Innate King Kong: My body can grow infinitely

Chapter 20 The true ancient evil is coming!

Xiahou Feng rushed all the way and finally landed at the foot of the mountain. He turned his head to look at the blazing camp, breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted: "The Yangyan Mine has been blown up. Even if the Yellow Turban Army gets here, it will be useless. Let's go!"

He turned around and walked forward.

Everyone immediately followed him.

Xiong Youde also rode on the back of his disobedient black dragon horse and walked forward with Li Dao.

The black dragon horse seemed to still remember what Li Dao had done to him before. Its eyes were full of provocation. It kept snorting and breathing heavily at Li Dao. It also kept shaking its hind hooves, deliberately raising clouds of dust and falling on Li Dao.

Li Dao couldn't help but be speechless.

Damn it.

This dragon horse has a high IQ.

He turned his head away and ignored it.

Xiong Youde was a little embarrassed. He smiled at Li Dao, then suddenly grabbed the dragon horse's mane with his big hand and pulled it hard, causing the dragon horse to neigh and jump in pain.

"Evil beast, if you dare to jump again, I will cut you into pieces and kill you for meat!"

Xiong Youde was furious.

Damn it, I fought with Bai Yunlong on foot at that time, and I didn't see you come out to protect me.

Now you dare to show off in front of me?

If it weren't for the fact that you are a dragon horse, which is extremely rare, I would have killed you long ago!

How dare you be so rude?

The black dragon horse obviously also noticed Xiong Youde's stern attitude, and shuddered, revealing a rare fear in its eyes, and stopped being restless.

It has clearly sensed that Xiong Youde really wanted to kill.

But it couldn't understand why Xiong Youde would treat it like this this time?

Hasn't he always treated it as a treasure before?

Why would he stomp himself for a human today?

Li Dao shook his head repeatedly.

It seems that this stupid horse still has low IQ.

It has IQ, but it is not high.

Xiong Youde snorted coldly, and the murderous intent on his face was restrained.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Li Dao's height increased by two centimeters on the original basis, reaching 243 centimeters directly.

However, because he was too tall, even if his body size increased again, there was no obvious difference in the eyes of outsiders.

His appetite shocked Xiahou Feng and others.

Originally, everyone was traveling for a short distance and did not bring much food, but now Li Dao ate the food of more than a dozen people in one meal, which forced everyone to reduce their rations.

Fortunately, they were approaching their destination soon after they rushed all the way.

Otherwise, they would have to find a way to get food.

Another direction.

The area where the Yangyan Mine was just blown up.

On this day, a large group of Yellow Turbans suddenly appeared. They were so dense that it seemed endless. No one knew how many people there were. They surrounded this place tightly.

The ore area in the middle.

A large number of generals suddenly appeared, each wearing armor and riding a dragon horse. Each of them was mighty.

Especially the leader, who was wearing a golden robe and armor, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, full of majesty, and a pair of tiger eyes like lightning, staring at the area destroyed by the explosives, without saying a word.

Bai Yunlong, however, gritted his teeth and clasped his fists, saying, "Commander, it's all my fault for not reporting in time. Please blame me, Commander!"

"Don't blame you."

The golden robe and armored Li Rufeng said softly, "After all, no one had ever thought that the Yangyan Mine would appear here. However, Yang Yulong was really generous and was willing to blow up this place!"

He pondered for a moment and said, "Yunlong, you said you met a fierce general who was more than two meters tall and huge in size. He could defeat you with brute force alone, right?"

"Yes, Commander!"

Bai Yunlong clasped his fists in response.

"I am interested in this person."

Li Rufeng smiled slightly, suddenly raised his head, looked at the road in the distance, and said, "The matter in Fengzhou City has been sorted out. It's time to deal with Yang Yulong."

The eyes of the generals around him all flashed, and they all breathed rapidly. They quickly looked at Li Rufeng with anticipation.

The commander is finally going to decide to take action against Yang Yulong?


They conquered the state city, covering thousands of miles. Now only Yang Yulong has not been dealt with. Yang Yulong is a general sent by the court to garrison here. As long as he is there, they will have more worries.

Only by solving it thoroughly can they feel at ease.


During this period, Yang Yulong is probably also recruiting troops quickly.

The two sides are destined to have a war.

"This Fengzhou land is destined to have only one owner."

Li Rufeng said calmly.

"Can the commander make a plan?"

An old scholar beside him flashed his eyes and said, "Although Yang Yulong is not very strong, he is the heir of the Yang family. He is very strict in military discipline and has a deep prestige. If he cannot be taken down in one fell swoop, letting the tiger go back to the mountains will definitely cause endless troubles."

"I have thought about it carefully."

Li Rufeng nodded slightly and pondered, "Wait until all the people I invited are here, and start immediately!"

In the evening.

A huge military camp appeared in front of Li Dao and others. It was built extremely magnificently. There were not only tall earth walls and towers on all sides, but also layers of fences.

Teams of soldiers, wearing armor and holding spears, were patrolling back and forth.

Flags fluttered, covering the sky and the sun.

The solemn atmosphere in the camp could be seen at a glance.

"Is this the general's camp? It's really different."

Li Dao raised his head and spoke.

"Li Dao, Xiahou Feng and I will go to see the general first. You wait for me outside the tent. After I recommend you to the general, you can go in. Don't worry, I promised you the secret book and armor last time. I can ask the general to transfer them to you. Even the weapons can be recast for you."

Xiong Youde smiled.

"Thank you, General!"

Li Dao nodded gently.

A group of people quickly passed through the gate and headed inside.

The gatekeepers were all shocked by Li Dao's arrival and looked back.

Even though Li Dao had walked out for a long time, they didn't seem to react.

Not long after.

Li Dao followed Xiahou Feng and Xiong Youde into a huge tent.

Xiahou Feng and Xiong Youde went directly into the tent, and Li Dao waited obediently.

With nothing to do, he simply glanced at the entire military camp.

But with this glance, he seemed to have become the focus here.

Patrol soldiers kept staring at him, as if they were looking at a monster.

He frowned and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Isn't it just a little bit stronger? What's there to see?"

After about ten minutes, the tent at the back was finally opened.

Xiong Youde poked his head out and said, "Li Dao, come in quickly, the general wants to see you!"

Li Dao held up a big axe, bent down, and got in through the "low" door.

Originally, the entire central army tent was only three meters high. After his body got in, it immediately brought a large dark shadow, covering half of the space in the tent.

In the tent, the generals gathered here, each of them showed a look of shock and looked at Li Dao.

There were bursts of gasps.

The leader, who was tall and strong, in his early forties, wearing a green armor, looked at Li Dao with a look of surprise, as if he was looking at some rare treasure.

"This is the evil of ancient times!"

Yang Yulong muttered to himself.

There are such warriors in the world?

What did he eat to grow?

It's time to test the waters again, and it's a matter of life and death again.

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