Injustice Starts with Marvel

Invincible Chapter 143


With his back to the communicator, Yondu couldn't get out of his embrace for a short time.

Everyone was not in a hurry, but waited for him silently.

It wasn't until forty seconds passed that Yondu barely withdrew the tears from his eyes, and turned back to look at his old brothers.

He rubbed his stiff face and explained softly.

"I'm in a little trouble, guys!"

"Ha, even a fool can guess this, so hurry up and talk about that troublesome content!"

The little giant Charlie 27 said with a smile, his words made the dissatisfied Starka sigh.

"Indeed, even a fool like 27 can guess it!"

"Shit, Starka, do you want to fight?"

"Come on Bitch, watch how I push your head into the wall!"

After all, Starka was still dissatisfied, and he quarreled with Charlie with his strength.

But with Astro, this group of guys who have been together for hundreds of years will not cause trouble.

Astro punched them both hard.

"Shut up and listen to what fucking Yondu has to say, hell!"

"What do I say?"

Yondu froze for a moment, then smiled.

"After more than twenty years, I can see you scolding each other like this, I'm so excited!

But now is not the time for me to laugh, the trouble I have is not a small trouble, it is simply huge! "


Astro was taken aback, and in a blink of an eye he showed a nonchalant smile to Yondu.

"Can it be bigger than the one we had with Tun Xing back then, tell me, buddy!"

"Even if it's not that serious, it's about the same level of trouble!


Even before I was driven out by you, there was one of Egg's children on my ship.

You know, when I learned that Egg had brutally murdered all his children, of course I couldn't send that kid back to Egg!

So I have raised him to this day! "

"Wow, you mean we have an extra son, even an adopted son?!"

The ice crystal man suddenly showed an interested smile. In his heart, his best brother had a child, and that was his child.

Hearing the ice crystal man's words, Yondu quickly shook his head.

"Bullshit son, I just let him work on my boat and then gave him a barely enough meal.

And this kid also stole my spaceship and credit card, can you guess, he actually ran away from home! "

"Run away from home, tsk tsk." Ice Crystal smiled mysteriously, "If you didn't regard yourself as the child's home, why would you say he ran away from home!

Yondu, just admit it, you have a son, and he's the one who's in trouble.

And you even got us old buddies for your kids, lol! ! ! "

Speaking of this, the ice crystal man was so excited that he patted Starka's shoulder hard.

"See, old man, I never thought Yondu would be that heartless money junkie, he has more compassion than you and me!"

I saw the ice crystal man questioning Yongdu while talking.

"Talk about the most important thing, what happened to the youngest son of our old brothers?"

"Fake, Fake, Fake, then he's not my son, even if it is, it's just my own son, and it has nothing to do with you!!!"

Yondu roared in displeasure, then rubbed his head feebly.

"But you're right, during the time he was away from home, he somehow got into trouble with Asgard!

This bear was sleeping soundly in an Asgard prison when I received his communication!

Guys, I need your connections, does anyone know some of the bigwigs in Asgard, I'm trying to get in touch with them, and get that fucking idiot back! "

After Yondu finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

The four of them looked at me, and I looked at you. In the end, Charlie 27, a simple and big heart, said something in a daze.

"I have been in the universe for more than two hundred years, and I have never met any Asgardian!"

"That's right!"

Astro nodded and added.

"Asgardians have always roamed in their own nine realms, and they hardly participate in anything in the universe.

Even the reason we heard about the group of Asgardians is that this big man was beaten back from the Nine Realms, or another big man was beaten back from the Nine Realms, such as the swallow star who was beaten by us together, he I was beaten back by Asgard... "

Astro shrugged helplessly.

Hearing Astro's words, Yondu was not disappointed, after all he knew his old brothers well.

As long as the five of them get together, there will be no problem in the entire galaxy that cannot be solved, absolutely!

And then, Starka, who was full of dissatisfaction, suddenly knocked on the broken table in front of him.

"Yondu Udon Tower!!!"

"I've been here, buddy, even if your dissatisfaction with me cannot be resolved, you don't need to call my full name every time you speak!"


After Yondu finished speaking, the audience was silent for a moment, and everyone looked at Starka whose expression became more and more cold.

half an hour...

"Puff haha..."

Charlie27 smiled and kept waving his hands.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I couldn't hold back, hehe..."

Starka gave Charlie 27 a helpless look, then looked back at Yondu, and said seriously.

"I may know someone with Asgardian ties, but before that, I must know what crime your child has committed!

If he really committed a heinous crime, then I will never participate in this matter, even if you rescue him, I will kill him with my own hands! "

Hearing Starka's words, Yondu immediately pointed to his head.

"Staka, think about it with your brain, if that kid really made a big mistake, how could he still have a chance to call me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ice crystal man beside Starka tapped the device on his wrist.

"Yondu, I just checked the people on your ship, a young man named Peter Quill left you not long ago and took one of your spaceships with him.

He lived on Xandar before, and he has no criminal record, but when I hacked his spaceship records, it shows that he finally took a mercenary mission to the Nine Realms to investigate the Chitauri invasion.

I took a look at the people who took the mission with him, just a few low-level cosmic street sneakers.

I guess their real purpose is definitely not to investigate, but to take advantage of the chaos to loot or steal the remains of the Chitauri and Asgardian battlefields! "

Having said that, the ice crystal man adjusted his equipment and continued.

"Staka can rest assured that there is nothing wrong with Quill, even we have done similar things to him when we were young.

It's just that he chose the wrong battlefield, he shouldn't go to the Asgardian territory! "

"Well, I see!"

Hearing the introduction from the Ice Crystal Man, Starka nodded and looked back at the nervous Yondu.

Then he spoke softly.

"I have been to Saka three times, one of which was sixty-two years ago when we went together.

Anyway, when I was on Saka, I heard a legend about a woman.

The most famous hunter on Saka is a woman named Brunhilde. It is rumored that she was once the Valkyrie of Asgard!

I'm not sure if this message is true or not, but.... "

Starka spread his hands in disdain and continued.

"You all know that things like rumors are similar to those guys in the universe entertainment circle, where there is no wind, no waves!

So that Brunhilde is probably the former Valkyrie of Asgard. "

"Hmm, is it just a guess?"

Yondu chuckled.

"I didn't expect that after decades of absence, you, Starka, have become someone who relies on rumors and legends to do things!"

"So, you bastard, I'm only responsible for giving suggestions, it's up to you whether you listen or not!"

"Why don't you listen, I'm going to Saka!"

Yondu nodded bluntly, he believed in his group of old buddies very much, just like back then.

I saw him hang up the communication and directly set the course of the spacecraft to Saka.

Some of his subordinates are still puzzled by this, but with the majesty of Yondu, no one wants to argue with Yondu on the same route.


At the same time, on the opposite side of the disconnected communication, the four of Astro looked at each other speechlessly.

A moment later, Charlie 27 patted his forehead depressed.

"He's really straightforward, I haven't seen enough of his stinky face yet!"

"If not simply, does he still want to look at Starka's stinky face?"

The ice crystal man laughed and joked, then stretched out his right hand, palm down, and placed it in front of everyone.

"I don't know what you think, but my old brother's child has suffered an unreasonable disaster, so I must give him enough help.

I'm going to Saka now, is anyone with me? "


Charlie 27 simply put his right hand on the ice crystal man's hand.

"I don't want to see Yondu being hanged and beaten by Saka star gladiators!"

"Similarly, we need to provide enough help to our brothers in the matter of children!"

Astro put his hand on top of Charlie 27, and at the same time he looked expectantly and encouragingly at Starka.

After a long while, Starka stood up looking extremely dissatisfied and helpless, and stretched out his...

Suddenly, his face changed, and Alita appeared in a blink of an eye.

"Guys, Starka is so beautiful in his heart, hahaha, but he doesn't say it!!!"


Starka finally regained control of his body, but the other three had already laughed together.

Faced with the good-natured smiles of the old guys, Starka rolled his eyes and patted their hands.

When everyone's laughter completely disappeared, Starka finally said to everyone.

"I will never forgive Yondu for his mistakes, but I only allow myself to hate him!

Let's put on pointed shoes and go to Saka to kick Yondu's ass! ! ! "

"Haha, that's right!"

"Orgo is protecting us!"

"Set off!"


No one knows that the long-lost team in the universe has quietly completed their reunion.

It's like no one knows that the woman who is drinking heavily at this time is a Valkyrie.

Star Saka, the land of lawlessness, the outskirts of the supreme duel field, a dilapidated old winery.

Brunhilde has just given the newcomer she captured to the Supreme.

She is a rookie caught near the star Valbin in the southern fan of the Milky Way. This rookie is so strong that even Supreme paid a lot of money for this person.

Thinking of the millions of deposits in the account, Brunhilde couldn't help but show his white teeth.

As for the fate of the poor man caught by her?

Cut, she doesn't care about that!

If it wasn't that the prey was too strong and the price was too high this time, then she wouldn't keep the prey in mind at all!

But thinking of the prey, Brunhilde had to admit that the person she caught this time was really the strongest one since her debut.

If he hadn't been seriously injured when he met him, then he really wouldn't be his opponent!

What is that man's name?

Brunhilde thought about it, and it seemed to be Beta Ray Bill.

The name may not be easy to remember, but he has a horse face, which is very conspicuous.

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