"Audience friends in front of the TV and before the live webcast, good evening, this is "Celebrity Dialogue", today is the first time that the program team has filmed outside of Yanjing, I am Bai Yanqing!".

"Today, our guest can be said to be a legend! Yes, I use the word legend to describe him!".

"He is the youngest billionaire in the country!".

"He's only 22 years old!".

"A few months ago, he was just an ordinary young man!".

"And now, he is the chairman and largest shareholder of Yip Group, one of the largest real estate groups in the country!"

"This experience, is it legendary?!".

"Please add ice today-Ye Xuan!!".

Bai Yanqing, a well-known host in China, is emotional, and his voice is subdued and frustrated, which is very infectious.

Ye Xuan waved to the camera: "Hello everyone, I'm Ye Xuan." "

It's cool and cool, it's hard to beat!

At this moment, the jaws of the viewers who sat in front of the TV to watch "Celebrity Dialogue" fell to the ground.


"it, it, I'll rub it!!".

22 years old?!


There are so many shocks that they can only turn into a sentence in a thousand words: fuck me!!

At this moment, the whole country was shocked and boiling.


"Mr. Ye, I've heard about you for a long time, thank you for accepting the interview of our column in your busy time, let's sit down and talk ......."

Bai Yanqing made a gesture of please, and let Ye Xuan and Ning Nanshi on the sofa behind.

After everyone sat down, Bai Yanqing first exchanged a few words with Ye Xuan.

"Mr. Ye Xuan, can you tell us more about your inheritance of the Ye Group? Please try to be as detailed as possible, presumably the audience across the country is quite curious. "

"Actually, I was also very confused at the time, I was on a blind date that day, just after the blind date, Grandpa Ye's secretary and testamentary lawyer came to me and invited me to Grandpa Ye, and then I knew that Grandpa Ye felt that his life was approaching, and he chose me as his heir among all living beings...... Ye Xuan didn't hide anything, except for helping the old man cross the road, everything else basically said.

Once again, the audience was stunned.

On the Internet, there is a "slot~~~~" non-stop.

A bunch of envy, jealousy, hatred.

Although Bai Yanqing had investigated, he still felt shocked when he heard the person concerned, Ye Xuan, say it himself.

He quickly sorted out his emotions: "Mr. Ye, you were just an ordinary person before, why did Old Man Ye Xiaorong push you to the position of heir against public opinion?"

"I've always felt that I'm a very lucky person in this matter!" Ye Xuan said with a smile.


It's naïve.

I'm actually hanging!!

"Then after you become the chairman of the Ye Group, or should I ask...... What changes did your life take when you suddenly had money?"

Ning Nanshi, who was sitting on the sofa next to her, couldn't help frowning when she saw that Bai Yanqing didn't come according to the previous plan at all, and suddenly asked such a tricky question in front of so many people.

This may seem like a simple question, but it's actually hard to answer.

If Ye Xuan's answer does not change much, it will inevitably cause jealousy and dissatisfaction among many people, and some people will think that he has gone shit and luck.

But if Ye Xuan said that there was a big change, he would be treated like a dirt bag, and Bai Yanqing could also continue to ask questions below.

"The change is still very big, and I'm busier than before!" Ye Xuan skillfully avoided the "trap" set by Bai Yanqing.

"Busy, look at Mr. Ye's twenties, right? After taking over such a large group, do you need to do everything yourself? I heard some news before, saying that after Mr. Ye inherited the company, two shareholders of the Ye Group transferred all the shares in their hands to you, is there such a thing?"

Before deciding to interview Ye Xuan, Bai Yanqing investigated him, and he also had some understanding of the situation within the Ye Group.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, nodded and said: "That's right, thanks to Ye Lao's love, I sat in the position of heir, and the shareholders in the company may be worried that I am too young and don't believe in my ability, and they think that the future of the Ye family will definitely not have any future, so they transferred the equity to me at a low price!"

Bai Yanqing saw that Ye Xuan's answer was methodical, and put away the contempt in his heart.

"Mr. Ye, inheriting so much inheritance, busy with this and that every day, do you feel that you have lost your freedom?" Bai Yanqing said.

Ye Xuan: "Lost my freedom? I can't say it, but after inheriting the Ye family, I did lose a lot of things." "

Bai Yansong: "For example?".

Ye Xuan: "Probably, I lost a lot of troubles!".

Lost your worries?

I...... ¥%¥#@

Bai Yansong did not give up: "In addition to losing his troubles?".

Ye Xuan thought about it bitterly: "I have become rich and can't enjoy the happiness of poverty, it's really a pity." "

Bai Yansong: "......


Suddenly I don't want to talk anymore.

However, as a professional host, you have to hold back to talk about the dead day.

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you recently established YY Entertainment Group and acquired more than half of the music and film and television rights in the market, what are your next goals?"

Bai Yanqing changed the topic and began to inquire about Ye Xuan's next business plan.

This is also the real purpose of the "Dialogue" column team to interview Ye Xuan in Jiangdu.

Ye's Group started with the real estate industry, and now Ye Xuan suddenly established an entertainment company, and everyone is speculating whether Ye's Group has begun to transform.

Finally got to the point!

Ye Xuan's face was calm, and he replied with a clear eye: "My goal is very simple, to protect the interests of the original creator! The establishment of YY Entertainment Company does have the intention of entering other industries!"

"Of course, I also have a personal purpose!".

Ye Xuan smiled slightly, and said without modesty: "I have set a small goal to earn one billion first." "

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