The images of Superman occupy a lot of time on TV news every day. Fuyuki City has already begun to evacuate in an orderly manner, and the city has become silent.

Today Emiya Shirou finally inherited everything from his future self, the unfinished justice, the hope of the future, the skill of projection, and the 60-year-old energy of the earth's veins obtained through replenishing magic.

At this time, Emiya Shiro is full of confidence and will challenge Superman, and he is accompanied by Matou Sakura, Lancer, and Saber. Archer left safely because he entrusted everything to his younger self.

During the training process with Archer, Emiya Shiro saw Archer's future full of swords and blood. He was a real man covered in scars and never gave up justice. He never gave up carrying out his ideals until his death, regrets are all things after Archer's death.

Emiya Shiro finally understood why Archer wanted to kill him, but it didn't matter, the important thing was that now he had to defeat Superman and end this farce in Fuyuki City.

Too many people have died and too many losses, Shirou Emiya came to Einsberen Villa with firm will to challenge Superman.

"It's faster than I expected." Kent has been waiting for a long time: "Are you going to go together, or are you going to have a wheel battle?"

"Where is Tohsaka-san? You hand her over." Emiya Shiro first wanted to ensure Tohsaka's safety. He thought that Tohsaka Rin joined the Superman side because he was threatened by Superman.

"These sisters naturally have their own time, let's hurry up and go to class."

Emiya Shiro walked out from the crowd, he didn't need anyone's assistance to carry out justice, now he is different from before, now Emiya Shiro is confident that he can defeat Kent.

"Projection, start!" It's not going to be together, nor is it a wheel battle, but Emiya Shirou confronts Superman.

Everyone else went to help Tohsaka Rin, and must ensure her safety.

Emiya Shirou, Mo Xie, who was exactly the same as Archer, launched a charge.

"Aren't you going to use the props I gave you?" Kent expressed his regret: "It seems that you have a deep prejudice against me."

"This is not a prejudice, but a fact!" Emiya Shirou decided that Kent was not a good person: "Ah—" his arms swung like green bamboos, and the double blades slashed at Kent's chest.


The sharp blade hit hard, but Mo Xie was smashed to pieces with hatred, and he couldn't do any harm to Kent.

Instead, Kent looked at Rin Tohsaka: "Take care of your own affairs, I want to have a one-on-one lesson with this little brother." Grabbing Emiya Shirou's recovered arm, he soared into the sky and met Emiya Shirou arrives at the deserted Fuyuki City. This will be their decisive battle.

Sakura stood between Saber and Lancer, looking at her sister complicatedly. She knew that Emiya Shirou had a crush on her sister, but if she didn't save her sister, it would make Emiya Shirou sad. With such a complicated state of mind, Sakura stood aside and hesitated.

"Sakura." Tohsaka Rin didn't have such a complicated mood. She knew that the energy of the Holy Grail had been used up by Kent. When it was impossible to summon the Holy Grail, she could only let Sakura vent on herself, "Come on, put your Vent all the grievances, I stole your happiness, come on, why are you hesitating."

"Rin, we don't need to fight." Saber didn't want to see the tragedy of sisters fighting each other: "You and Sakura have no reason to fight at all."

"Yes!" If Sakura didn't attack, Tohsaka Rin would attack. They had a reason to fight, because she was not a good sister, and that was enough!

Lancer quickly blocked Rin: "I really didn't expect this war to turn out like this. I actually want to fight the previous master."

"Lancer, get out of the way!" Rin didn't want to get entangled with the follower: "Ganata, help me quickly." Rin is not arrogant enough to fight the follower one-on-one.

Ganata immediately used the energy shield to fix Lancer and Saber,

Don't let them have any action, only leave Rin and Sakura to fight.

Sakura doesn't actually know how to fight, but she already knew how to use cards in the past few days, so she immediately summoned cards to enhance her strength. She used the item card representing Rider, which gave her the combat power of Rider.

These cards are the power of the heroic spirit that Kent squeezed Alaya's consciousness to seal from her, and only the power of the heroic spirit remained after the thought of the heroic spirit was eliminated.

Sakura raised a short weapon and the surging magic power formed a defensive barrier. When Rin vented the magic power of the gemstone in his hand at close range, he suffered a reaction force stronger than the magic power stimulated.

So from the very beginning, it was destined that Rin would be severely beaten, and the surging magic power was launched to Rin's body without any hindrance, cutting her clothes like a sharp knife and leaving scars on her body.

It hurts so much, Rin feels the pain is terribly painful, but thinking of everything her sister has suffered, the pain is less than one-thousandth, so she stood up again and launched an attack.

Sakura found that as long as she stood there, she was invincible. The card gave her absolute defense, and the opponent's attack had no effect at all.

Rin fell down and stood up again, launching attacks again and again and being beaten back again and again, covering the wounds on his body. Forgive sin in the form of self-harm.

Both Lancer and Saber realized something was wrong. Tohsaka Rin didn't want to fight at all, but wanted to seek death. Such meaningless attacks would only bring her closer to death.

Matou Sakura also found something unusual, either Rin became stupid or she intentionally self-mutilated. But Matou Sakura didn't understand why her sister would self-mutilate like this. She was a young lady or a school goddess, so she couldn't find a reason to self-mutilate.

Sakura doesn't understand the self-blame in her sister's heart. Now Rin hopes to feel the pain Sakura endured through being injured. If she doesn't understand the pain, how can she empathize with her sister?

Being knocked into the air again, Rin's body was bleeding profusely.

"Stop!" Sakura finally couldn't stand it anymore, "Why stand up, you have already lost!"

"Sakura, I owe you this." Due to the pain and blood loss, Rin's consciousness began to blur, but she still insisted on running towards Sakura's defense.

Staggering closer, the gemstone in his hand has been soaked in blood. At this moment, Rin only thinks that Sakura is suffering a hundred times more than he is now, and that there has been no gap in the past ten years, and his footsteps are becoming more determined towards self-mutilation. walk on the road.

He couldn't raise his fist anymore, and he couldn't activate the magic power of the gem, but Rin still had to continue, leaning forward and hitting the magic defense with his forehead, this time he might die.

But the last time, there was no resistance, and she fell straight forward. The high school girl's body had reached its limit, and she fell into a soft embrace.

Sakura withdrew her defense in time, and she finally understood that she had never lost her sister, and she would not give up on herself just like Shiro Emiya. The hands gather magic power to heal Rin, but it seems that Rin's injury is too serious.

Looking at this touching scene, Lancer and Saber have thousands of words but can't express it. The older sister proved her love for her younger sister with her actions, and the younger sister finally accepted it. After all, it was the only good thing that happened in a while.

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