Infinity Throne

Chapter 975 Hometown

The ship sailed on the established route for a day and a night.

The shipping industry has developed for a hundred years, and the human race has long found a relatively safe route.

This tourist flight sailed from Xiniu Hezhou to Dongsheng Shenzhou and arrived at the port safely.

Yi Lin and the other two got off the boat as if nothing happened.

Before disembarking,

Yi Lin slapped her forehead and let out an ouch.

I almost forgot about that brother.

Yi Lin clapped her hands in front of her body. On the deck, a container opened strangely, causing a commotion among the staff on the deck.

"Hey, why did you open this broken box?"

"Oh, the Bodhisattva seller, there's a brother in there!"

"He's starving to death!"

"Still alive! Still alive!"

"Thanks to Bodhisattva Buddha, he is still alive!"

"What a tragedy! What a crime! Who did it..."

"Quick! Get the ship's doctor!"

"Ah...wait a minute, this guy is the ship's doctor!"

A group of three people attracted the attention of many people when they walked out of the port.

If we say they are weird, if you look at them separately, they are not weird at all. At least they all look like human beings.

But when the three "people" are paired together, it seems very inconsistent.

The young man at the head was wearing a crisp suit, which is a popular dress from Hezhou, Xiniu. He was wearing a brand-new high-top hat, and his hands were wearing white gentleman gloves. The young man was holding an aristocratic cane in his left hand, and held a He held a black cat in his arms and slowly walked out of the port.

Behind him were two strong men who looked like they were not easy to mess with at first glance. One of them was wearing a black vest, and his dark muscles reflected a scary light in the sun. He looked a bit like a veteran.

The other one was barefoot and wearing a sailor suit that obviously didn't fit. It should have been trousers worn by normal people, but he wore them like cropped trousers, making him look like a butcher in the market. Even on the butcher's ass, a few tight threads were broken, making people worried about when the tight crotch would explode.

The three of them walked out of the port quickly.

"I said, you guys are too conspicuous."

Yi Lin lowered the brim of his hat and after walking out of the crowd, he quietly returned to his original appearance.

"Have it?"

Lao Niu was so stretched that he felt uncomfortable all over. He wished he could burst his clothes and liberate himself completely. He lowered his head and looked left and right, feeling that his transformation was perfect, but nothing was conspicuous.

But Brother Gou crossed his arms and said nothing, still looking cool.

"Young Master, where shall we go next?"

Miaomiao knew that the young master was hanging among the young women and got a lot of information.

These aristocratic young women from Xiniu Hezhou all took this tourist flight for the purpose of traveling. Yi Lin used the excuse that she didn't make a "travel guide" in advance and asked a lot about the customs, customs, and tourist attractions of Qian Country.

"There is a train station not far from here. We will take train H688 and go directly to Qingdu, the capital of Qian Kingdom."

When Yi Lin said the word "Qingdu", deep in his eyes, a hint of sadness appeared involuntarily.

After hundreds of years of vicissitudes, things and people have changed, and I don’t know what the ancient capital in my memory has become now.

"Little brother, what are your plans?"

Lao Niu scratched his head and asked.

On Upside Down Mountain, he was convinced by Yi Rin's punch. He asked this question at this moment, not because he had any objection, but because he really didn't understand the meaning of Taiyi's trip.

If you don’t understand, just ask.

Xuanci glanced at the butter. He had been silent for a long time. He finally couldn't help but speak. He snorted coldly and said, "Because there are many people in Qingdu."

"Brother Gou is awesome!" Yi Lin smiled and gave Xuanci a thumbs up: "That's right. We went to Qingdu precisely because there are so many people in Qingdu."

"Ju'er understands!"

The string of chrysanthemum bracelets on Yi Lin's wrist made a crisp laugh, and Ju'er suddenly realized: "Because there are many people in Qingdu, there may be more monsters hiding in Qingdu. If there are too many monsters, monster hunters will naturally be Attract them to Qingdu."

The country of Qian is vast, and it is not easy to find the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Department in the vast sea of ​​people.

So, needless to say, going straight to the city with the most people, whether it’s asking for directions by throwing stones or luring a snake out of its hole, going to Qingdu should be the best choice.

The three of them boarded the H688 train.

Whoring for nothing.

Because of Yi Lin's restraint, nothing special happened along the way.

This train lasted three days.

Three days later.

The three finally arrived at the legendary century-old capital - Qingdu.

Today's Qingdu has a completely different look from the Qingdu in Yilin's memory.

What was once a small bungalow has turned into a row of square buildings.

What was once a bluestone avenue has been paved into a straight road.

The street vendors are shouting,

"Ancient" Beetle cars are racing on the road.

A group of rickshaw pullers solicit customers on the street.

Seven-color neon lights flash with unique light and shadow high on the building.

The city in front of her has transformed into what Yi Lin remembers, which is roughly equivalent to the urban landscape of the mid-20th century in reality.

Yi Lin was like a gentleman from afar, with his head lowered, walking in the busy traffic with two reckless men accompanying him.

He smiled and declined the invitations from street girls, flower girls, and hotel agents, and came to the gathering place of rickshaw pullers.

A group of sturdy, plainly dressed coachmen squatted on the street. They wore thick cloth shoes on their feet and put a towel full of sweat smell on their shoulders. The calluses on their hands, the deep wrinkles on their faces, and the unkempt beard showed that they were at the bottom of society.

Yi Lin took out several Qiantong National Bank banknotes, stamped with the official seal of "Qiantong National Bank".

"I want to rent three cars and go to Heian Temple."

Yi Lin's voice sounded above the heads of the rickshaw drivers who were squatting on the ground. When the rickshaw drivers raised their heads, they saw that the young man in front of them was okay. When they saw the tall shadow behind the young man, their hearts suddenly thumped, secretly thinking that this job is not easy to do. ah.

But when they took a closer look at the amount of money in the young man's hand, more than a dozen rickshaw drivers stepped forward to grab it.

No reason, too much given.

Yi Lin randomly selected three rickshaw drivers who looked relatively strong and got on the rickshaw.

Da da da.

The rollers grinding the fine gravel on the road, making a soft sound.

Amid the bumps, Yi Lin remained silent. The scenery in front of her in her mind gradually overlapped with the old scenery in her memory.

"Wait, stop for a moment."

After walking a few hundred meters and passing by a square filled with white doves, Yi Lin suddenly sat upright in the carriage and stared intently at the bronze sculpture in the center of the square.

The body of the bronze sculpture is a majestic woman wearing a gorgeous robe and a crown.

"Hey, is this man from outside here for sightseeing? Then you have come to the right place. This is the 'Statue of Empress Zhenhei'. It is said that it was built to commemorate the first female emperor in history. At that time, Qianguo was still In the era of true peace, it is said that this legendary empress quelled the civil strife in the country and single-handedly created a peaceful and prosperous era, laying a solid foundation for the Qian Kingdom's current prosperity. I remember that that period of history was called ' A truly peaceful and prosperous age is coming."

The driver seemed to be a veteran. It seemed that the aristocratic young man in the car was not a local. When the young man said he wanted to stop the car, he began to introduce this famous scenic spot to tourists.

He had said the above words countless times and knew them by heart.

In the square, there are many tourists from all over the country, setting up "ancient" bulky cameras to take pictures from various angles.

"Okay, let's go."

Yi Lin leaned back into the car again and closed her eyes.

The three drivers continued on their way.

The driver pulling Yi Lin felt a little puzzled.

He noticed that the man in the car seemed to be in a good mood after passing by the "Statue of Empress Shinpei".

Because, he was humming with his eyes closed.

About half an hour later.

The three coachmen finally pulled the three men to their destination, huffing and sweating profusely.

Especially the coachman who was pulling the old cow. As soon as he unloaded the old cow, he lay on the ground regardless of his appearance, his face turned red and purple, and he almost called an ambulance.

In front of Ping'an Temple, the gates and courtyards are bustling.

Many tourists lined up to buy tickets.

Near the entrance of the temple, there are many shops selling charms and jade articles "consecrated by the master to ensure peace".

Before buying the ticket, Yi Lin specially walked to the "Guide Board", which recorded the history of Heian Temple and every master who remains in Heian Temple today.

Yi Lin's eyes quickly glanced over the guide.

When he raised his head and saw the name written in the "Abbot" column, he couldn't help but be startled.

"Master Chunhan?"

Who is this guy?

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