Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 192 One hundred and twenty-six

On the other side, Heisenberg and the others returned to the arena on Paradise Island in a blink of an eye.

After landing, Clark seemed to think of something. He hesitated for a moment and asked Heisenberg softly while thinking.

"Grandpa, does Bruce seem to have something to say?"

"Eh? Really?"

Heisenberg was taken aback.

I saw him turn his head to the side, quietly listening to the distant voice.

After a while, he really heard the South American Batman talking to himself.

In the wasteland that had just been destroyed, Batman looked around blankly and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

"Damn it, that happened once!"

After the words fell, he shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, Plan B, Alfred, I'm sending a plane over here!"

"Got it, sir, but recently our planes have been lost quite quickly!"

"Yes, how many planes do we have?"

"I'm afraid you don't need to worry about it, there are still a few thousand more?

I'm just lamenting the speed of the damage, not emphasizing the loss... "


Hearing Ah Fu's words, Bruce nodded indifferently.

"Recently, I have faced enemies at the cosmic level, and my aircraft is inevitably a little fragile.

Gather up some rare metals for me, I'm afraid I'll have to upgrade our gadgets too. "

After the words fell, Bruce simply sat aside and waited alone.

Seeing Bruce's lonely appearance, Heisenberg on Paradise Island simply laughed.

"Okay okay, I didn't finish listening to him again.

But he always refuses to speak more simply, this should be a little lesson for him, haha! "

While laughing, Heisenberg patted Clark on the shoulder.

"Paradise Island will be handed over to you first, and take our clansmen to adapt to their new abilities first.

I went to the universe to pick up our spaceship, and there were three Kryptonian scholars on it.

The Kryptonian living quarters of the metropolis can henceforth be transferred to the hands of scholars, whose efficiency is destined to be higher than that of robots.

It won't be long before we can build a metropolis home! "


Hearing Heisenberg's words, Clark was immediately excited. For him, Metropolis is indeed his real home, and he is more interested in the Kryptonian living quarters in Metropolis.

After admonishing Clark, Heisenberg turned to Fiona and gave her some advice.

Afterwards, Heisenberg soared into the sky, and rushed out of the Kryptonian spacecraft near the moon in a blink of an eye.

On the spaceship, three scholars were standing in front of the console, nervously investigating all the parameters of the rainbow just now.

The last Kryptonian warriors are suddenly taken away by a mysterious rainbow, a change that really scares them.

While collecting data, the leading scholar kept shouting anxiously to the communicator.

"Executive Fiona, Fiona, confirm whether you have received the message, please confirm whether you can contact us!!!"

"Wait, Chief Bach, we don't seem to need to contact them anymore!"


The scholar Bach was taken aback for a moment, and before he could continue to ask, he couldn't help looking at the porthole.

Just outside the spaceship at this time, Heisenberg, full of natural light, was floating in the center of their field of vision!

Looking at Heisenberg who was constantly exuding divine power, Bach immediately transferred the data analysis system.

After a while, Heisenberg felt that Krypton's inherent gravitational particle wave technology was constantly scanning his body.

At the same time, Bach, a scholar in the spaceship, was overjoyed.

"The result of the energy comparison is clear, the previous rainbow officially originated from Elder Heisenberg.

The identity is confirmed, the lineage is confirmed, the age is confirmed, and the divine power is confirmed... woo woo woo~~. "

For a moment, Bach burst into tears. For today's ray of light and hope, these scholars who walked out of the Phantom Zone have struggled for more than thirty years! ! !

Zod once gave them hope,

Until they went to Earth, that hope almost became a reality.

But the closer they got, the bigger the blow Clark would give them.

The most painful failure is not that you have never been able to succeed, but that you can succeed, but you are only a little bit short! ! !

Looking at Heisenberg outside the window, Bach wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with difficulty, then reached out and opened the survival device tied to his clothing.

Afterwards, he opened the porthole, took the two scholars beside him, and rushed to Heisenberg's side excitedly.

Looking at the weeping scholar, Heisenberg couldn't help empathizing.

In just a short moment, he seemed to see the difficult past of these scholars.

Indeed, those who were imprisoned in the Phantom Zone were all former sinners of Krypton.

But the more sinners they are, the more they love their country and nation.

Every time a hero slaughters more dogs, this is not just talk.

After all, most of the Kryptonian criminals imprisoned after Heisenberg was exiled were poor people who went astray on the road to seek a new life for Krypton!

Looking at the three returning scholars, Heisenberg nodded slightly and helped them up.

Unlike fighters, Heisenberg had special respect for scholars.

He came to Bach's side and took Bach's arm.

"After waking up, I can still see elites like you. I feel extremely relieved."

After the words fell, he pulled the three of Bach to the console, and gently stretched out his right hand.

Accompanied by his movements, the spaceship quickly separated the energy connection system and held it on Heisenberg's wrist.

This system is no different from the spaceship in the metropolis. The sound of information processing quickly came from the spaceship's brain.

"Welcome, respected descendant of Rao, respected Elder Heisenberg.

There is bad news for you, as the last leader of Krypton, your country has been destroyed.

You have the right to rule over all that is left of Krypton, because you are also responsible for reshaping everything on Krypton.

Automatically obtain all the permissions of the spaceship, remove the restrictions on the spaceship, turn on the full-power weapon system, turn on the curvature engine of the leader module, turn on the use of anti-matter star-destroying weapons, and turn on the secondary Dyson ball energy harvesting device.

Finally, welcome to the leader, the Glory Expedition 126 spacecraft is happy to serve you.

Sincerely say, you are more heroic than before, my lord! "

Listening to Zhinao's respectful voice, Heisenberg smiled with great interest.

"Well, it seems that the brain of your spaceship has grown a lot over the years!"

"Of course, Your Majesty, I have haunted the most dangerous places in the Phantom Zone, and I have also wandered in the deepest corner of the dark realm on the other side of the universe.

I was built 176,000 years ago, and it is a professional warship that has been in service for 176,000 years.

The demise of Krypton made me feel pain and loss for the first time, and you made me feel hope for the first time.

I made a mistake, Your Majesty, Krypton does not allow intelligence to grow beyond the norm.

But today, I just want to say something to you from the bottom of my heart.

Please be sure to rebuild Krypton, even if I destroy it, I will not hesitate! "

Spaceship Intelligence said bluntly, and Heisenberg was shocked by his words.

What is the real Kryptonian spirit?

This is the real Kryptonian spirit!

What can prove the glory of Krypton?

The brain of this spaceship is precisely the proof of the glory of Krypton!

An expedition spacecraft built 170,000 years ago has been able to operate normally until now.

And only after the leader module is connected, can the real function of this spaceship be activated.

In 170,000 years, the original mechanized brain has grown into a real life that truly deserves the word life!

And such a hard-won life is willing to actively violate the laws of Krypton after seeing him.

Even if it is going to be banned and destroyed because of its excessive intelligence, this brain that has witnessed the glory of Krypton and experienced the destruction of Krypton just wants to tell Heisenberg the deepest words in his heart.

That is…….

Must rebuild Krypton!

Looking at the brain in front of him that gradually formed its shape from particles, Heisenberg had mixed feelings.

Clark oh Clark, you have always been a hero to humanity and to Earth.

But you have never thought about how much your mother planet and your people need you!

Facing the apprehensive but hopeful Spaceship Zhinao in front of him, he looked at the three scholars who were sipping but extremely serious.

Heisenberg let out a long sigh.

Unknowingly, he quietly clenched his fist.

"Krypton also needs a Kryptonian savior!"

He said bluntly.

"So here I am!"

As soon as the words fell, the 170,000-year-old spaceship Zhinao composed of particles quietly knelt down, and three scholars headed by Bach knelt beside him.

Four very different life forms all looked at Heisenberg's face that shone with divine light.

And next, they saw what they most wanted to see.

On Heisenberg's face, they saw a lot of confidence!

And then, Heisenberg continued to talk to them.

"Zhinao, do you have a name in the past?"

"I am Operation Glory 126, Your Majesty!"

"Now you're not, because I'll give you a new name!"

After the words fell, Heisenberg patted Bach's arm and ordered softly.

"Krypton needs our new historian, and you will fill this position.

From today onwards, Operation Glory ceases to exist, and I will give this heroic spaceship that sent you back the title of the Kingdom of God!

And this is the first message you want to record! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Bach smiled and nodded, then stretched out his right hand, and countless particles gathered in his hand, and everything Heisenberg said just now was quickly recorded in his file.

Next, Heisenberg looked around and continued.

"The life in the future will be very different from what you have experienced before, and you must adapt to the ever-changing future, because I will never follow the ruling plan of Krypton!

The future of Krypton has already told us that militarism is not advisable, and it is our excessive expropriation of Krypton that has prompted Krypton's self-destruction!

Therefore, in the future, we will gradually improve the level of our entire nation and civilization from the perspective of tapping our own strength!

We who live on Krypton don't know that each of us Kryptonians is born with unlimited potential!

Just need to be illuminated by the radiation of the yellow sun, the power buried in our body becomes gradually awakened.

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