Infinity Throne

Chapter 938 Catwoman

Wanxiang Tower in Qingdu has been closed.

But in places where the war has not yet spread, brothels are open for business as usual, and all comers are welcome.

Regardless of whether they are literary prostitutes or military prostitutes, they are all prostitutes, and Wanxiang Tower welcomes them to the highest level.

In troubled times, the sisters in the brothel were all miserable people. In the flesh business, even the feudal king did not make it difficult for the poor women who were engaged in the flesh business after occupying the corresponding city. Under the constraints of their superiors, they paid their dues honestly. Drink flowers and wine freely in the tent, and steal the fragrance while busy.

If you often visit Wanxiang Tower, you will notice something unusual.

In the past, the girls who were responsible for receiving prostitutes played and sang sad and sad songs.

Such as "One finger determines love and hatred", "We are happy to meet each other in life and death", "Wenxiang Nephrite is pregnant with the young master, please don't mess around", or "A bamboo pole fell, please respect yourself" were spread throughout the streets. The raunchy tunes of the alley.

But no, recently the girls in this brothel have changed their tune and become a little weird.

They first sang some self-composed songs, incorporating the legend of the Qijue Empress from five thousand years ago, in which she punched the Nantianmen and kicked the Lingxiao Palace.

It makes people's blood boil.

The whole building was full of people collecting styles, and they all ignored the prostitutes and prostitutes, and all of them blushed and called them awesome.


The song changed again, and it was said that once upon a time there was a female general who joined the army on her father's behalf, outperforming many men, and winning eternal fame.

These songs are so catchy that even rare guests who occasionally enter Wanxiang Tower will see a shocking scene:

A group of elegantly dressed collectors clapped their hands and joined in the fun, singing loudly together with the girls playing and singing on the stage, as if there was a concert.

Someone became curious and asked who composed these songs.

Some people say that these songs are folk legends and cannot be studied.

Others say that in some small wild countries in Nanzhanbuzhou and Xiniuhezhou, a woman became the emperor and set the country on the road to prosperity.

These stories come from other continents. Many people don't know about them, so they listen to them with gusto and marvel at them. They never expected that in overseas countries, there is such a rare thing as a woman becoming an emperor.

In this era, there was a lack of rich after-dinner entertainment activities. Even the storytellers in teahouses could usually gather around them three or five times. Some people were cracking melon seeds and drinking tea, and it was said that they could listen to books all day long, which shows how scarce recreational activities were in this era.

But the stories told by storytellers are all from books. Comes and goes, that's all.

No, when the ladies and gentlemen in the brothel began to grab the business of storytellers and sang story songs instead, the number of teagoers in the teahouse on weekdays was reduced, and many people rushed to Wanxiang Tower. Prostitution is just for gaining knowledge, and the atmosphere is getting healthier day by day.

In a time of war, only this trivial matter can bring some trivial pleasure to the people who are suffering from the war.

And inside Qingdu.

Although the Wanxianglou sisters are no longer playing and singing, here, in the alleyway teahouses, there are many storytellers who are trying to make a living in troubled times.

New stories they learned from nowhere.

"A long, long time ago,"

"There is a distant place, outside Dongsheng Shenzhou,"

"There is a legendary woman there..."

Busy street entrance.

There are barefoot children chasing and playing.

They passed on word of mouth and sang catchy children's songs:

"March 3rd,"

"Go down to Jinshan Mountain,"

"Daddy cooks and destroys and robs."

"Smash and rob,"

"The girl beat her son in anger,"

"Hit me,"


"Who says women are inferior to men! They are inferior to men!"

"Hee hee hee--"

at the same time.

The Black Shark Gang and his party entered the city on the main road.

Their carriage had the conspicuous logo of the Black Shark Gang, and the people passing by did not dare to block the way and gave way one after another.

The children who were singing "popular children's songs" in groups all ran away with a cheer.

On the leading carriage, the woman wearing a thin veil looked at the splendid palace in the distance, stretched out her white and tender hands under the veil, and gently licked it.

The carriage was vibrating, and she let out clear laughter from time to time, looking very happy.

"Kekeke... Meow~"

After entering the city.

The guarding strength is the most classic tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

In front of the palace.

After many reports, Ju'er, the maid next to the Empress Dowager, conveyed the Empress Dowager's decree orally:

"The Empress Dowager has given an order to invite everyone from the Black Shark Gang to come to Chang'an Palace for a brief talk. Do not stop them!"

Although the maids around the Empress Dowager have little status in theory, they can be said to be unscrupulous in the palace, and not many people dare to offend them easily.

Who doesn't know that Ju'er is the Empress Dowager's favorite little maid?

After Ju'er arrived, the Shenwu Army guards immediately let him go.

"Tap tap tap..."

The "thousand-year-old ice" exuding cold air seems very heavy, but when the carriage moves, it appears to be very light.

The horse responsible for pulling the ice was running all the way, but the posture did not look like it was a long journey. Instead, it looked full of energy, and its breath was long and powerful.

Ju'er sat down next to the masked woman and walked towards Chang'an Palace as the carriage moved.

on the road,

The two little girls whispered to each other.

"Xiao Ju'er, why do you look like you've gained weight again?"

"Miaomiao, can you stop being so angry that you can't change your bad habits? Don't forget, we are in the territory of the human race now."

"Shh! You're too loud!"

"Bah! Your voice is so loud! I almost pissed you off!"

The two girls were fighting all the way, seemingly as if no one else was around, but their conversation could only be heard clearly by the two of them.

The carriage team finally arrived at Chang'an Palace.

A procession of carriages was parked in the spacious yard.

The girl who was called Miao Miao by Ju'er was so agile that she fell from the carriage with a forward somersault.

The drivers on the other carriages remained motionless.

In fact, if the soldiers who were checking in front of Qingdu City Gate could look more carefully, they might find that, except for the leading girl, the rest of the carriage drivers looked dull and silent, as if they were lost. Soul-like.

But I don’t know whether it was because the girl’s figure was too convex, or because the girl took the initiative to attract other people’s attention, so the Imperial Guards in front of the Qingdu City Gate and the Imperial Palace did not notice the weirdness of the other carriage drivers.

"Ju'er, where is the master, the master? Where is the master, meow~?"

Miaomiao's feet landed silently, and she looked left and right, looking for the figure of the Queen Mother.


The door of the Confinement Palace opened in response, and the pale-faced Empress Dowager and Concubine Shu walked out of the palace with delicate steps and a gorgeous dress several meters long trailing behind her.

"Meow! My lord!"

Miao Miao flashed out of the way, and afterimages swept out behind her like a gust of wind. When she blinked again, Miaomiao was already at the side of the Empress Dowager. She closed her eyes and twitched her nose: "It's strange, it turns out it's really tasteless!"

"Don't mess around!"

Concubine Shu changed her graceful and luxurious appearance in front of ordinary people. She hit Miaomiao's forehead in a fit of laughter and tears: "It's not good if people see her."

"What are you afraid of!" Miaomiao shook her head vigorously. When she shook her head, the veil slipped down inadvertently, revealing a strange face.

The woman's face, which was covered by a veil, had a ring of fine hair growing on her fair skin. Her mouth was actually shaped like a "human", and there were three straight beards on both sides of the strange mouth.


The cat-faced woman pressed her face against Concubine Shu's arm, making cute cat meows as if she were coquettish.

When she raised her head again,

The eyes that were supposed to be like ordinary people suddenly glowed with a strange green light, and in the middle of the crystal-clear eyes like emeralds, a bunch of thin linear beast pupils shrank slightly.

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