Infinity Throne

Chapter 944 Dream Eater

This is a sea of ​​nameless trees.

On both sides of the sea of ​​trees are two dilapidated cities.

Yi Lin tapped her feet lightly, her dust floating in the air, and stood on the top of a pointed tree with her eyes closed, as if she was meditating or sleeping.

I don't know how long she had been here, but Yi Lin fell from the tree and coughed up a mouthful of blood.


Bai Chuchu stepped forward anxiously. She clearly felt that the young master was getting weaker and weaker.

If you get lucky, you will vomit blood.

Yi Lin also clearly understands the limitations of this body.

His meridians all shrank, and every time he circulated his true energy, it would cause tingling pain all over his body, as if he had undergone an irregular health care session.

Of course, he didn't do it either.

"The body limits the performance of the monk system, but fortunately, my apostle system does not rely too much on physical fitness."

Yi Lin muttered to herself, rubbed Bai Chuchu who was crouching obediently beside her, and said with a smile:

"Thank you for staying with me during this time. Speaking of which, I haven't repaid you for your kindness in protecting my parents. This is what I, Yilin, owe you."

He didn't say Lin Yi.

It's "Yirin".

Bai Chuchu cried, her eyes were misty, and the "king" pattern on her forehead was almost twisted into the character "turtle".

In her excitement, she suddenly couldn't hear the difference between the two names.

Of course, Yi Lin did not explain. Even if Bai Chuchu heard clearly, he might think that the young master was seriously ill and was talking nonsense.

"Do not be sad,"

Yi Lin's face shape at this time has nothing to do with "health". When he showed an indifferent smile with this face, Bai Chuchu's tear ducts almost burst when he watched the young master lose weight. Yi Lin smiled and said, "Death this time is not the end for me."

"Hmm..." Bai Chuchu lowered her head. She was shocked by the young master's open-mindedness that he regarded death as home.

"Remember what I told you before?"

"Master, Chu Chu will never forget it."

"That's good, I'll take a nap."

"Well, go to sleep, Master."

Bai Chuchu returned to her human form, and her snow-white hair turned into a fur dress. She let Yi Lin rest on her lap, so that the young master could sleep peacefully.

Yi Lin looked like he was asleep, but in fact he was not. He entered the center in a blink of an eye.

The mental state broke away from the shackles of the physical body. When she came here, not only did Yilin not feel tired, but she was in high spirits.

Three mother spirits came forward, and they were not sad at all about the "death" Yi Lin was about to face.

It's just reopening. How many times has it been reopened? It doesn't matter.

The three mother spirits knew Yi Lin's identity thoroughly, and knew that this reopening was just a trivial matter for the young master.

Yi Lin glanced at the Guili Sword and Immortal Killing Spear floating on the spiritual sea.

Finally, his eyes fell on the motionless, dead bat on the tree.

Yi Lin hesitated again and again, touched her nose, and exhaled tentatively: "Green?"


Almost as soon as Yi Lin finished speaking, Green opened his eyes and flew in front of Yi Lin with a smile on his face. He flapped his wings and said with an expression that he was in need of a beating: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Yi Lin didn't stupidly ask Green why he knew he was going to find him.

I didn’t even ask Green if he could do it.

He just asked helplessly: "I want to ask you to do something. What price will it cost?"

"It's easy, let me have a meal."

Green licked the scarlet little tongue, and the bat's expression was particularly vivid, showing an air of "eagerness to try".

"What to eat?"

"Dream, your dream."

Yi Lin recalled her experience in Nightmare Town and chuckled: "I know how to wake up."

Yi Lin is deeply aware of the horror in Green's "multi-layered nightmare world".

It was a psychedelic feeling that was difficult to distinguish between reality and illusion.

During that trial, even if Yi Lin repeatedly fell into dreams, entered the deepest dream, and then repeatedly committed suicide and dreamed out, and finally returned to the outside of Green Town and in front of the tour bus, Yi Lin was not even sure yet. At that moment and place, is it a dream or reality?

Green's wings were rolled up into a "Y" shape and placed under his small chin, with empty eyes, as if he was a little entangled: "Yes, if you wake up early, I won't be able to eat enough... But if I increase my strength, I will let you go all at once." I'm a little reluctant to die."

"...I promise not to commit suicide."

"make a deal."

Green agreed with a smile. It was obviously waiting for Yi Lin to say this.

" to operate?"

Yi Lin asked.

"No need to bother," Green flew over Yi Lin's head and lowered his paws: "I wish you a wonderful night."



Yi Lin opened her eyes sleepily. In front of her eyes was a very familiar housewife. She wore a simple wedding ring on her ring finger and a strange wooden bracelet on her wrist.

"Xiao, Xiaoman...?"

"What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Xiaoman's wife put her hands on her hips and looked at her husband who was sleeping on the desk strangely.

Where am I……

Oh, I'm at home.

who I am……

Yi Lin.

who is she?

Xia Xiaoman.

My wife.


Why is my wife Xia Xiaoman?

A ridiculous idea flashed through Yi Lin's mind.

"No, I have a little headache."

"Husband, you didn't sleep all night last night. Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Yi Lin felt like there were many weird fragments crammed into her head.

"I... seem to have had a nightmare."

"Then let's eat. Hurry up. I have to feed you later. The baby is about to wake up."


"Remember to wash the dishes, mop the floor, and throw the clothes in the washing machine later, and hang them to dry before going to bed! Mua~"

Yi Lin has a happy family.

stable job;

Doctoral degree;

high salary income;

This was originally an enviable story.

Yi Lin lived this kind of life for five years.

Five years later, when the children grew up and went to school, Xia Xiaoman's figure began to lose shape and gain weight slightly, but Yi Lin felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

But suddenly one day, while Xia Xiaoman was walking on the street with her baby in her arms, a masked man suddenly rushed out, stabbed the child to death, and pushed Xia Xiaoman frantically from the fifth floor of the shopping mall. As a result, Xia Xiaoman became a vegetative state, lying in the intensive care unit, losing weight day by day.

Everything...changed instantly.

Later, the police said that the man was a schizophrenic and could not be convicted from a legal perspective. The prisoner's family was well-off and he was willing to pay a large amount of compensation to ask for forgiveness from the victim's family.

Yi Lin expressionlessly signed the letter of understanding, and then after a month of detailed planning, she sneaked into his home and killed his family of three.

The moment the dagger cut across his throat and hot blood sprayed all over his hands, Yi Lin recalled everything.

"It turned out to be a dream."

Yi Lin recalled the five years he spent in his dream. He stepped on a pool of blood and began a boring escape.

Since she promised Green not to commit suicide, Yi Lin could only become a fugitive and hide all day long for three years.

Just when Yi Lin was tired of this boring dream and was secretly wondering whether he should find a car to crash into and pretend to be an "accidental death", he accidentally saw a piece of news on TV.

Xia Xiaoman woke up. She learned that her husband had become a murderer and was watching the TV news, crying and begging Yi Lin to come home.

The ending is barely HE.

He was shot.

When Yi Lin woke up, she woke up directly from the physical body and had already left the "hub".

Yi Lin felt that her face was wet, and when she touched her face, it was full of tears.

Physics experts are still unable to clearly define the concept of "time", but some people say that time is a "feeling".

When Yi Lin opened his eyes, Bai Chuchu was staring at him in confusion and asked, "Master, can't you sleep? Why are there all these eye drops in your eyes all of a sudden?"

These words instantly broke Yi Lin's guard, making her dumbfounded.

But at the same time, Yi Lin also knew that the eight years he spent in a dream were just a moment in reality.

He quickly returned to the hub. He originally wanted to point at Green's nose and curse, but when he saw Green lying on his back on the lake with a satisfied look on his face, he was too embarrassed to curse.

The hobbies of humans and bats cannot be generalized. Although Green played with him in his dream, it looked like he really enjoyed it.

This is outrageous.

Yi Lin suppressed the urge to flick her fingers between Green's legs and sighed softly: "Are you satisfied?"

"General." Green opened his eyes and smacked his lips, looking like he still had something to say.


Do you usually eat that much?

Are you still tormenting me in your dreams for eight years?

Yi Lin raised his finger, wanting to point at the little bat with contracted wings and curse.

But Yi Lin felt very tired.

So, forget it.

Although what he experienced was just an illusory dream, Yi Lin still had the illusion of being hollowed out when she stood in front of Green again.

Green groaned for a while, and soon returned to normal.

It patted the little face that was still a little red: "Actually, do you understand what you are doing?"

"I'm here to fight the future."

"I understand, what is your request?"

"Can't you read minds?" Yi Lin glared at Green.

"I like hearing you beg me." Green said confidently with his wings on his hips.

Yi Lin sighed. He finally discovered that a being of Green's level was not a good person at all. This time he asked Green to do something, and he finally understood that every time he trades with Green, he is seeking skin from a tiger. He may encounter a big enemy one day. If you are in a bad mood, it is not impossible to trick yourself to death.

This made Yi Lin feel deeply aggrieved.

But in order for her plan to proceed smoothly, Yi Lin could only follow Green's wishes and make a request:

"After I die, I would like to ask you to let my junior sister have a dream...a beautiful dream that will allow her to sleep peacefully."

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