Infinity Throne

Chapter 964 Bloodline

Yi Lin remembers,

Many years ago.

Molly had taken his blood for a blood smear.

Under the microscope, Molly said that his blood contained a large number of prismatic spindle structures.

Abbreviation: Non-human intracellular structures in a microscopic sense.

To put it in layman's terms, Yi Lin's normal blood cells are doped with ingredients that are not human.

Normal people will experience large vessel embolism due to these prismatic spindle structures.

Yi Lin is fine.

At that time, Molly wondered for a long time why Yi Lin could still live so well like this.

In this life,

After reincarnation,

Yi Lin became a demon.

Even if he lost [Distant Utopia], his self-healing ability was even more outrageous than when he had [Distant Utopia].

This strange situation reminded Yi Lin of a possibility.

After living in the tribe for the past three years, Yi Lin had never asked, but he vaguely realized why Xiao Xi arranged for him to come to this world in his second life as the "Prince of the Demon Tribe".

Every move Xiao Xi makes seems absurd, but in fact, it has profound meaning.

Step by step, little by little, we are heading towards the ending that Xiao Xi longs for.

Or maybe it was the ending Yi Lin longed for.

In the cave, Yi Lin's face was as sinking as water, and she continued to use herself for human experiments.

A small prism sword shuttled back and forth, rotated, and jumped in Yi Lin's palm.

As more and more blood filled her palms, Yi Lin tried to manipulate the crystal clear blood into various shapes.

It will turn into a hammer for a while,

Soon it will become a sculpture of Yi Lin,

By the way, she showed off a toned pose.

"Little Lord!"

Miaomiao held a basket full of human-faced snow spider eggs in her hands, hooked her furry tail as a hand, opened the curtain, and broke into the cave.


There was a sound inside.

When Miaomiao entered the cave, she found the young prince sitting cross-legged on the ground with his hands clasped together, looking like a sage and a Buddha.

"Young Master, please don't make such an unlucky gesture in front of the Lord. If the Lord finds out, he will scold us to death."

Miaomiao placed a large basket of spider eggs on the ground and complained.


Yi Lin rubbed her palms vigorously and quietly sipped the blood in her palms through the wound and back into her body.

Blood is so precious, don't waste it.

Life in the demon clan is very boring.

It's ice and snow outside, everything is withered, there is no scenery, and there are no recreational facilities.

Except for the sky, there is an endless snowfield.

Every demon in the demon clan feels trouble and sorrow for food all day long.

these few months,

Human-faced spider eggs and snow spirit roots have become the main sources of nutrients for Yi Lin to grow.

Yi Lin started the fire with a fire breaker and found a barely usable pot - it was said that Miaomiao salvaged it from the wreckage of a ship on the beach. When he picked it up, the pot was stained with rust. Yi Lin borrowed a whetstone from the clan's "One-Eyed Grandpa" who was responsible for making weapons, and after a few days, the rust was finally removed.

Make fire, melt snow, boil water.

Yi Rin starts making a dish called "boiled eggs".

Boiled spider eggs.

Top-quality ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods.

“It smells so good!”

When eaten raw, Yi Lin felt that the human-faced spider eggs tasted like fruits, but after they were cooked and eaten, they really tasted like eggs.

If it weren't for the smell of the human-faced spider eggs, Yi Lin might have been unable to stay in the Blood Demon Valley and secretly ran away from home long ago.

In order to avoid the special effects of cooking, Yi Lin was not so careless when cooking, but even so, Miaomiao couldn't help but tuck her tail between her legs, her face was rosy, and her whiskers were trembling.

"Young Master, this is so delicious! It tastes better than human flesh!"

Yi Lin paused for a moment while eating the eggs, then patted Miaomiao's cat head: "In the future, don't eat people."

"Why?" Miaomiao blinked, and she stretched out her scarlet flexible tongue to lick the cooked egg yolk off her lips: "What can demons eat if they don't eat humans?"

"Eat eggs!" Yi Lin held up the boiled eggs in her hand.

Miaomiao pondered for a moment: "But these eggs were all brought by the Snow Spider aunts. Ju'er and I stole a lot of them. They have been very angry in the past few years. If the Lord hadn't suppressed them, the Snow Spider would have The aunts have already come to see me with their legs raised, shouting that they want to feed the prince to the little snow spider."

"...Can you please stop using the word 'pull'? It sounds really uncomfortable."

Miaomiao's natural answer made Yi Lin not know how to argue, so she could only change the topic.

People eat beasts, and monsters eat people. It seems that humans and monsters are all links in the food chain.

Yilin experienced three years of hard life of chewing tree bark and eating boiled eggs. As a cat demon, Miaomiao could only hold the snow spirit root and gnaw it with tears in her eyes when she couldn't find food. Thinking about it personally, it is really difficult for Yi Lin to come up with a strong argument to get the demon clan to change this eating habit.

But I don’t know why, but it is said that in the past fifty years, the three giants of the demon clan, including Hua Niang, have been restraining the clansmen from crossing the North Sea to the Dongsheng Divine Continent.

Yi Lin usually pretends to be a normal demon child in front of Hua Niang in order not to reveal the fact that she has been reincarnated, whether it is her expression or conversation.

He shouldn't even know about the existence of human beings, and he shouldn't bring up the treasonous topic of "should we eat people" in front of Hua Niang?

One demon and one cat ended the topic in silence.

Miaomiao didn't notice that there was something wrong with little Taiyi's mood. She finished eating with satisfaction. She patted her uncovered belly. Around her belly button, a small bump bulged due to fullness.

"Young Master, Miaomiao almost forgot, the Lord is looking for you."

"Find me?"

Yi Lin was stunned.

When Yi Lin gradually accepted the outrageous setting of "his mother is a concubine Shu", he was trying hard to learn to play the role in this life, and was also trying hard to integrate into the life of the demon clan.

But since his birth, Hua Niang seemed to have fulfilled her mission of "giving birth to a child" and left the young prince to be taken care of by Miao Miao, Ju'er, and one hundred and sixty-five Han tribe demons.

The two mothers and children spend less time together and more time apart.

And Hua Niang herself lives in seclusion.

In the words of Hua Niang, in the Han tribe, all demons are one family regardless of their bloodline.

Although Taiyi was pulled out of her belly, Taiyi is the descendant of all demons. Taiyi and all demons are brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and grandparents.

Taiyi is the youngest anyway, so when he sees the male demon calling him brother, the female demon calling him sister, and the old ones calling him grandpa and grandma, there is nothing wrong.

This almost "primitive" tribal relationship was something Yi Lin was not used to at first.

He felt strangely confused.

Later, he got used to it and it was okay. He gradually discovered that the monsters living in Beiju Luzhou were not as ferocious as the rumors outside. Even if they are hungry and chewing tree bark, they still abide by the rules of the tribe and never go out secretly to find people to eat.

"Little Lord?"

Miaomiao scratched Yilin's face with her claws and found a few red blood stains, which brought Yilin back to reality from her messy thoughts.


Yi Lin sighed.

The flower girl is at the beach.

The original words she asked Miaomiao to tell were that the young master must be allowed to climb up the Great Rift Valley alone and reach her side.

It seems like this is a test.

"I can only you really deserve to be a demon?"

Yi Lin stood on the edge of the mountain wall, looking up at the "line of sky" that reached the top, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "As a human being, at the age of three, you only deserve to go to the river to play in the mud, right? I want to do this Are you starting to do extreme rock climbing? Can it be any more outrageous?"

Having said that.

But Yi Lin knew that she had good blood. Although he is only three years old, his current physique is almost as strong as that of Wang Xiaohu, who was twelve years old back then.

Standing 1.4 meters tall, the muscles on his body are already showing outlines.

Yi Lin used his hands and feet, and his fingers clung to the protrusions of the rock wall. When exerting force, the muscles of his limbs bulged and became streamlined, forming a beautiful shape.

"Young master is so handsome, meow~!"

Miaomiao was at the bottom, meowing to cheer Yi Lin up.

Immediately afterwards, the other demon uncles, demon aunts, demon brothers and sisters in the clan heard Miao Miao’s cheering sound, and came over curiously to ask. After asking, they learned that the young master was going to climb the Blood Demon Valley alone today. They all looked at Little Taiyi with their own eyes. The elders of the demon clan who had grown up were so moved that they wiped away tears and shouted below, "Taiyi has finally grown up" and so on.

For a time, except for a few old demons like Grandma Teng who could not move, more than a hundred big demons in the clan ran out of the cave and gathered around below, acting as bark-eating demons.

As I said before,

The life of the demon clan is dull, and occasionally being able to join in the fun and have a meal or something is a big deal.

At this moment, when Yi Lin started to climb the rock, in the Han tribe, it was like a festival, with red and green eyes flashing with a menacing light below.

Yi Lin looked down and saw that this scene looked like a group of monsters were chasing him below and wanted to eat him alive.

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