Infinity Throne

Chapter 924 The yellow sand is charming, heading west to Loulan

Yi Lin did not return to Qingdu immediately.

Now that her parents have been settled by Chen Bei, Yi Lin is alone and has nothing to worry about.

Mao'er Bai Chuchu shrunk her figure, curled up on Yi Lin's shoulder, and lay down firmly.

Qingniu Village has been deserted. The spirit gathering array he set up in the village has been destroyed.

Walk away, empty, only the years will linger.

Yi Lin stood in front of the village entrance, looking at the place where he grew up, feeling quite sad.

As long as you live, you must have somewhere to go.

Once, he thought this was his home in this world, but now, this home has disappeared.

"Now, the only place that can truly be called 'home' is my villa in Tianjianmen."

Yi Lin laughed to herself, stepped on the skateboard, and jumped into the air.

On the skateboard, Yi Lin took out the pins one by one from the storage space.

These pins are like business cards. Whoever you give them to will be added as a friend.

Yi Lin took out Chao Rushuang's nails and used the tracking technique.


He discovered something.

His mother-in-law was thrown away by Chao Rushuang again.

"Oh, women, they are indeed unreliable."

Yi Lin squinted her eyes and looked to the west, turning into a stream of light and disappearing into the sky.

A week later.

Yi Lin rode her skateboard through the war-torn cities and returned to the Black Wind Sand Sea.

At the edge of the sand sea, Yi Lin stopped, took out the turtle shell that was almost covered with a layer of pulp, and used a half-baked divination technique.

to be honest,

There are so many skills in Tianjian Sect, whether it is alchemy, sword making, formation skills, or animal training skills, he dare to say that he is not much worse than any inner disciple. But it was only the "Taiyi Gua Technique" in Taiyi Mountain that he had not yet learned the essence of, and he always felt that something was missing.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

The most important thing is that good hexagrams are not effective, but bad hexagrams are particularly effective.

I don’t know if there’s something wrong with the hexagram technique, or if there’s something wrong with him.

Three copper coins rattled inside the turtle shell, and Yi Lin skillfully shook the coins to the ground.

He looked at the hexagrams and deduced the deep meanings of the hexagrams.

"The fate is uncertain."

After a while, Yi Lin opened her eyes.

According to his experience, it might be considered an "ominous sign" for others, but for him, it seemed to mean nothing would happen.

After the divination, Yi Lin felt relieved and entered the black wind and sand sea to search.

As soon as he entered the sand sea, Yi Lin encountered his first black sand storm, which gave him a head-on blow.

This is the place where Old Demon Zhang fought with thousands of monks three thousand years ago. The snowy mountains turned into deserts, and the ice and snow melted, turning into a sea of ​​hot sand. This shows how terrifying the power of the ancient Qi Refiners three thousand years ago was.

No one is more experienced in dealing with the black wind and sand sea than Yi Lin.

He skillfully dug out a sand pit, buried himself and Bai Chuchu in it, and waited for the black sand storm to pass.

The spiritual energy in the Black Wind Desert is chaotic, and other monks would not dare to enter at all, for fear of never returning.

But Yi Lin has no such worries. Before entering the Black Wind Sand Sea, Yi Lin has already left the corresponding "coordinates" outside. As long as he is still in this world and is not trapped in a strange "cave", he can rely on The induction between coordinates creates a wormhole and travels through space.

He didn't learn the essence of the other Supreme Style spells, but he was particularly proficient in the teleportation technique.

Yi Lin and his party stayed in the Black Wind Sand Sea for ten days.

Finally, relying on feeling and divination, Yi Lin found the place where the strange cave was.

A bottomless ravine appeared out of thin air out of the perfectly good sand dunes. Continuous quicksand was flowing continuously into the ravine that spread to the horizon. Sand sea waterfalls were formed on both sides, which was particularly spectacular.

Looking down from a high place, the sand sea seems to be divided into two halves, the left half and the right half.

"It's the master's sword. The traces left behind...are so terrifying."

Yi Lin took advantage of the black sandstorm before it came and carefully observed the remaining sword intent of the sword.

As she watched, Yi Lin was suddenly startled.

"Wait a minute, according to historical records, there is only one sword among the six legendary props left by Xiao Xi, and if that sword is the 'Sword of Oblivion', then what is the legendary prop in the hands of the Supreme Leader? ?" Yi Lin looked at the ravines in the desert and thought deeply, "Wait a minute, could it be the 'Light Shuttle' that brought us back to the Heavenly Sword Gate from the sea of ​​sand in the blink of an eye?"

Yi Lin secretly nodded: "It must be! History books record: There is a shuttle that can teleport thousands of miles. It is clear that the shuttle is the legendary prop of the leader! Why didn't I find it at the time!"

While thinking about it, Yi Lin felt a little regretful that she just missed the legendary item.

At the same time, from another angle, Yi Lin also saw the horror of the supreme leader of Tianjian Sect.

Being able to create such traces on the black windy sand sea without relying on legendary props shows that the leader is truly the ceiling for Qi refiners in this world.

"so hard!"

Yi Lin resisted the urge to take out the big treasure spear [Zhu Xian], shoot it at Shahai, and compare with the leader Supreme from afar.

After searching around for a long time, Yi Lin found no special traces.

The Black Wind Sand Sea is raging with wind and sand all year round. Even if there is anything left behind, it has long been buried by the wind and sand.

"Chao Rushuang must have been here. Has she found that person?"

Yi Lin didn't understand why Chao Rushuang deceived him again.

Or should we say, what happened to Chao Rushuang?

Yi Lin stood proudly on the skateboard, like a peerless skateboard swordsman, alone in the wind and sand.

At this time,

There was another strong wind all around, and the black sand was eye-catching. A strong wind swept up the dark sand and rolled it into Yi Lin's mouth and nose.

“Cough cough cough cough——”

Under the strong stimulation, Yilin couldn't hold her breath and let out a violent dry cough.

Coughing and coughing,

Yi Lin felt a dull pain in her chest, and a sweetness filled her heart. Her already fair face suddenly looked even paler.

He covered his mouth, his throat felt hot, and when he opened his hands again, there was a dazzling pool of blood on his palms.

Yi Lin looked at the blood on his hands in shock. It was the first time in his life that he saw red for no reason, which made him a little overwhelmed.

Daqian Dynasty, west.

There is a city.

The west side of the city leans against the Black Wind Sand Sea, so wind and sand blow here all year round. It is yellow sand blown from the edge of the Black Wind Sand Sea.

Years of wind and sand attacks have left the city's walls covered with many holes of varying sizes, like insect erosion. From time to time, sand flows out of the holes in these walls.


This city is called "Loulan".

In Loulan City, soldiers patrolled back and forth, and caravans from the far east avoided the war-torn areas and came here to do business.

They brought rich oriental specialties, such as silk, cloth, gouache, embroidery, handicrafts, etc.

Although Loulan City is not rich, it has jade, a rare specialty in the eastern region.

The world calls it jade, but the good quality jade contains spiritual energy and is also called "spiritual stone" by Xuanmen monks.

The trade route between the east and the west has long been opened, and most of the merchants hold passes. The checkpoints along the way will not set up defenses against merchants who have passes.

Daqian Dynasty.


Hot summer day.

A blazing sunny day.

A thin figure carrying a thin suitcase, covered in travel, arrived here.

I saw him coming to the shelter, shaking his robe, and piles of sand fell down.

The man lifted off the sand-proof mask on his face, revealing a pale face with a messy beard and an unkempt appearance.

"Cough cough cough."

The young man coughed violently and covered his mouth and nose with the towel again.

"Master, why haven't you recovered from your cough~?"

The white cat on the young man's shoulder squeezed its head out of the gap in the sand-proof robe, leaving only a small head exposed. The cat leaned close to the young man's ear and asked in a voice that could only be heard by one person and one cat.

If someone accidentally heard the cat's words, they might be scared to death and shout: "There is a monster!"

"It's probably... very difficult."

The young man looked helpless, covered his mouth and nose, walked towards the city gate, came to the Loulan City guards, and showed his pass.

"Who are you? Where do you come from? Do you have a warrant?"

The city guards were very dedicated. When waiting in line for the young man, they bowed their heads and skillfully asked the three questions of the soul.

"My surname is Zhang Mingsan. I'm from Qingdu. My pass is here."

The young man who called himself Zhang San showed his pass. The guard looked at the portrait on the pass suspiciously. After comparing it up and down, he found nothing special and let the businessman go.

"Master, why did you use such troublesome methods to sneak in?"

After passing the city gate, Mao'er asked again strangely.

When I saw Zhang San walking out of the remote alley next to the city gate again, he wiped his face with his right hand, and suddenly he changed into a completely different look.

"You don't understand, this is called experiencing life."

The young man smiled slightly.

In fact, his name is not Zhang San.

My name is Lin Yi.

A reader’s birthday, early update! Happy birthday! Love you guys.

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