Injustice Starts with Marvel

Invincible Chapter 336

The bright and majestic hall has a spacious and elegant layout, the ceiling is decorated with starry lights, and the floor is covered with rich and vivid plush.

Although it was not chaotic at first, the crowded nightclub hall turned into a conference hall that only the president can barely enjoy in a blink of an eye!

Such a crisp change deeply shocked all the club members present.

Those members first looked around dully, and then looked at each other in confusion.

And in the end, their eyes finally focused on Heisenberg.

They first stared intently at Heisenberg's face, as if they wanted to keep all the details of that face in their eyes.

And then, when they thought they remembered.

They quickly looked away, never daring to look directly at Heisenberg again.

It seemed that they felt that even their own wait-and-see would be an offense to Heisenberg!

And just after everyone lowered their heads, Heisenberg gently kneaded Emma's hand and showed Emma a reassuring smile.

Then, Heisenberg said in a gentle manner.

"Hello everyone.

Obviously, everyone has met me or heard about me before.

Ten minutes ago, a lunatic broke into your club and knocked out your old friend the Red Devil.

Did I say...? "


The sudden sound of the door opening directly interrupted Heisenberg's words. Such a change made everyone look at the door quickly.

At the gate, a group of big men gathered outside the gate. The few leaders of them carried the unconscious red devil, and looked into the hall with bewildered faces.


When they saw the decoration of the hall clearly, the guys who were carrying the Red Devil at the front turned around quickly.

"Damn wrong!"

"The wind is blowing!"

"Hurry up,

Whoever leads the way, the White Queen will be waiting impatiently! "

"What the hell is this, what is this, I went wrong, I went wrong!"

A group of people turned around and started shouting, and before Heisenberg and Emma could say anything, they ran away without a trace...

On the sofa, Emma looked at Heisenberg silently, her eyes were tired and helpless.

She twirled Heisenberg's palm with her fingers.

"I'll show you a joke, Baihuang."

"it's okay no problem……."

Heisenberg also sighed, patted the back of Emma's hand, and said.

"I'll help you, at least make them look a little bit better."

"Well, let's work together, let's do our best together, these mutant compatriots are so hard to take care of..."

After the words fell, the two were silent for a moment, and then Heisenberg slammed his hand on the table.

In a blink of an eye, the mutants who were in a mess outside the door because they didn't know the way, all teleported to the open space in the hall.


The door of the distant room was slammed shut, and the sound made the dumbfounded mutants give a hard meal.

"No, we seem to be on the right track, isn't the White Queen up there?"

"Yeah, it's all our people, but what about the nightclub?"

"When was it renovated? Damn, is it that Asazo's tail smells so good? We've been playing for half a month?"

"This tail is poisonous, poisonous!!!"

When the panicked mutants saw Emma sitting upright on the sofa, they finally realized what had happened.

After a short noise, they quickly quieted down.

Immediately afterwards, they looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't dare to speak anymore.

On the sofa, Emma stared at her subordinates.

These were mostly French mutants she'd recruited since she moved to Paris.

After all, most of the old subordinates who fought with them were destroyed by Magneto and Professor X.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the quality of these newcomers is a little bit mixed.

He glared at his men, making them completely quiet.

Emma asked them.

"I asked you to come and gather, why did you bring the unconscious Asazo here?"

"Well, my lord, isn't everyone going back to where we belong?

Asazo is human too! "

Although the younger brother who answered was timid, he spoke righteously. God knows if Asazuo would secretly thank him.

Anyway, Emma was left speechless by this little brother's reply.

She picked up the wine glass helplessly, and took a sip of the wine lightly.

"I really have nothing to do with you, so go back to your seats.

The reason why I called everyone here is to announce a news to everyone.

Starting today, the Hellfire Club has a new pawn master.

The code name of this pawn is the White Emperor, which corresponds to my identity as the White Queen! "

Emma said something briefly, and then she ignored the short-term uproar from the people below, and started drinking on her own.

And when Emma left time for herself, Heisenberg also spoke at the right time.

"Well, that's the thing, although the previous words were interrupted, but that's not a hindrance.

In short, from today onwards, I will be the White Emperor of the club.

Who disagrees? "

After the words fell, Heisenberg smiled and looked around at all the mutants.

At this moment, everyone who was looked at by him showed respectful eyes.

Except for one person....

The young man who said that Asazo was human before raised his hand in a daze.

"My lord, I have no objections, but Asazo is now in a coma.

I'm worried if he'll have an opinion.... "


Hearing what this silly little brother said, Heisenberg took a long breath.

If Asazo knew that you cared about him so much, he would be so excited to chop you into pieces! ! !

Although disturbing, the little brother was right, so Heisenberg nodded.

"As the elite of the club, the Red Devils really shouldn't appear on this occasion as a comatose person.

so……. "

After the words fell, Heisenberg tapped his finger lightly, and Asazo immediately opened his eyes.

He looked around, and quickly lifted himself up from the arms of a group of big men.

"What happened, what happened to me, where is this place, how... Emma?"

Asazo finally saw the White Queen, he stood on the ground in a daze, and asked Emma with a frown.

"This... am I unconscious?

Where is this and why are we gathered here?

How did I pass out, who did it, wait, is it you? ! ! "

Asazo looked at Heisenberg fiercely. He took two steps forward and at the same time pulled out the dagger stuck in his belt.

But after he pulled out the dagger, he also calmed down a little.

"With your outfit, and this occasion?"

The Red Devil looked at the White Queen questioningly while thinking.

"Emma, ​​you accepted him, he is now...?"

"That's right, Asazo, he is what I have been looking for, the White Emperor who deserves my recognition!"

Emma replied bluntly.

After listening to Emma's words, Asazo nodded, and then inserted the dagger back into his belt.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect, I didn't seem to be in a coma for a long time, but you seem to have made a real decision.

But that's fine, no matter who it is, as long as it can change the look of this damn club and make you climb out of decadence! "

Asazo said, he came to Heisenberg and nodded slightly to Heisenberg.

"It's an honor to meet you, sir, or should I call you the White Emperor?"

"Up to you." Heisenberg responded noncommittally.

Listening to his answer, Asazo smiled.

"You look very aggressive and strong, not everyone can solve me instantly.

At least among the current mutants, Charles is the only one who can do this, and Eric can't kill me easily.

So, I reluctantly approve of you, Your Excellency. "

After the words fell, Asazo turned around and came behind Heisenberg, and stood up quietly.

But as he stood, he always felt a little uncomfortable in his tail.

It seems a little swollen....

So he twisted his tail uncomfortably, and looked at Heisenberg helplessly.

"However, Your Excellency, if you get rough on me again in the future, can you stop grabbing my tail?"

"Ahem, you seem to be looking forward to it, what's the matter?

You know, as long as you won't be rude to me, I won't be rough on you! "

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

Asazo suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

So far, the entire Paris branch of the Hellfire Club has finally reached a unified thought.

Seeing that everyone accepted his existence, Heisenberg patted the table lightly and continued talking to everyone.

"Before I came, I didn't know what everyone was like.

After all, in my imagination, the Hellfire Club shouldn't be so...depraved.

So guys, we need change, what do you think? "

No one answered.

Heisenberg took it for their acquiescence, so he continued.

"It seems that although the club has fallen, it hasn't broken even the rules.

I appreciate everyone's respect for me and Emma.

So, let me directly announce what everyone is going to do next! "

Speaking of this, Heisenberg gently raised his hand, and a sun rune suddenly appeared in front of him.

After showing the rune to everyone, Heisenberg explained.

"In order to prevent any of you, the psychic from the **** academy sees through the brain and leaks information about me.

Therefore, I want to engrave my own runes with special meanings for you.

This rune is called the sun, and it can protect your thinking to a certain extent, preventing certain important information from leaking out of your brain.

So, get ready! "

After the words fell, Heisenberg flicked the rune, and everyone present felt their shoulders heat up.

When they each looked at their shoulders, a rune belonging to Heisenberg appeared there.

On the sofa, Heisenberg nodded to Emma.

"That's what I used to say, the little things you can do with Charles.

You are also a psychic user, try it and see if you can still see the memories related to me from their brains! "


Emma nodded, and then activated her psychic abilities.

After a while, Emma smiled with satisfaction.

"This rune works very well, although I don't understand the principle, but I really can't see your shadow in their minds.

To be precise, I can't see your face, I can't hear your name, the only information I can get about you is the word Baihuang! "

"very good!"

Seeing that the experiment was a success, Heisenberg nodded in satisfaction.

"No one doesn't accept my rune, right? Of course, even if I refute it, it's too late now.

Just treat everyone as having an extra tattoo.

So now let me talk about the second thing.

That is who we are! "

Having said that, Heisenberg patted the table lightly to face up to the audience.

The people below immediately pulled their attention from the inexplicable runes and listened carefully.

Facing hundreds of pairs of expectant eyes, Heisenberg said simply.

"I don't know who named the group of mutants from the beginning.

For me, this word is not a title, but a humiliation!

Mutants, as the name suggests, we have been marked as another kind of creature since our existence.

This word, in a way that separates us from our human identity, almost comparable to insect metamorphosis, blurs our true meaning and value! "

After the words were finished, Heisenberg stood up, and he walked out of the sofa with the wine glass, and came among his subordinates.

I saw him casually patted the shoulder of one of his subordinates.

"What's your ability, buddy?"

"My lord, I can heat metal, and my fire knife is the best of the club!"

"Okay, heating metal, nice ability.

So let me ask you, when did you discover your ability? "

"Well, of course I can't forget the day I was in the gym with my cousin.

He does the bench press and I do the protection for him.

However, he made a mistake, and he was about to be hit by the barbell.

As soon as I was in a hurry, I quickly caught the barbell, and then...

The barbell was heated to a red state by me!

I was sixteen that year, and I became what they called a freak, but I just wanted to save people, my lord! "

Listening to the little brother's words, Heisenberg nodded and continued to ask.

"Yeah, you just want to save people, but because of that nervousness, you became a so-called mutant.

After that, did they treat you like one? "

"How is it possible, if they can accept me, why should I come out and dawdle by myself!"

"Then before you have the ability, can you be called a human being?"

"Of course, my lord, before that day, I always thought I was an ordinary person!"

At this point, Heisenberg patted him on the shoulder fiercely.

"Look, guys, I'm sure most of you are like him.

You live a normal life, and then suddenly..., suddenly you are classified into another species by friends, relatives, and people who don't know you!

In my opinion, this is extremely unreasonable, and it is a phenomenon that makes me especially despised!

And the cause of all these phenomena is what we are called mutants!

So, I decided to change it!

In my opinion, the so-called ability is not our nominal mutation, but our embrace of awakening as human beings!

We are not another species, we are human beings, the inevitable product of human evolution!

We have never changed, we have just awakened, raised our heads from our ordinary life, and embraced the divine evolution and awakening!

So start today with the Hellfire Club!

The title of mutant has been completely changed, we must remember our new identity, awakened ones! "

After the words were finished, Heisenberg returned to the sofa and said seriously to the White Queen.

"Emma, ​​use all the power at our disposal to contact all official mouthpieces, TV stations, and newspapers.

I need to spread the concept of awakened people to the hearts of as many people as possible in the shortest possible time!

Regardless of threats, persecution, or control, temptation.

I want enough scientific researchers to speak up for us!

I want them to admit that awakening is the inevitable way for humans to embrace evolution.

Whether it is an armed confrontation or a covert attack.

I need to get the world's leaders to accept our new image, starting with Europe.

Awakening is destined to be a kind of glory, and awakened people are also destined to be superior, instead of being regarded as perverted and despicable beings by the whole society and discriminated against as they are now!

Reversing our image and impression in the human mind, this is the first thing we have to do! "

After the words fell, Heisenberg looked at the slightly excited people and asked softly.

"That's my number one goal for the future, how does it feel, guys?"

"Of course, your will is the criterion of our actions, Your Excellency!"

The boys below shouted in unison, after all, this order from Heisenberg really touched their G-spot.

Whether it's those who have really experienced discrimination, or other villains who fish in troubled waters.

Those who have been discriminated against seek respect!

And those outright villains, they crave status!

After all, no mutant could refuse Heisenberg's orders, no one!

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