Superintendent of Jiangdu.

"What? Mr. Ye's secretary came over and provided clues to prove that the international killer Michael was hired by Xiao Yat-tian?"

A piece of news came from the mouth of the superintendent to the officers below, and the entire superintendent was boiling.

The international killer was arrested, and Superintendent Jiangdu can be said to have greatly shown his face and won honor in the country and even in the world, after all, this international killer Michael has stabbed ~ many international dignitaries.

However, under the orders of the superiors, the assassination of billionaires has too bad an impact, and it is necessary to strictly investigate who hired the killer. It's a pity that Superintendent Jiangdu has been investigating for half a month, but nothing has been found.

And now, here comes the proof!

Ye Xuan provided two pieces of evidence.

One transfer record, three telephone recordings, and five eavesdropping recordings.

Superintendent Jiangdu arranged for people to go to Qianqian's live broadcast to keep an eye on it to prevent Xiao Yat-tian from escaping, and on the other hand, he used his strength to check the transfer records, and it took an hour to confirm that the source of the bounty was transferred from Xiao Yat-tian's side, although after more than a dozen transfers, he finally found it by the vine, after all, it was a huge amount of more than 200 million yuan (30 million US dollars), which would always leave clues.

The telephone recordings and eavesdropping recordings were compared with Xiao Yitian's voice, and it was confirmed that it was Xiao Yitian himself, as well as his assistant Qin Li, and the content of the recordings was to talk about the killer and the assassination of Ye Xuan.


The evidence is ironclad!


Under the superintendent's order, the elite police poured into Qianqian's live broadcast and went straight to Xiao Yitian's location.

"Who called the police?!"

Xiao Yitian was angry in the technical security department at this time, scolding the network security officers with blood, obviously angry with the more than 500,000 yuan of the aircraft carrier reward.

As a result, he was scolding vigorously when he saw a group of policemen walk in.

Xiao Yitian's face was angry, and he thought that someone called the police to call him, but he didn't realize that he was here to arrest him.

"Comrade policeman, it's okay here, I guess someone called the police indiscriminately......"

The policeman at the head looked majestic: "Mr. Xiao, we didn't hear the police, but came to look for you." "

Xiao Yitian's face changed: "Looking for me?"

The policeman was solemn: "That's right, I'm looking for you, we already have evidence that you hired an international killer to assassinate Mr. Ye, please come with us." "

Xiao Yitian was horrified at this time, and said in a panic: "No, I didn't do it, don't wronged very good people indiscriminately!"

"We won't wronged a good person, this is an arrest warrant!" The policeman showed an arrest warrant with an expressionless face, and then the policeman behind him took out a handcuff and clicked~ It fell into Xiao Yat-tian's hand.

"No, you have wronged me, I have not!"

Xiao Yitian kept shouting, but it was useless.

This is something that the superiors urge to do, and the evidence is conclusive, how can you escape because you have been wronged? Even if you are worth billions, it is useless.

Soon Xiao Yitian was escorted into a police car and disappeared.

The entire Qianqian live broadcast headquarters, thousands of employees, at this time, have not yet come from the confusion.

"The boss was caught?"

"Hiring an international killer to assassinate Ye Shou is the boss?"

It's hard to digest for a while.

I'm in a mess.

The boss is gone, isn't the Qianqian live broadcast going to be finished?

For a while, thousands of live broadcasters were fluctuating and panicked, and many employees had already begun to consider retreating.

Some employees are more active, and since they feel that Qianqian's live broadcast is going to end, they simply sell the news to the media to make a lot of money.

It's not just one employee who thinks this way.

So, in less than an hour, many media outlets got the news.



Big news!

Hurry up and send the news!

"Shocked! The employer who hired the international killer mermaid is - billionaire Xiao Yat Tian!"

"The identity of billionaire Xiao Yat Tian is doxxed!"

"Tell the grievances and grievances of the thousands of systems and the YY system!"

"From the bankruptcy of thousands of music to the evil desire to kill Ye Xuan!"

"Rich Family Grievances: Xiao Yat Tian VS Ye Xuan!"

0······· Asking for flowers...

At this time, it was only 22 o'clock, which was the peak moment of the network, and this news was promoted by several media outlets, and it quickly spread throughout the network.

Nuclear bombs the same!

Blow the whole network upside down!

The major websites are going crazy, and it's being discussed everywhere. After all, the last assassination incident was too sensational, and now this follow-up is even more sensational, and it is naturally extremely popular on the Internet!

"My God, the murderer turned out to be the boss of Qianqian Live Broadcast!"

"I remember, thousands of Tingge stocks broke and delisted, and more than 0 billion assets fell to billions, it should be Xiao Yitian who hates Ye Xuan too much, so he wants to kill Ye Xuan to vent his hatred. "

........... 0

"Qianqian listens to the song, that is a piracy thief, a tumor, I support Ye Xuan's approach. "

"This guy not only found someone to assassinate Ye Xuan, but also shamelessly plagiarized YY Broadcast to set up a Qianqian live broadcast, and now it's okay, he was arrested directly. "

"Qianqian live broadcast has smashed more than a billion during this time, right? "

"Not only that, but in the past few days, I have also given a lot of advertising money to the TV station, which is said to be 4, which adds up to more than 2 billion. "

"For such a big matter, Xiao Yitian's assets must be frozen, and it will be investigated, Qianqian's live broadcast is going to be finished, and more than 2 billion will be smashed in vain!"

"I feel sorry for the five major investment banks, and it is said that they have raised 1.5 billion yuan for Qianqian Live Broadcast, and now it is all a disaster. "

"In less than a week, 1.5 billion financing was lost, which is probably the most failed investment in history. "

"Shame on the Big Five. "

"It's not early, it's not out at night, but it broke out at the peak of thousands of live broadcasts...... I don't know why, I feel that all this is a game planned by Ye Xuan's boss, waiting for Xiao Yitian to jump into the pit. "

"I feel the same way!"

"Sympathy +10086!"

"I always feel that Ye Xuan's boss is thoughtful and cunning......"

"Sympathy +10086!"

"Give your knees to Big Guy Ye Xuan!"


ps: This is the last shift, tired to the point of exploding.

Evening. _

Please see the ununderlined version of the novel

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