Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 112 This is Ragnarok


Before the person arrived on the battlefield, Hela had already yelled out the enemy's name.

At the same time, thousands of sharp, handleless long swords flew out of the sky in a blink of an eye, rushing all the way to the superstar full of watts.

"Fack Squid Hela, when did you Asgardians play the devil's tricks!!!"

The superstar cursed and jumped up quickly. Relying on her powerful spiritual power, she controlled herself to soar and avoid Hela's flying sword!

The death blade used by Hela has no fixed shape at all. Its characteristic is to rely on the power of death controlled by Hela to transform and differentiate into any shape Hela wants.

In the Thor III movie, this death blade is still a long thorn that killed 300,000 soldiers and horses in Asgard in the first second, and it can become a mace that smashed the treasure house of Asgard in the next second.

Goddess' weapon, it does whatever it wants!

As for the moment, facing the Chitauri who were as lush as grasslands, Hela immediately chose the mowing mode that was most suitable for the chaotic battlefield!

Instead of chasing the superstar to attack, she quickly landed around the Asgard flagship.

Next, the princess of the Asa Protoss really showed what is called infinite sword system!

Countless sharp blades continued to emerge from her side. In just a moment, the shocked Sigmund was able to count at least 20,000 bladeless long swords!

Quantity is only the beginning of this trick, and massacre is its real meaning.

Under Hela's control, those blades rushed towards the Chitauri like a river in a blink of an eye.

Countless Asgardian soldiers who were fighting the Chitauri were all surprised to find that they had no enemies!

More than 23,000 war blades cut through at least 300,000 Chitauri in less than 30 seconds!

This kind of feat made the legion commander and the berserkers lose the strength to speak on the spot!

And this kind of grass-like scene, accompanied by countless green plasma, like a sewer pipe bursting in Denver, directly caused more than 30% of the viewers on the earth to spit it out.

300,000 Chitauri were beheaded or pierced in the heart almost at the same time. The amount of bleeding was not something ordinary people could withstand!

Even Pepper, who watched everything through the armor of steel in the Heisenberg Theater in New York...

This poor woman vomited directly into the battle armor!

"Oh my God!!!

Darling, are you pregnant, our daughter is conceived? ! ! "

Tony laughed in shock, and at the same time took off his armor for his lover, and sorted out the vomit.

Pepper, who had no strength to vomit, could only weakly pinch the tender flesh on his face three times to express his dissatisfaction.

After cleaning up and watching Pepper walk into the bathroom, Tony sat back on the sofa and began to think about it.

What the hell is this horrible woman? It must be another god in Asgard, right?

Sif and others have all appeared on Earth, and Stark, who is familiar with these materials, of course knows that they are Asgardians.

But Stark really didn't expect that the strength of the Asgardians could be so strong!

Even if Sol gives the impression that he is stronger, more resistant to beatings, and has a stronger hammer.

But the woman in the dark green shirt in front of me...

Tony's sight involuntarily came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and he looked out the window at the courtyard surrounded by flowers, birds and trees.

Finally, his eyes stopped on the deck chair beside the artificial pond in the center of the courtyard.

Where did Heisenberg go?

Regarding the blue light emitted when Heisenberg left, Tony had already analyzed and compared it through video.

Therefore, Tony knows that it is the energy released by the Rubik's Cube, which is what the escaped Loki did to Heisenberg.

Can Heisenberg escape Loki's evil plan?

Even if he returns, will he be the opponent of that woman in Asgard?

Loki, Loki, what a bloody bastard you are!

No matter how much he cares about Pepper's safety, Tony at this moment can't wait to fly to an unknown place, and shoot two shoulder shots to Loki who has disappeared!

and many more…….

That is……! ! !

"Loki, he showed up, with Sol?!!"

Tony, who had been paying attention to the battlefield, glanced dully at the shoulder of his armor in a blink of an eye.

Do you really want to leave Pepper and go to war?

But in the next second, he remembered a more important question.

Loki who took Heisenberg is back, but what about Heisenberg?

Tony finally gritted his teeth.

The best result now is that Heisenberg was sent far away by Loki, and he couldn't get back for a while.

And the worst result, of course, is that Heisenberg has already...

I saw Tony sighed leisurely, and sadly put on his mask.

If Heisenberg still can't return later, then I'm afraid I will work with my lover to bring support to the earth within my ability!


Meanwhile, above the Denver skies.

Sol and Loki, who came in a hurry after Hela, happened to see the wonderful picture of Hela Wushuang mowing the grass.

For a short moment, Loki swallowed hard.

"This..., brother, are you sure she is your sister?"

"Fuck, he's the eldest sister of both of us!"

"You are dear, but there is too much difference between the two of you!"

The voice fell, Saul....


Sol shook his head in embarrassment and threw his annoying brother into the chitauri crowd, while Loki let out a series of screams in the air.

Boom! ! !

After the violent landing sound, black dark magic appeared in a blink of an eye. After Loki used magic to repel the Chitauri around him, he entered a professional fight in a blink of an eye.

As for Thor, he was never a person who was willing to wait. In the next second, he spun his heart-changing love hammer in the sky, summoning a bright thunderbolt to smash into the place where most Chitauri gathered.

The Chitauri Legion was directly ahead, looking at Sol in the sky, Hela shook her head disdainfully.

"I've never controlled a hammer in such a primitive way as this idiot, how on earth did Odin teach him?"

Speaking of this, Hela drew her sword and chopped down more than seventy Chitauri warriors.

At the same time, she was still muttering dissatisfiedly.

"It's really not as good as one generation!"

"Hey, respected strongman, I am Sif, the commander of the Asgard army, may I have the honor to know your name?"

On the side, Sif enthusiastically leaned towards Hela, looking up at the goddess in front of her with longing.

In Sif's eyes, this black-haired goddess was so powerful that she couldn't help but feel ashamed!

Looking at Sif in front of her, Hela pursed her lips and shook her head with a displeased face.

"I have only been imprisoned for more than 4,200 years, and there is no one who knows me in Asgard, little girl?"

Speaking of this, Hela's eyes turned to the distance. His idiot hammer brother was rushing towards the Chitauri commander superstar.

As for the superstar, her target is not Sol, but Loki who is constantly being besieged in the crowd!

"Ha ha……."

Of course Hela could see the hatred towards Loki in the superstar's eyes, which made her shake her head dissatisfied again.

"It seems that there are many stories behind this battle. I really don't know what kind of ghost Asgard has become now!"

After finishing speaking, Hela casually rubbed the hair of the little girl who yearned for her, and said to Sif at the same time.

"Remember my name, little girl, I am Hela, the new God King of the Asa Protoss!"

After speaking, Hela let go of her hand, and finally praised the sluggish Sif.

"Although you don't know me anymore, I like the way you look at me, your name is Sif, right, I remember!

Your blonde hair is gorgeous! "

After finishing speaking, Hela kicked her feet, and in a blink of an eye, she rose from the ground and flew straight towards the position of the superstar.

After she left, the dazed Sif hacked to death the Chitauri who approached her, and murmured to herself in bewilderment.

"Another guy who wants to be a god king, why do you new god kings like rubbing other people's blond hair so much!"

Speaking of this, Sif suddenly froze!

She suddenly reached out her hand to the back of her head, pulled out a strand of her tied-up hair, and pulled it to her face for a look.

Just for a moment.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Accompanied by the screams that made countless Asgardians worry, Sif, whose face was flushed with excitement, brandished a long sword, killing the Chitauri all the way completely confused!

"My hair is back to blonde, aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm almost getting used to black hair, but Odin turned out to be..., no, long live God King Heisenberg!

My hair is back, damn it, I have to kill these bastards and take a good look in the mirror! "

Hearing Sif's excited words, all the legion commanders, as well as the Berserkers who had a crush on Sif but dared not confess to Sif, let out a sigh of relief.

Only then did they notice that the blond female warrior from a thousand years ago had recovered her proud blond hair!

And this Sif is even more beautiful!

However, the Chitauri who have different opinions from the Asgardians are very wronged.

Why do you Asa savages, angry or excited, take the fuck out of us?

Why is this?


At the same time, the superstar has already manipulated the power of the mind, holding Loki firmly in the ruins, unable to move.

Loki's eyes are constantly emitting blue light, which means that the power of the superstar is trying to break through the firewall of his thinking and completely turn him into a puppet.

However, as a professional magician, although Loki did not develop excellent charging and dual-wielding heavy weapon skills, his brain defense is still very strong.

After a while, the superstar couldn't control him as he wished!

While he was struggling, Thor's Hammer of Thor had already flown behind the superstar.

The superstar gritted his teeth, stabbed Loki's heart fiercely, and then flew away to avoid Mjolnir's attack.


Sol, who followed closely behind, shouted, summoned the hammer back, swung it up and chased after the superstar.

But Lokin's pierced figure quickly faded away, and he himself reappeared not far away, and reminded Sol.

"Don't worry about me, you should worry about yourself, superstars have very strong mind control!"

"Don't worry, no matter how strong her illusion is, it's useless, I'm a god!"

Sol, who saw that his brother was fine, responded excitedly, and rushed to the fleeing superstar in a blink of an eye.

And the superstar stopped suddenly, she just turned around and took a look at Sol, then fled from the original position with a smile.


At this moment, Sol, whose eyes were bursting with blue flames, turned around and rushed towards Hela who continued to chase the superstar!

"Hella, take my life!!!"

Accompanied by his roar, Hela, who was flying at low altitude, gritted her teeth and took a breath.

laugh! ! !

With a crisp sound, Thor was nailed back to the ground by the blade of death again, and the sharp blade pierced through his waist again.


Hearing Saul's screams as usual, Hela's breathing became heavier.

Ever since I lost my excellent eldest daughter to set an example for my younger siblings.

What kind of crooked melons and dates did Odin raise! ! !

To let these bastards live in Asgard, this is the real Ragnarok, right?

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