Infinity Throne

Chapter 940 Beheading

Daqian Dynasty.

Ji Shengli nineteen years.



The army of the Daqian Dynasty has been struggling to cope with the offensives of the four vassal kings from the east, west, north and south.

As we all know, war is a war of attrition. Soldiers will not grow again like weeds in the spring breeze, and the dead will not be resurrected in place.

After two years of consumption, the treasury of the Daqian Dynasty was empty, and it was difficult to pay even the soldiers' food and pensions. The decline of the Daqian Dynasty was beginning to show, and deserters began to appear.

The front lines were tightened on all sides, conquering the Northern King, pacifying the Western King, and Zhennan King, and successively broke through dangerous passes, and the army entered the hinterland of Daqian.


On the northern and southern fronts, King Zhudong could not defeat the elite troops of King Zhengbei and King Zhennan. In addition, an elusive Apocalypse assassin assassinated his generals over and over again, leaving King Zhudong in a competition with other vassal kings. , at a disadvantage, losing consecutively.

In the end, he made a comeback and decided to start at the dangerous Lumen Pass.

September thirteenth.

Lumen Pass,

There was continuous rain in the sky.

The city is broken.

When Xia Xiaoman received the battle report that Lumen Pass had been broken, she held up the blood-stained secret report blankly in the military tent, dumbfounded.

The reason that made Xia Xiaoman sluggish was not just because the Lumen Pass was broken. It was because, at the same time that Lumen Pass was destroyed, her second sister and brother-in-law Ling Yunzhi died tragically in the battle to defend the city.

It is said that the corpses of the two of them were hung on the city gate and allowed to be eaten by crows. It was a terrible sight.


A streak of snow-white sword light tore the general's tent to pieces, and the visible frost, centered on Xia Xiaoman, completely erupted, freezing everything in sight into solid ice.

She was angry.

at the same time.

Lumen Pass.

In units of hundreds, piles of corpses wearing blood-stained armor were piled outside the city. Each corpse died in a different way. The only thing they have in common is their eyes. The dilated pupils have long lost their luster, but their ferocious expressions that were solidified before death seemed to be silently telling their anger and unwillingness.

Contrary to the tragic scene in front of the city gate, bonfires were lit everywhere in the streets of the city, and the troops stationed in the East were celebrating their victory in the siege and drinking and having fun.

The people in the city became prisoners, handcuffed and shackled, squatting in the dark, shivering.


In front of one of the hottest bonfires, several high-ranking generals and a fat young man were toasting in celebration.

"Finally succeeded in capturing Lumen Pass. With this move, Dongwang can finally sweep away the decline and take advantage of the momentum to enter the hinterland of Daqian! The change of ownership of the country is just around the corner!"

"Hey! Don't tell me that Lumen Pass was captured so easily this time with almost no effort, and His Highness the Prince must have contributed a lot!"

"That's right, His Highness the Prince was very clever. In the name of visiting relatives, he made the royal sister temporarily soften his heart, opened the city defenses and allowed the prince to enter the city. Coupled with the elixir prepared by several immortals, the thousands of soldiers guarding the city were I turned into a soft-footed shrimp overnight! Hahahaha——"

"Early tomorrow morning, our generals will take advantage of this momentum to march eastward and attack Qingdu!"

"Enter Qingdu!"

"Take the lives of that dog queen mother and dog emperor!"

"Take their lives!"

"This glass of wine is to congratulate the eldest prince in advance on his ascension to the throne of Daqian Kingdom!"

"In the future, our Lord Dong will be the founding hero of the country, inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!"


"Fuck his grandma!"

The eldest prince's blood pressure soared and his face glowed red.

He raised the wine glass over his head vigorously. The capture of Lumen Pass was of great significance. The eldest prince felt that as long as he captured Lumen Pass, there would be a smooth and prosperous road behind him, and he could reach the pinnacle of his life, which was just around the corner.

From Lumen Pass to Qingdu, there is plain terrain, and now the main force of Daqian's army is dragged along the other three fronts. They understood that the king's army only needed to prepare enough troops and horses and march to Qingdu in a hurry, so that Qingdu could be caught off guard.

The imaginary enemies of the eldest prince were not among the four feudal princes from beginning to end.

This country is still the territory of the Xia family. The four vassal princes want to seize the throne. It is basically impossible for them to be unjust and unjust. Xia Jisheng is cowardly and incompetent, and the only true opponent of the eldest prince is the second prince.

As for Xia Xiaoman, who has been in great power in the Daqian Army in recent years?

No matter how awesome a princess is, can she become an emperor?

In Dongsheng Shenzhou, there has never been a precedent for a woman to be the emperor!

As long as he controls the old officials in Qingdu as quickly as possible and takes control of the military, and if the eldest prince shows his affection for Xia Xiaoman again, Xia Xiaoman might take advantage of the old brother-sister relationship. , it is not impossible for him to turn to his eldest prince.

Look at that second sister, she is so stupid, she insists on fighting to the death, and she deserves to die in a foreign country.


The eldest prince drank, and the light in front of his eyes was blurry. He vaguely saw himself wearing a dragon robe and an imperial crown, surrounded by a group of veterans, stepping into the Golden Luan Palace with high spirits.


Right now.

A ray of cold light flashed across the eldest prince's neck.

The red light on the eldest prince's face hadn't dissipated yet, but his smile had completely frozen.

The chubby head flew upwards, and from the fracture of the small basin-sized neck, hot blood spurted out several meters high. After it reached the apex of the parabola, it turned into a rain of blood, splattering all around the Dongwang Army who were drinking wine. The general had a look on his face.

The blood rain fell on the bonfire, making a crackling sound, vaguely like the rhythm of a soul song.

Everyone was stunned.

Until the headless body of the eldest prince fell limply, the surrounding generals did not react.

Such a good person, so chubby, his head flies off at a moment’s notice!

"Yes, yes, there are assassins!"

"It must be the apocalypse!"

Two of the generals did not get carried away by the drunkenness. A chill ran down their spines, and they were so frightened that they immediately took out their weapons from their sides.

In the past six months, it is no longer a secret that Apocalypse assassins have been traveling all over the country, specifically looking for famous officials and generals to assassinate.

And because the "notoriety" of the Apocalypse Assassin is so loud, they already claimed that it was the Apocalypse Assassin who did it before they even saw the Apocalypse Assassin's signature look.

The ability to have this effect is inseparable from the countless "imitation crimes" in Bodhisattva Tower.

All in all, no matter which side someone dies for no apparent reason, no matter whether there are iconic blood letters on the wall or not, there will be people who will take the initiative to attribute this murder to the name of the Apocalypse Assassin, and actively add a strong mark to the Apocalypse Assassin's performance. One stroke.

"Thank you, eldest prince. I was originally worried that my junior sister would not be able to think about it and was wondering what reason to kill you."

As expected, the person who killed the eldest prince was Yi Lin, and everyone expected him to do so this time.

Yi Lin was wrapped in a tattered black robe, and her face was covered with pale bones. She was skillfully wrapping the eldest prince's head with a piece of black cloth.

In the corner of the black robe, Bai Chuchu squatted quietly, with two green eyes exposed from the gap. She watched her young master's actions curiously.

"Master, why don't you use a gun? How fast is the bang?" Bai Chuchu asked curiously.

"There's nothing you can do. If you use the gun, your head will collapse. I'll have to hang up the head later."

After Yi Lin wrapped the eldest prince's head and hid it, he suddenly frowned and turned his head to look in a certain direction.

I saw several black shadows rushing out from the city there, also wearing black robes, hiding their heads and tails.

"It's really nothing new."

Yi Lin looked at the other party's attire, then looked down at her own.

If you are unaware and look at these people from a distance, you might mistakenly think they are a group.

Under the black robe, Yi Lin raised his eyebrows and quickly took off into the air.

Those figures were flying through the air at a very slow speed. It was roughly estimated that their cultivation level should be around the Golden Core stage.

"Yo? This eldest prince is quite qualified. He can actually invite a monk at the golden elixir stage."

"Master, do you want Chu Chu to help?"

"No, as far as I know, even if the monks are invited, they can't fight to death because of secular dynasty battles. The eldest prince is dead, and they may just give chase and show off."

Yi Lin shook his head, coughed twice, and coughed up two mouthfuls of bright red blood. Under high-speed movement, the wormhole of the Supreme Flow Teleportation Technique was difficult to open, so Yi Lin could only take out the jet skateboard, swish it, and transform into a flow shadow. , swept towards the horizon, and became a small dot on the horizon in the blink of an eye.


What surprised Yi Lin was that she thought the monks were just showing off, but when she took out the flying magic weapon, they became anxious as soon as they saw it. Without saying anything, they took out their own magic weapons and showed off their magical powers. , chasing after Yi Lin.

Several black shadows were like shooting stars in the sky, chasing each other for hundreds of miles in one breath.

Yi Lin in front frowned, feeling that something was wrong. Unless he was their father-killing enemy, those mysterious monks would never be so obsessed with them.


Yi Lin suddenly stopped in mid-air. The five monks behind him did not expect Yi Lin to stop, and almost bumped into Yi Lin.

After chasing for hundreds of miles, those people tried their best, and it seemed that they were not relaxed. They looked at the clouds and the wind, but they were breathing heavily under the black robes.


Yi Lin just said two words.

But they were interrupted by the five people in a rude way: "Lin Yi! Hand over the Empress's treasure, and the five of us brothers will show mercy and let you die happily!"


Under the visor, Yi Lin's pupils opened and widened. After a moment, Yi Lin figured out a certain joint that he had never understood, and couldn't help but raise his head and sigh:

"I see."

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