Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 184 Superman Sued Again

The boring and tedious life lasted for four consecutive days, and Bruce finally got rid of the life of eating and checking the information, and then eating after checking the information.

In the library, he looked at the files he had organized and nodded in satisfaction.

"Amazon has almost only these data, and I have also scanned it with a bat spy plane. Amazon really has no other hidden files."

After finishing speaking, he sighed, and casually picked up the big fish and meat on the dinner plate beside him and chewed a couple of mouthfuls.

To him, he was so used to staying up all night that he couldn't get used to it anymore.

But now he is carrying the pressure of Darkseid, and he is indeed much weaker than before.

Immediately, he decided to go back to Gotham for a rest day before continuing to deal with the Atlantis classics.

Thinking of this, he contacted his good housekeeper Alfred.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Alfred's gentle voice reached Bruce's ears.

"You actually walked for four days in a row. This number of days made it hard for me to make a report that Wayne went to China to investigate the market."

"I knew you had a way. In addition, Amazon's records are biased towards myths. I need to analyze many times before I can get the relatively accurate data and list of Apocalypse personnel."

Having said that, Bruce thought for a while and asked softly.

"During my absence, has anything changed in Gotham?"

"Not in Gotham, maybe it has something to do with the light of the sun god a week ago, the nearest madhouse is very quiet.

But I have to tell you, I'm afraid the Met is in a little trouble. "


A Fu's words made Bruce startled.

"What happened to the Metropolis, hell, it's better not to have anything to do with Clark's mother, Martha!"

"Don't worry about that. I have already arranged enough security personnel to lurk in Martha's town. She is fine."

"That's good, tell me what happened, Ah Fu!"

Bruce breathed a sigh of relief, then listened quietly.

On the other side of the phone, Ah Fu shook his head and said softly.

"While the problem wasn't with Clark's mother, it was with Superman.

He was brought to court again! "


As soon as Ah Fu finished speaking, Bruce asked incomprehensibly.

"He's accused again?

Wasn't he just accused?

What is the reason again this time? "


After answering here, Ah Fu fell into a rare silence.

After a while, Ah Fu sighed a long time and said something disdainful.

"At 2:40 pm the day before yesterday, a fire broke out in Metropolitan Ci'en Kindergarten, and more than 200 children were trapped in the fire.

Despite the best efforts of firefighters, two children did not survive.

Now suing Clark are the parents of two children who...  "

"They took Clark to court because he didn't show up and help?!!"

Bruce understood thoroughly, but the more he understood, the more uncomfortable he felt.

This matter is very troublesome!

Especially the two children who died!

Children will make the public more prone to empathy. Even if a discerning person knows that this case is unreasonable, sympathy for the child will also make public opinion choose to side with the child's parents.

Of course Bruce knew it wasn't Clark's fault, and no one had the right to sue you for not being able to save you.

But the scary thing is that the defendant is Clark.

It's Superman!

He is a superman who is really regarded as hope by countless people, and is constantly attacked by countless people with ulterior motives using this hope!


Bruce's face became more and more serious, and he thought for a moment, then whispered to Alfred.

"You should have started to deal with this matter, Ah Fu?"

"Of course, sir, the first time I learned about this,

Big money has already been sprinkled, and countless public figures have expressed solidarity with Superman.

Of course, before that, I also contacted the parents of the child as soon as possible, trying to get them to withdraw their appeal against Superman through excessive compensation and stop speaking to the media.

But as you can imagine, I really didn't succeed. Even if I knew that there was a pusher behind this incident, I couldn't do anything to the parents who really lost their children.

No matter how crazy they are now, the citizens will understand and forgive them. "

"Yes, of course they have a reason to suffer, but if their pain continues to brew, it is possible for Clark and his grandpa to bring more pain to the earth!"

After the words fell, Bruce shook his head and asked softly.

"Did you investigate anyone who has been in contact with the child's parents recently?"

"After investigation, the only ones who have had contact with the parents are their respective lawyers. The lawyers are from Bethlem Law Firm on Old Brown Street. They have not contacted any special people recently.

Because the parents are from the same community, the children are in the same kindergarten, plus their children died in the same incident, so... . "

Alfred coughed, shook his head, and said.

"We can't find possible problems behind them from the lawyers."

"What are the identities of the parents of the children? If I remember correctly, the asking price of Bethline's office seems to be very high!"

Bruce asked, and his question made Alfred think for a moment.

After a while, Ah Fu responded.

"I took a look, and not only did the child's parents have no criminal records, but they were all elite figures.

For example, a senior stock broker on Wall Street, and the vice president of San Suri Children's Hospital. "

"What the hell!"

A Fu's words made Bruce grit his teeth. At least the plaintiffs didn't see any problems with their identities. They didn't look like little people who planned to sue Superman to gain attention, let alone scoundrels who planned to use it to obtain financial compensation.

The more perfect their identities, the easier it is for citizens to believe they're just doing justice to their children.

Since Superman saved countless lives in the metropolis, why did he let their children die? ! !

Thinking of this, Bruce simply stood up, took Darkseid's record and left.

While walking, he said to Ah Fu.

"Wait for me, I'm going to get back to the Met as soon as possible, and we better not let them know until I get this thing sorted out.

You should know who I'm talking about! "

"Of course, if he and his elders hear that the earthlings use such a reason to attack him, then I can understand anything his elders do!"

"That's right!"

During the speech, Bruce positioned himself and directly called the Batplane that was parked on a nearby island on the day he went to the island.


In the arena, Heisenberg broke Clark's neck again.

But this time he did not continue, but came to the stands with Clark who was temporarily "dead".

Throwing Clark to Louise's side casually, Heisenberg sat down beside Meera carelessly, took a gulp of the ice water offered by Meera.

On the side, Louise no longer cried like she did three days ago. She reluctantly pulled the limp Clark into her arms, and then gently straightened Clark's head.

"Why don't you cry, Louise, I saw you crying very sad a few days ago."

Heisenberg put down the ice water and turned to tease Louise.

Hearing his words, Louise rolled her eyes and smiled drunkenly.

"Hee hee, I also think that I was very interesting a few days ago. Anyway, grandpa won't harm him, so it's better to let him suffer a little bit."

"Tsk tsk, it would be great if Clark's mentality could grow like yours. Compared with you, he has not improved at all!"

Heisenberg was dissatisfied, and then took the wine jar that Diana handed over, and blew a breath of cold air into the jar.

After drinking two sips of spirits with ice and enjoying the Amazon woman's massage, Heisenberg in the auditorium let out a sigh of relief.

Next, he looked around at the Amazon female warriors who were looking forward to it, and nodded simply.

"Our training today is here, and the training ground is temporarily handed over to you!"

"Oh shit!!!"


"We love you, Sun God!!!"

"Come on, son of a bitch, this time I'm going to put your foot in your mouth!"

"Hell, watch me strangle you with your guts!!!"

The sturdy female Amazon warriors immediately became agitated, and they rushed desperately into the sun-drenched field.

Some caught two by two, and some simply fought with a hundred people. In less than three minutes, blood almost covered the entire field.

This bloody scene made Xiao Shan not far away frown, even if it was not the first time he had seen it, he still couldn't accept such a scene.

Too cruel!

But when he frowned, he couldn't stop admiring him.

Compared with him, every female fighter in the arena is a real fighter countless times more qualified than him!

Xiao Shan knew that he was probably the cowardly one in the Justice League, because he couldn't accept the bloody result no matter what.

Now he has long been used to being injured after countless deaths, but as long as he thinks that his opponent will be as painful and helpless as he was when he was injured.

The more he thought about it, the less he wanted to get involved in any fights.

He was too kind, and he didn't want anyone to suffer the same injury as him.

Next to him, Arthur was nothing like him.

At this time, Arthur not only did not shrink back a few days ago, but was eager to try the fight in the arena.

After he endured for a while, he finally stood up frowning.

"Boss, let me play with them, I don't use my trident!"

That's right, two days ago, Arthur went back to the sea to find his mentor who educated him since he was a child after being beaten again and again, and asked for his mother's former trident.

Hearing Arthur's words, Heisenberg smiled with satisfaction.


As soon as the words fell, Arthur jumped out of the stands, flew more than 170 meters in a blink of an eye, and smashed into the crowd where the scuffle was the most intense.

I saw that he was like a tiger descending the mountain, attacking the ubiquitous female warriors.

Seeing Arthur join the battlefield, the female warriors immediately had a target, and hundreds of people immediately surrounded him.

But their attacks were completely unable to overwhelm the Aquaman.

I saw that Arthur's movements were crisp and neat, and all his moves hit the vital points of the female warrior. The picture of broken tendons and bones continued to emerge, and Arthur was surrounded by wailing in a blink of an eye.

But even seeing such a scene, Diana, Mera and the others in the stands did not look surprised at all.

All of this made Heisenberg laugh extraordinarily happily.


Those sitting here used to be members of the Justice League, but now they are used to admiring the fighting, what does it look like with the Injustice League.

It was only three days, and similar battles were destined to last for months or even years under Heisenberg's control.

Will Heisenberg be trapped in a cage by the so-called justice?

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