Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 371 You Rebellious Son! ! !

Facing the suddenly changing space, the Phoenix didn't react in any unnecessary way. Although it was only a fragment, it was still confident enough.

After realizing that the ground under her feet had turned into nothingness, the phoenix immediately floated in the air in a large shape, and surging red energy gushed out from her chest and between her eyes, and that energy rushed towards Heisenberg in an instant.

Seeing the torrent of energy that the phoenix approached in a flash, Heisenberg smiled slightly.

"Gana Tower!"

He yelled, and Ganata in the distance immediately raised his right hand towards him.

At the same time, Janata's beautiful little paw quietly raised her thumb.

Noticed Janata's thumb, Tianqi under her feet panicked!

"Wait, I'll prepare, it hurts, boss!!!"

While shouting, Tian Qi was sadly ready to die again.

But this time, Janata didn't throw him away. Janata gave Tianqi a blank look, put her hands together, and made a Kamepai Qigong pose towards Fenghuang!

"It's up to you to see if you are full. Dad, I wish my stomach and intestines won't be disturbed!!!"

While cheering herself up, Janata mobilized her devouring power severely.

In a blink of an eye, with the four pillars on the edge of the 500-kilometer cube as the core, the infinite purple energy also formed a torrent, which ruthlessly collided with the energy torrent of the phoenix!

In this regard, the energies of purple and crimson were constantly neutralized, and the two energies were quickly entangled, and no one gave way to the other.

As for Janata in the distance, even the golden-purple sexy battle suit she was wearing had two touches of crimson red.


Seeing Janata's actions, Heisenberg smiled with satisfaction.

"It's beautifully done. I'll leave the energy output of the phoenix to you, and leave the rest to me, little girl!"

Hearing Heisenberg's words, Janata rolled her eyes helplessly, and reminded Heisenberg worriedly.

"Hmm, I'll try my best, but as you can see, the power of the phoenix is ​​very contagious.

You'd better suppress her body quickly,

Otherwise, I can't last long.

At this rate, I'm afraid it won't take nine months, and I won't be able to hold on anymore! ! ! "

As soon as she finished speaking, Tian Qi under her feet couldn't help rolling her eyes.

My god, are you sure what you said is human?

nine months?

That's nine full months?

Is this the world of big bosses?

An outbreak can last as long as nine months? ! !

So I'm so weak because I can only last three seconds with all my strength?

Thinking about the gap between himself and Janata, Apocalypse no longer has the last bit of pride.

People go for nine months at a time, but I'm a real man in three seconds.

woo woo woo...

Tianqi's thousands of avatars all put on the expression of wanting to cry but not crying...

On the side, Heisenberg ignored Tianqi's low self-esteem, and after being reminded by Janata, he waved his hand confidently.

"Small problem, the battle must be over within nine months!"

After the words fell, Heisenberg clenched his right fist hard.

In the blink of an eye, the sun had already set, and suddenly the bright sun reappeared!

"Let me extend the battery life and see how I, a mercenary, can help you train our little phoenix, haha!"

Accompanied by an arrogant smile, Heisenberg jumped out suddenly, and in a blink of an eye rushed to the big floating phoenix.

When Heisenberg was about half a meter away from Phoenix, Phoenix desperately released the energy shield, which slightly slowed down Heisenberg's advance speed.

But before Phoenix could struggle, her energy was immediately plundered by Janata.

At the same time as Janata hiccupped, Heisenberg punched Phoenix in the stomach!

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

There was no shock wave, and the whole body of Phoenix was thrown out. Accompanied by the soundless and airless upside down movement, Phoenix spit out crimson energy from this punch!

Even in just a blink of an eye, the 500-kilometer cubic independent space controlled by the Heisenbergs was filled with the color of the phoenix!


And this is exactly what Charles and others saw when they turned on the satellite!


Underground in Berlin, looking at the red energy all over the sky on the screen, Charles suddenly showed despair.

"It's over, it's over, I know that kind of power, that evil thing has completely escaped from Qin's body!"

After the words fell, Charles instinctively interrupted and rubbed his head.

However, when he put his hand on top of his head, all he felt was loneliness...

For a moment, Charles was slightly taken aback...

"Huh? Where's my hair?"

"Ahem, now is not the time to think about that, Charles.

Look here, isn't the sunshine here a bit too bright!

If I remember correctly, isn’t the setting sun in Cairo, but the Cairo we saw looked like it was noon! "

Magneto interrupted Charles, who was looking for hair, and raised his own doubts.

Hearing Magneto's question, Hank thought for a moment and replied.

"Wait a minute, I'll invade a few more satellites, let's take a look at other corners and details of the Cairo battlefield!"

After the voice fell, in just a few seconds, the big screen in front of me was divided into more than a dozen parts.

At the same time, fully half of the satellites on the dozen or so large screens looked into the universe directly above Cairo from all angles.

There, another sun, although small, was equally bright and hot, making their faces dazed!

"Damn, what is this, shouldn't there be celestial bodies in that position!"

"That's the sun, the second sun!"

"What's the situation, what happened, why is there a small sun next to the moon!"

"Also, this is a sun that only shines on the Cairo area!!!"

While discussing sluggishly, everyone continued to look at other details of the Cairo battlefield.

Until then, they finally saw something unusual!

"Wait, a little adjustment here, how did Cairo disappear completely!!!"

"Not just Cairo, but everything nearby has disappeared, whether it's the pyramids just built by Apocalypse, or..."

Having said that, Charles was silent, and his face suddenly became painful.

Beside him, Hank patted him lightly on the shoulder.

"My condolences, dude, to the land and people in Washington who were transferred to Cairo by the apocalypse, they..."

"I know, they all disappeared..."

Charles answered weakly, and then slumped down on his wheelchair.

While panting in pain, Charles shed tears.

"What did they do wrong, why did they die like this, why?"

Unfortunately, no one answered Charles' question.

Because at this moment, except for him, everyone looking at the screen is thinking about another thing.

That is, luckily they left that area!



Meanwhile, in the direction of Cairo.

After being smashed into the air by Heisenberg's punch, the phoenix flew upside down for nearly 80 kilometers, spinning continuously, before finally stopping.

But the moment she stopped, Heisenberg had already appeared behind her.

While stretching his arms around Phoenix's neck, Heisenberg sneered and whispered in Fenghuang's ear.

"Have you ever felt the feeling of being dragged off your neck?"

As soon as the words fell, Fenghuang's eyebrows immediately became serious, feeling the pressure on his neck that was rapidly increasing, there were ten thousand things in Fenghuang's heart that he couldn't complain about!

My old lady has also experienced the feeling of being punched into countless pieces!

Have you tried it?

Have you ever been beaten by the power of a tm dragon? ! !

I think you have only been beaten by the power of the tm bear! ! !

While being angry, Fenghuang violently twisted his hands and feet.

She still turned her back to Heisenberg just a second ago.

But in the next second, her hair parted quickly, and her back straightened up quickly.

In the blink of an eye, her back turned into her front, and eyes actually appeared on the back of her head!

This picture is in the eyes of ordinary people, who knows how much San value will be lost.

But this kind of thing is just a sprinkle of water for the multi-strong powerhouse!

Changing his body in a blink of an eye, Phoenix grabbed Heisenberg's neck with both hands. Feeling the power of Phoenix, Heisenberg bared his teeth, and then suddenly forced his hands hard!

boom! ! !

Phoenix's head was directly pulled off by Heisenberg, and this scene even made Qin Gelei, who was hiding in Fenghuang's heart, confused.

While throwing the phoenix's head to Janata, which was 80 kilometers away, Heisenberg raised his knees and ruthlessly smashed the phoenix in his arms into the air.

Without his head, Phoenix has no influence at all. The real Phoenix is ​​not as weak as in the movie.

The weak one has always been Qin Gelei, not Phoenix!

Accompanied by the continuous spread of crimson energy, a new head appeared on Phoenix's neck in an instant. While recovering his body, Phoenix stayed in the distance and stretched out his right hand to Heisenberg.

At this moment, Ganata's voice rang out in Heisenberg's heart.

"Phoenix's energy output was suddenly interrupted, and she seemed to have improved the efficiency of controlling her own energy!

Be safe, Xiao Hai! ! ! "

"Have you gradually become familiar with your own body? This is normal, so I just need to make her gradually become abnormal!"

Heisenberg responded and clapped his hands lightly.

Immediately, the cubic space surrounded by the purple energy of Janata changed into pure black and gold in an instant.

At the same time, countless voices rushed into Fenghuang's ears!

Justice, honor, darkness, despair!

The boundless emotions directly made Fenghuang's complexion cloudy and uncertain.

Fenghuang, who was gradually controlling his new body, suddenly had a new gap between his consciousness and his body.

And, most importantly.

What really made Fenghuang feel flustered was that the voice in her ears, or in her consciousness, while disturbing her, actually kept trying to completely control her!

Yes, this is the essence of life equation and anti-life equation!

As the final answer to the code of life in the DC universe.

Both of these equations have the power and potential to be harnessed by all life!

In the DC universe, becoming stronger is extremely simple. If you master those two equations thoroughly, you are qualified to challenge God!

Of course, it's actually very simple in Marvel, just take out the heart of the universe, and you're just as qualified...

It's just that Heisenberg didn't want to play himself like that.

After all, if he really became omnipotent by relying on those things, then he doesn't know whether he controls those things, or those things replace him and become the new him...

At the same time, facing the re-chaotic Phoenix, Heisenberg communicated to Janata.

"My equation works, Master!"

"Received, ready!"

While answering, Janata picked up Apocalypse under her feet.

Tian Qi was wondering why he was picked up, and then saw Ganata making a preparation for throwing.

This time Tianqi panicked.

"Wait, boss, I am the main body, I am the main body!!!

Isn't there a clone? What does a clone do! "


Janata's face turned red, so she stepped on the body of Tianqi back to her feet.

At the same time, beside her, a clone of Tian Qi flew over with a tangled face.

While stopping beside Janata, Tianqi's avatar persuaded him aggrievedly.

"Take it easy..."

"What nonsense, let's go!"

Janata muttered, and threw Apocalypse at Heisenberg casually.

And when Tianqi's clone was flying helplessly, Heisenberg also wrestled with the chaotic Phoenix.

The figures of the two kept colliding in the air.

However, since there is no air in the space at this time, there is no sound.

Therefore, the collision between the two cannot be seen to have any great power.

After all, there is no background object, so it is impossible to see how destructive their actions are.

Except for the extremely fast speed of the two, they were like ordinary people beating each other, constantly attacking each other's vital parts.

However, this kind of action also gradually proved that the two of them are really harmless!

Heisenberg's armor was torn apart in an instant, and his heart was ripped out by Phoenix again and again!

Looking at the hearts floating all over the ground nearby, Heisenberg felt his heart throbbing. This bloody heart digger really lived up to its reputation!

The one who has the same idea as him is naturally the Emperor of Phoenix.

Since Heisenberg was keen on decapitation, Phoenix's head, which had not had time to decompose, floated all over the place.

After another separation, Fenghuang cursed fiercely in her heart while adjusting her position against the formula in her heart.

Damn beheaded Heisenberg! ! !

Unnaturally twisting his neck, Fenghuang opened his arms violently.

At this moment, an infinitely great phantom suddenly appeared behind her!

Endless, chaotic, crazy, confused!

All kinds of emotions spread out from that phantom in a blink of an eye, and that phantom is exactly a crimson phoenix!

And when the phoenix phantom appeared, Janata immediately acted!

"finally come!"

She shouted softly, while stepping on the apocalypse to make a gliding movement.

In a blink of an eye, she crossed countless time and space, and came directly between Heisenberg and Phoenix.

Seeing the Ganata and Apocalypse like this, Heisenberg's expression froze.

"Wow, your skateboard is really exquisite. I asked you to send Tianqi to distract her. I didn't expect you to step on him to send it here!"

While Heisenberg was speaking, he directly reached out and fished for the air.

Immediately, Apocalypse appeared in Heisenberg's hands without any resistance.

After Heisenberg gently swayed Tianqi's body towards the phoenix, he immediately made a preparation for throwing.

Sensing Heisenberg's actions, Tian Qi was agitated, and tears fell down again.

There are always people who want to harm me!

No, no, there are always adults who want grass people to die! ! !

"Lord Baihuang, it's me, I'm the main body!

My avatar is still on the way, just wait, wait, okay! ! ! "

While desperately explaining, Tian Qi shivered helplessly.

Why are you big guys all in the same pose? Is it my destiny in this life to live in a deep sleep to this day and age, and then be used as a throwing object by you? ! !

If I am destined to die today, let me die like this!

But if I can make it through today!

Immediately I retired to the countryside, and wrote the word "non-throwable object" all over the roof!

full! ! !


On the side, listening to Tianqi's explanation, Heisenberg was slightly taken aback.

He looked at Janata and asked casually.

"Where is the avatar that you sent?"

"Ah, he was thrown over by me. He seems to be flying a bit slowly. It takes about ten seconds!"

After the words fell, Janata turned her head to look at Phoenix indifferently!

"Don't mention that, let me solve the phoenix's projection first!"

While roaring, Janata looked at the phantom of the phoenix seriously.

Facing the increasingly clear Lin Yu of Phoenix, Janata opened her arms violently.

The moment she opened her arms, the four pillars used to fix the barrier lit up at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, an infinitely huge purple figure also lit up behind Janata!

After a while, the figure behind Janata became more and more solid.

However, the purple figure ignored the battlefield at this time, especially after leaving aside the Phoenix on the opposite side.

Xu Ying swallowed hard.

"Wait, good girl, that's not how I gave you the opportunity to call me!

Do you treat me as a father and I am a trash can, I want to put everything in my stomach~! "

"Stop talking, Dad, it's up to you!

Go ahead and swallow that phoenix! ! ! "

"Ahhh, you pervert~~~!!!"

For a while, accompanied by the screams of the star-swallowing projection.

Tun Xing behind Janata and Phoenix behind Qin collided fiercely.

Then, they all disappeared...



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