Looking at the unfamiliar key in Isis’s hand, Fei Electric or the person subconsciously asked:

“Is this what you hijacked my company and forced me to cooperate? What exactly is this key? ”

Intuition told him that the key that Isis had worked hard to create using Zeya’s satellite was definitely not simple!

Isis withdrew the thumb drive, snorted, and said:

“This key combines the power of Yak and Zeya to not only make me stronger, but also to control the switch of the nanomachine simulator.”

The key that combines the power of the two satellites Zeya and Yak?!

When Fei Electric or people heard this description, they were stunned on the spot!

“What does the switch mean? Do you want to control people who reorganize their bodies with nanobots? ”

Isis put away the key, looked at the flying electric or the person, and explained lightly:

“Once the powerful force is overflowing, it will inevitably bring chaos and struggle, so I need to provide insurance for the future army of nanorobots,” he said

“This key can control the body composed of nanorobots at any time, if someone dares to disobey my orders and make small movements behind my back, I can make those nanorobots stop at any time,”

“While giving strength to your subordinates, you must master the means to check and balance your subordinates, which is the art of emperors since ancient times, and it is also the most clever way of management.”

“As the president of your boss’s company, you don’t even understand this, do you?”

Isis asked rhetorically in a mocking tone.

When Fei Electric or someone listened, his face suddenly turned blue and red.

Although he is the president of Feidian, his management ability is actually very average

The operation of the company and the development of the business are all handed over to the senior management of other companies to handle

Speaking of the president, the function of Feiden or people is more like the spokesperson of the company.

Therefore, he really did not understand the checks and balances that Isis said.

Seeing that there was no way to persuade Isis with the previous set of words, Fei Electric or the person gritted his teeth and decided to change the angle and continue to persuade:

“Is, Yak feeds on human malice, it is the embodiment of malice, collective, you can’t believe Yak and Az, they are just using you!”

“Now you can go back, now you still have a choice,” he said

“Is, don’t be impulsive, you can’t succeed, even if you gain stronger power, even if you kill me now, there are still AIMS outside, and the Destruction Thunder Station, there is Lin Mo, and the 02 drive will be inherited by others,”

“No matter how strong your personal strength is, it is impossible to be an enemy of the entire world and all Kamen Riders!”

Isis listened and sighed softly:

“Fei Dian or people, you still don’t understand, don’t understand why I did this, why I wanted to cooperate with Yak,”

“Do you think I fully believe in Yak and Az?”

“Do you think I haven’t thought about what you said?”

“Ever since I decided to start the True Holy Church, I have not thought about the future or the outcome,” I had

“Whether it is success or failure, I will not regret it.”

He said as he walked towards the flying electric or person.

Looking at Isna’s cold eyes, flying electricity or people’s hearts trembled.

From those eyes, he saw a coldness like ice!

If there is no killing intent, it seems to be pervasive!

Seemingly sensing the thoughts of flying electricity or people, Isis sneered:

“Don’t worry, Feiden or people, I won’t kill you,”

“Killing you will do me no good, the Eden Project,”

he said

“However, I will break the nerves of your limbs, break your hands and feet, and break your spine, so that you will become like me back then, a waste person who cannot move and can only lie on the bed.”

Hearing this, infinite panic rose in the hearts of people with flying electricity!

Such a life is better than dying!

“I like your current expression, flying electricity or people, but I look forward to you trying various methods, and after you can’t recover your body, you have to beg me to help you build a nano simulation body and join my camp.”

Istu is poor and dagger, he wants to make Feiden or people feel his pain, and then pull him and Feiden intelligence into his camp, and turn the enemy into his own subordinates!

A burst of red mist emerged, condensing into the briefcase king sword!

The flying electric or man was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and in the face of the approaching Is, he could only retreat, again and again, until…


His back is against the wall, and there is no way to retreat!

Fei Electric or Man clenched his teeth, although he was afraid, although he was terrified, he did not want to beg for mercy from Isis.

Begging for mercy means throwing in the towel.

Fei Electric or people are willing to submit, willing to bow to the demon in front of him in order to save Izzy, Blade Weia, Unbroken and others, but he doesn’t want to admit defeat!

No matter whether Feiden or people beg for mercy or not, no matter how Feiden or people react, Isis will not let him go, because this is an important part of the Eden Plan, a link he has set up long ago.

Just as Isis raised the king sword in his hand and was about to start, an explosion suddenly sounded outside!


A big hole appeared in the heavy wall, and Ark-One, dressed in black and white armor, smashed into the wall, smashed heavily on the ground, fell apart in place, and leaked a large red mist!

Iss and Feiden or people were stunned when they saw this

What happened?!

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