Infinity Throne

Chapter 917 Qingdu Baozi Shop, Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon

A few days later.

After staying up for several nights, Yilin yawned and returned to Yingxue Pavilion.

Even though Yi Lin, as a transcendent spiritual apostle, the strongest registered disciple of Tianjian Sect, and a dignified golden elixir cultivator, could not bear it, he could endure it like this.

It seems that he is still a mere human being.

Yi Lin sighed.

With the arrival of spring season, the weather is getting warmer and the wind is carrying smooth moisture.

I saw Jian Nanchun standing proudly on the eaves, with a calm face, looking into the distance, holding his hands behind his hands to face the wind, and hunting in his robes.

When Yi Lin came back, she was just about to go into her room to catch up on her sleep. Senior Brother Jian floated down and asked curiously: "Junior brother, these days you go out early and come back late, and you have no intention of cooking. Junior sister is quite complaining."

The translation is: Junior sister is not satisfied with the taste of the food in the palace, and she has a strong objection to senior brother not cooking.

"I'm busy going to the library to look up information."

Yi Lin subconsciously came up with an unreasonable explanation.


Yi Lin said in a down-to-earth manner: "Back to senior brother, junior brother is busy looking for clues in Tianxuan Academy."


This time Jian Nanchun understood.

Yi Lin released her senses and found that Xia Xiaoman was not in Yingxue Pavilion, so she casually asked about her junior sister's whereabouts.

Although Senior Brother Jian is absent-minded all day long, he cannot ignore where Junior Sister has gone. Brother Jian soon told Yi Lin that Xia Xiaoman, as the eldest princess of Daqian, had added a seat behind the curtain in the court hall to attend the morning court.

It seems that Xia Xiaoman is really concerned about Daqian's state affairs.

Even though she became a Golden Elixir cultivator due to various mistakes, she is still the aloof Princess Xia Xiaoman in her bones and soul.

Yi Lin returned to the room and took a warm bath in the sandalwood bucket. He thought for a while and called Nie Hongxiu out.

Nie Hongxiu has a calm personality and is more reliable in her work.

"You enter the invisible state and help to check on Junior Sister. Concubine Shu's current location is not clear, so I don't feel reassured."

"Yes, Master."

Nie Hongxiu glanced into the bucket expressionlessly, then immediately turned around and floated out of the house.

Xiaohong felt a little puzzled.

According to what the young master has done in the past, he will find ways to nip uncertain factors in the germ.

But this time,

There seems to be something different.

What is the young master worried about?

Although Nie Hongxiu was puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions and just floated away through the wall to carry out her mission.

He is ruthless and doesn't talk much, which has always been Nie Hongxiu's usual style.

Yi Lin used the Free Technique and arranged several spells on the bucket to keep warm. Then she closed her eyes, seemingly falling into a deep sleep, but in fact she entered the spiritual sea in the center.

In the past, the soul clone had accumulated three years of energy, which Yi Lin used up in one breath when he broke through the golden elixir. Now on the broken throne, the soul clone can only be "charged" again, and is currently in a state of not being fully charged.

While Yi Lin is busy working on the spiritual sea, her body can also rest, killing two birds with one stone.

With the light shining on her fingertips, Yi Lin continued to conquer the vast "Throne" editing project. Yi Lin talked to Green on the coconut tree from time to time.

Although Green ignored him most of the time, extracting information was a cost-effective job. Maybe when the big boss was bored, he might reveal some valuable information?

But today, Green didn't open his eyes from beginning to end. A big bubble on the bat's nose suddenly swelled and deflated, making Yi Lin feel the urge to prick it with a needle.

At night.

Yi Lin woke up from the bathtub. Before her junior sister returned, Yi Lin sneaked out of the palace and walked around the streets of Qingdu.

He deliberately paid attention to many inconspicuous corners. In Qingdu, Yi Lin found no trace of the activities of the Black Lotus Seal, the Bodhisattva Tower.

"It seems that the scope of activities of the Bodhisattva Tower is mainly in the Huangnan area. After all, this is Qingdu, the capital of the Daqian Dynasty. They dare not be so presumptuous."

When we arrived in Qingdu that day,

Yi Lin then noticed that Wanxiang Tower in Qingdu had been closed down for rectification.

There is no such thing as "anti-pornography" in this world. Regardless of whether they were literary or military prostitutes, in the Daqian Dynasty, all prostitution was conducted in a reasonable and legal manner with a business license.

Legal prostitutes are naturally not shut down due to illegal practices.

The more likely reason is that the Qingluan Tree behind Wanxiang Tower, a chain of entertainment venues and intelligence organizations all over Dongsheng Shenzhou, sensed that something was wrong and withdrew from Qingdu early, choosing to settle down in troubled times.

Otherwise, with Yi Lin's noble status of holding the Tianxiang Ling, even if she can't have sex for nothing, it is still not a problem to buy some secret information.

"It would be great if we could find a way to contact Qingluan Tree."

Without the source of information, Yi Lin had no choice but to investigate on her own, which was extremely difficult.

After taking a look at the yellow seal on the door of Wanxiang Tower, Yi Lin sighed and went around to the next street to buy steamed buns.

It was the same steamed bun shop where "bao is the best". The unique taste made Yi Lin know the taste.

As for the source of the money, Yi Lin is not worried at all, it is not legitimate anyway.

"Bao is great if you have it." In front of the bun shop, business is still booming. Yi Lin is still the same as last time, secretly opening the buns and following them like a shadow, inserting them in front, dropping the money, and leaving after buying.

"Hey, brother, walk slowly!"

The owner of the bun shop is an old man who looks to be over seventy years old. Despite his age, he has an upright posture. While patting the flour on his hands, he walked out from behind the counter and said a warm farewell to Yi Lin who was about to leave from a distance. He seemed to recognize this repeat customer.

Yi Lin turned around in surprise and looked at the smiling bun shop owner. A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but soon, Yi Lin nodded to the bun shop owner and disappeared into the crowd.

After Yi Lin left.

Behind the old man, the old woman who was kneading the dough vigorously laughed strangely in a hoarse voice: "Is there something fishy?"

The old man glared at the old woman: "Smelly bitch, hurry up and make some noodles, don't you see so many guests waiting for you!"

When the old woman heard this, she immediately became silent.

After a while,

A girl with a flushed face jumped back into the shop from the back door, carrying a light basket.

"Dad, Mom, Xiu'er is back!"

When the old man and woman looked back, their brows were kind, and their squinted eyes showed undisguised doting. The wrinkles at the corners of their eyes and on their faces were a little deeper.

The old woman took the basket from Xiu'er's hand with her old hands full of sticky wet flour, and complained: "You girl, you don't listen to what I say, and even if you do, you pretend you didn't hear it. They all told you not to grow old and go to peace." The temple has gone away, and those bald donkeys all look kind and benevolent, but they don’t know what bad intentions or good intentions they have hidden in their hearts!”

The old man echoed: "Yes, yes, bald, there is no good thing!"

"What are you talking about!" Xiu'er already knew that her adoptive parents had always disliked the monk. Although Xiu'er was helpless, she didn't find a way to correct their views. She could only explain: "Brother Xiao Hu Not an ordinary monk?"

"Oh? What kind of monk is he?"

"I have told you that Brother Xiaohu is Xiuer's playmate from the same village, and he is not a bad person! I know best who Brother Xiaohu is!" Xiuer said as she rolled up her sleeves, regardless of the dirt on the stove. Xiu'er stepped forward to help: "Xiu'er, let me knead the dough for you~ Don't be angry!"

"Okay, okay, it's just you who won't listen!" The old woman returned to the stove and rubbed the noodles vigorously. While rubbing, the old woman said: "Xiu'er, my mother taught you what I taught you last time. Do you still remember the 'Ben Lei Kneading Technique'? The focus is on the breath..."

"Mom, hee hee hee, you don't know that when Xiu'er gave out vegetarian bags to the monks today, Brother Little Tiger actually ran out and said thank you to Xiu'er! Brother Little Tiger was finally willing to talk to Xiu'er!"

"Hmph, concentrate!" the old woman scolded with a straight face.

"I know!" Xiu'er stuck out her tongue, closed her eyes, and stared at the dough on the stove.

She had long thought that this dough-kneading technique was extremely complicated. The old couple said that this was an ancestral dough-kneading technique that could not be learned elsewhere. But every time she kneaded the dough according to her stepmother's instructions, her body felt warm and a little cool, so comfortable.

Yi Lin returned to Yingxue Pavilion carrying several generations of hot steamed buns.

Along the way, he thought about the two old men at the bun shop.

After stepping into the threshold, Yi Lin shook his head and smiled: "This Qingdu is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon."

Back to Yingxue Pavilion,

Brother Jian is still on the eaves, maintaining the same posture as when Yi Lin left, with his hands behind his back to face the wind, the clouds are calm and the wind is light.

This stop seemed to last only one day.

Yi Lin asked Brother Jian to eat steamed buns. Brother Jian had already gone off grain, so he could eat them or not.

But when Yi Lin took a bite, the fragrance that overflowed was so fragrant that Brother Jian couldn't help but drift down.

While the two junior brothers were eating steamed buns, the eldest princess Xia Xiaoman returned from abroad in a hurry.

"Come on, junior sister, you've come back just in time. Let's eat steamed buns in the same room. It's hot."

Yi Lin shook the bun in her hand towards her junior sister.

But Xia Xiaoman didn't even look at the buns. He lowered his head and frowned, and casually replied: "You guys can eat, Xiaoman has no appetite."

With that said, Xia Xiaoman hid in the boudoir.

Brother Jian and Yi Lin looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Junior sister usually fights for these buns, but if she doesn't get them, she will rush to draw her sword and freeze them blindly.

But today, Junior Sister is so abnormal, there must be something weird in it.

Nie Hongxiu's looming figure followed Xia Xiaoman back to Yi Lin.

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