Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 163 You Need to Respect Humans

A moment later, Bruce pressed the switch, directly boosting his aircraft.

As a serious bat fighter, if you think it can only fly in the sky, then you are obviously underestimating him!

The tail of the plane was suddenly withdrawn, and at the same time, propellers emerged from both sides of the wing.

Mera suddenly felt that the plane she controlled was struggling.

Seeing this, Meera simply squeezed her small fist, and with her increasing force, Bruce's plane was directly squeezed by the flowing water and changed its shape.

Even the cabin glass in front of Bruce began to crack!

"Who is going to attack me?"

Bruce asked himself with a cold face, and grabbed the full-face mask from the side.

Because he had already developed the diving function for the plane, the plane had all the survival devices he needed.

After putting on the full face mask, Bruce flicked the switch, and his core cabin was slammed out of the plane as a whole.

The original stealth plane disassembled into a simple underwater motorcycle in an instant.

Bruce sank into the water, and then tried to get out of the current, trying to escape from the control of the mysterious figure.

But obviously, he couldn't do this, and the invisible current was enveloping him and the plane together.

In order to free himself from the shackles of the flowing water, Bruce simply planned to directional detonate the main body of the Batplane to break through the barrier of the water flow.

As for the shock wave transmitted by water, his bat armor has already taken corresponding defensive measures.

But when he was about to press the detonation switch, Mera, who was hidden in the sea, split his hands.

In a moment, with Bruce as the center, within a radius of five meters, the moisture completely disappeared!

No, instead of disappearing, it was pushed away, and that sent Bruce and his plane, along with the underwater vehicle, crashing hard to the floor of the ocean floor.

boom! ! !

Bruce slammed into the plane in embarrassment, but he didn't stop.

I saw him holding back the pain,

Quickly removed the fourth and seventh buckles from the belt.

He threw the two buckles to the front and back, and the buckles immediately turned into thin steel wire mesh, sweeping the air around him.

Not some kind of invisible monster.

Bruce continued to take off the third buckle, smashing it directly to the ground of the sea floor, and at the same time he pressed the control button on his wrist.

Violent sound waves suddenly came out from the landing buckle, and the sound even penetrated the water flow, causing Mera to bite her lip in pain.

The space surrounding Bruce suddenly swayed, and the surrounding water kept surging, as if it could submerge him again at any time.

"Respond to sound!"

As Bruce confirmed this information, he pressed his wrist again and closed the earplugs surrounding his ears.

There are only two ultrasonic bombs, and the last one must be reserved for more critical times!

After confirming that he has the hole card in his hand, Bruce's mentality has stabilized a lot. Now he only needs to lure out the culprit hidden behind the scenes!

I saw him yelling towards the surroundings.

"Who are you, since you choose to see me, there must be your reasons, stand up!"

"Of course, Batman!"

Mera, who was hidden in the water, rubbed her ears and whispered, and at the same time, her voice was transmitted to Bruce's ears in the open space through the running water.

When Bruce heard it, it was still a surround sound effect?

No, it was a woman!

"What's your relationship with Arthur Curry?!!"

he yelled, and his words made Mera pause in the water for a moment.

Moments later, Meera swam out on the far ocean floor, floating in the water that enveloped Bruce's clearing.

Looking at the woman in green armor with fluttering red hair in front of him, Bruce straightened his expression.

He knew that this was definitely the Atlantean that Wonder Woman had said about!

At the same time, Mera came to the bottom of the sea, walked into the air bubble step by step, and stood in front of Bruce.

She nodded politely first, then explained softly.

"I'm Mera, the princess of Xebel Kingdom, nice to meet you, hero of the earth!"


Bruce took a deep look at Mera, then asked.

"You haven't said anything about your relationship with Arthur Curry, Your Royal Highness!"

"Uh, Arthur Curry, that's a name I often hear, a child of my elders, a mixed descendant of Atlanteans and people on the ground.

Do you know Arthur Curry? "

"I don't know!" Bruce replied bluntly.

Mera: (-_-;)

Ignoring Mera's confusion at this time, Bruce immediately continued to ask.

"Although I don't know him, I will know him soon, especially after getting to know you, Princess Mera!

When I heard the story of Atlantis, I thought that the land and the sea had been peaceful until I was attacked by a princess for no reason.

Now, I hope you can give me a reason, Your Highness! "

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Mister Batman, but I must see the Crown Prince.

But my identity is inconvenient to be publicized in the public, so I can only do this.

I am sorry for the trouble this has caused you, and I will also compensate you for the aircraft.

So, can you take me to meet the crown prince once? "

Hearing Meera's words, Bruce nodded knowingly.

"It turned out to be for Heisenberg, hehe, no exception to what I thought.

When a powerful existence appears, it will inevitably attract stronger enemies, just like Zod and Doomsday brought by Superman!

And Mr. Heisenberg, you Atlanteans were the first to be attracted by him, right? "

"Of course not, we are not enemies~~!!!"

Just when Meera was halfway through speaking, a bright electric light suddenly flickered under her feet, which was the effect of the metal net that Bruce threw out before.

The violent electric current directly paralyzed Mera's whole body.

Immediately afterwards, Bruce took out the second buckle on his belt, and casually threw it towards Meera.

Buzz buzz! ! !

The invisible sound wave suddenly vibrated and hit Meera's ear hard, causing her to lose the ability to think for a short time.

At the same time, Bruce hurriedly inserted the submersible components back into the aircraft, and then went straight into his aircraft.

boom! ! !

Countless streams of water filled the originally empty space, shaking Bruce's plane left and right.

He struggled to control the plane towards Mera, which was swept by the current.

Mera has just woken up from the stimulation of the current and the bombardment of the sound waves, and is planning to regain control of the flowing water and control Bruce.

Bruce smiled slightly as he looked at Mera through the cockpit in the plane.

"You want to see Heisenberg, yes, but please sleep first!

Before I'm not sure about your purpose of meeting him, at least I want to avoid the possibility of you attacking him.

I don't allow any accidents that might make him furious appear in front of him! "

After the voice fell, Bruce moved the control lever with his index finger, and the aircraft's shells were replaced immediately.

In the next moment, more than twenty sound bombs slammed into Mera, directly rolling the eyes of this confident princess...

Immediately afterwards, while Mera was still awake, Bruce drove the plane to rush forward and grabbed Mera with mechanical claws.

A moment later, the plane took Mera up all the way, and then broke through the high sky and flew towards the metropolis.

It only took Meera twelve seconds to wake up from the coma, but this time, she found that she had come to an altitude of hundreds of meters!

After feeling her state, she fiercely snapped at the metal claw.

After this action was noticed by Bruce, Bruce frowned.

"I hope that the physique of Atlantis is not like this princess, otherwise it is too outrageous!"

While speaking, Bruce adjusted the muzzle of the plane and slammed the sonic bomb on Mera's forehead again.

Due to the lack of water conduction, the effect of the sonic bomb is much worse.

It took only a moment for Meera to wake up from the dizziness. She stretched out her right hand fiercely, and the residual moisture in the aircraft cabin suddenly condensed.

Even the slight sweat on Bruce's back and forehead gathered with Mera's control.

A moment later, Bruce quickly turned the muzzle of the gun, fired two real grenades into the air, and then put the muzzle of the live ammunition on Mera's forehead.

And the water molecule blade controlled by Meera slipped into the gap of Bruce's armor, and firmly pinned to Bruce's neck!

At this point, the two had come to a complete stalemate, and only the plane was left to fly to Heisenberg's spaceship according to the established route.


At the same time, in the spaceship, Heisenberg looked suspiciously to the left.

Noticing Heisenberg's eyes, Clark asked softly.

"What's wrong?"

While speaking, he also looked in the direction of Heisenberg's gaze, and then he frowned.

"Bruce, this is...?"

"Obviously, there's a little trouble!"

Heisenberg sighed leisurely, and patted Clark on the shoulder.

"Pick him up."

"Where is that woman, sent directly to prison..."


Heisenberg interrupted Clark and continued to pat him on the shoulder.

"Don't be so quick to send people to prison, bring them both.

That woman should be from Atlantis. "

"OK, wait!"

As soon as the words fell, Clark rushed out, rushing all the way to the battlefield between Bruce and Mera.


On the plane, feeling the cold and sharp touch around his neck, Bruce gritted his teeth.

"Princess Mera, if you came here with good intentions, then our fighting should stop here, what do you think?"

"I think you bloody bastard sneaked up on me, knocked me out, and tried to catch me to an unknown place..."

"Wait, Your Highness Meera, didn't you sneak up on me first?

In addition, the place I want to take you to is just the place where you can meet the person you want to meet.

Just before I send you to see him, I need to make you realize that human beings are not something you can mess with at will! "

Bruce's words made Mera frowned, and she immediately roared dissatisfied.

"I have never underestimated human beings, I just don't approve of a weak existence like you walking into the palace of gods!

Don't think that I can't see your essence clearly, you are just an ordinary, powerless mortal! "

"But such mortals caught you, Your Highness, so you have to respect mortals."


Meera's anger almost burst out of her eyes, but after a few seconds of such anger, she finally removed the water knife.

While canceling the control on the water, Meera persistently yelled.

"I can kill you, but your shells can't kill me, but I can forgive your behavior, after all, everything is because I offended first!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Bruce nodded slightly, then shook his head again.

"That's right, but there are twenty-seven types of ammunition loaded on my plane. How do you know that the next round will not kill you, Atlanteans?"


Mera's words froze, and she turned her head helplessly, ignoring Bruce in the plane.

Her hair was blown by the sea breeze and sprinkled on her own cheeks, people couldn't help but follow her hair to see her face clearly.

The outline of that pretty face is incomparably good, but the expression is bad, really bad....

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