Infinity Throne

Chapter 936 Double Happiness

Ji Shengli nineteen years.

When socializing in winter and spring.

As the cold and snow linger, everything begins to experience spring.

A mysterious assassin named "Apocalypse" is spreading an emotion called "terror" in the land of Dongsheng Shenzhou by "moistening things silently".

The tenth day of January.

Go west.

Tuoping Province.

Jin'an City.

King Pingxi's vanguard army is fighting in the front, and this is the city closest to the front line of the battlefield.

After Jin'an City changed hands, King Pingxi used it as a strategic military base and used this route as the rear supply front.

inside the city,

The city is tightly defended, with soldiers patrolling back and forth to form an impeccable defense network.

Inside the city lord's palace.

A naked, fat, middle-aged man was hung upside down in the courtyard of the city lord's mansion, his breath weak.

Under him was a bucket of ice-cold water.

His mouth was full of blood, his eyes were closed tightly, and he moaned in pain from time to time.

In the city lord's bedroom, a rough man's laughter could be heard from time to time, as well as the painful cries of several women.

"Report to the General! The Lord of the City has passed away in his sleep!"

The soldier responsible for guarding the fat city lord in the courtyard took courage and reported through a door.

If it were any other general, he would never dare to disturb the general's interest in "playing".

But the general inside was different. He liked to be disturbed. In his words, it was "exceptionally exciting".

"Hey, I don't even have time to sleep. Who told him to sleep? Wake him up."


The former lord of Jin'an City, who had just suffered a torture and fell asleep, was hung upside down and immersed in a cold bucket. Stimulated by the pain and cold, he struggled violently in the bucket.




After repeating it several times, when the fat city lord was lifted up again, the blood, snot and tears on his face were all mixed together, making it difficult to distinguish.

In the bedroom.

The rugged man's unrestrained laughter could be heard.

He is a general under the command of King Pingxi. He is well behaved and has a strong personality. He is good at horse fighting, proficient in long swords and likes wives.

Three days ago.

Wan Lun sent his army to march eastward and reached Jin'an City.

The Lord of Jin'an City was an old minister of Emperor Xia Yuan. He was very loyal to Emperor Xia Yuan and vowed to fight to the death.

In the end, Jin'an City fell.

Wan Lun's army marched straight into the city, burned, killed and looted the city, doing everything an invader should do.

In his words, if you surrender well, you don't have to suffer. Since you choose to resist, you have to bear the consequences.

Otherwise, the morale of the military will be difficult to stabilize.

That night, Wan Lun occupied the city lord's mansion. He fell asleep on the former city lord's limp body and held the former city lord's wife and concubine, which was particularly comfortable.

"Sorry to bother you."

A voice sounded hesitantly and quietly in the room.

This sudden voice of the fifth person suddenly scared Wan Lun away.

But he was not an ordinary person, and he did not stupidly ask nonsense questions such as "Who is coming?" "Who is so bold?" "Do you want to come together?" Almost at the moment when the voice sounded, Wan Lun kicked away the warm and fragrant flesh on his body, took out a portable combat knife from under the pillow, and slashed with his backhand.

There is an assassin!

He reacted.

Having lived a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife for a long time, Wan Lun did not let down all his vigilance due to indulgence.

The sword light was raging in the room. The narrow room could not resist the indulgence of a top military general. In an instant, the walls on all sides were cracked and the beams collapsed downwards. The moment he turned around and brandished the knife, he followed the source of the sound and saw a strange shadow.

The shadow's lower body melted into the black shadow of the wall, and its upper body transformed into a human form. There was a strange white bone mask on that face, with dark holes left around the eyes and mouth, as if a human face had been hollowed out alive. No matter who saw it, they couldn't help but feel fear. shudder.


The assassin gently raised an index finger to his mouth and made a hissing sound.

The long knife swung out in a hurry, before it could land on the assassin's head, it strangely solidified in the air, making it impossible to make any further progress.

It's a monk!

It's a monk!

It's a monk!

Wan Lun opened his mouth wide, his eyes were horrified, and his whole person softened.

"Sorry, I'm looking for the Lord of Jin'an City."

"You..." Wan Lun's eyes flashed with shock, and he immediately reacted regardless of the shyness covering his body. Although his body was unable to move under the strange force, he desperately pointed to the outside of the house with his eyes: "He is outside! The man hanging in the yard is the Lord of Jin'an City!"

" turns out that the person outside is him."

The assassin lowered his head, thoughtful.

"Brother," Wan Lun tried his best to force out a smile: "As the saying goes, every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. I hope that brother will not do the work for nothing and kill the wrong person."

He recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

Someone dressed in such a sneaky way with his head and tail exposed, what else could he be than an assassin?

Could it be those beasts from the Bodhisattva Building?

Wan Lun secretly thought that he was unlucky. He didn't expect that the other party was looking for the Lord of Jin'an City to kill him, but he accidentally ran into him.

"That makes sense."

The assassin lurking in the shadow nodded vigorously and was about to leave, but when he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something and asked casually: "By the way, you are..."

"The generals under the command of King Pingxi are well-behaved!"

Brother Wan habitually gave his name.

In the Western Region, saying this name means being able to walk sideways anywhere.


The assassin casually shook out a small knife, and everyone was stunned. His vision went dark, his chest hurt, and then he became completely silent.

Before dying,

The words left by the assassin made him so angry that he almost resurrected:

"Just in time, it's a double blessing, and you are also on the 'list'."

After killing Wan Lun,

Yi Lin came to the yard.

In the courtyard, the army of King Pingxi who occupied the city lord's palace fell to the ground. Some of their limbs were broken into pieces, and some were crushed into cakes. The courtyard was filled with rich blood.

"So you are the Lord of Jin'an City."

Yi Lin put down the city lord of Jin'an City. The fat city lord just watched the soldiers in the courtyard die in a strange and tragic way in the blink of an eye. He couldn't even see the murderer. Now this assassin wearing a strange mask suddenly appeared. He was so frightened that he quickly moved back, dragging a long blood trail on the ground.

"I have avenged you. Your wife and concubine are still alive. Do you have any last words? By the way, your tongue has been cut off, so you probably won't be able to speak out."


The fat city lord whimpered a few words at first, but suddenly, he seemed to remember something, his eyes widened, and he looked at the young man in front of him in shock and fear.

At first, Yi Lin thought the fat city lord's reaction was normal.


He started laughing like crazy,

Laugh and laugh,

Snot, tears, blood, face stained with laughter.

After Yi Lin killed the lord of Jin'an City,

He returned to the lord's bedroom,

One of the three wives and two concubines of the city lord was kicked aside by Wan Lun and was already dead.

The remaining three huddled together in bed, using thin quilts to cover their shame.

Yi Lin didn't look at it much, finding it too obvious and boring. He pulled out one of Wan Lun's arms, uprooted it, and used the blood that hadn't dried up to write on the wall.

"You remember,"

While Yi Lin was dancing on the wall and writing the final poem, he turned his back to the four female relatives and said coldly: "It's Tianqi, kill everyone."

"Heaven of heaven, revelation of revelation,"


After being stunned for a moment, the four delicate wives and concubines nodded vigorously, their necks cracking.

I'm afraid that the murderous demon in front of me won't be able to kill him enough, my bestiality will show up, and I'll turn around and kill him again.

Leaving behind the ferocious blood book, Yi Lin floated away and went straight to the fourth heaven.

That figure was like a fairy emerging from the dust.

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