Infinity Throne

Chapter 933 List

Xia Xiaoman's punch was so terrifying.

Although Bi Tiexin kept a straight face, Xia Xiaoman was his beloved disciple after all, with extremely high talent. There was no way he could let Xia Xiaoman destroy his golden elixir and lose his lifelong cultivation in one day.

As he talked, he originally wanted to scare Xia Xiaoman and persuade him to give up his dynasty hegemony and return to the mountain. Bi Tiexin didn't expect Xiaoman to be so stubborn and give up on his golden elixir cultivation.

So Bi Tiexin became anxious:

"Stop the villain!"

There were many phantoms behind Bi Tiexin, and he grabbed Xia Xiaoman's hand.

And almost at the same time,

"Junior sister, don't be impulsive!"

Jian Nanchun appeared from the darkness and was about to stop him, but was one step behind Bi Tiexin.

It doesn't matter if it's slow, in short, people are fine.

Jian Nanchun and Bi Tiexin looked at each other.

Jian Nanchun said helplessly: "Look, I told you that Junior Sister is determined to fight for Da Gan, and no one can stop her."

Xia Xiaoman glared at the two of them angrily, "Are you singing the oboe?"

"Where's Lin Yi?"

At this moment, Bi Tiexin finally remembered another traitor.

Jian Nanchun shook his head: "I don't know either, but master, you can rest assured that junior sister has made up her mind this time, and junior brother Lin will not be able to stop her."

He didn't dare to say that Junior Brother Lin Yi was secretly helping with this matter, lest the master would vent his anger on him.

When Bi Tiexin heard Jian Nanchun's narration, he was speechless. He always felt that his disciple's tone of speech was somewhat similar to Lin Yi's without knowing it. After feeling depressed, Bi Tiexin flicked his sleeves and created a crack on the ground.

He took a deep breath and turned his back to Xia Xiaoman.

"From today onwards, Xia Xiaoman, the twenty-second generation disciple of the Discipline Mountain, is expelled from the Tianjian Sect. You will no longer be able to call yourself a disciple of the Tianjian Sect in the future. If you act erratically and violate the laws of heaven and human ethics, the Discipline Mountain will rule the whole mountain. Attack everyone and kill them all!"

Xia Xiaoman was startled when she heard this, and tears could not help but fall from the corners of her eyes. She knelt deeply on the ground again, performed the last master-disciple ceremony towards Bi Tiexin, and said in a trembling voice:

"Xia Xiaoman is unfilial, disloyal, and unjust. I would like to thank my mentor for his painstaking teachings."

She knelt down for a full stick of incense.

When he raised his head again, there was no one in front of the tent.

After leaving the Shenwu Army camp.

Jian Nanchun and Bi Tiexin walked in tandem with their swords in the night sky.

Looking at the master's increasingly blessed latissimus dorsi, Jian Nanchun sighed softly: "Master, you are still soft-hearted."


Bi Tiexin was in front and snorted coldly: "Find Lin Yi quickly. The traitor dares to do this. The master will not take mercy lightly."

Jian Nanchun muttered: "I know where Junior Brother Lin Yi is..."

"You have to know even if you don't know!" Bi Tiexin snorted again: "I thought that Lin Yi and you and the others running away would be able to attract the traitor inside the door, but I didn't expect that the traitor was so calm and remained motionless inside the Tianjian Sect. "

"What if this traitor doesn't exist at all?"

Bi Tiexin turned around and took a deep look at Jian Nanchun:

"In another hundred years, Yanfuzhou will open a forum to discuss Buddhism in Nanzhanbuzhou. Taking advantage of this event, Moluo Hall, Tianjianmen, Yanfuzhou, and all the major Taoist hermits in the world will gather in Nanzhanbuzhou to talk about Buddhism. Mountain, discuss important matters of Xuanmen together. At this time, it will be a grand gathering that is rare in Xuanmen for thousands of years. And many of our elders will also gather in Nanzhan Buzhou. If the traitors in the sect are not eliminated, the elders will come out together, and the sect will I feel empty inside, afraid that something will happen."

"Something important? What's important?"

Jian Nanchun really didn't know about this.

"Humph, in the past five hundred years, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth has gradually declined. A hundred years from now, the Nanzhan Buzhou Xuanmen gathering will focus on discussing this matter, find out the reasons, and find ways to make up for it."

A hundred years...

When Jian Nanchun heard this, he curled his lips. He is only in his late thirties and early forties, and things that will happen a hundred years from now sound very far-reaching.

The secular world and the Taoist world are so far apart that they are like two different worlds.

While the secular world was being devastated by war, the people in the Tianjian Sect were already anxious about the gathering a hundred years from now.


No matter how chaotic the secular world is, it cannot enter the eyes of the monks.

The monks are fighting for immortality, fighting for the future, and seeking transcendence. It doesn't matter who becomes the emperor in the Daqian Dynasty, who dies and who lives.



The sky is filled with yellow leaves.

The autumn wind is bleak.

It’s autumn again.

In the Zhennan Palace, Xia Xingchen set up an elegant seat in the courtyard, with good futons on two seats. He sat on one seat, but the other side was empty.

In the elegant seat, Xia Xingchen made a pot of aged tea with graceful movements. There were two cups on the table, and he was drinking alone.

King Zhennan withdrew all his guards from the courtyard in advance.

From the look on his face, he seemed to be waiting for someone, but he didn't seem to be.

After Xia Xingchen finished making the first pot of tea and drank three cups alone, a hoarse and sinister voice suddenly came from behind him.

"I haven't seen you for four years, Prince Nan is still as charming as ever."

Xia Xingchen was shocked.

He looked like he was sipping tea, but in fact, his energy was at an all-time high.

He just wanted to see if he could find "that person" under a highly stressful situation.

Unfortunately, he failed.

This person came and went without a trace, just like before.


It should be said that he is even more terrifying than he was when he made a big fuss in Jing Nancheng.

Xia Xingchen's hand holding the purple clay tea cup trembled slightly, half out of fear and half out of joy.

"Sir, please take a seat."

Xia Xingchen's trembling fingers soon stopped shaking. He smiled slightly, and without looking back, he gestured in front of him. In his behavior, he once again carried the calmness and domineering attitude that belonged to Prince Nan.

The visitor was dressed in a black robe, covering his whole body, and the robe was equipped with a spacious hood. Inside the hat, under the shadow is a face wearing a pale bone mask. The pale mask has sharp edges and corners under the shadow, exuding a strange and cold atmosphere. Where the eyes were originally located on the mask, there were only two dark holes left.

In the past two months, Yi Lin had been traveling around the Dongsheng Divine Continent due to personal matters.

When he happened to arrive at Linbian City, the "ancient capital of the former, former, and former dynasties", which was once the capital of the "Da Sheng Dynasty", he finally received contact from Xia Xingchen.

After many years, King Zhennan has been secretly collecting the contact stick given by the Apocalypse assassin before leaving.

Now, the battle for hegemony among the four kings has reached a critical moment, and he finally took out this trump card.

Yi Lin sat opposite Xia Xingchen and looked at the steaming tea in front of him. He laughed dryly and pointed at the mask on his face: "Tea is not necessary."

Xia Xingchen, who was about to pour tea into the other person's cup, froze. Then he understood what the other person was thinking and nodded: "That's natural."

To drink tea, it is necessary to take off the mask. The other person hides his head and tail, obviously not wanting others to know his identity.

"Kill who?"

Yi Lin, wearing the vest of an Apocalypse assassin, opened her mouth to ask.

Direct, straightforward, and straightforward, with the demeanor of a professional assassin.

No, he is a professional, but he has been a good person for many years.

Xia Xingchen handed over a list.

The list is filled with names.

Yi Lin glanced at him, oh, he called him a good guy.

Not to mention the other important ministers and generals under the vassal king on the list, the two princes and three princesses left by Emperor Xia Yuan, the orphans, are also on the list - including Xia Xiaoman.

King Zhennan had been dormant for many years and was very close to the Bodhisattva Tower;

Even as the other vassal kings could not sit still and revolted, Xia Xingchen had already begun to recruit troops, buy horses, collect grain and build armor four years ago, making full preparations for what happened today.


He showed his wolfish ambition and prepared to kill all the key figures one by one to control the world.

These characters will all be stumbling blocks for King Zhennan on his way to the throne of the Human Emperor.

This list already explained everything. Without Xia Xingchen's explanation, Yi Lin already understood King Zhennan's plan. To be precise, this kind of thing is not called a strategy, it is simple, crude and direct, killing key people, including those of the Xia family who are qualified, and when all the people on the list are dead, the whole world will be captured.

Daqian is still Xia's Daqian, but it has changed from Xia Jisheng's country to Xia Xingchen's country.

On the list, Xia Xiaoman's name was marked with an eye-catching red circle.

When Yi Lin deliberately asked about the red circle, Xia Xingchen took a deep look at the Apocalypse assassin and said calmly: "She has something in her hand that is related to the orthodoxy of the country. I hope that Mr. Wang can take it for me."

It turns out that the picture is the Seal of the Human Emperor.



Yi Lin looked calm on the surface, but deliberately pinched the list in front of Xia Xingchen and shattered it into pieces.

Xia Xingchen's brows twitched, and when he really wanted to ask why, Yi Lin smiled and said, "I wrote down the list."

Xia Xingchen's eyebrows were filled with joy.

But before he could finish his celebration, Yi Lin shook his head: "There is no one in the world that I can't kill. But I'm afraid... Prince Nan can't afford this price."

Xia Xingchen was well prepared for the assassin's lion's opening. After all, he had been slaughtered many years ago and his treasure trove had been plundered. When the other party said this, Xia Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the other party didn't refuse and was willing to negotiate the price, then the matter would have to be discussed.

Yi Lin knew very well that Xia Xingchen wanted to kill far more than the more than 100 people on the list. Except for the people on his own list, the rest of the people Xia Xingchen wanted to kill had probably been assigned to Bodhisattva Tower.

"Sir, if you have any requests, just ask."


Yi Lin chuckled, stretched out his finger, dipped a little of the steaming tea in the cup, and slowly drew an outline on the table.

——That is the outline of Dongsheng Shenzhou, and it is also the territory of Daqian.

Xia Xingchen's mouth opened slightly, and he vaguely understood what the other party wanted in return.


After drawing the outline of the Daqian Dynasty, Yi Lin dipped a little more tea and "split" the Daqian in the middle and divided it into two.

Just listen to the "lion" open his big mouth and say with a smile: "The world is divided into two parts, half for the prince and half for me."

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