Infinity Throne

Chapter 983 Logistics


South of the city.

The weather is cloudy with light rain.

"Today is a good time to make hot pot."

Miaomiao sighed.

Not only was she sighing, but she was also doing it.

Before the young master left, he left enough money.

At this moment, in an almost full hotpot restaurant in the south of the city, Xuanci, Miaomiao, and Juer were happily making hotpot.

This hot pot restaurant is called "Good Taste Hot Pot Restaurant" and it recently ranked second among Qingdu diners.

Now it's number one.

Because the previous "Good Taste Hotpot Restaurant" that once ranked number one was bombed into ruins and is currently closed for repairs.

She and Miaomiao even bought a lot of human clothes.

Of course, these clothes are not for wearing. They are kept in the hotel, matted on the floor, and used as a cat's nest.

"Huh? There's a situation!"

There is an extra bell on Miaomiao's neck.

She had a small yellow croaker in her mouth and was about to swallow it down with the bones and skin in one gulp when the bell around her neck moved.

After a moment, a sound that only she could hear came from the bell.

Xuanci pricked up his ears and kept mouthing.

Ju'er, who turned into a human form, stopped her chopsticks to show respect to her sisters.

"Young Master said that we will set off in three days to prepare for work. In addition..." Miaomiao pointed at Brother Dog who was eating loudly with his cat's paw: "Tonight, at the bridge in the north of the city, Brother Dog and Young Master will see you there."


For a moment, Xuanci couldn't help but recall the weak and helpless expression on the butter's face when it was dragged away, and shuddered subconsciously.

Things are not as complicated as Brother Gou thought.

As long as he is not locked in a cage for a month like a miserable cow, he can accept anything.

Even if you let him dress up as a woman.

What's so scary about women's clothing?

Not scary at all.

Brother Dog thought to himself.

Three days after the secret meeting at the bridgehead in the north of the city, Brother Gou openly became Miyazu Hoshi's trainee assistant.

He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and looking cool, he was lowering his head to arrange the cyan demon hunter badge on his chest.

The demon hunter badge has been moving ever since he put it on.

Move and hit, very rhythmic.

It is well known among monster hunters that if the badge moves, it means there is a monster nearby.

According to incomplete statistics, on the premise that the monster does not deliberately hide its evil spirit, the badge will vibrate slightly depending on the monster's level and gender.

Monsters and banshees with higher levels will tremble more violently.

The reason why the trainee demon hunter badge on Brother Gou's chest keeps shaking is because he is a demon himself.

Being in such close contact with the demon hunter's badge, it would be a good thing if his chest muscles didn't tremble.

At first, the vibration made Brother Dog very uncomfortable.

But shaking and shaking, I felt inexplicably happy.

He never imagined that one day, the great demon of the dog clan who had the bloodline of Fu Dou, would sneak into the ranks of the demon hunters, the sworn enemies of the demon clan.

"Why... why?"

Brother Gou asked this question with difficulty.

This is so awkward.

Rather than wearing the garb of a demon hunter, he would rather wear women's clothing.

This gave him the illusion of being a "temptress".

"You don't have to dress like this," Yi Lin nodded: "You can learn from Miaomiao and become an auspicious dog, or you can learn from Brother Niu and endure the humiliation and put yourself in a cage. Oh, by the way, you Do you know what it means to endure humiliation and bear the burden?”

"No...I'll wear it!" Brother Dog's tall body was half taller again, and he forced out a harsh word from his interlocking canine teeth.

Monk Jingkong issued an urgent mission.

This urgent task will be completed secretly by three first-level demon hunters in the branch.

That is, transporting the one hundred and sixty-five demons that were imprisoned in the basement of the Qingdu branch during this period to the designated location.

As for the location, Monk Jingkong didn't say anything, but just asked Yi Lin to accompany him.

Yi Lin knew that the opportunity she had been waiting for had finally come.

He had guessed this since he learned that demon hunters adopted a strategy of "capturing" rather than "hunting" to deal with demons.

Capture for what?

It's just because a living demon is more valuable than a dead demon.

As for where this value is reflected, Yi Lin doesn't know now, but he believes that he will know it soon as long as he reaches his destination.

Early in the morning.

Three large trucks stopped at the entrance of the Qingdu branch.

At this point, Yi Lin also witnessed the influence of the Monster Hunting Department with her own eyes.

The Monster Hunting Department actually used the power of the police department to blockade the surrounding streets to prevent idlers from entering.

Containers of varying sizes were transported from the branch and loaded onto three trucks.

Each container has a different color and is marked with a number in a hidden part.

Level one to level four.

This is the level assigned to monsters by the Monster Hunting Department based on "hunting difficulty."

The only "first-level" box among them is the largest.

It contains butter.

Because Butter is born with great strength, he has the highest level and is rated as Level 1.

This trip to escort the "cargo" was accompanied by two other first-level demon hunters.

These two demon hunters met in the branch when Yi Linxi was awarded the "First Class" honor.

One of them has scars on his face and his expression makes him look like he has a dead father who is suffering from deep hatred. He is about thirty years old and his name is "Zhong Luo". He is a senior demon hunter. The main purpose of this operation is to Zhong Luo is in charge.

The other one was a sixteen-year-old boy who was a talker. Yi Lin once sat face to face with him in the branch canteen, a restaurant dedicated to first-level demon hunters. He was so excited about their first meeting. Yi Lin, who was sitting there, could talk for half an hour at a stretch about how bad today's food was.

Yi Lin still remembers the scene where he introduced himself.

"Hello, Uncle Gong, are you the newly promoted first-level demon hunter? My name is Xia Tian, ​​Xia Xia's Xia, Xia Tian's Tian. Please give me your advice in the future!"

The young man's mouth was full of rice, and his smile was full of warm sunshine.

Xia Tian had no objection to Yi Rin bringing an "assistant". Zhong Luo just glanced at Yi Rin lazily and didn't say much.

Demon hunters of level two or above have the habit of bringing assistants with them when performing tasks.

"Assistant" has many different meanings in the profession of demon hunter.

For example... doing odd jobs;

Another example is cannon fodder;

Another example is bait.

Anyway, no harm done.

Under Yi Lin's reminder, Xuanci maintained his usual cool and cool style and did not arouse the suspicion of others.

As for the demonic aura on the body, not to mention, there were more than a hundred demons in the three trucks. Even if special spells were used on these containers to block the "evil", it would not be surprising if traces of it leaked out.

There is another person responsible for driving. The structure of the Monster Hunting Department is huge. In addition to the "Monster Hunters" who go out to hunt monsters, there are also "Shan" who are responsible for logistics, and "Yin" who are responsible for medical treatment. Many branches together form a huge The monster hunting department system.

Three first-level demon hunters, each responsible for transporting a truck.

The truck started roaring with the vibration of the engine, followed the road, left Qingdu, and headed south.


Yi Lin noticed the direction in which the truck was traveling and kept a cautious eye on it.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any copper coins with him. Authentic copper coins are now antiques, so it's hard to get them. Otherwise, before he sets off, he can also divine fortune and predict the future.

The trucks kept going all the way. After leaving Qingdu, the three trucks arrived at another city south of Qingdu.

In this city, there is a train station.

The Monster Hunting Department actually has a special freight train at this train station.

Get off the train, unload, and transfer to another train.

When changing trains, Yi Lin secretly let Miaomiao, who had hidden his whereabouts and followed the truck all the way, get on the train secretly.

Again, it's not a big deal that Miaomiao's evil spirit is hidden in a pile of "goods".

The train continues south.

At a certain station, someone connected, unloaded, loaded, and transferred trains.

Cross the river and transfer by boat.

After landing, we transferred to the truck again.

Such a tedious transfer, from all over the world, to the fixed delivery point, is handed over by dedicated personnel from the Monster Hunting Department. The whole process is so skillful that it is terrifying to think about it.

"Ah, isn't this the prototype of logistics..."

You are so skilled, why are you in the Monster Hunting Department?

Go open a logistics company!

Guaranteed to be much richer than running a monster hunting company!

Yi Lin felt that this was a path that the directors of the Monster Hunting Department had never imagined.

The layout is too small!

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