Injustice Starts with Marvel

Invincible Chapter 220

After saying these words, Heisenberg silently looked around, seeing everyone's different expressions in his eyes.

Clark thought in silence, because Heisenberg's attitude was not what he wanted.

But if he was asked to refute...

He couldn't argue with that.

Wonder Woman, on the other hand, thinks this attitude is very good, because she has experienced real wars.

Wars have never been smooth sailing. After all the preparations have been made, the battle situation is just a collision of fate and a comparison of strength.

As Heisenberg said, if all preparations are really made, the earth and mankind will still be destroyed.

It shouldn't be the fault of those who have tried their best!

Like Diana, Mera has no objections, she now has only one goal, to prevent the Atlanteans from going to war with humans under Orm's control.

Of course, before this goal, she has to become Sea King, resist Darkseid, and avoid the extinction of Atlantis.

So she has too many things to do, and now she just wants to follow Heisenberg to the dark.

She had already been in Heisenberg's car!

As for Flash....

Flash has no objections at all, he is so stimulated by Batman that he just wants to protect himself while trying to protect everyone around him.

While he was silent, he was eating big mouthfuls.

He wants to start today, try to replenish his energy, and then be ready to travel through time at any time!

If there is a huge disaster in his present, then he still has to go back to the past, even if people in the past don't believe it, he has to do that.

At least the tips he gave may increase the chances of victory!

Speaking of Victor...

Cyborg looked at Heisenberg quietly, and nodded silently.

When Cyborg's thinking and the computer's model are getting closer, he is the one who supports Heisenberg the most.

Only he is the only person on the scene who may not be controlled by reason and impulse!


He is sometimes controlled by his own body.

Beside the steel bone, Arthur, the parallel trader, was still eating and drinking, so he didn't pay attention to everything.

As long as his father is still alive in Port of Mercy, then he doesn't care about anything.

As for the enemy, that's it.

Only Batman frowned deeply.

Batman thought for a moment, then turned to look at Heisenberg and asked.

"I think the reason why Barry is the only one who came back from the future to the present is because you in the future think like you in the present....

Therefore, your focus in the future is still to kill Darkseid for revenge.

As for saving the planet, maybe only we would think about it.... "


Hearing Bruce's cold joke, Heisenberg nodded and threw the three mother boxes aside.

The little broken ball cracked the gap again, and swallowed the mother box into the soil in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, Heisenberg clapped his hands and laughed.

"Okay, the mother boxes are all in our hands now, at least we have the initiative that Barry said in the future.

As for whether the earth will be destroyed or not, human beings will not be extinct.

Didn't Barry make it very clear, I am on the earth, and the earth is here!

And I, am I staying on the earth now, so there is no need for you to be distracted by the future. "

Heisenberg stood up slowly, raised his hands above his head and patted heavily.

"I see that everyone's singing and dancing have stopped, what are you doing?

Today is the banquet I hold for the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Do you think I would like such a dejected scene?

I've fought all my life, and in a few days, you and I have another tough battle to fight.

Can't you enjoy it before the war starts?

Come on, keep playing, keep dancing! "

Heisenberg smiled, picked up the wine glass and held it high.

"This cup is for the earth!"

"For the Earth!!!"

All who could lift a cup raised their cups.

After drinking this glass of wine, the rhythm of the audience suddenly became cheerful again.

Heisenberg sat back in his seat, chatting and joking with everyone as usual.

The banquet started again like this until it slowly ended...


that night...


After the banquet, Bruce quietly left the Kingdom of God, and went back to the Batcave to search for news about the Martian Manhunter.

At the same time, he also used the work of searching for news to keep concentrating his mind, allowing him to think more about the possibilities related to the future.

Regarding what happened in Barry's mouth in the future, besides being afraid, Bruce also had some more worries.

Because of what Barry said in the future, Clark was controlled!

These words hit Bruce's heart deeply.

Once upon a time, Bruce dreamed of bizarre scenes more than once.

In his dream, the earth was reduced to scorched earth, and spaceships were constantly flying through the atmosphere.

He and his greatest enemy, the clown, formed a fantastic combination? ! !

And their enemy in the dream is Clark!

Ever since Heisenberg appeared on Earth, he hasn't had a dream for a long time.

Even he was about to completely forget those absurd dreams in the past!

But it is today, this collision of present and future.

Bruce suddenly felt that the future that Barry had said had already happened in his dreams!

Thinking of the scene in the dream, Bruce couldn't help biting his teeth.

He will never allow the earth to become the scorched earth of his dream.

He will never allow human beings to perish in the hands of heroes!

The combination of Darkseid and Anti-Life Equation seems to have the power to control others!

The only people who know the anti-life equation, except for Heisenberg, is the Martian Manhunter that Barry said in the future!

So, if you want to make a battle plan based on the clues that Barry said in the future.

I must find the Martian Manhunter, and at the same time, I must have a deeper understanding of the core and meaning of the Anti-Life Equation.

He didn't intend to ask Heisenberg these questions.


Now he doesn't trust anyone!

He has to do some preparations by himself, and he must not be discovered by anyone!

He's Batman, and he's an ordinary guy who isn't ordinary.

He firmly believes that in today's Justice League, only he can really speak from the perspective of ordinary people!

So he has to shoulder more!


At the same time, within the Kingdom of God.

After the robot cleaned up the messy beach, Heisenberg clapped his hands, as if turning off the voice-activated lights, turning off the sun in the Kingdom of God.

Moge planet was suddenly shrouded in darkness, and the extremely self-disciplined Kryptonians also slept in their circular sleeping chambers.

After ten thousand years of banning the pairing of two sexes, Kryptonians have long been used to deep sleep alone.

Even for Astra and Norn, the couple in name, their sleeping chambers are separated by thousands of miles!

The little broken ball is big and has many beautiful scenery. Nuoen likes the sea, so his sleeping cabin is placed on the bottom of the sea, so that he can see those cute-looking sea fish on Mogo star as soon as he opens his eyes.

And Astra likes high altitudes, so her sleep cabin is placed next to the highest cliff on Mogo.

Kryptonians can fly, and they all fly extremely fast, so distance can't stop them from gradually letting themselves go...  

Next to the beach, on a deck chair, Heisenberg was lying there with Bourbon in his arms.

Beside him, Fiona was quietly standing there.

After resting for a while, Heisenberg suddenly felt something was wrong.

He turned around and asked softly.

"Fiona, your heart rate...?"

"Your Majesty!"

Fiona quickly bowed and explained softly.

"I don't know why, I feel a little uneasy, is this feeling nervous?

Am I nervous about getting more of my clan back? "


Heisenberg looked at Fiona, whose cheeks were gradually flushing, speechlessly.

Your twisted standing posture with your hands twisted together, and your little eyes that glance at me all the time...

"Fiona, have you come into contact with some..."

"No, I definitely didn't go to the movies with Mera to learn how humans reproduce!!!"

"Uh... ok ok ok..."

Hearing Fiona's serious explanation, Heisenberg shook his head helplessly and said softly.

"There's no need to wait by my side, my life doesn't need others to serve me, go and rest.

The news of Brainiac may be sent back at any time. By then, the war will not give you more time to imagine! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Fiona nodded, and then left with an uncomfortable face.

To be honest, in Fiona's life, it was not long ago that she knew which method they should use to complete the process of primitive reproduction.

When she didn't return to the Kingdom of God, she and Mera were together, and she didn't think there was any problem with those videos.

Those mating people in the movie gave her the feeling that she was watching the animal world.

Kind of interesting, but not sexy.

But she didn't know what was wrong, when she returned to the Kingdom of God, especially when she stood behind Heisenberg again...

That feeling was immediately different from when she was with Mera!

She gritted her teeth in dissatisfaction as she walked.

Fiona, Fiona, what you need is a warrior, not a beast in heat!

Although New Krypton has obeyed the orders of His Majesty to ban the creation plan.

But even so, there is no need for me to be in such a hurry...

"Cough cough."

She couldn't help coughing, then quietly went to the edge of the beach, and lay down in the sleeping cabin less than 800 meters away from Heisenberg's resting place.

She slept very soundly this time...


After all the life on the broken ball had fallen asleep, Heisenberg took a sip of bourbon and patted the ball in his hand.

"How do you feel after hearing the future that people from the future talk about?"

"It feels good, Dad."

The little broken ball smiled very happily.

"Because he said, I'm the only one who has the ability to fight with Dad to the end!"

"Haha, okay, okay, I'm really honored."

Heisenberg smiled and rubbed the little Poqiu's body, then put the little Poqiu into his arms, and asked softly.

"It's just that it's been less than three days since I came to my kingdom of God, and I'm about to face the enemy at the peak level of the multiverse with me..."

Heisenberg said while sticking the small broken ball to his face.

"troubled you."

"Oh, dad, don't be polite, I chose this myself.

And I haven't fought for too many years, it is difficult for ordinary people to really fight with me.

After all, I am a Green Lantern, how can I not fight?

So, just be a dad and take me to practice! "

The little broken ball gave a gentle explanation, then quietly escaped from Heisenberg's grasp, and then jumped onto Heisenberg's chest and continued to dawdle.

Heisenberg let the little broken ball play with himself, while he smiled and looked at the unchanging dark sky in the Kingdom of God.

After a moment, he smiled meaningfully.

"Mogo, the sky here is dark, isn't it a bit too monotonous?

After defeating Darkseid, how about we go to other places and bring back some stars to embellish our kingdom of God? "

After finishing the words, Little Poqiu didn't answer, but rubbed Heisenberg's face self-servingly.

But they didn't know it at this time, it was in the center of the distant galaxy...

Bize and Abin have found the news they were looking for.

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