Infinity Throne

Chapter 981 Caught alive

When the dangerous building collapsed, a lot of smoke was thrown up.

The smoke and dust submerged the figures of Brother Gou and Niu Tou.

Miyazu Hoshi was vigilant. The death of his assistant did not bring any psychological fluctuations to him. After the demon-hunting arrow was shot, he immediately opened the box without any extra action and took out a shotgun from the box.

After taking out the long-barreled shotgun, Miyajin Xingmo performed his exercises and stuffed the "consecrated" demon-hunting bullet into the chamber. He leaned against the ruins behind his back and carefully observed the fluctuations in the smoke.


At this moment, the bat demon in the air, preparing to escape, turned into a cube of flesh and blood and fell to the ground after a strange convulsion.

Such a strange scene made Miyajin Xing stunned, and he almost pulled the trigger out of excitement.

The square is like a brick, with no aura fluctuations.


Miyazu Hoshi stayed where he was.

Actually dead!

Was it the work of a high-level demon hunter?

Who could act so lightly?


This wave of losses is huge!

A few minutes later.

Smoke and dust fall,

In front of Miyajin Xing, there was no trace of the other two great demons.

Seems to be hiding.

In the distance, close to the street, the sound of several cars braking suddenly reached Miyazu Hoshi's ears.

Miyazu Hoshi breathed a sigh of relief.

Several tall men, also wearing sunglasses, tore open the barbed wire fence and walked into the unfinished building area.

"Where's the prey?"

Miyazu Hoshi glanced at the badge on the visitor's chest.

Four first-level demon hunters.

He immediately told the truth about what had just happened.

The four demon hunters who came suddenly frowned upon hearing this.

One of them stepped forward to check the "block" that the bat demon had turned into. The other three, carrying boxes, surrounded and blocked the area from three different directions.

A few more minutes passed.

"Damn it, the prey got away!"

"Who killed 'Bloodthirsty'?"

"This is not the way of a demon hunter!"

"Could it be that there are other higher-level monsters?"

"Is there a 'special grade'?"

"Report to headquarters, something doesn't seem right."

The four first-level demon hunters looked cool when they arrived, but when they searched the ruins and found no trace of Niu Tou and Dog Brother, their faces became a little ugly.

There were originally three prey, but now one is dead and two are gone.

They work for nothing.

As we all know, a dead demon has no value. It is worthless.

far away.

On a high building.

"Without the hanging ring, it is still a bit reluctant to open the wormhole. Even if I am now a 'Legendary'."

Among the Supreme Style spells, Yi Lin can master all other spells.

Only this "teleportation technique" requires the "Apprentice Suspended Ring" to stabilize the space channel.

This is not a question of ability, but that the hanging ring is like a "space coordinate". Without this "space coordinate" for positioning, the opened wormhole is not stable enough. Once the scale of the wormhole exceeds the upper limit, the channel It will collapse easily.

The so-called scale of the wormhole is, first, the distance of space folding, and second, the size of the wormhole.

I don’t know if Junior Sister Xiaoman took good care of his Najie when she collected his body.

From the wormhole, Yi Lin pulled out the confused Gou Ge and Niu Tou.

"It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's withdraw first and then explain!"

Yi Lin took Brother Gou and Niutou to evacuate the scene.

In front of Niutou and Brother Gou, Yi Lin used the trick of "transformation".

Naturally, he interpreted this ability as "blood magic".


The three of them were sitting in a private room of a hot pot restaurant, making hot pot.

On the table, there was a tall pile of pork slices, ribs, five free-range chickens, and various vegetables.

Originally, Yi Lin wanted to make beef hot pot.

But when he pointed to the "beef" on the menu and was about to order ten portions, Niu Zhu, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly turned red and his eyes were bloodshot.

So, Yi Lin regretfully gave up this tempting idea.

Pork and chicken also taste good.

After getting angry, Niuyou scratched his broken horn, thinking about the "transformation" of the Han clan prince.

While calling him awesome, he always felt that something was wrong.

But for a while, he couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.

Brother Gou coolly grabbed a chicken leg with his hands, dipped it in the sauce and ate it raw.

He is not in the habit of eating cooked food yet.

While tearing the chicken leg meat, Brother Gou opened his eyes and asked: "Taiyi, what is going on?"

"What you want to ask is, why are you being stopped from killing demon hunters?"

Yi Lin poured a spoonful of the cooked chicken pieces into Ju'er and Miaomiao's bowls, and taught them how to dip them in the sauce. Yi Lin smiled and said, "I don't think you noticed one thing." thing."

"Monster hunter, damn it. Hiccup~"

Brother Dog chewed up the bones and ate them clean, burped and said coldly.

Yi Lin saw Brother Dog eating reluctantly, so she couldn't help but kindly remind her: "Cook it?"

Brother Gou hesitated.

He picked up another piece of chicken wing and threw it into the pot.

"Yes, that's it, wait... don't worry, sixty seconds... OK, that's it now. Just dip it in some sauce, that's all!"

Brother Dog put the cooked chicken pieces dipped in sauce into his mouth.

The whole dog was stunned for a moment.

After being stunned, Brother Gou curled his lips and said, "Just average."

But soon, he stopped picking it up and filled it with a slotted spoon, bouncing it up and down in the hot pot while silently counting the numbers in his mouth - he seemed to have determined that sixty seconds of cooking was the most delicious time.

Do you usually eat that much?

Do you usually spoon that much?

The corner of Yi Lin's mouth twitched. It seemed that changing the eating habits of the entire demon clan was really a difficult task... ahem, it didn't seem that difficult.

Look at the broken-horned bull-head brother opposite, he has already begun to eat green vegetables.

The hotpot is in full swing.

Yi Lin had almost finished eating and began to explain her thoughts.

"You guys eat slowly, I'll talk about today's events first."

The four demons on the table took advantage of Yi Lin to start talking and ate faster.

Yi Lin had no choice but to continue:

"I wonder if you have noticed that the tools in their boxes seem to be for the purpose of 'capturing' demons alive."

"Caught alive?"

The bull's head looked confused and his mouth was full. He could only stretch out his broken horn to express his doubts.

"Yes, captured alive. Don't ask me how I can see it. As long as you use a little more care and pay more attention to details, you can see it."

"Then, here comes the question. The monster race and the human race are inseparable. If the purpose of the monster hunter is really to kill all the evil-doing monsters, then why can't they just kill them where they are instead of having to work hard to capture them alive? In my opinion, Come on, it’s much more difficult to catch a demon alive than to kill one.”

Brother Dog: "That makes sense."

Niutou: "It makes sense plus one."

Miaomiao: "Young Master is awesome!"

Ju'er: "Young master, bang bang!"

Yi Lin smiled and raised an index finger: "So, I have a relatively safe plan. Once this plan is successful, it will not only lead directly to the headquarters of the Monster Hunting Division, but it may also be able to wipe out this organization in one fell swoop."

No one spoke to me.

"Since you don't have any objections, the next action will be decided by me... I need a brother who is handsome, strong, has no regrets, and is willing to dedicate everything to the great cause of the demon clan. Please do me a favor."

Brother Gou suddenly became silent while eating. He chewed the food in his mouth and pushed the bowl away: "I'm full."

Miaomiao raised her hand: "Miaomiao is full too."

Ju'er hesitated, but stood up and walked to the corner: "Ju'er doesn't want to eat."

Yi Lin glanced around, and his eyes fell on the butter who was still immersed in eating. "Since Brother Niu Tou understands the righteousness so well, then this difficult task will be left to Brother Niu Tou!"

Niutou was stunned: "Moo?"

Yi Lin stood up: "Are you full?"

Niu Tou shook his head violently, trying to say that he was not full.

"It's almost time."

Yi Lin moved his joints. Not long after he finished saying this, the door of the box was kicked open.


Several round, black balls rolled in from the opened door.

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