Innate King Kong: My body can grow infinitely

Chapter 131 Do you like playing? (Please subscribe!)


The light was bright in the sky, like a shooting star, with a strong and terrifying aura. Almost in the blink of an eye, the god of incense and fire rushed dozens of miles away and appeared directly outside the tea stall.

He was condescending, his aura was mighty, his whole body was filled with divine power, his pupils were as bright as lightning, and he scanned quickly. Suddenly, his two pupils shrank sharply, and he noticed the black-robed swordsman with a broken body and a missing head not far away.

"No, something happened to Mr. Chen!!"

He quickly searched for clues.

Quickly locking in a direction, the golden body turned into a stream of light again, rushed directly into the distance, and disappeared into the sky with a bang.

remote areas.

Li Dao held Chen Guantian's body in his mouth, charging wildly while biting and crushing him with all his strength. Under his exertion, the layer of awe-inspiring energy on Chen Guantian's body finally began to quickly dissipate, and bursts of screams came out from his mouth. A shrill scream.


Boom boom!

The sounds of cracking bones were heard quickly.

Chen Guantian's voice was soon completely cut off.

Li Dao opened his mouth and spat out Chen Guantian's body on the spot. He spit out several large mouthfuls of saliva, which was so disgusting. Then he waved his giant claw and smashed it continuously, adding dozens of claws to it, completely killing Chen Guantian. His remaining body was battered and bruised, and then he quickly left.

When he left, he still did not turn into a human body, but continued to charge wildly in the form of a magic weapon, with eight arms moving together, as fast as a whirlwind.

In the process, he quickly spit out a piece of cyan jade pendant from his mouth, held it in his hand, and injected true energy into the jade pendant while rushing forward.

The jade pendant was given by the old demon monk.

According to him, once activated, it can emit breath and automatically block the incense and fire god's induction, ensuring that he can escape smoothly.

As the true energy poured in, the entire green jade pendant suddenly began to emit glowing light, making a hissing sound, as if layers of mysterious power were rapidly spreading out.

Li Dao kept on rushing along the way. After rushing out of several hills, he finally saw the vast river. Without any hesitation, the terrifying body of more than 40 meters long quickly penetrated into the river, along the river. The bottom quickly rushed forward and swam towards the north of the river.

High in the sky, there was a bright stream of light and a terrifying aura.

The golden incense god just now finally caught up to the vicinity, his eyes were frightened and angry, and he glanced around, only to see huge footprints quickly extending to the bank of the river.

But as soon as they entered the river, the brutal aura that could only be sensed a moment ago quickly disappeared.

"Where is the river god here?"

The golden-armored incense fire god shouted loudly, and a large seal in his hand flew up automatically, shaking violently towards the broad and vast river in front of him.


Countless white waves soared into the sky.

The entire vast river seemed to shake violently, as if a huge underwater earthquake had occurred.

Then the center of the river began to bubble rapidly. A tall demon wearing a blue robe and two horns on his forehead quickly emerged from the center of the river. With a look of fear on his face, he quickly paid homage respectfully:

"It turns out to be General Wu. What kind of event has happened that requires General Wu to personally take action?"

He was frightened and fearful of encountering wrath.

He was originally a giant python that had been cultivating for thousands of years in the river. Because he protected one side and had a good reputation, he was named the god of the river by the emperor. He enjoyed the fortune of the dynasty. He has gradually shed his python body and is evolving into a dragon.

Now, the god of incense and fire from the dynasty suddenly came to ask questions, which really frightened him.

"I asked you, did any demon enter the river just now?"

The God of Incense shouted.

"It seems that a giant monster rushed into the river, but it was shrouded in a mysterious aura, which blocked my detection. As soon as it entered the water, it automatically disappeared."

The river god responded quickly.


The God of Incense and Fire was furious in his heart and shouted: "Immediately notify the generals of your divine palace to find that person at all costs. If you can't find that person, your position as the River God will come to an end. Wait for your house to be confiscated and executed!"

The river god was startled and asked quickly: "General Wu, what kind of big thing happened, can you tell me clearly?"

"What a big deal? Mr. Chen has been killed, which will definitely shock the government and the public, and shock the world. Why don't you go find him immediately!"

The god of incense shouted angrily.

The River God was shocked in his heart and shuddered instantly. He quickly got into the bottom of the river and desperately began to summon the fish roe and grandson to conduct a search.

Master Chen was killed?

Which Mr. Chen?

A great scholar of the time, an important minister that the emperor relied on to support his father!

The teacher of the future emperor! !

He was actually killed?

This is an important case that shocked the world.

The River God could no longer imagine the fate that would await him if the murderer escaped from the river under his own jurisdiction.

When the River God plunged into the water and gathered his people at all costs, the Incense God in mid-air also quickly took out the magic card, put a few hand seals in it, and immediately notified other Incense Gods far away in the imperial city. god

Deep in the imperial city.

On the cold jade couch.

The emperor's body was decayed and his aura was decaying. He was like a candle in the wind that could be extinguished at any time. Even so, the whole room was still shrouded in an unspeakable layer of oppression.

All the eunuchs and maids were trembling and did not dare to take a breath.


A secret order had already reached the emperor at an incredible speed.

"Chen Guantian died and was murdered?"

The emperor's voice was old and he coughed continuously.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

An old eunuch responded respectfully and said: "The God of Incense and Fire has gone to pursue him, but the opponent was obviously well prepared. After killing the person, he left quickly. His aura was obscured, and even the God of Incense and Fire could not track him. He is currently escaping into the river. He is being searched for by the River God and his troops, and it is initially estimated that he should be sent by various vassal kings.”


The old emperor's mouth on the bed was cracked and dark, and the tongue inside almost disappeared. A strange smile appeared on his face, and he said with a sinister look: "Okay, you are indeed my good sons, and you have never let me down. Which of my sons is most likely to be responsible?"

"Your Majesty, it is most likely the King of Zhenbei!"

The old eunuch responded in a low voice.

"Fourth child?"

The old emperor had deep eyes and said with a smile: "Okay, that's really good, hehe."

There was no expression on his face.

The room was enveloped in an unusually terrifying aura.

a long time.

The old emperor sighed and said: "Everyone says that the emperor is good, but who would have thought how much pain the emperor would have to endure before his death? How can the world's fortune be so easy to bear?"

He pondered for a moment and said: "Inform the Jinyiwei and ask the Jinyiwei to cooperate with the Incense God, the River God and the lands of the mountain gods in various places to apprehend the murderer."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The old eunuch responded respectfully.

The vast river stretches endlessly.

It is three hundred miles wide and completely white.

It was like a huge dragon lying across the place, roaring and rumbling.

The underwater world is never peaceful at all.

All the shrimp soldiers, crab generals, fish roes and fish grandsons all took action. The huge water bottom seemed to be boiling. Almost all those who had become spirits and had their names registered in the River God's Mansion were dispatched at this moment.

Just to find the terrible murderer who murdered the future imperial master and killed Chen Guantian.


Let the endless shrimp soldiers, crab generals, fish roes and fish grandsons search frantically.

The murderer seemed to have completely disappeared as soon as he plunged into the bottom of the river.

No fish or shrimp ever saw him again.

After Li Dao's huge body dived into the water, he still didn't stay for a moment. With eight arms moving together, he swam quickly toward the other side along the darkest place at the bottom of the river.

The jade pendant given by the old demon monk is really powerful.

The light above is hazy, covering the whole body, and can actually block everyone's perception.

Even these shrimp soldiers and crab generals can't find themselves.

Many underwater magic soldiers swam not far away from him, as if perfection had not caught up with him.

"It's really weird. This jade pendant can block the induction of the God of Incense, Fire and River. Doesn't it mean it can also block the luck of the dynasty?"

Li Dao's eyes were filled with surprise, and he looked at the jade pendant while walking away.

As expected of someone who came from the high dynasty.

The identity of this old demon monk is definitely higher than he imagined.

"It's good to have this person as my teacher. I hope he won't be like Zhuang Longtian. If that's the case, I can't be blamed."

Li Dao said to himself.

He did not dare to stay in the river for a long time and just swam towards the other side.

Three hundred miles across the river, it took him most of a day to reach the end.



Li Dao's dark and huge body, like a ferocious water monster, emerged from an unfamiliar area. His whole body shrank rapidly, his scales disappeared, and his barbs disappeared. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a human body. He took out a pair of pants he had prepared before. , and put it on with great effort.

"Damn it, if it keeps growing like this, I won't even have to wear pants anymore."

Li Dao muttered.

Especially the little brother, he is getting more and more exaggerated, almost over one meter tall.

He circulated his blood energy and evaporated the water stains on his body. He grabbed it casually, picked up the giant ax, and walked away quickly.

"The old demon monk asked me to go to Qinglong Mountain to wait for him after killing the people. Qinglong Mountain is not far from the north of the Yangtze River. I have to rush there as soon as possible to avoid being followed by the Jin Yiwei from behind."

Li Dao knew the current situation very well.

Although the jade pendant can hide the induction of the God of Incense and Fire.

But it may not be able to hide from Jin Yiwei's search.

Those Jin Yiwei are a group of real lunatics, they are pervasive and may appear at any time.

Night falls.

Lightning and thunder thundered high in the sky, and dark clouds gathered.

Suddenly large swaths of raindrops began to fall, making a crackling sound and quickly wet the ground.

Li Dao hugged his head, and his burly and huge body just rushed forward, but he didn't expect that the raindrops were getting bigger and denser, and in the end it was like turning into a layer of water curtain.

"It's such a heavy rainstorm, no, I have to find a place to hide first."

Not far ahead.

A damaged mountain temple was crumbling in the rainy night.

A bonfire burned in the temple, and the light of the fire loomed.

But the atmosphere inside the temple was extremely strange.

A total of six or seven figures appeared. These six or seven figures seemed to be divided into four waves, each sitting in a corner. Although they were clearly separated from each other, their eyes looked at each other meaningfully. , with a vague expression on his face, something indescribably weird.

Leaning to the east are a man and a woman.

The man is wearing a blue robe, has a tall body, looks tall, and has a fair face. He is the kind of person who can be seen in the crowd at a glance, but has a slight sneer on his face. The woman is equally beautiful, with a fair face. The man and the man probably imagined that they looked like a brother and sister.

Compared to the sneer on the man's face, the woman looked much more pure, wearing a yellow skirt, with only a trace of curiosity on her face, her big eyes blinking, looking at the people in the temple from time to time.

Not far across from them.

Sitting in the west position is a burly man.

This man is about two and a half meters tall. He feels very oppressive. He has a head full of crimson hair, which is scattered casually. He has a proud face and a strong aura. He is like a terrifying monster. His eyes are looking at others with a hint of sharpness. Look at the crowd in three directions.

It was as if everyone in the ruined temple were all his opponents.

He was eager to try and wanted to rush forward to fight with them immediately.

Sitting on the south side were two young men wearing white robes with smiles on their faces.

The two young men looked young, probably in their early twenties, with friendly faces, always smiling, and constantly glancing at other people.

On the north side.

The same two figures.

The two figures were two monks, a senior monk and a junior monk. The senior one seemed to be in his early thirties, and the younger one was only in his twenties.

Moreover, the little monk had a cunning look on his face, and his eyes flickered from time to time as he scanned the people in the temple, as if full of calculations.

"Amitabha, it seems that all of you have been invited here by Senior Yao. Senior Yao is so powerful that not only did our Vajra Temple obey the call, but also your Xia family, Ji family, and Gao family, all of you actually gave him face. It's incredible."

The great monk in the corner put his hands together and said softly.

His face looked dull and dull.

He is the kind of person who, at first glance, looks like a good old man.

"That's right. We were indeed invited here by Senior Yao. Senior Yao found our father. As soon as our father heard the news, he released us."

The two young men in white robes said with a smile.

"Senior Yao has great supernatural powers. This is a well-known thing. There is nothing strange about this."

The burly man spoke indifferently, waved his hand and said: "What I'm thinking about now is why Senior Yao gathered us all in a temple. Could it be that he wanted to teach us a lesson, so in order not to let Senior Yao down? I think everyone should have a try first."

His body, which was about two and a half meters tall, rose directly from the ground. With such strong pressure, the campfire was in chaos.

"Who comes first!!"

The burly man's voice was heavy, sweeping the crowd away.


The man in blue robe in the east corner sneered with disdain on his face.

"What did you say?"

The burly man was furious.

"I'll tell whoever answers the question."

The man in blue robe sneered.

"Xia Mingjie!!"

The burly man's face was furious, and his eyes were fixed on the man in blue. Suddenly his eyes turned and fell on the petite girl next to him, and he said with a ferocious smile: "Is this your sister? Are you interested in taking me as your brother-in-law?"

The man in blue robe jumped up from the ground instantly like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, with a stern look on his face and said: "How dare you attract my sister's attention!"

"Come here and have a fight with me. If you win, I will not be your brother-in-law. If you lose, I will not only become your brother-in-law, but I will also be your brother-in-law!!"

The burly man stretched out his radish-thick fingers, hooked the blue-robed man, and said roughly.

"court death!"

The man in blue robe had a terrifying aura, and he pounced on him almost instantly, blasting him with a palm.

The burly man immediately punched out without saying a word.

With a bang, the two of them collided with each other, and there was a loud sound like muffled thunder, with huge energy.

If the two people had not deliberately controlled it, the entire ruined temple would have been shattered on the spot.

After the blow, their bodies shook violently at the same time, and they quickly took two steps back. Their pupils shrank, shocked by their own strength.

Just when they were about to pounce on each other again, they suddenly heard a rapid roar from outside, as if something huge was approaching quickly, bringing an even more intense sense of oppression.

Their expressions changed and they immediately looked back.

Anyone else coming?

Everyone else in the ruined temple also looked outside.

In the continuous heavy rain, the rapid and ear-splitting roar was getting closer and faster, making the ground shake wildly.


The closed temple door was suddenly knocked open.

Large swaths of rain and strong wind roared directly into the ruined temple, bringing bursts of violent breath. The raindrops almost dazzled people's eyes.

But everyone still quickly glanced away.

Upon seeing this, everyone was stunned and showed shock.

What the hell?

A ferocious and huge figure with an exposed upper body, like a demon, appeared in front of their eyes. Even if it was bent over, it was more than three meters tall.

A huge head, like a demon, with two bright eyes, scanning towards everyone.

"So many people? Do you mind if I take shelter here too?"

Li Dao's deep and thick voice sounded.

Regardless of whether everyone agreed or not, he bent down directly into the door with his huge body. The oppressive aura on his body instantly made the entire ruined temple become dark, as if the light was blocked.

The bonfire on the ground couldn't help but sway, as if it could be extinguished at any time.

Everyone looked shocked, and everyone wondered if they were dreaming.

How can such a demon exist in this world?

"who are you?"

The burly man was startled and asked immediately.

"Passers-by, take shelter from the rain and leave immediately."

Li Dao responded and sat in the middle of the ruined temple, minding his own business. His energy and blood were steaming all over his body, drying up all the raindrops on his body.


The man in blue robe glanced at Li Dao and sneered: "We don't have any passers-by here!"

Li Dao raised his brows, not understanding what the man in blue robe was talking about.

But he was too lazy to continue paying attention.

The atmosphere in the ruined temple was wrong. As soon as the rain stopped, he left immediately.

To avoid getting entangled.

"It's interesting. You were also invited here by Senior Yao?"

The burly man stared at Li Dao with both eyes and said, "There are people taller than me. I have seen a few of them before, but I have never seen him grow up to be as majestic as you."

"Senior Yao?"

Li Dao frowned.

Old demon monk?

Are these people invited by the old demon monk?

"The seats we have here are not something you can sit on if you want to. At least it must mean that you have the qualifications."

The burly man stared at Li Dao closely, his voice low.


Li Dao looked strange.

"Yes, that means defeating me!!"

The burly man laughed ferociously, and with a bang, his burly body pounced forward almost instantly, his whole body lit up with bright zhenqi fluctuations, thousands of pores were dilating, and his body was like a furnace burning.

He raised his fist and smashed it, the light surged, the momentum was heavy and powerful, the powerful wave shook the entire ruined temple slightly, and almost all the power of heaven and earth gathered from all directions.


Li Dao suddenly stood up, filled with black shadows, and with extreme speed, a slap almost as big as someone's head came up and slapped him wildly, fast and accurate, with huge power, beyond imagination.


With a sweeping slap, he slapped the burly man on the spot, as if sweeping away garbage, knocking his body over directly, flying out, and hitting the corner hard.

Li Dao had no expression on his face and waved his palm casually.

"Do I deserve this slap?"

Inside the ruined temple, there was a moment of silence.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

Ji Chengdao was knocked down by one move?

How can it be?

The blue-robed man and the two white-robed young men all stared at Li Dao with bright eyes. Deep in their eyes were high levels of fighting spirit. Not only did they not flinch, but they became even more eager to try.

"elder brother."

The girl next to him quickly gave her brother a tug.


The man in blue robe casually pushed his sister away, his eyes blazing, and continued to stare at Li Dao closely, saying: "Ji Chengdao was knocked down with just one slap. If I can fight to a draw with this giant man, It means that I am better than Ji Chengdao, and the opportunity is rare, so I have to give it a try no matter what."


The burly man who had just been knocked out coughed up blood and looked confused. He shook his head vigorously. He felt that his whole mind was buzzing and he couldn't see clearly how he flew out.

He looked at Li Dao again, his eyes narrowed, and he said angrily: "Okay, good fight, but I'm still not convinced, come again!!"

He turned over and rushed towards Li Dao with his whole body again, punching him again.


The sound is dull.

Li Dao still slapped him, but this time the force was stronger than before. The powerful slap almost dented the space. It was still just a slap.

This time, Ji Chengdao, a burly man, spurted out blood, his face twisted, as if he had rushed over to beat Li Dao.

Li Dao's slap was too heavy, and his arms were thick and long, which was a natural advantage.

This is nothing.

Almost as soon as Ji Chengdao flew upside down, Li Dao's big hand had already grabbed him, grabbed his ankle, and like a scarecrow, he smashed it to the ground, and then threw it out the window.

With a bang, the window shattered.

Ji Chengdao's body was completely thrown out by him.

However, after Li Dao threw it away, Ji Chengdao quickly frowned and looked at the other people in the ruined temple.

I saw the man in blue robes and the two young men in white robes, and the burning light in their eyes became more intense.

Not only was there no fear, but more anticipation.

"Brother, don't go there!"

The girl quickly grabbed her brother.

"It doesn't matter, this is a master. The more master you are, the more excited I am."

The man in blue robe stared closely at Li Dao, pushed his sister's arm away, stared at Li Dao, and said with a ferocious smile: "What a giant man, who can defeat Ji Chengdao so easily, come and try my attack! "

He grabbed a big gun from one side, shook it hard, and the afterimage of the gun tip filled the air with a whirring sound. Then without stopping, he rushed directly towards Li Dao.

The gun comes out like a dragon!

The tip of the spear shines brightly.

In an instant, countless gun shadows carrying the power of heaven and earth were stabbing towards Li Dao at high speed.

Li Dao's face was gloomy.

Aren't these guys afraid of death?


He grabbed the barrel of the gun, and all the afterimages that were stabbed at him disappeared. Even if some of the afterimages fell on him, they only made a clanging sound and filled the air with sparks, leaving only shallow white marks.

Li Dao stepped forward, grabbed the man in blue robe's cheek, and clasped it with five fingers. The man in blue robe screamed, his face was covered with blood, and he was almost disfigured on the spot.

"Get out of here!"

Li Dao casually smashed out his other palm and directly hit the two young men in white robes who rushed over at high speed. His huge fist directly collided with the two young men in white robes who suddenly took action.

Then Li Dao held the young man in blue robe in one hand and rushed towards the two young men in white robe. His fist was like a heavy hammer and he just hit them continuously.

at the same time.

The window broke open again.

Just now, Ji Chengdao actually rushed in again, covered in blood, and shouted angrily: "I still don't accept it!"

Boom boom boom!

There was a roaring sound inside the ruined temple.

Pieces of blood kept splattering, and figures flew everywhere.

It lasted about seven or eight minutes.

Finally, the entire ruined temple was completely peaceful.

In the middle area, the bonfire has been extinguished.

Inside the ruined temple, rain leaked from all directions and the wind howled.

Li Dao's burly body stood quietly in the middle area, frowning and looking in front of him.

The burly man, the man in blue robes, and the two young men in white robes, without exception, were all injured, with swollen cheeks and broken arms. They were lying on the ground, wailing in pain.

Only the two monks and the girl were left, sitting motionless with shocked expressions on their faces, watching everything in disbelief.

"Are you saying you are cheap? You know you are outmatched, but you still keep attacking? Fortunately, you don't have murderous intentions, otherwise you wouldn't be lying here now, and you would have turned into a pile of mud!"

Li Dao looked at several people and said in a low voice.

It’s so baffling!

This is not how you seek death.

If he hadn't heard them say that they were related to the old demon monk, he would have killed him.

Just when Li Dao turned around and rekindled the bonfire.

Suddenly, the burly man stood up again, hugged Li Dao's waist from behind, and said with a ferocious smile: "I've locked him, come and knock him down!"

The man in blue robe and the two young men in white robe quickly followed suit.

But as soon as they stood up, they saw Li Dao's big hand, lifting the burly man up like lightning, slamming him to the ground, and then stepping down with his foot, causing him to spurt out blood with a bang.


Li Dao's tone was cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, his belt suddenly broke and his pants fell down automatically.

Li Dao's expression changed and he quickly bent down to lift his pants.


The burly man burst into laughter.

Although I am no match for you, I successfully took off your pants.

This also proves that I am more skilled than others!

While he was laughing, his face suddenly became horrified, his eyes widened, and he noticed a terrifying scene.


What is that?

Even the men in blue robes, the two young men in white robes, and the two monks were all stunned, and their jaws dropped instantly.

The girl in the yellow dress in the corner screamed in surprise, quickly covering her eyes, and looked at Li Dao through her fingers in shock.

So. Is that true or false?

The blue-robed man's face turned red, and he quickly appeared in front of his sister, grabbed her eyes, and shouted angrily: "Don't look, it will hurt your eyes!"

But his sister still couldn't help but exude spiritual power and looked at all this in shock.

Isn't this too scary?

Is he a dragon-horse?

Li Dao's face was gloomy. After tying his trousers, a more majestic and terrifying aura came out of him. He looked down at the burly man and said, "Do you like to play?"

Ignoring the shock of the burly man, he lifted his body, treated him like a scarecrow, and smashed him to the ground, making loud banging noises.

The burly man suddenly let out a series of miserable screams.

Outside the ruined temple.

The old demon monk sighed in his heart and walked slowly from a distance.

These geniuses from high-level dynasties all have their eyes above their heads. They deserve to be punished by being taught a lesson today.

He gathered everyone here just to see how they performed.


Li Dao's fighting prowess also made him even more impressed.

Such a prodigy is a natural candidate for cultivating the path of the Demon God.


A burst of old Buddha chants slowly spread towards the ruined temple, saying: "Li Dao, you can stop now, don't really beat him to death!"

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