Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 356 The Green on Charles' Head

"When my best student encounters difficulties, the first name he calls is not me, but you!

Heisenberg, your affinity is astonishing, haha! "

After the words fell, Charles clapped his hands and turned to Jean Gray.

"Also, Jean, it's time for you to let go of your teacher and really rest.

As for your dream, I have seen it just now, and I will investigate the information, don't worry.

Anyway, that's all there is tonight, promise me Jean, this nightmare won't go on! "


Jean nodded her head as hard as she could, then let go of Heisenberg shyly.

Sitting back on the bed, she covered herself again with the quilt.

"Thank you teacher, and thank you professor, I...I try my best to have a good dream.

Sorry, I don't know why this happened, and I'm sorry for the impact on everyone.

I slept.

Good night, teachers and professors! "

While saying good night in a low voice, Qin covered her head under the quilt.

She wanted to use this action to cover up her shyness.

But she didn't expect that when she realized that Heisenberg and Charles couldn't see her face.

The daydreams in her mind increased in an instant.

After a while, footsteps and doors slammed one after another, and she was the only one left in the room.

So she gently twisted her legs under the quilt, her heart was inexplicably itchy, did she grow up?


On the other hand, after leaving Qin's room.

Charles nodded to Heisenberg.

"Thanks to you, Heisenberg, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid Qin would have to suffer for a long time!"

"It's just what I have to do,

After all, she is my student.

But I didn't expect Qin to wake up from the nightmare after I passed by.

It can be regarded as a crooked hit. "

Heisenberg said with a smile.

Hearing what Heisenberg said, Charles smiled thoughtfully.

"One thing, maybe you don't know, Qin's talent is extremely terrifying, even terrifying to the point where she can't control it at all!

Many years ago, Jean was just a child, but her sudden awakening caused her to lose her mother.

After that, I brought Qin to the academy, and at the same time, without Qin noticing, I quietly suppressed her memory and thinking.

As for the reason, it was to prevent her from hurting herself and not giving her the opportunity to hurt others, which is why I prepared for this.

However, no matter how much I tried to argue, I violated my principles and changed her memory and consciousness! "

Having said that, Charles sighed helplessly.

"How about it, when you hear this, do you think I'm not worthy of the principal?"

After questioning, Charles looked at Heisenberg with a bitter face.

Facing Charles' gaze, Heisenberg shook his head slightly.

"You won't keep it from her forever, you will tell her sooner or later, and on that day, those things will not be your fault, but your elder's expectation of her."

After finishing speaking, Heisenberg patted Charles on the shoulder lightly.

"Okay, I'll go back to rest, I guess you and Hank will be busy tomorrow, so I will continue to substitute for the children.

Good night, Professor. "

"Well, thank you for your hard work, good night!"

With the sound of saying goodbye to each other, Charles and Heisenberg separated in front of his bedroom.

Immediately afterwards, Charles hurried to find Hank.

As the two walked towards the brainwave enhancement room, Hank introduced Charles what he had just discovered.

"Charles, I speculated that Qin's loss of control was related to the earthquake just now, so I analyzed the data of this earthquake for the first time.

And guess what I found? "

"I don't guess, just say it, Hank!"

"Uh, well, you're boring.

In short, the earthquake just now was actually an earthquake that spread to the whole world! "

"What, spread to the whole world?!!"

Charles was taken aback, and he frowned in disbelief.

"How big a shock does it have to be for an earthquake to spread around the world?

Are you sure your numbers are correct? "

Facing Charles' question, Hank nodded simply.

"Of course I can't be wrong, and the discussions that are happening around the world support my point.

The earthquake just now did indeed affect the whole world in an instant.

It stands to reason that for such an earthquake, its epicenter and epicenter should have become hell!

How terrifying energy is needed to spread to the whole world, the core of that energy should have been turned upside down long ago!

But in the end, when I investigated the source of the earthquake, the magnitude of the earthquake there did not even reach level 7!

That's right, the source of the earthquake was Cairo, but Cairo didn't even damage a few buildings!

It's incredible! "

Having said that, Hank just pushed Charles to the front of the brain wave enhancement room.

Charles pressed the door open button, and immediately a light in the shape of an X on the door shone on Charles' face.

"The comparison of the iris brain waves has been completed, welcome back, Professor X!"

Accompanied by the mechanical sound from the computer, Charles was pushed into the brain wave enhancement room by Hank, and he simply put on his helmet.

"Cairo, right, I will look for news there!"

While talking, Charles' vision crossed the ocean and stayed in Cairo.

In just an instant, he sifted through the information of everyone in Cairo.

And at this moment, Charles clearly saw a figure he would never forget, staggering in embarrassment on the streets of Cairo.

Charles was upset, and he quickly locked his sights on that person.

And just like that, Charles heard what the man was saying next.

She said: "I have to report this to my superiors, I have to!

Something unusual happened! ! ! "

Hearing these words, Charles nodded knowingly.

Then he took off his helmet and whispered to Hank beside him.

"It's Moira!"

"What Moira?"

Hank asked in confusion, and at the same time desperately searched for the name Moira in his mind.

A moment later, before Charles could answer, he thought of the answer himself.

"My God, you mean Moira Magtaggart?

Why is she in Cairo?

What does this have to do with the CIA?

It can't be that group of damn bastards playing with weapons of mass destruction abroad again! "

Hank and Charles have been friends for decades, although the friendship between the two cannot be compared with Eric.

But anyway, Hank knew Charles very well.

So, how could he not know about Moira, Charles' first love?

Beside him, hearing the name of his former lover, Charles nodded sadly.

"That's right, it's Moira, the earthquake that happened in Cairo is related to her.

So, I'm going to find her tomorrow....

Of course, everything is just to find out the truth, right? "

After the words fell, Charles let out a long sigh.

Although more than ten years have passed, I should have completely forgotten about this woman.

But in fact, the more you lose, the more you will become the bright white moonlight in your heart...

Sighing, Charles took off his helmet, and after putting the helmet back aside, Charles finally said.

"Let's go, go back and rest first, after all, it's still early morning here.

At noon tomorrow, you, me, and Alex.

The three of us went to meet Moira. "


Hank nodded, then pushed Charles out of the secret room, and the two went back to their rooms to sleep peacefully.

Of course, Charles couldn't sleep tonight.


The next morning, the three of them went to the CIA. Through investigation, they determined that Moira had returned from Cairo and reported to the office instead.

After parking the car in front of the intelligence bureau, Hank pushed Charles, Alex followed them, and the three walked into the intelligence bureau swaggeringly.

There were crowds of people all around, but none of them could see the three of Charles. As the strongest psychic in the world, it was really too easy for him to cover up his existence.

As the three moved forward, Alex kept asking Charles.

"I never had the nerve to ask you back then, what happened to you and Moira?

Don't tell me that even your steadfast love can be defeated by any reality.

In that case, I can't believe in love a little bit! "

Listening to Alex's question, Charles sighed leisurely and said.

"Everything was my idea!"

"What idea, buddy, please explain clearly, just to satisfy my curiosity!"

Alex was dissatisfied with Charles' cover-up, he patted Charles on the shoulder with a playful smile.

Accompanied by his urging movements, Charles had no choice but to nod.

"Well, there's nothing to say.

After that incident, I erased Moira's memory.

To be precise, I deleted all the experiences in her heart and mine!

At the same time, I also changed the memories of all ordinary people who knew about our relationship.

So in the eyes of Moira today, we are just strangers who have never met! "


Hearing Charles' words clearly, Alex took a breath with a toothache.

"You are really cruel to yourself, Charles, that is your favorite woman, you really have the heart to separate from her.

Seriously, you are hypocritical, I can even guess that you must regret it afterwards! "

"There is nothing to regret. After all, the two of us are not people in the same world. Being by my side will only put her in danger. It's not fair to her."

"So, you deleted someone's memory, and you still think that you are a saint, saving someone's future?


Tell the truth, Charles, you really have no regrets at all?

I guess you must have seen her many times with your abilities!

How does it feel to spy on your old flame?

Does it hurt every time you see it? "

"No, no, that's not voyeurism, it's investigation.

I admit, I did see her, but only a few times.

She's an elite CIA operative, and we're a target for the CIA, so I was spying, scouting... eh.

Well, hell, I admit it was voyeurism, I really can't get over her...  "

Sighing, Charles pushed open the door of Moira's office.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Moira, who was sitting on the office chair, yelled without raising her head.

"I don't need coffee, you..., huh?"

Before she finished speaking, she immediately raised her head.

Because she heard the footsteps of more than one person.

When she saw three people walking into the room, she immediately stretched out her hand vigilantly, and quietly touched the palm of her hand near the pistol under the drawer.

But then, she quickly took her hand back!

"Professor Charles Xavier!"

Moira recognized Charles' identity, which had never been a secret in the CIA!

Knowing that she was facing the strongest spiritual master on earth, Moira completely gave up her plan to resist.

She stood up excitedly, and then said to Charles excitedly.

"I have read those papers of yours, professor, and I agree with your thinking very much.

Whether it's your seminars on psychology, or your discussions and predictions on the sociology of emerging mutants.

Those all fascinate me! "

After the words fell, Moira naturally greeted several people.

While saying hello, her heart flustered.

Don't be read, don't be read!

Moira kept repeating the above sentence in her mind.

After Moira was erased by Charles from her past memory, when Moira no longer remembered the love story between herself and Charles.

Facing Charles, she is just like all ordinary people.

Surprisingly scared, but dare not resist!

On the opposite side, even without mind reading, Charles could feel Moira's thoughts.

So he pursed his lips sadly, and then looked around in confusion.

While observing Moira's office, Charles said nervously.

"Hello Ms. Moira Magtaggart, nice to meet you.

As you said, I'm Charles Xavier, and I'm bothering you because I need some information about last night's events in Cairo! "

The moment Charles finished speaking, Moira frowned immediately.

The Cairo incident is top secret even in the CIA, why would Charles know about it!

But just before she asked, Charles continued to ask on the opposite side.

"Hey, is that a photo of you and your child behind you? Are you married?"


Moira was taken aback, you were spying on information one second, but why did you care about your marriage the next second?

But no matter how unreliable Charles was, Moira had to take his problems seriously.

So, Moira nodded slightly and replied.

"Of course, of course I'm married, Mr. Charles!"

Getting the answer from Moira's mouth, Charles suddenly fell into pain.

The woman I love the most really fell into the arms of others, and she was oppressed by others...

cough cough.

In short, she even has a child, and she is very happy!

Thinking of this, Charles pursed his lips and muttered bitterly.

"Yeah, after so many years, it's time for you to get married."

"What do you say, sir, why do you care so much about my marriage?"

Moira asked curiously, which made Charles bow his head in shame.

Enduring his sadness, Charles murmured and explained.

"It's okay, sorry, I'm just a little... uh, you can understand that I'm not very good at socializing.

So I always find some messy topics to make the chat with me more interesting.

For example, Mrs. Moira, what does your lover do, how is he, how is he treating you, are you happy? "


Facing Charles' questions one after another, Moira was really at a loss.

Somehow, relying on her experienced eyes, she saw the deep love he had for her from the famous man among the mutants opposite.

love? ! !

Moira thought she was crazy. She had never met Charles, and Charles could not be interested in her as an ordinary person.

Have you gone crazy?

I really need to learn more about my psychology. What I judged this day are all messed up things!

Moira replied regretfully while suppressing what she thought was an unrealistic judgment.

"Sorry, I don't want to say that, Mr Charles.

Because..., well.

Because not every love will have a perfect ending.

My husband and I work in the same kind of work, and you also understand that our work does not come back completely every time we go out.

My husband passed away a long time ago. "

"That's great!"

Hearing this answer, Charles blurted out.

As a result, in the next second, Charles immediately used his ability in embarrassment.

After he completely controlled Moira, Alex beside him finally couldn't help laughing.

While laughing, Alex kept patting Charles on the shoulder.

"Dude, it's been all these years and we're both in our forties!


How did you manage to still act like a virgin?

How can you be so shy, hahahahaha

It looks so stupid, hahahaha! ! ! "

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