Infinity Throne

Chapter 928 The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, when you return to your hometown in fin

The divine warriors and horses are all elite.

Their horses are top-notch war horses that eat royal horse food.

The war horses traveled thousands of miles a day and rested every other day. After running thousands of miles, on the thirteenth day of the eighth month of the Jisheng calendar, the reinforcements arrived at Lumen Pass.

The armor of the 20,000 cavalrymen shone coldly in the sunlight, but it could not hide the dust and exhaustion on their bodies.

"It's reinforcements!"

"Reinforcements are coming!"

"Lumen Pass is saved!"

"Ooooh! Mother!"

"Xiaodie, if I can go back alive, next year today will be the wedding night for you and me!"

Some people cry and think about the bridal chamber.

"When the spring comes and the flowers bloom next year, it will be the time when I, Song Batian, will return home in fine clothes!"

Some people are very simple and just want to go home.

Seeing the 20,000 elite Shenwu troops arriving from Qingdu to help, the officers and soldiers guarding the city at Lumen Pass were all extremely excited. The men hugged each other, and wept together.

When a man sheds tears, he doesn't shed them easily, but they are not sad yet.

After verifying the identity of the reinforcements, the young city lord of Lumen Pass, Ling Yunzhi, with trembling hands, knelt down with force in front of General Shenwu.

"General Lumen Pass, Ling Yunzhi, see General Shenwu!"

Naturally, they want to fully verify the identity of the reinforcements.

If someone impersonates the Shenwu Army, and he stupidly opens the back door and lets the enemy troops enter the city, then Ling Yunzhi will really become a sinner for the ages. Even if he kills himself to apologize, he will not be able to see his father under Jiuquan.

Twenty thousand people hurried into the city.

The city gate is closed again.

Behind Lumen Pass is a canyon chasm, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

But in front of Lumen Pass, there is a plain area, which is both offensive and defensive.

If the enemy is evenly matched, the plain area is suitable for horse raids. Once the city gate is opened, the cavalry will attack and move away with one strike, which is convenient for guerrilla attacks.

But at a disadvantage, the geographical location of Lumen Pass seems a bit awkward.

The news that General Shenwu arrived at Lumen Pass with 20,000 elite troops spread throughout Lumen Pass in almost an hour, not to mention overnight.

City Lord Ling had always suspected that there was an informant placed by the other party in the city, so he kept the city gates tightly closed and set up a defensive net of bows and arrows in the air to prevent any information from being leaked to the enemy.

The army stationed in the East King set up camp twenty miles outside Lumen Pass and built a defensive line.

The two parties have been facing each other for more than several months, and they are familiar with each other.

Lord Ling originally wanted to set up a temporary camp in the city first, settle down the 20,000 soldiers, and let them rest for a while.

But the white-haired Shenwu General snorted coldly: "With the enemy in front of us, there is no reason to rest! Quickly summon all the generals to discuss the important matter of annihilating the enemy!"

Xia Xiaoman, who was disguised as a man, temporarily acted as the deputy general of General Shenwu. She also nodded with a calm expression: "Now that the news of our arrival at Lumen Pass has not been spread, we can take this opportunity to counterattack the other side and catch him off guard. !”

"Hahaha!" General Shenwu, who had scolded Ling Yunzhi with a sullen face, couldn't help laughing when he heard Xia Xiaoman's witty words: "Well said!! Kill the opponent... in one wave!"

Ling Yunzhi originally didn't notice the deputy general next to General Shenwu.

Look at the thin skin and tender meat, it looks like they have never been on the battlefield.

But when the deputy general took off his helmet and spoke aloud, Ling Yunzhi suddenly felt that the white-faced young general looked familiar.

Ling Yunzhi had met Xia Xiaoman...when she was a child.

Back then, Xia Xiaoman called her brother-in-law in a sweet voice, chasing after Ling Yunzhi and saying, "How come my second sister's golden cabbage was snatched away by a pig?"

After four years, Xia Xiaoman had grown up a lot. In addition, he was wearing armor and tied up his hair in a bun. He couldn't argue between male and female, so Ling Yunzhi didn't think about the eldest princess at all.

Furthermore, the news of Xia Xiaoman's death spread throughout the circle, and Ling Yunzhi had long thought that Xia Xiaoman was dead.

Temporary combat tents were temporarily set up under the city wall.

Ling Yunzhi did not dare to delay and went into battle in person, which took only a stick of incense.

Xia Xiaoman, General Shenwu, several generals, and Ling Yunzhi's confidants held a secret combat meeting in the combat tent.

at the meeting.

Ling Yunzhi pointed to more than ten red circles on the map: "We have already identified all the enemy's garrison points. It is estimated that the number of troops stationed in the East outside Lumen Pass is about 80,000. In the past few months, Later, our army resisted tenaciously and fought several large-scale battles with the Dongwang Army on the plains, and each of us suffered losses."

The others did not speak, and Ling Yunzhi quickly summarized the current situation at Lumen Pass: "Originally, Lumen Pass could not hold on for that long, but just last month, the general noticed that the enemy was sending troops and generals on a large scale. In the southeast, General Mo realized something was wrong and immediately sent out scouts to inquire about the news, and found that in this place..."

Ling Yunzhi knocked a few times in the area where rivers and plains meet in the southeast: "The army of the King of Zhennan and the army of the King of Garrison East are fighting here. The King of Garrison East seems to think that the battle of Lumen Pass is a winner. Once he is in control, he will allocate part of his troops to attack the King of Zhennan from a flank."

"The most recent attack on the city was three days ago. The army stationed in the east of the king brought thousands of ladders from the supply line behind them and tried to forcefully climb the city. In the end, I responded with kerosene and temporarily managed it."

Ling Yunzhi pointed to the area that marked the Red Army's camp point, with an obscure dotted line behind it, with a look of shame on his face: "The general believes that the supply line of the Eastern King's Army should be here, but the general's scouts cannot approach it."


Xia Xiaoman, who had been silent all this time, frowned and asked after Ling Yunzhi's tone fell behind, "Why can't you get close?"

"It seems that there are mysterious monks inside the enemy's army to help. The enemy has set up traps at key positions in the supply line. The general's scouts are discovered when they get a little closer. So far, 23 of the scouts have been damaged deep in the enemy's army. .”

I see.

The new reinforcements, including General Shenwu, Xia Xiaoman, and General Shenwu's confidants, all had a preliminary understanding of the situation at Lumen Pass.

The battle report sent to Qingdu was vague and far less clear than being at the scene in person.

Ling Yun Zhineng defended Lumen Pass for several months, and it was a great achievement that Lumen Pass had not fallen yet, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Unlike the King of Peace in the East, the eastern region he occupied was close to the sea and fertile, and he had accumulated unimaginable financial resources over the years. Once a war breaks out, the battle is about money and people. The army that the King of East China has brought to attack Lumen Pass may be just the tip of the iceberg of the troops he has.

After several months of consumption in front of Lumen Pass, less than half of the 80,000 elite troops stationed in the East were used up, leaving about 60,000 people left. This was also an extremely terrifying number.

"How many elite soldiers are left in Lumen Pass that are capable of fighting?"

General Shenwu had not asked this question before, because he had seen countless wounded soldiers since entering Lumen Pass. Some tents could no longer accommodate them, and the wounded soldiers at Lumen Pass could only be wrapped in blood-stained gauze and recuperate outside the tents.

It can be seen that if the Shenwu Army does not come again, it will only be a matter of time before the key Lumen Pass is captured by the King of East China.

When General Shenwu issued soul torture,

Ling Yunzhi lowered his head, his face darkened, and hesitantly said a number: "Five, five, five..."

"Fifty thousand?" General Shenwu was stunned and didn't believe it.

This is impossible.

With a strength of 50,000, plus the 20,000 strong men of the Shenwu Army who are full of murderous intent and have been filled with evil fire along the way, they can directly rub the shit out of the opponent, and still have to huddle in the city and remain motionless, in despair. Waiting for support?

Ling Yunzhi shook his head helplessly.

Xia Xiaoman: "Five thousand?"

A ten-fold difference in military strength, this is desperate.

Ling Yunzhi took a deep breath and raised his head again: "Five hundred! The injured in Lumen Pass are exhausted physically and mentally, and the bones of the dead are cold, but there are only five hundred elites left who can mount their horses and fight normally!"

"This is our last elite soldier at Lumen Pass!"

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