Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 217 The Second Flash

After the words fell, Heisenberg picked up the mother box and tore the chains wrapped around the box into pieces.

When Hippolyta discovered that the chains her people worked so hard to forge were as fragile as a piece of paper in Heisenberg's hands.

She smiled meaningfully.

The world of adults is full of silent temptations, this kind of metal can't be easily torn apart even by Apollo!

When Heisenberg really lifted weights like this, Hippolyta, who knew the Olympian Protoss very well, immediately confirmed Heisenberg's strength.

Even if it's not as good as Zeus, I'm afraid it's not far away!

Such a main god, of course, has the qualifications to let their whole family seek refuge!

Because Heisenberg is not as critical and evasive as Zeus, and he is still young enough!

Hippolyta, with her head lowered, looked at the land below her passionately. What a beautiful planet this is, and what a youthful kingdom of God it is!

The Amazon family has fought for the gods for countless years, but until now, they have only been left by the gods who left the earth to do the work of guarding!

But now, the opportunity to enter this divine kingdom is in front of her eyes!

And Heisenberg crowned....

After Heisenberg tore apart the chain, he patted the silent mother box.

Seeing that the mother box still didn't move, he simply threw the mother box aside.

At the position where the mother box was about to hit the ground, a big hand turned into gravel squeezed the mother box in it in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the little ball in Heisenberg's arms smiled lightly.

"Dad, dad, I'll take this too, this metal is amazing!

Just like the last box, I put them in my core, sooner or later I can disassemble them, and then turn them into resources that can be produced on my body, how? "

"As you like, little one."

Heisenberg smiled indifferently, he didn't care about the mother box that even Apocalypse himself had forgotten.

As for the destructive power inspired by this mother box,

People at his level are capable of resisting.

Clark in the movie can't stop it?

That's because he hasn't mastered the deeper spiritual power of Kryptonians.

Sooner or later, he will have his current ability, but it will take a long time.

On the side, Hippolyta excitedly admired Heisenberg's magnificent choice.

That's it!

Even Zeus has collected it for a long time, and the treasure that you look forward to mastering the rules will be thrown aside at will!

Only in this way can I prove that my current choice is far stronger than what I once had!

Looking at Heisenberg's majestic side, Hippolyta's eyes almost shone golden.

At first glance, this man is only handsome, but after his temperament, he is so handsome that he is unbelievably handsome! ! !

The only thing is....

Hippolyta raised her head and looked at the little ball in Heisenberg's arms.

The only thing is to have children!

But fortunately, that sphere is obviously the will of the planet under his feet, and the future king of God still has no real descendants.

Thinking of this, Hippolyta couldn't help but dismiss Diana.

When she saw the little stars in her daughter's eyes, she nodded reassuringly.

The daughter is not stupid.

On the side, Heisenberg rubbed the cute little broken ball in his arms, and smiled gently at Hippolyta.

"Get up."

He said, and at the same time he raised his right hand quietly, and thousands of people immediately resumed their standing posture.

Looking at Hippolyta standing in front of him, whose height was almost the same as his own, Heisenberg said with a smile.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of God, Hippolyta, and the warriors of the Amazons."


Hippolyta slammed her right hand on her chest immediately, and the Amazon warriors under her moved in unison like her.

The Kryptonians, who reacted extremely quickly, also determined to learn after confirming the actions of Hippolyta and others.

And when their fists hit their chests and made a sound that made their blood surge.

The Kryptonians suddenly realized that they liked such etiquette!

At the same time, all the Kryptonians who felt the changes in the kingdom of God in the training ground and the laboratory all came to the beach where Heisenberg was.

Even everyone, including Bruce, made a uniform chest-beating salute to Heisenberg.

Surrounded by this atmosphere, The Flash looked at Heisenberg with admiration.

"This is really the greatest picture I can think of!"

He commented in shock, then looked at Heisenberg longingly, and raised his fist.

The Flash, who had just become a hero and hadn't even had time to become famous, was brought out by Heisenberg with a new three views in a blink of an eye.

Before he could really do something for the world, he discovered that he had other ways to live.

In addition to being a superhero like Batman, it turns out that he also has the opportunity to stand beside the real god.

Like the mythical Hermes, Barry is fast, really fast!


Barry's eyes are full of longing, if he is also a god, then his father...

Looking at Heisenberg, Barry pursed his lips enviously. Who would detain Heisenberg's father?

Although he has no father.

Wait, it's a little wrong to think that way....


Barry nodded firmly. He believed that he had been unable to use the law to save his father for countless years, so now, he might be able to save his father with divine power!

My own power is called the speed force by myself, so in short, is it just... divine power?

Barry smiled wistfully.

Heisenberg could see what was expected of him, and he could see Batman's usual worry.

But no one knows better than Heisenberg.

It's been just a few days, or a few weeks, in the world of DC.

His current situation is no longer something that the Batman in front of him and the will of the world behind him can casually settle!

In other words, if he really wants to do something now, then Bruce may really be unable to stop him now.

His momentum is about to come true!

And what is his general lacking in the end?

It's people!

Heisenberg smiled.

He opened his arms and said to everyone present in a hug.

"Everyone, you are welcome to witness my kingdom of God, and you are even more welcome to enter my kingdom of God.

From now on, my so-called god seems to have finally lived up to its name. "

After finishing the words, Heisenberg smiled and strolled to the seat where he was sitting before, and sat down gently.

His right index finger tapped the table, and countless particles immediately gathered together.

Numerous dishes are divided into categories and delivered to the table prepared for everyone on the beach in an instant.

"Instead of standing there looking at me, it's better to make this banquet a little more joyful.

I have meat and wine for you, so who will sing and dance for me, my friends? "

"Amazon does its part!"

Hippolyta smiled.

She stood up respectfully, and then drew out the long sword in her hand.

She turned around suddenly, and slashed at the blade that the guard had also drawn out.

At the moment when the two swords were handed over, flames blazed on the blades.

Hippolyta held up her burning sword and shouted at the tribesmen who drew their swords behind her.

"Exercise martial arts!"


The right feet of the Amazons stomped on the ground, and the dust suddenly rose up. The queen lifted her cloak, took the flame from the blade, and ignited the clothes that had accompanied her for many years.

She wrapped a flaming cloak around her sword and threw it high into the air.

The raging fire was thrown higher and higher by her, and it became stronger and stronger.


As if falling from the sky, the blade of the sword wrapped in flames and the cloak slammed into the ground, and the blazing bonfire immediately brightened the already bright sky.

The Amazons sang and danced around the bonfire, and the Evas continued to deliver drinks and food to those who sat in their seats.

Heisenberg sat at the head of his table, and this time the lineup around him was stronger.

There used to be a Superman on the left and a Batman on the right.

But now he...

There is a Martha on the left, and an Ah Fu on the right!

Directly from Superman and Batman themselves, becoming the lifeblood of both of them....

Meanwhile, Astra there.

I saw the Roseburg commander looking at the singing and dancing Amazons with a displeased face.

While watching, she gave instructions to the people around her.

"Where are the guys from the art guild in us, it's time for them to show themselves!

Kryptonians cannot lose to any other race in every aspect!

Especially other races who have surrendered to His Majesty! ! ! "

"Don't worry, Astra, we have twenty people from the Second Arts Guild!

Although the reason they were imprisoned in the first place was to compile the love story between the Presbyterian Church and Tuo Tuo Beast.

But we have to trust them, they are definitely professional artists! "

Norn answered Astra's words with a smile, which made Astra nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at the singing and dancing Amazons, Astra looked forward to it.

In a moment, I'm going to show you some Kryptonian art!

That will be my favorite song and dance!

Of course, they are absolutely not allowed to sing the love story between the elder and the beast....


At Heisenberg's table, Clark brought Bruce together to taste the Kryptonian-style food prepared by professional chefs from the Kryptonian Labor Guild.

Xiao Qiuqiu sat behind Heisenberg with Kara who came over, eating hot pot and listening to music.

Ah Fu and Martha communicated about their respective families inexplicably, and everything seemed so harmonious.

Except the thoughtful Louise.


What just appeared on Earth….

Barry Allen!

Just near Heisenberg's Kingdom of God, the sky suddenly lit up with countless black lightning bolts.

The lightning kept circling, making countless people who were approaching the spaceship of the Kingdom of God couldn't help but back out.

As the lightning became more intense, a deep passage gradually appeared among the countless lightning bolts.

Countless people saw the running figure on the other side of the passage!

At the same time, Heisenberg in the Kingdom of God frowned.

He suddenly discovered something.

"Did I forget Mera and Fiona?"

Heisenberg asked Bruce with a smile.

Hearing this, Bruce was slightly taken aback...

"You also forgot the Atlanteans who promised them..."


Heisenberg pursed his lips helplessly.

"Okay, I'll bring them here!"

After finishing the words, Heisenberg tapped his fingers lightly, and a bright rainbow bridge suddenly appeared in the sea on the earth.

At the same time, in the silent but deep passage outside the Kingdom of God, a flash of blue lightning fiercely flashed!

When the Rainbow Bridge lit up in the Kingdom of God, Heisenberg stood up abruptly.

Just because the Atlantean who was teleported by him hadn't had time to get out of the Rainbow Bridge, Barry's figure had already run in front of him!

There is obviously a Barry by his side, but there is another Barry in front of him.

It's just that the Flash who just appeared, the particles on his body are flickering.

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