Kent's eyes were red, and the muscles all over his body exploded. This time, he didn't spare any effort, and even the uniform on his body was about to be broken by the exerting muscles.

But the sword of Superman still didn't look like it was lifted.

"I'm not kidding, why is it so heavy, even the distortion field is not so exaggerated." Kent said through gritted teeth, and now he just wants to say: "Cheap is not good."

It may be that the process of recasting was suddenly so smooth that lifting the sword of Superman became a test instead.

The scabbard said that this was because Superman's sword hadn't recognized Kent yet, and she didn't know why she didn't. In short, Superman must not let go now, and all his efforts will be in vain.

"Come on!" Ganata was cheering for Kent. In fact, she was going to help, but all the mechanical arms she stretched out were separated by the Superman sword, so she could only verbally support Kent's rise.


Kent's uniform was completely torn, and Kent's upper body was fully displayed. Now he has no extra thoughts to protect his clothes.

"Why is it so heavy?!" Kent was so angry, he felt that his waist was about to be pulled and broken. This kind of heaviness that violates the laws of physics is really incredible.

But the more this happened, the more Kent didn't want to admit defeat, and even a dead thing wanted him to bow down? Don't think about it!

Kent couldn't believe that he didn't move.

Both Ganata and the scabbard were staring at the sword in Kent's hand. Their hearts sank as the sword sank. Seeing that the sword had stopped sinking, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Now they only hope that the sword can go up, even a little bit, "Up, up..." Ganata prayed in a low voice.

But it is very difficult to keep it from falling.

Kent didn't have any distracting thoughts at this time, only this simple and unpretentious sword was in his eyes. It was really simple, even a simple sword, with a blade as wide as the hilt and a grid without any decorations.

But it was such an ordinary sword that gave Kent an addiction to tug-of-war.

The whole picture seemed to be still. The scabbard and Ganata stared at the sword intently. The sword of Superman and Superman appeared in a delicate balance. If it weren't for Kent's ferocious and distorted expression, others might think it was an oil painting.

But at this time, Kent's fighting spirit was high, because he already knew the limit weight of the Superman sword, and the balance would not last long. Either he was dragged down by the Superman sword, or he lifted the Superman sword.

There is no third choice: "Come on, let me see what else you can do." "Ah—" Show all the power to pry the universe, even if the entire space is pried down, Kent must let it go. The sword of Superman remembers itself - the one who once held it!

A slight electric arc appeared on Kent's skin at full strength. At this time, every slight shaking of Kent's skin could cause atoms to lose electrons and cause a potential difference.

Hurry up, we're running out of time. The scabbard knows that the decisive moment may happen at any time, but at this time the spaceship has almost completely submerged into another dimension. If Kent does not grasp the Superman sword, then the Superman sword will also disappear.

Quick success! The scabbard thought.

Kent has already exerted all his strength, and the crackling electric arc surrounded Kent like a madman.

Finally, in the eyes of Ganata, the balance was broken, the sword of Superman trembled, and then began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Superman lifted it up, and Ganata shed tears, and she was even more nervous than going off in person.

"Success!" The scabbard looked excitedly at Kent, who was holding the sword in front of her chest. After so many years of waiting, it was just for this moment.

Kent also felt it, the sword in his hand was like an upgraded version of thinking armor, which made him more clear about the operating rules of the entire multiverse. Although his muscles were exposed at this time, and the movement of raising his sword looked like a barbarian, he succeeded.

Is this the sword of Superman? The moment Kent raised the Superman sword, the weight of the Superman sword seemed to disappear, and the tilted spaceship quickly returned to the original space.

The change is so fast that it makes people speechless.

Regardless of his shabby clothes, Kent flicked his wrist to play a sword flower, and found that he was really not good at it. He was not used to using weapons, but it was also a prop to make himself stronger: "Try it now, I just happen to have a weapon here. Cosmic Fragment has Superman's sword again."

The scabbard knew what he was going to do, and he complained endlessly in his heart. This is a superman's sword, not an ordinary weapon used to chop stones. But she didn't make a sound, because she knew she couldn't stop Kent.

Kent was eager to try, and swung the Superman sword in front of the huge cuboid fragment.


There was an unnervingly crisp thump, sword and shard collided, and then nothing more,

Fragments are still fragments, swords are still swords, there is no bloody bridge of broken swords, but what is it if there is no reaction?

"It's not that there is no response." The scabbard said: "Don't you feel that a new universe is being born in the cosmic fragments?" "The Superman sword has fulfilled your wish. Set, now you only need to give a blow with enough energy, and the battle suit is completed."

No way? so smart? "Is this the sword of Superman or the wand of a witch?" Kent shouted unscientifically.

The scabbard said calmly: "If my scabbard can contain and copy all technologies, then the Superman sword is a modifier that can turn imagination into reality." , Omniscience is because the Sword of Superman can deduce the operation of the entire universe, from birth to destruction. Omnipotence is that it can turn Superman's wish into reality, as long as your wish conforms to the rules of the multiverse, the Sword of Superman corresponds to the rules of the multiverse A scalpel, you can make wishes come true by modifying the rules." "Because of this, the sword of Superman has always been hoped to be used by a righteous superman, but I think you are also qualified to use the sword of Superman."

Cheater, Kent loves it.

But Kent is not so happy when he thinks that the real powers will modify the rules of the universe, and he is just catching up with them.

The thing to do now is to return the sword to the sheath.

This is the dream that the scabbard has waited for countless billions of years. From then on, she is no longer incomplete.

When the sword of Superman returned to the scabbard, the vast rays of light formed a huge s, and countless rays of light rushed straight towards the fragments of the universe, engraving a gift thanking Superman.

The new suit has a shining Superman coat of arms.

A violent explosion occurred inside the spaceship, during which Kent put on a new uniform. The details are clearer, and the texture of the muscles is more obvious. This time the uniform is a little more majestic. Although it is still red and blue in general, the details make the new and old uniforms have two completely different styles. If the old suit is a uniform, the new suit is more like armor.

And the style of the cloak has also changed, the cloak is bigger, when Kent stands still, the red cloak can cover the whole body, only revealing Kent's head, just like Batman.

Of course, this uniform is not light, but after the trial of Superman's sword, Kent can bear it. With this uniform, Kent feels that his strength has been suppressed a lot, and he can play aggressively again in the future.

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