Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Seventy-six day big surprise

Xiao Yao's eyes swept over the faces of Ding Songqing, Fan Jingyu and others. These people are all old friends of Ding Songqing, and they all know clearly about his greatest wish in life, and now they all show great concern. look.

"President Ding is destined to have a son and a daughter, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about no one inheriting the family business." Xiao Yao didn't hold back, and directly stated the result.

"Really? Then when will I have a son?" Ding Songqing's age is over 60, and he has begun to accept his fate in the past two years. He didn't expect Xiao Yao to give him such a big surprise.

Both Qin Huali and the Tang family admired Xiao Yao so much, and Xiao Yao himself was a rich man richer than him. Presumably this young man would not lie to him with lies.

This result really surprised him!

"It's just to look at the fate of children. It's a very simple thing in physiognomy. It's definitely not wrong. Don't worry." Xiao Yao looked Ding Songqing up and down, "I didn't see it, it turns out that Ding Songqing The president is still a merciful person. This is really intentional about arranging flowers and flowers, but unintentionally planting willows and willows for shade. President Ding actually has a son. Your son was born on June 7, 2008, and he is already 7 years old this year. gone."

The result Xiao Yao gave was really surprising, and everyone present looked like Ding Songqing with strange eyes.

Ding Songqing's old face froze slightly, but this embarrassment was quickly overshadowed by the surprise in his heart.

He stood up suddenly, took Xiao Yao's hand, and asked excitedly: "Is this true? Is my son okay? Where is he now?"

Xiao Yao withdrew his hand from Ding Songqing's tight grip, "I dare not joke with Chairman Ding about such a big matter, it is naturally true. Your son should be fine, at least healthy. As for where he is now , I can only tell you that although he is not in the city, he is in the province. I have already told you the date of birth of your son, so it should not be difficult for you to find him. "

Although Xiao Yao still has more detailed information about Ding Songqing's son, he doesn't intend to tell them all. There is no need for that at all. It is enough to tell Ding Songqing about it.

"Thank you Mr. Xiao, thank you so much! With this information, I will definitely be able to find my son. After I find him, I must hold a grand banquet and thank Mr. Xiao very much." Ding Songqing has been looking forward to it all his life. The excitement in my heart is simply indescribable.

"After you and your son are reunited, we will wait to drink your wedding wine."

Xiao Yao didn't say much. The favor he helped was actually not that great. Even if he hadn't revealed the news today, Ding Songqing would still be reunited with his son two years later. The effect he played was only to advance the time when Ding Songqing and his son met by two years.

Today, just getting to know Xiao Yao, Ding Songqing actually got a huge benefit. For Ding Songqing himself, this matter is more important than his extra 18 billion. Ding Songqing benefited, and everyone present couldn't sit still. They all had the same thought in their hearts, but it was hard to say it out.

After all, Qin Huali knew Xiao Yao earlier than everyone else, so it's okay to say something as an intermediary, "Mr. Xiao, you see everyone is scratching their heads, and after drinking a few glasses of wine, they all become monkey grandsons. Do you have anything to disclose?" The news is good to make everyone happy again. If Mr. Ding is the only one who gets the benefits, the big guy will definitely be envious and jealous, and he will be very unconvinced."

"Everyone here is full of nobility and wealth. There are really not many things that can make you happy."

Xiao Yao pondered for a moment, and said: "Everyone has been safe and sound for the past two years, there has been no disaster, and business has been going smoothly, so I can only report to everyone in advance.

On the other hand, Fan Shichang, who has been a star recently, has the opportunity to go further, but the difficulty is relatively high. If he prepares early, he can increase his chances of getting what he wants by two more. "

The news was so sudden that Fan Shichang was really not prepared for it.

His brain turned quickly, and he began to recall various recent news. In the end, he sifts out only one useful piece of information.

In the routine physical examination two days ago, a tumor was detected in Mayor Wang's lung, but the preliminary judgment was benign, and he planned to go to Xiehe for a reexamination in two days. Because the needle biopsy has not been done yet, the results are not very certain. Could it be that Mayor Wang's tumor is malignant?

If this is the case, if he can operate one step ahead of time, it is really possible to go further!

"Thank you Mr. Xiao for your auspicious words. If it is true as Mr. Xiao said, I will definitely treat Mr. Xiao to a drink some other day." Fan Jingyu's tone was very sincere, "Unfortunately, I am just a civil servant. This is the only way to say thank you.”

"If Fan Shichang can really go a step further and do more practical things in the future, that would be a thank you to me."

Judging from Fan Jingyu's appearance, this is a very ambitious and capable person. What's rare is that this person still has a public heart, as long as he can always maintain this original heart, that's enough, Xiao Yao doesn't plan to get any reward from him.

Everyone present was equally happy for Fan Jingyu.

Although Ding Songqing and others have their own connections in the government departments, Fan Jingyu has a good relationship with everyone. If he can go further, although it is impossible for them to have any substantial help in their respective careers, at least one more Allies are definitely beneficial and harmless things.

Regardless of whether Fan Jingyu can go further in the end, since Xiao Yao said so, of course everyone should congratulate him.

Although because of the relationship between Qin Huali and the Tang family, everyone believed in Xiao Yao's ability, but after all, hearing is not as good as seeing, and this kind of trust has not yet reached 100%.

After the banquet at noon, everyone began to wait for the news of Ding Songqing and Fan Jingyu.

If Ding Songqing can really find his son, or Fan Jingyu can go one step further, and everyone trusts Xiao Yao's magical ability, then there is really no doubt anymore.

Fan Jingyu's affairs are not so fast, everyone including himself can only wait patiently. Dan Ding Songqing's efficiency was very high. Only three days later, Ding Songqing found his son in a small town and got the paternity test report.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed. The conclusion on the appraisal report proved that he did have a 7-year-old son.

PS: Thank you Mo Kanyan and Tianyuanyi shepherd boy for their rewards!

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