How to extract Alaya Consciousness and Gaia, because these two systems store a lot of knowledge.

The scabbard said that the sword of Superman needs a lot of knowledge to reforge, but each universe is so big, it is impossible for Superman to collect all the knowledge of a universe in his entire life, he can only choose representative planets to collect. The earth is naturally what Kent is most familiar with, and the earth in each universe is different and very diverse, so it is the best choice.

On this day, a hole was opened in the sixty-fourth layer barrier of the Blessing Hall built by Ara Ye Zonglian, and the huge hole was like a blood hole drilled in his body.

This Tai Chi spiral-shaped high-rise apartment building is the mechanism he designed to open the "Origin". He combined his body with the apartment, and he would be injured if the apartment was damaged.

Soren Araya, male, a 200-year-old junior high school student, was once a monk with the heart of "saving the common people". However, as he traveled to more places and met more people, he found that he could not save the common people by himself, and he saw countless horrific sins, so that he began to doubt his original ambition, whether human beings could be saved. Really worth saving?

For two hundred years, he traveled all over the world, learned Japanese enchantment, and went to England to learn magic, obsessed with finding the origin of "human beings", the starting point of good and evil.

His wish is to go to the place where all people are connected, and to see whether human beings can be saved. If human beings are inherently evil, then he will destroy this unclean creature.

It's a pity that even after two hundred years, there was no way for Araya Soren to unlock the root cause, because every time he was stopped by inhibition. Therefore, Araya Zonglian regards restraint as the greatest enemy. In fact, he has always failed to find a reason for himself and set up an enemy. In this way, it can be said that it is not that he is incompetent, but that restraint is too strong.

As a two-hundred-year-old man, it was simply hypocritical.


Kent fell straight from outside the atmosphere, and the comet hit the earth and shattered the magic barrier, and also shattered layers of sky guards, and finally landed in the underground parking lot, which has become the power source of the entire building. It is also where Araya Soren's brain is located.

The entrance is the hearts that are packed in glass jars and soaked in formaldehyde. These originally belonged to the apartment residents. This Taijitu apartment is divided into two parts, but now one side is full of corpses that keep themselves dead, and the other side is a puppet that extracts the memory of the dead, repeating their daily routine on the day they died.

Soren Araya tried to open up the origin through this kind of repetition day after day.

"It's really disgusting." Kent looked at the emaciated middle-aged man's face that appeared in the wires and pipes, and knew that it was Araya Zongren's body. He had already abandoned his body, leaving only his brain to continue for two hundred years. obsession.

"Intruder, your existence has shaken the position of origin, your name?" The incomplete face asked with blood.

"However, I'm not here to chat, but to end your boring game." The heat vision turned the entire space into an oven, and everything began to heat up.

"Fearless, Vajra, Snake, Daitian, Dingjing, Wang Xian." The enchantment of the six realms is the ultimate embodiment of Araya Zonglian's "enchantment for the whole, complete herself first" in her long life. The silver-gray shining enchantment is exactly the strongest enchantment he released himself.

Offense, defense, defense, defense, control, festival, all contained in it.

As soon as the realm of the six realms comes out, the entire space changes in vain, and it resonates with the 64th floor of the huge external hall of worship: "Intruders, you will be isolated from the outside world, Dai Tian!"

With the emergence of magic power, Araya Soren still doesn't know who is coming and what is his purpose. He originally planned to deal with the enchantment of the two ceremonies, but now he has to waste it on this pervert in tights.

It's a pity, but you can't let the other party destroy your achievements. The intruder must be resolved.

Kent, standing in the silver-gray light, disappeared from the space in the blink of an eye.

Sure enough, it was the fighting style of a magician.

Kent stood in a space where there was only an apartment building. It was still an underground parking lot, but without those fleshy pipes, and Araya Soren. It was just a very peaceful apartment, only the non-stop movement The rotating elevator goes up and down without stopping for a moment.

This is the place Araya Soren is going to use to open the origin. One side of the apartment building is death and the other side is reincarnation. .

Death and reincarnation are the same every day, and they will not affect the future of mankind at all, and they are the best cover.

Then Araya Soren will transplant her own power to the owner of the magic eye who is closest to the root in the world, and use the power of the straight death magic eye to forcibly open the origin.

The enchantment of magic is not bad, but Kent expressed his disappointment. This space is just a space that cannot be interfered with by the suppression force established because of death and reincarnation, and cannot be used to detain the suppression force.

What Kent needs is energy that can lock up Alaya or Gaia, and neither he nor Ganata can do anything about it. Kent knew that if he had the power of the lantern beast, he might be able to succeed, because the will of the planet can also correspond to the power of the green light, and on the contrary, the power of the green light can also act on the will of the planet.

Unfortunately, where can Kent find something like a lantern beast? It is unrealistic to abandon the near and seek the far, or the principle of the nearest. Isn't it said in martial arts novels that all things are born and restrained by each other, and poison and antidote will always be born together. So Kent decided to look for something on Earth that could hold the integrated consciousness.

This Araya Soren was very jumpy in the original book. Kent thought that the 200-year-old old monster must be able to do something amazing, so he came to take the risk to find out. In the end, it turned out that it was only for self-protection because of the interference of restraint. cover.

At this time, Huang Ye Zonglian was also sweating coldly, and was almost killed by a stranger, he didn't even know the name of the other party. He is a person with big goals. He knew about the existence of the Devil's Eye of Death two years ago, and he saved Liang Ri, who was seriously injured in a car accident. For two years, he had been waiting for the awakening of the Demon Eye of Death, and finally the owner of the Demon Eye, who had been in a coma for two years, woke up. Soren Araya couldn't wait to start arranging opponents for the girl one by one, just to make the girl's magic eye of death to a higher level.

Why is the magic eye of death so important? It is because the magic eye of death can see the dead line of all things. As long as it touches the dead line, even gods will be killed. He just wants to get the Devil's Eye of Death and then look at the origin. If human beings are not worth saving, then the Devil's Eye of Death can help him erase the evil existence of human beings from the root.

It's a pity that this middle-aged man took it for granted and wrote such a script behind closed doors, but he never thought that the script is just a script. If the actors don't cooperate, the script will become a mess. Not to mention that there are still time travellers, and when the time traveler's ambition is greater than his, his script is destined to fail to be completed.

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