Injustice Superman Starts From Marvel

Chapter 53: Three Kilometers Underground

Thor sprinted all the way, rushing into the temple of Odin with the careless gaze of countless guards.

After all, Thor has done too many ridiculous things, the guards are not surprised, who cares.

What's more, Thor is a prince, even if someone cares, which guard can stop him?

They are just ordinary Asgard soldiers, without a god position, and without the power of the legendary rune, even Thor can't hold a punch.

If you want to fight Prince Thor a few times, at least those violent fighters in the Asgard Expeditionary Army will do!

In this way, Thor went all the way through the palace to the back garden and came to his father who was watching the scenery.


He said hurriedly.

"I have found Loki. He is in Midgart. I'm going to find him!"

When the voice fell, Odin did not change his attitude.

As a king of five thousand years of reign, he has really seen too many winds and waves.

I saw Odin nodded slowly, and said without looking at Thor.

"Go and meet your mother, tell her about Loki, and then go to Bifrost to find me."

"Seeing mother, why, what happened to mother?"

Thor was a little surprised.

Hearing Thor's words, Odin finally became more dissatisfied, and saw him slowly turning his head and looking at Thor with a deep gaze.

Thor was helpless at once.

Whenever and wherever your father shows this look, you must train yourself right next!

And Odin's next words also proved Thor's view.


Odin said harshly.

"During your constant drinking these days, have you ever noticed whether your people have new needs, have you noticed whether your soldiers are tired, and you haven't noticed your mother!

She has been sad for Loki's disappearance, but you don't pay attention to it at all!

Returning from Midgart, you have kindness in your heart for the first time. This is progress, but kindness has not changed your hobby of flattery and alcoholism.

You can do better, provided that you must do more!

Go to see your mother, tell her the news of Loki personally, so that she can feel at ease, then bring Loki back to her and tell her that you did not disappoint her!

Go! ! ! "

Odin's words didn't scare Thor, he heard them a lot.

Now he is full of his own women and younger brothers, and can't hold anything else.

So he answered scribbled.

"Okay, I'll go now, and I will do more, but please go faster too, I'll go to Bifrost to find you in a while..."

Before he finished speaking, Thor was already flying away with his hammer, which made Odin's eyelids drooped helplessly.

He squinted at the cloud shadows in the distant sky.

My own son is too uncomfortable.

If the loss of something makes a man mature, how much does this son have to lose before he can truly mature!


Putting down the thoughts in his mind, the old Odin returned to the palace. He picked up the Gungenir sharp gun that had accompanied him all his life, and clenched his fist fiercely with his right hand.

Accompanied by the action of making a fist, the shining golden armor hung on him out of thin air.

For him now, if he wants to forcefully manipulate Bifrost when Bifrost is broken, he must use the dark magic he learned from the Warner Protoss.

Regarding that kind of power, he will always respond with the most cautious attitude.

On the other side, Thor flew all the way into his mother's bedroom, and in the blink of an eye he found his mother sitting idly by the World Tree.

When he came to his mother, the mother finally had a reaction.

She looked up at Thor, thought for a moment, and asked softly.

"This is the first time you have seen me alone since your return from Midgart, and there is no doubt on your face, so you have to tell me something."

"Yes, mother."

Thor knew that her mother had always been so smart. She possessed the wisdom of the gods and the magic of the Warner Protoss for thousands of years, as if she could see through the heart of God.

And Frigga really showed a two-pointed look on her face, she smiled slightly, and asked softly.

"Your father must have asked you to come to me. Loki has news, right?"

"That's right, mother, Loki is in Midgart, I'm going to find him soon!"

"This is great. I look forward to a family reunion, but I think you want to see your girl on Earth even more.

The love of men is always so sudden, I will not preach to you, but besides the woman who cares about you, you must promise me one thing, Thor.

In any case, don't let your brother get hurt! "

"Don't worry, mother, he is my brother. Besides, Midgart has nothing to hurt our Prince Asgard!"

Thor seems extra confident, and this is what he really thinks.

Definitely, Frigga never agrees with his ideas.

After hearing Thor's words, Frigga shook her head slightly.

"Child, you should call it the earth, because it has a unique civilization on it, and the earth is the name Roar of the children it conceived.

I have taught you that for every intelligent race, we should maintain due respect.

What's more, there are strong men worthy of respect on the earth. "

"Okay, okay, I see, don't worry mom, I won't go to war anymore now, I will love Midgar like every one of my people... Earthlings!"

"Well, go find your father, you are already in a hurry, I hope you can remember what I said."


Hearing his mother's farewell words, Thor immediately felt like an arrow, and rushed to Bifrost in a blink of an eye.

Seeing his son approaching him, Odin nodded far away at him.

Then Odin shook Gangnir and gave his spear to the ground!

Boom! ! !

The invisible wind blew Thor's hair away, and Bifrost's energy began to gather in an instant.

At this moment, Odin spoke.

"Bifrost is the greatest miracle of the Nine Realms. When it is built, even if it is destroyed again, its shadow can still serve as the core of the teleportation.The complete Bifrost is mainly to reduce the consumption required for transmission.

As my heir, the future king of Asgard, you must master the way to manipulate Bifrost without the help of Heimdall as soon as possible.

This will be your last hole card and the core of Asgard! "

"Don't worry, dad, my mother told me that long spell, but isn't it dark magic? You told me to avoid contact with those useless but hurtful things!"


Odin suddenly felt helpless. He wanted to build your confidence in the supernatural power of Asgard's runes when you were young!

But that doesn't mean that Warner Magic and Dark Magic have no meaning!

You always look like this, always so stupid out of reach!

I tell you that war is the root of Asgard's establishment, and you are warlike and greedy for merit.

I tell you to learn to be kind, you think that a king should only have kindness!

I tell you that Mjolnir is very important, you think he is the source of your strength.

But it is to suppress your divine power, so that you can learn to use the tools of divine power properly when you are suppressed, not to make you a hammer god!

Why is there always only one way of understanding one thing in your head!

Looking at the expectant son in front of him, Odin really wanted to go back in time and do something.

Is there really a lack of your own education? Why do all the heirs have such problems!

This is really a nightmare, a nightmare that even the god king must be disturbed!


It's a pity that I haven't experienced the pain in the future, so that Thor is still a muscle...

He didn't notice his father's complicated thoughts at all.

He just waited expectantly for Odin to send him to Midgart.

Looking at such a son, Odin shook his head helplessly, while chanting a slight spell in his mouth.

After a while, a rainbow light flew out, and Thor was taken away in a blink of an eye.


Two hours ago, on earth, when Heisenberg was still chatting with Tony and Pepper in the Elenburg restaurant.

In the command room of the S.H.I.E.L.D Sky Carrier, Hill stayed with the officers, and was extremely busy.

Banner was sitting in front of the computer at this time, constantly reporting the situation to Hill and others.

"Damn, I'm not sure what exactly is the reason for this, but Tesseract's originally silent energy index is soaring!

Fack, if it does have an accident, it is all my fault, all my fault, Fak Fak Fak! ! ! "

The pain in Banner's heart was beyond description.

After Hill canceled Project Pegasus and incorporated Tesseract in accordance with his advice, it didn't take long for the Rubik's Cube to have an accident.

If the Rubik's Cube forms a black hole according to Banner's calculations, then the earth is fucking over!

It's all over! ! !

At this moment, even if Hulk in Banner had decided not to pay attention to him a long time ago, Banner's body surface was a little green.

Because the extremely fierce anger in Banner's heart directly affected Hulk.

Seeing this scene, Hill, who was discussing the solution with Captain Rogers, suddenly panicked.

She rushed to not far from Banner and carefully persuaded Banner.

"Dr. Banner, don't be nervous, don't be nervous!

The matter will not be so serious, maybe Tesseract just has a small problem, you can check the data carefully.

What's more, there is still a Kryptonian elder on the earth today, even if his character is too far apart from my idol Superman.

But I believe he will not let his planet be destroyed by Tesseract! "

When the voice fell, Banner suddenly caught a little bit of feeling.

He recovered quickly, and then sat again in front of the computer to carefully examine the rows of data.

As for Heisenberg in Hill's words...

I'm sorry, Banner and Hulk can't hear the name, the two of them are more willing to count on themselves!

Seeing that Banner didn't mean to transform into Hulk, Hill suddenly became more relaxed.

She took a long Roar sigh, and then planned to contact Heisenberg.

This is not the time for selfishness. Once an accident occurs, they no longer need to worry about Tesseract being taken away by Heisenberg.

Because even the earth was gone at that time!

But just as she took out the phone, Banner who had just watched for a few seconds suddenly yelled.

"Wait, I found it. In these few seconds, Tesseract's energy has changed!

Let me see, this is the energy distribution method of the same digit sequence, this method is much more stable than we thought.

Let me calculate that if a wormhole is generated in this way, it is basically not a wormhole, but a kind of extremely safe transmission! "

After calculating this, Banner suddenly remembered something, but saw him suddenly turn around and look at Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and others in front of the podium.

"Guys, I have good news and bad news to tell you, which one should you listen to first?"

"Damn it, I'm still joking at this time, just get down to business!"

Hill ruthlessly interrupted Banner's cold humor, which made Banner pursed helplessly.

"The good news is that Tesseract won't explode at all.

Its energy is exceptionally stable, and the consequence of this stability is that the Rubik's Cube originally is the core, forming a portal to the unknown! "

"What about the bad news?" Natasha Romanoff asked next to him.

Hearing Natasha Romanoff's words, Banner took a deep look at the crowd.

"The bad news is that door, because it is a door linking two points!

Knowing that we did not take the initiative to open this door, the person who opened it is destined to come from across the door! "

Having said that, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Someone has taken control of Tesseract in an unknown place, and he is about to come to Earth,"

"and many more!"

Hill interrupted Banner suddenly.

"If that door is opened with Tesseract as the center..."

Hill's expression suddenly became a little awkward, and she tried to suppress some of her emotions, and continued to speak to everyone.

"We have stored Tesseract in a secret storage room three kilometers underground, and filled the entrances and exits with cement to seal them.

So, how does the one opposite the door get out of the three-kilometer-deep inner fully enclosed nuclear explosion-proof storage room...? ,,"

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