Inheritance Of Garp, Sarutobi Hiruzen Begging Me To Come Out at the Start

Chapter 92 During The Hero's Lifetime, Mist Shinobi...Closed The Village (4Th Update Please Sub

"What kind of world is the ninja world in the Sengoku era?"

"What did Third Mizukage see? What did he experience?"

"Why were the witnesses of that era, whether it was Third Tsuchikage or Third Generation, so humble when they faced His Excellency Carl?"

Under the eyes of everyone, Third Mizukage was holding the blood book of surrender in his hand. Orochimaru, Tsunade, Might Dai, Uchiha Fugaku and others who were witnesses were stunned and terrified at the same time.

They couldn't imagine what this indomitable Third Mizukage, who did not hesitate to turn Kirigakure into a village of blood mist, was burdened with countless infamy, and protected Kirigakure in his own way, had gone through so that he could survive such things as blood books and surrender. Still a face of calm, indifferent.

Especially the four of Tsunade, Nara, Yamanaka, and Akamichi, who have all seen Third Raikage, Chiyo, Ebizō and others surrender to Carl.

However, the performance of these people is either gnashing their teeth, daring to be angry but not speaking, or appearing to be more sad than heartbroken.

It is completely different from Third Mizukage who wrote the blood letter of surrender with a blank face, and then knelt down calmly in front of the ninjas of the two villages.

At this time, Third Mizukage's eyes, expression, and tone are as dead and calm as the cold pool of Gujing. Everything he does seems to be not kneeling or surrendering, but doing a rare and ordinary thing.

It's like kicking a small stone away at will!

"Let's go!"

Carl glanced at the Third Mizukage who was kneeling at his feet, reached out and took the undried Mizukage letter of surrender from Bloodline, and said indifferently.

He vaguely remembered that he was also in this place back then, and under the witness of the Senju clan, Uchiha clan, Minazuki clan, and Teru Yoruichi clan (bfae), he accepted Shiroren's surrender letter.

It’s just that Hakuren didn’t establish Kirigakure back then, it wasn’t Mizukage, it was just the leader of the Ninja Clan Alliance formed by Ninja Clans such as Minazuki, Kaguya, and Ghost Lamp.

"Thank you!"

Third Mizukage got up slowly, his face was still calm, without showing any emotional fluctuations.

"Yagura, take all the Mist Ninja and return to the village."

He turned around and said to Yagura.

"Mizukage-sama, what about you?"

Goju Yagura looked at Third Mizukage who was standing still, motionless, feeling more and more uneasy in his heart.

"Of course I walked the last stretch as Third Mizukage!"

As soon as Third Mizukage said this, Yagura, Terumi Mei and others were hit hard.

Even though they had already speculated and even made psychological preparations just now, when they heard Third Mizukage calmly and calmly say the words of death, they still felt like a knife pierced their hearts.

In the past, they had more or less resentment towards the man in front of them who pushed the blood mist village to the ultimate.

However, Third Mizukage is not only powerful, but also has high prestige, and his identity is quite similar to Sarutobi Hiruzen. They are both Mizukage who were carefully cared for and raised under the guidance of First Mizukage and Second Mizukage.

No matter how dissatisfied Yagura, Terumi Mei, Qing, and even the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who died in the hands of Carl not long ago felt, they still couldn't shake these Mizukages in the lifetime of Third Mizukage. kind of luxury.

But now, seeing this man carry everything, bear everything, and even walk the last part of the road under the name of Mizukage Kirigakure, the resentment, dissatisfaction, and gaps they had accumulated in their hearts disappeared at this moment.

"Don't be naive, Yagura.

You didn't know about it, you didn't take part in it, and you didn't fight His Excellency Carl, so he won't care about you. After all, in his eyes, you are just a bunch of little kids who are being fooled by Lord Bailian and me.

But I am different from you, I am an insider, a participant, and even a planner.

Even in the eyes of Your Excellency Carl, I am just a half-grown kid, but this kind of thing has been done once with Shodai and Nidaime, and I will not have a second chance to live!"

Third Mizukage saw Yagura's mouth move, and before the former Mizukage guard opened his mouth to beg Carl, he spoke first.


Yagura opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he turned into an extremely complicated voice, Mizukage-sama!

"You are now Kirigakure's Fourth Generation, I shouldn't have said more.

But since you still call me "Master Mizukage" and you still recognize me as the Third Generation, then I will give you one last piece of advice.

Third Mizukage saw that Yagura still called himself Master Mizukage, hesitated a little, and decided to give him a reminder.

In his opinion, Yagura is indeed a rare talent in the Ninja Village era. In the new generation of Kirigakure, the only one who has the opportunity to surpass him is Terumi, who has shown the talent of double-blood inheritance at a young age. Mei.

This is also the reason why he put Terumi Mei on the battlefield, everything is for his favorite Fifth Mizukage to see how magnificent the ninja world is, to see the era of Ninja Village, to see the Five Great Nations and the Five Great Ninja Villages How insignificant it is.

"You say!"

Citrus Yagura took a deep breath to suppress the pain in his heart.

"During the lifetime of a Ninja Hero, Mist Shinobi...seals the village!"

Third Mizukage stared at Yagura deeply, and then said every word.


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