Infinity Throne

Chapter 942 Trouble arises

Two hours later.

The place where Yi Lin fought with the five monks.

Dozens of figures, divided into different batches, came from all directions.

Their figures are surging with light of different colors, their auras are gathering, their voices are like thunder when they walk, and their energy is like a strong wind.

Dozens of figures arrived here in almost no particular order.

There were four groups of people coming, each hanging high in the sky.

The four groups of people did not greet each other. After looking at each other for a moment, they kept a vigilant distance from each other, and then looked down at the valley after the raging battle.

There was no one here. Deep pits with black smoke turned the flat valley into pits. In the pits left by the explosion, there were several corpses lying across them, dying with their eyes open.

"That animal is so cruel."

A middle-aged Taoist wearing a fiery red robe, with upright features and a neat mustache. He frowned and felt the spiritual energy in the air that had not completely dissipated. After marveling, he suddenly let out a light sigh and landed on Next to one of the corpses.

There were five corpses in total. When the other three groups saw the Taoist in red starting to go down to the valley to investigate, they were not willing to lag behind. They picked a corpse each and stepped forward to investigate.

One group of people, wearing cassocks and holding barren heads on their heads, were obviously Buddhists.

"I don't believe it, I definitely don't believe Brother Lin did this!"

Monk Chunzhen, Lin Yi's childhood playmate, Wang Xiaohu, also followed his footsteps and came here. He lowered his voice and said excitedly to a very old and kind-looking old monk next to him.

"Chunzhen, you're obsessed."

Zen Master Tianxin got a glimpse of the secret, deduced that there was a deceased emperor, and ordered them to come here to investigate.

Before that, news came out from nowhere that "Lin Yi is the Apocalypse Assassin", which spread a lot in the Xuanmen circle. The world is still ignorant, but now anyone who has anything to do with Xuanmen will have no idea about it. Almost no one knows about this.

Of course, to a certain extent, it doesn't matter at all whether Lin Yi of Tianjianmen is an Apocalypse assassin. How Lin Yi repeatedly committed evil in the world is also Tianjian Sect's private matter.

How could Tianjian Sect, as the supreme Taoist sect today, not be able to deal with even a mere evil disciple?

But the accompanying rumors also mentioned something more important.

That is, after five thousand years, someone finally understood the wordless monument left by the Qijue Empress. It said that before she left, the Qijue Empress left the only way to ascend to the upper world and attain the path to immortality. ——Collecting the treasures left by the Qijue Empress can give you a glimpse of immortality.

Of course, none of this matters.

The most terrible thing is that all kinds of rumors are true: Lin Yishen is pregnant with the treasure left by the empress!

No wonder!

When the news came out, many Taoist monks who heard about the "Genius Lin Yi" who had emerged from the Tianjian Sect felt enlightened and suddenly understood.

No wonder he became a unique genius who was able to cultivate the golden elixir in just four years, and took his junior sister to cultivate the golden elixir with him. It turned out to be the treasure left by the empress!

The Empress's treasure has been rumored vaguely in the circle, but the most realistic thing is that "Mo Luo", the master of the Mo Luo Palace, and the Supreme Master of the Tianjian Sect each hold one.

The reason why Tianjian Sect and Moluo Palace can secure their status as two of the three upper sects is the Empress’s legacy, which is indispensable.

Except for the relics in the hands of the two bosses, the other relics have long been lost in the long river of time and cannot be traced.

It has almost become a piece of gossip that is just a topic of conversation after dinner, but no one seriously believes it.

Originally it was just a rumor, and it would not easily alarm the Xuanmen world.

But firstly, the rumors were extremely realistic and well-founded. Furthermore, the Apocalypse Assassins had recently caused a bloody storm in the world. The two complement each other, making the rumors more and more true, making people have to believe them.

If it is false, it is false, and it is nothing more than a waste of insignificant time.

But what if Lin Yi holds the Empress's treasure... Is this absolutely true?

Let’s believe it exists, but don’t believe it doesn’t exist!

Today, in the Xuanmen world, most of the monks who are searching for traces of Lin Yi have this gambler-like mentality.

Since the Qi Jue Empress ascended to the upper world, in the past five thousand years, no matter how amazing and talented the monks are, no matter how old or dead they are, not even one person has been able to complete the feat of ascension after the Qi Jue Empress. It was as if the world was completely imprisoned, causing countless hard-working monks who practiced hard until the last second of their lives to die with hatred.

Some people speculate: "The so-called ascension is the biggest scam in the Xuanmen world in the past five thousand years!"

Someone said nonsense: "Everything is an illusion, an illusion!"

Some people maliciously speculated: "Empress Qi Jue must have died of old age back then. Rumors have been circulating for five thousand years, so it's time to put an end to it!"

but no matter,

Nowadays, rumors that Lin Yi is pregnant with the Empress's treasure and that he can ascend to the upper world after collecting the Empress' treasures have spread out at the same time. This has undoubtedly injected new vitality and vitality into the Xuanmen world that exudes a strong smell of decay.

The monks...have goals and motivation again!

Ascend to the upper realm!


Unrivaled in the world!

Mortals have dreams, and so do monks.

Whether it's a mortal's dream, or a monk's spring and autumn dream.

What if it comes true?

Zen Master Tianxin calculated that the eldest prince was in danger, but it was still a step too late.

This time we left the Ping'an Temple in Qingdu and led a group of people to investigate this place. It was the eminent monk in the temple, Kassapa.

Zen Master Kasyapa and Zen Master Kuye are of the same generation, so to speak, they can be regarded as Wang Xiaohu’s uncle.

At that time, the rumor that "Lin Yi was the Apocalypse Assassin" spread to Ping'an Temple. Wang Xiaohu made a fuss in the temple for a while, saying that he wanted to leave the temple to find Lin Yi to find out. However, he was later stopped by Zen Master Tianxin, who only said: "But still It won’t be time.”

Zen Master Kassapa was originally unwilling to take Wang Xiaohu out of the temple. He came out of the temple with the intention of "persuading the donor Lin Yi to turn around and convert to my Buddha." If Wang Xiaohu messed around here, he was afraid of ruining something big.

Later, Zen Master Tianxin agreed, and Zen Master Kasyapa had no choice but to take Wang Xiaohu with him.

Who knew that some time before his death, Zen Master Ku Ye told him to take good care of Wang Xiaohu and not to let him go astray?

When Wang Xiaohu made a fuss, Zen Master Kassapa clasped his hands together and whispered to Amitabha: "No matter whether the donor Lin Yi is an Apocalypse Assassin or not, the person we are looking for is an Apocalypse Assassin. If by that time, he is, then that is, and if he is not, then then No, arguing here at this time is just a waste of time and lamentation."

Wang Xiaohu, who has been influenced by Buddhism for a long time, accurately interpreted the profound meaning of Zen Master Kassapa's riddle after hearing it. He quickly came down, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his head, and sighed: "Master Kassapa's words are reasonable, but he acted out of innocence."


Zen Master Kassapa lowered his head to examine the hideous death state of the corpse. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. He immediately ordered other disciples to chant the Rebirth Mantra for the poor monk who died tragically, so that he could die peacefully and with eyes closed. Then Zen Master Kasyapa raised his head, looked at the other four groups, and murmured to himself:

"Ling Kongzi of Zhujian Villa, Taoist Huoyun of Fentian Valley, I didn't expect that two old friends who haven't seen each other for many years are here. Those... are they the assassins of Bodhisattva Tower?" Zen Master Kasyapa glanced at each other not far away. He frowned slightly: "I heard that the methods of Tianqi assassins are much more cruel than Bodhisattva Tower, and Bodhisattva Tower is also here. Could it be that the Tianqi assassins are not the same as Bodhisattva Tower?"

While Zen Master Kassapa was thinking, the eyes of the two leaders, Taoist Huoyun and Lingkongzi, coincidentally collided with those of Zen Master Kassapa.


Finally, after the three people made eye contact, their eyes fell on the group of sneaky assassins in the Bodhisattva Tower.

As the saying goes, good and evil take a detour, and humans and demons cannot coexist. But that was all many years ago. Ever since Mo Luo Temple, Yan Fuzhou, and Tianjian Sect signed the so-called "Peace Contract" a thousand years ago, the fights in the monk world have been restrained from each other. At least I won't do it blatantly.

"Hey hey hey." On the Bodhisattva Tower side, one of the men in black, who seemed to be the leader, but was dressed the same as the other assassins, gave out a weird smile under his mask, and he pierced the thoughts of the other three parties: " Three masters from the Buddhist and Taoist sects, do you think that Lin Yi is related to our Bodhisattva Tower?"

"Don't forget, Lin Yi is the proud disciple of Tianjian Sect!"

"I'm just curious and will never interfere with the investigation of Lin Yi's whereabouts!"

"Since we can't get any benefits, let's just leave!"

"Let's go!"

Several assassins from Bodhisattva Tower, one by one, without waiting for Taoist Huoyun from Fentian Valley, Ling Kongzi from Zhujian Villa, and Zen Master Kasyapa from Ping'an Temple to agree, they looked at each other and immediately jumped and flew into the distance.

"Hiding one's head and showing one's tail, there is something strange! Just stay!"

Ling Kongzi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright light burst out. The huge sword box behind him opened with a bang, and in the blink of an eye, ninety-nine swords of different styles flew out from the huge sword box. The flying swords formed a sword formation, and one person attacked towards the Bodhisattva Tower.

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