Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 349 This Is Not an Invitation

On the side, Emma turned her head helplessly, letting her eyeballs float to the sky as much as possible.

Although the woman in front of her is very beautiful, she has her own pursuit.

This is not the body she wants to admire, absolutely not!

While looking at the stars in the sky, Emma contacted Asazo in her mind.

"Azazzo, I'm here, with a black suit on, we found the Black Knight Wolverine!"

As the voice fell, Asazzo immediately agreed, and then he flashed to Las Vegas to buy clothes.

As for why Las Vegas.

Probably because he just bought clothes there once, and he misses the old days....

At the same time, on the roof, Wolverine also heard Emma's words.

So, Wolverine immediately opened his eyes and asked Emma and Magneto.

"You know my name?

who I am?

Where am I!

Who are you? "


Hearing what Wolverine said, Magneto was also stunned, so everyone present was stunned.

After thinking for a moment, Magneto turned his head, he just wanted to chat with Emma, ​​he definitely didn't want to see Uncle Wolf walking the birds under the moon!

Thinking this way, he said to Emma.

"Has he lost his memory?

That should be the case, otherwise the man I saw before was reckless, but he wouldn't be so stupid! "

After the words fell, Magneto reluctantly turned his head and continued to speak to Wolverine.

"You don't remember anything?

We met, although it was not a pleasant memory.

However, your brain should have been ruined by Stryker! "

As soon as Magneto's words fell,

Wolverine responded immediately.

He roared loudly.


This cry is full of Wolverine's hatred for Stryker,

As for why the hatred, Wolverine has no idea.

Anyway, it's hatred, probably the kind of hatred that just hearing his name, I think he will sleep with his wife beating his child!

Hearing Wolverine's hateful cry, Magneto waved his hands lightly.

"Stop screaming, Stryker is dead, I killed it.

After all, Emma has already seen his brain, and he is useless.

By the way, we should help you get back the memory first, otherwise, this kind of communication is really tiring! "

After the words fell, Magneto continued to suppress Wolverine, and turned around to ask Emma.

"Emma, ​​Logan's memory, can you help him recover?"

"I can not!"

"Oh, can't even you?"

Hearing Emma's answer, Magneto was really stunned. He was about to ask the reason, but Emma continued to talk to him.

"I can't, but you can, Eric!

There is an Adamantium bullet in Wolverine's brain, and that bullet oppresses his memory area, causing him to completely lose his past memories.

If you could get that bullet out of his sealed adamantium skull.

Then he can recover his memory naturally.

But that's Adamantium, the hardest metal on Earth, can you? "

"Of course I can!"

Facing Emma's question, Magneto answered very simply.

"I am Magneto, not Iron King. I can control all metals and everything through electromagnetic force!"

After the words fell, Magneto looked at Wolverine and said.

"Although you have no memory, you should still have a brain, you heard our conversation, right?

You have been controlled by Stryker for five years, we rescued you, now, I want to cure your memory loss!

Of course, this process will be a little painful, but I think you can bear it!

be ready! "

"Damn, even though I don't know who you are, I've been controlled like this by you!

Do whatever you want! "

Wolverine is a little depressed and a little bit wronged, he is covered in metal, but the person in front of him actually controls the metal!

It's on the muzzle!

I can only hope they are so kind!

Thinking of this, Lao Lang covered his crotch and closed his eyes.

"let's start!"

"it is good!"

Magneto nodded, then stretched out his left hand.

Immediately, Wolverine let out a terrifying scream.

Have you ever tried the feeling of a skull being split open alive?

Wolverine tried it!

His Adamantium alloy skull was forcibly torn out by Magneto!

Immediately afterwards, poof!

The Adamantium bullet flew aside, and Wolverine's head with an extra hole healed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Wolverine shook his head harshly.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Come to think of it, shit, I've been stuck here for five years!

Damn it, am I not protecting my employer's daughter?

How did I sink in the river and be fished out by the bloody Stryker!

Shit, it's all shit, why do I feel like I'm still missing a piece of memory! "

After the words fell, Wolverine frowned, and he looked at the two of Magneto again.

"Did you do something to me, my memory is incomplete, absolutely incomplete!

I..., I didn't know what I was doing for a while! "

"Hold on!"

On the side, Emma nodded slightly, and then she said to Magneto.

"Eric, Logan is missing part of his memory, but I'm not the person who experienced it at the time.

So, I'll give Wolverine a copy of the memory in your head, and that of Pietro.

Because of the period when he lost his memory, you have seen him and acted with him! "


Magneto nodded, and then let Emma operate.

After a while, Magneto and Kuaiyin in the base felt dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, Wolverine rolled his eyes cutely.

After his white eyes returned to normal, Wolverine rubbed differently....

Well, he instinctively wanted to rub his head, but when he found that he was still clutching his crotch....

He stopped because he didn't want to rub the bottom of his head in front of so many people.

He didn't want to expose his lower head to so many people!

Immediately afterwards, Wolverine looked at Lao Wan angrily.

"Eric, you bastard, it was you who took the imperial army...

No, my mind is a little messed up.

You're the one who threw me in the river in front of the White House, you got me caught by the Stryker, hell!

But why am I with Charles, I remember you two idiots.

You have been looking for me for seven or eight years, asking me to join your team of some little brats.

It seems to be to deal with Hellfire's Black Emperor Xiao.

But I told you to go away at that time, why did we get together later?

Hell, really hell, what was controlling me during that time! "

After the words fell, Wolverine frowned, thinking hard about the situation at that time.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't think of it, it was because his brain at that time was occupied by his future self!

In a post-apocalyptic future in which mutants have been wiped out by the Sentinels, future Wolverines, through the ability to blink, allow their minds to descend upon past Wolverines.

This is why Wolverine lost that period of memory. His mind was not his own at the time, so where could he remember it.

Even if Emma helped him save memory puzzles, those puzzles were seen by others, and he was replaced by the future Wolverine.

The puzzle doesn't explain why he lost control.

On the side, listening to Wolverine's questioning, Magneto shook his head angrily.

"Yeah, I threw you in the river because we were enemies.

As for now, I got you caught by Stryker, and I rescued you from here again.

If you still think I owe you, feel free, idiot!

snort! "


Wolverine and Magneto turned their heads together, neither of them looked at the other.

And Emma….

She looked into the eyes of the moon and laughed until she was about to roll her eyes!

The stalemate between the two didn't last long. After about half a minute, Hong Mist appeared beside them.

Asazo came down suddenly, and then he looked at Wolverine's body in a daze.

"Wow, I thought all he lacked was a suit, I didn't expect him to be so wild!

But it was just right, because Pietro and I bought more than 60,000 yuan of clothes in one go at that store in Las Vegas tonight.

So, they sent me socks and panties, Dior's.

What a coincidence! "

After the words fell, Asazo threw the clothes in his hand towards Wolverine.

When Wolverine let go to pick up the clothes, Asazo glanced at Wolverine's body.

"Ahem, panties may be a little small for you.

You make do with it! "

"It's okay, thank you so much, my mind is a mess, and when I recover, I'll buy you a drink, devil!"

"Haha, you can call me the Red Devil, or Asazo."

"Well, I see!"

Wolverine nodded, then turned and pulled the clothes over himself.

The muscles all over his body have just grown, there is no dust at all, and he is not afraid of getting dirty.

Only his feet, he was a little embarrassed, after all, his feet were too weak.

But after enduring it, he still rubbed the soles of his feet with his hands, and after wiping off all the gravel, he reluctantly put the socks on.

After getting dressed, Wolverine looked around and asked Magneto.

"Are you here to attack this base?"

"To be precise, we are here to find you, Logan!"

Magneto explained.

Hearing Magneto's words, Wolverine frowned toughly.

"Find me?"

"Of course, I have now joined the Hellfire Club. Our Lord White Emperor needs you to be the black knight in the club!"

As soon as Magneto finished speaking, Wolverine interrupted in disbelief.

"Wait, Hellfire Club, after the Cuban Missile Crisis, didn't those things suppressed by the United Nations almost lose their farts?

It is said that they all survived by relying on the White Queen as a bustard to let the mutant girl do business. This story has long been spread in the mercenary circle...

Wait, what did I hear, you guys are the Hellfire Club?

Damn, I was careless, no flash!

The White Queen isn't here, is she? "

"Ahem, I am the White Queen!"

Emma on the side finally rolled her eyes again.

Hearing Emma's words, even if he was Wolverine, he couldn't help showing a little more embarrassment on his face.

He took a deep breath, and finally put the suit jacket on himself.

"Okay, my fault, I was a little bit outspoken.

However, about your White Emperor inviting me.

Sorry, anyone who knows me knows that I am a loner.

I'm not in the mood to get involved in your mess, even if you saved me!

Of course, in return for saving me and restoring my memory at the same time.

I can help you three times, that's all.

That's it, I'm leaving! "

As soon as the words fell, Wolverine was about to kick.

Unfortunately, before he could take two steps, Asazo had teleported to his side.

While pressing Wolverine's shoulder, Asazo smiled.

"Don't just leave like this, you should at least meet His Excellency the White Emperor.

Otherwise, we people will not be able to bear the anger of His Excellency the White Emperor! "

After the words fell, he didn't care whether Wolverine agreed or not, and took the old wolf to teleport out.

In the next second, the old wolf had already arrived in front of Heisenberg.

The moment he landed, the old wolf immediately wanted to curse, because that was his character.

He has no scruples, he is the boss!

But when he saw the innocent children around him....

The old wolf pursed his lips, and quietly took back the swear words.

He is also a gentle person.

At the same time, Heisenberg, who was snuggling up on the small tree, raised his head slightly, and looked at the old wolf who was thinking in the distance.

"Azazuo, you continue to rescue our compatriots, as for this stubborn old guy, leave it to me!"

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

Azazuo nodded with a smile, and then quickly teleported away. After he left, the old wolf finally couldn't help it.

He took a big step in the direction of Heisenberg, and he didn't speak to Heisenberg until he was a little far away from the children around him.

"Leave it to you, hehe, who are you, you look awesome, buddy!"

After the words fell, the old wolf stood in front of Heisenberg carelessly, observing Heisenberg unhappily.

Facing the old wolf's observation, Heisenberg slowly sat up from the small tree.

Accompanied by his movements, the little tree under him immediately moved.

This tree went straight from a shape suitable for lying down to a shape more suitable for sitting!

Such a scene made the old wolf take a slight breath.

"You can control plants, is this what you rely on?"

"No, I don't control it, it's its own will!"

Heisenberg replied with a smile, and at the same time he patted the small tree under him lightly.

Feeling Heisenberg's appreciation, the little tree suddenly became happy, and it shook its branches and leaves gently to express its joy.

And this phenomenon made the old wolf take a further breath.

After the breath was spat out by the old wolf, the old wolf continued to ask nervously.

"who are you!"

"I, the White Emperor of the club, of course, you can call me Heisenberg."

"No, you know that's not what I'm asking, you....

I have never seen such a mysterious mutant!

That tree, why do I feel like it's alive?

No, no, it is alive, but it seems to have wisdom! "

"Ha ha!"

Hearing what the old wolf said, Heisenberg smiled and touched Xiaoshu's body.

"What's the matter with wisdom, is there anything strange about it?

I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but in some myths, those who have a little contact with those strong people will receive the gift of fate.

I rested on this tree, I accepted its love, so it got my gift.

It makes sense, right? "

After the words were finished, Heisenberg stood up, and this action made the little tree under him shake unhappily.

While patting the little tree as comfort, Heisenberg came to the old wolf and patted the old wolf's shoulder lightly.

"You weren't alone all the time, you were just betrayed and hurt.

But right now, I'm different from everyone, and you'll feel it.

There is limitless potential within you, and your spirit is heavier than the entire world.

I admire you so much, Jimmy, so come to me! "

Having said that, Heisenberg casually placed the old wolf's shoulder on his shoulder, and continued to speak, meeting the old wolf's particularly unaccustomed eyes.

"The children around you, they are your compatriots, the future of mutants.

Of course, being Awakened now, I completely changed the name for us.

Anyway, just imagine, man, you like women, right?

Well, one day, you will accidentally have a baby too, trust me.

Do you want your children to wander around the world like you do?

Or, do you really not want to create a better environment for our future?

There are some things we don't do because it's almost impossible to succeed at those things.

But when you think about it, when me, Eric, Emma, ​​and countless other people get together.

We are destined to succeed, don't you think? "

After finishing the words, Heisenberg finally patted Old Wolf's left shoulder, and he suddenly felt a heat on his shoulder.

Accompanied by the fact that the sun emblem was inlaid on his shoulder, Heisenberg continued.

"Join me, Jimmy, it's not an invitation, it's an order!

Now, you are the black knight in the club! "

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