"


The naked man on the vine laughed happily.

Smiling, two lines of muddy tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

Chao Rushuang was also shocked.

She stared blankly at the young man in the air who was trying to draw his gun. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

The ground is cracked, and the crust under the ancient forest is shaking violently.

Blocks of the ground began to sink suddenly as the ground cracked, but while the ground blocks were being squeezed, some crooked ancient trees were pushed up from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, as the spear was pulled out from the ground, the huge ancient forest looked like it had been after the earthquake, and it no longer felt like a paradise in the beginning.

As the world changes dramatically,

Jian Nanchun, Xia Xiaoman, Li Qianqian, and Yue Qingying came here one after another.

Chao Rushuang looked at the scorch marks left by the Moon-Destroying Cannon on the ground, which spread all the way to the end of the ancient forest. Her eyes twitched for a moment. She came to the side of the vine man in disbelief and asked in a low voice: "Are you okay? ?”

"Are you worried that I will attack your fellow disciples?"

The man laughed.

Chao Rushuang lowered his head in acquiescence.


The man laughed heartily again.

Yi Lin was still drawing his gun, his black hair flying.

The Immortal Killing Spear was being lifted up little by little, and with Yi Lin's movements, the size of the Immortal Killing Spear was shrinking little by little.

Li Qianqian rolled her eyes and had a different idea. She rode the spirit snake and came to Yi Lin's side quickly like a stream of light.

"Junior brother, do you need help from senior sister?"

Li Qianqian has charming eyes and a burning heart.

Now anyone can see that the giant object that Lin Yi is touching must be an ancient magic weapon beyond imagination!

If it wasn't an ancient super magic weapon, how could it have such special effects that could cause the earth to shake and the sky to collapse?

It would be hypocritical to say that monks are not greedy for magic weapons. Even when Jian Nanchun came back to his senses, he wanted to step forward and fight for it for a moment.

But who allowed him to have a good relationship with Lin Yi?

Furthermore, he was more concerned about Chao Rushuang's safety than the magic weapon.

At this moment, Jian Nanchun was watching Chao Rushuang, whom he had been thinking about, standing next to a strange man. Chao Rushuang was talking in a low voice. The man whose lower body was connected with vines looked up to the sky and smiled. The relationship between the two made Jian Nanchun think deeply. and wonder.

The other end.

Li Qianqian came a few meters away from Yi Lin. He just asked Yi Lin if he needed help. Without waiting for Yi Lin's answer, he quickly stretched out his hand, imitating Yi Lin's gesture of placing his palm on the ancient gun, and moved forward.

"Oh that's fine!"

Yi Lin showed a kind smile, kept her posture unchanged, pursed her lips, and signaled to Li Qianqian, "You can go ahead."


Li Qianqian was not a fool. She could read the sarcasm beneath Yi Lin's innocent appearance at a glance, snorted coldly, and clapped her hand.

But the next second,

Li Qianqian was just about to fight for the Immortal Killing Spear. When his fair and flexible palm touched the giant stick, it felt like it was penetrated by high-voltage electricity. His whole body shook violently, his eyes rolled up, and white spittle spewed out from the corner of his mouth. The next moment, Li Qianqian screamed, as fast as he came, it was even faster when he left. Like a limp brothel woman, Li Qianqian flew out together with the spirit snake under her.

"Why bother?"

Yi Lin shook his head and sighed, watching helplessly as the blood spit out by Li Qianqian stained the air.

The famous gun has its owner, and there is someone behind me!

Do you dare to rob this?

Aren't you afraid of death?


There was a slight ding in Yi Lin's ear, and the Immortal Killing Spear that stood tall on the ground shrank into a stick and floated beside Yi Lin.

At this moment, Yi Lin finally established a connection with the Immortal Killing Spear. He flipped his hand and the Immortal Killing Spear was not stored in the storage space, but appeared above the spiritual sea. Together with the rusty Guili Sword, it rotated in the center. In the center of the inner oasis, a frightening blood-colored light emanated from the entire body.

The murderous aura made Yi Lin frightened after just a little exploration.

He couldn't imagine how earth-shattering power it would be if he stabbed someone with this big treasure gun whose effect was marked as "breaking through the surface with one point, indestructible"!

This is a legend!

A legendary weapon that can really be used to stab people!

This is a legend that Yi Lin possesses in a true sense without any restrictions!

With him, he is a legend!

Yi Lin hid the fatigue deep in her eyes, and with a thought, she took the severed arm into her hand and connected it at the cross section with force.

After pulling out the Immortal Killing Spear,

In situ,

A bottomless hole about one mile in diameter was left behind.

Gulls spread all around, bare soil was turned up, and hundreds of feet of broken ancient trees were lying around the cracks. There was a mess everywhere.

Yilin thanked Miriam while waiting for [Distant Utopia] to repair her injuries. At the same time, he was also wary of the vine man next to Chao Rushuang who "killed" him twice, leaving Yilin unable to even use his life-saving skills.

After a while,

At this moment, Yi Lin was carrying the legendary treasure and was full of confidence. She shouted loudly:

"Senior Sister Chao, I think you owe us a reasonable explanation."

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