Infinity Throne

Chapter 972 Deep

The Ten Thousand Demons Conference has now come to an end.

It’s time for the exciting vote counting process.

Of course, there is no need to sing the votes.

A tauren happily smashed two boxes, and the dominoes fell down, clearly visible at a glance.

Logically speaking,

The war faction, the peace faction, and the neutral faction have similar numbers of tribes. Over the past fifty years, their opinions have been in conflict with each other, and they have been able to compete in separate courts.

Now, one side couldn't bear it anymore and decided to force the neutral faction to take a stand.

But Yi Lin, in front of so many people, did not hide anything and gave all the votes from the neutral faction to the war faction. It seemed that the overall situation was decided.

There is no need to count votes at all!

Gu Zhu's face turned blue.

Gluttony grinned widely, holding a huge bone in his short, fat hands and stuffing it into his bloody mouth.

It was so happy.


Piles of dominoes hit the ground.

The main fighting faction was happy, while the main peace faction was filled with sorrow.

The main fighting faction wants to break into the hinterland of the human race and create a bright future.

The Lord Harmony Sect is unwilling to antagonize the human race, because that means that the monsters in Beiju Luzhou will undergo a complete baptism, and by then no one knows how many monsters will die in the fierce battle with the human race.

Many of them have scars on their bodies. Those are the scars left by the monks many years ago when they were active.

They were lucky enough to escape from the monks, but they didn't want to experience that kind of fear again.

But what the thousands of monsters present didn’t expect was that,

When the dominoes fall to the ground,

There was a moment of shock and silence.

Immediately afterwards, there was a complete exchange of expressions between the two factions.

The faces of the main war faction turned dark.

The Peacekeepers cheered loudly.

"This is impossible!!"

Gluttony roared, and an even more terrifying giant mouth was opened on its chest. Between the opening and closing of its sharp teeth, a disgusting fishy wind swept through the entire place, causing the weak monsters around it to stagger around. He could barely stand still and was sucked into the bloody mouth by the gluttonous mouth on Gluttony's chest.

I saw among those two piles of dominoes,

The dominoes falling from the green box formed a tall pile.

On the contrary, the red box dropped only a small pile of dominoes.

If we count the dominoes in detail, there are exactly fifty-six dominoes falling in the red box, one is not too much, and the other is not too little.

These were all just thrown in by Yi Lin.


Gluttony was angry and about to lose his temper.

It didn't believe it, this result was beyond its expectation.

But it didn't react immediately, and it didn't expect that there might be such a thing as "cheating".

Although Gluttony has a cruel character, speaking of it, he still belongs to the category of "simple folk customs" and does not have so many problems in his heart.

"No, we obviously-"

The main war faction was even more dumbfounded. Others didn't know, but where did they vote? Didn't they have a good number?

This number of votes is completely unreasonable!

If nothing else, at least they did lose the red box!

Facing the fierce eyes and mouth of his eldest brother Gluttony, the main combatant trembled, feeling helpless and full of grievance.

After Guzhu was overjoyed, he quickly frowned again and looked deeply at the Hanbao Son who had just made a big splash. He felt that Taiyi might have done something to him, but he had no evidence.

How did Taiyi manipulate the dominoes in the box in front of so many people?

The son of Han Ba ​​did not even touch the box when he was voting. He held his hand high and threw it down, thus fully avoiding suspicion.

Of course, Hua Niang was also very surprised by this result.

The votes on the neutral side were indeed thrown into the red box.

But no one thought that those fifty-six dominoes were all the votes in the red box.

"How about you all listen to me?"

Taiyi stepped forward and said loudly.

The sound was like a bell, swaying far away, suppressing the commotion of the demon clan.

If Yi Lin had punched the butter before, what he said would not have had this effect.

But when this son of a drought-stricken man punched the butter into the snow, the weight of the sound was a little different.

No one wants to be the next butter.

Hanba, this kid, is doing well in everything so far, but his temper is a bit grumpy.

If they don't agree with each other, they will push people into the ground.

Gluttony soon became quiet, and around it, the sound of grinding teeth produced by the grinding of countless sharp teeth echoed.

Although it subconsciously felt that something was wrong, the fifty-six dominoes in the box of its main war faction were all thrown in by the "new demon" in front of it, plus Taiyi showed it when he beat the butter. Strength won him the right to speak.

As I said before, the demon clan respects the strong. Whoever has a strong fist will be obeyed by the demon clan.

Obviously at this moment, in the hearts of the demons, this warrior who knocked down butter with one punch had a hard enough fist, high and hard.

Butter was previously among the top five in the Monster Clan's brute strength rankings. At this moment, this top five brute strength ranking has suddenly become Taiyi's.

The butter that was stuck on the ground was ignored and left to breathe.

When Yi Lin passed by, she patted Niu Liu's shoulder and secretly thanked Brother Niu for the opportunity. After the demons calmed down, Yi Lin continued:

"I know you have a lot of anger in your hearts. I also know that these years in Luzhou, Beiju, have made you feel unwilling. You want to take back everything that should belong to us, the land that belongs to us, the forest that belongs to us, the forest that belongs to us. Sky."

All the demons flashed their red and green eyes and listened quietly.

These words seemed to hit the softness deep in the hearts of the demon clan and hit the high point.

"I'm not willing to give in. I haven't tasted meat since I was born. What I eat is tree bark and what I drink is snow water."

No! you are lying!

There is a demon lying!


You kid is dishonest!

When the Human-Faced Snow Spider tribe heard these words, there was a certain commotion.

But the commotion was quickly suppressed by other tribes on the side.

Yi Lin continued:

"My mother once asked me something. She asked me if I knew what was on the other side of the sea?"

"I don't know, to be honest, I really don't know."

"But today, I seem to know."

"I see the answer in your eyes."

"It's are all longing for freedom."

Some monsters cried so sadly.

Yi Lin ignored it and continued to speak passionately:

"But do you know how many people there are in the human race?"

"One hundred thousand? One million? Ten million?" Yi Lin sighed: "No, it may be more than you think, much more. That may be a huge number that none of you can imagine."

"The prosperity of the human race is inevitable, and their reproduction speed is getting faster and faster. On the contrary, because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is getting thinner and thinner, the number of people of the same race who can truly open up their spiritual wisdom in nature and then cultivate themselves into demons over time is becoming fewer and fewer. The less.”

"If we fight against the human race again, I think you all can imagine what the outcome will be. Oh, Grandpa Gluttony, please don't glare at me yet. Taiyi hasn't finished speaking yet." Yi Lin calmed down the murderous Grandpa Gluttony with one word. , continued: "Is our wish really to kill all humans?"

"Assuming that we are all killed, our demon tribe will be severely damaged in the end, and only a few of our kind will survive. Is this the ending you want to see?"

"Of course, I don't know now how the demon clan can find a path to freedom that truly belongs to us. The reason why I say these words is not to tell the brothers what we should do and whether we should kill them. Taiyi thinks , this is not something that can be decided casually. Time will tell us the answer."


Yi Lin's voice changed: "No matter what the human race's attitude towards our demon clan will be in the future, our demon clan currently has an enemy that is obvious to all! That is...the Monster Hunting Division! The Monster Hunting Division is in the vast outside world, hunting my people crazily. It made me angry, really angry."

Taiyi raised his head, with crystal clear tears falling from his eyes:

"Why do I always have tears in my eyes?"

"Because I love this land deeply."

When Taiyi said these words, some demons cried louder, and they all praised Taiyi of the Han tribe.

Well said!

It goes straight to the heart!

"So, after talking so much, I should also express Taiyi's thoughts in front of the elders." Yi Lin wiped a few tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes and smiled slightly: "The human race has existed for five thousand years, and the number is endless. , we can’t kill them all in a short time. We might as well send our elites to sneak into the human race, first uproot the damn organization of the Demon Hunting Department, and then discuss whether to peacefully coexist with the human race, or fight to the death with the human race. "

The words of Taiyi from the Han tribe were first sensational and then reasonable, directly bringing thousands of monsters into his rhythm.

Even Gluttony and Guzhu, the two uncles were thinking about the rationality of these words.

Even if he is gluttony, he doesn’t really want to fight with the human race.

Many years ago, it had been severely beaten by the ancestors of the Tianjian Sect, otherwise it would not have stayed in Beiju Luzhou and not dared to enter the world.

Taiyi gave a compromise idea.

The entire human race is too huge. I, the demon, should not regard the human race as an imaginary enemy for now, and we will discuss it another day.

But the Monster Hunting Department was obviously bullied to the point of being bullied. Whether it was for survival or for face, we sent people to kill him back. It was very fair and reasonable.

The monsters each whispered to each other.

Taiyi stood there, with his head raised and his chest raised, and he looked so majestic and upright, which made people look at him with admiration.

"But it's not easy to sneak into the human race...many of my race are not good at hiding their auras."

"And the Monster Hunting Department, it is said that monks are involved, and there are many weird 'magic weapons'. It may not be that easy to uproot the Monster Hunting Department."

"Who should be sent..."

Swish, swish, swish.

The monsters write about it, and when they have a headache,

Someone inadvertently cast their eyes on Taiyi,


More and more demons set their sights on Taiyi.

I just feel that the Prince of the Han Tribe becomes more and more awesome and handsome the more I look at him.

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