Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 301: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (2)

   Speaking of which, Lu Jinshu is also a poor person.

   In the original plot, he was like a cannon fodder.

  The Lu family has been loyal to the Helian family from generation to generation.

   The troubled times are coming, and the heroes are everywhere.

   Everyone wants to divide the world and become the monarch of the country.

   But the Lu family is not. The Lu family never wanted to divide the world of the Helian family. Instead, they were the first to stand up and protect the master!

   The main and side branches of the Lu family, as long as they are men who can go to war, almost all of them go to war.

   However, the Lu family paid an almost absolute price to protect the world of the Helian family, but what they got was that the male protagonist thought that Lu Jinshu had ambitions, so he got rid of him.

   After Lu Jinshu pacified the world for Helian Yao, he was named a first-class marquis of the state.

   Actually, Xia Xia felt that Helian Yao had no brains, really no brains!

  Lu Jinshu was absolutely loyal to him.

   But Helianyao thinks that he is superior to the Lord, and the people only know Lu Jinshu, the Marquis of the State, but not Helianyao, the current sage.

  He Lianyao is the most suspicious person by nature, and the traitorous officials around him are in power, so naturally he is also guarded against Lu Jinshu.

   In addition to thinking that Helianyao has no brains in summer, he also thinks that Lu Zijin has no brains, especially the kind of brainless ones!

  Lu Zijin has been with Lu Jinshu ever since he was rescued by Lu Jinshu.

   Later, after Lu Jinshu quelled the chaotic army, he took her to the capital.

   Originally, Lu Jinshu was going to bring Lu Zijin back to Ancheng. After all, their hometown is there, and the main house of the Lu family is there.

  Because Lu Zijin fell in love with the young emperor at first sight, he begged Lu Jinshu to stay in the capital.

   Of course, Helian Yao also didn't want Lu Jinshu to return to Ancheng.

   After all, Emperor Ancheng Tiangao was far away, so he could not guard against Lu Jinshu.

  Because of Lu Zijin, Lu Jinshu stayed in the capital.

   By the way, I saved my life...

  Lu Jinshu was first class, and Lu Zijin was coddled by him again. Even the princess was polite and polite when she saw her.

   But all this was given to her by Lu Jinshu.

   But Lu Zijin killed Lu Jinshu for Helianyao's sake.

   How about Lu Zijin has no brains?

   If she thinks about it carefully, she will know that as long as Lu Jinshu is still around, she can be willful.

After   , Lu Zijin was able to enter the harem and become a noble concubine, it was not because Helianyao was afraid of Lu Jinshu!

   As soon as Lu Jinshu dies, Lu Zijin, the vicious female supporting role, will naturally also die.


   In the military camp, Lu Jinshu looked at the summer lying in a 'coma' and asked the military doctor, "How is it?"

   The military doctor stood up, clasped his fists and saluted Lu Jinshu, and said, "If you go back to the general, the young lady fainted because she was too frightened, and her body is fine!"

  Lu Jinshu had no expression on his face, nodded slightly, and hummed.

After the military doctor left, only Xia Xia and Lu Jinshu were in the tent.

  Lu Jinshu was standing beside the bed, watching the summer quietly.

   Before dawn today, he received news from the servants of the Lu family that the rebel army had entered the Lu family.

  Lu Jinshu's location is not far from Ancheng, so he quickly brought people back to Ancheng.

   It was just that he was late for going back even though it was not far.

   When Lu Jinshu returned to the Lu residence, what he saw was more than 200 lives in the Lu family!

  More than 200 names, the bright red blood almost dyed the entire Lu Mansion red!

   Seeing this, Lu Jinshu could not wait to tear the leader of the chaotic army into pieces!

  Lu Jinshu took someone to check if there was still life in the house, only to find that his sister-in-law still had a breath.

   Sister-in-law told Lu Jinshu that Lu Zijin had escaped and asked him to look for it.

   Then he asked Lu Jinshu to take good care of Lu Zijin.

   After Lu Jinshu agreed, the sister-in-law went with confidence——

   Lu Jinshu's fists clenched involuntarily when he thought of the Lu family who was almost wiped out.

   I am very sad, especially sad!

   It's just that the man doesn't shed tears easily, and he's used to being on the battlefield, and he never sheds tears.

   So even though he was sad, Lu Jinshu didn't seem to have any reaction on the surface.

   Xia Xia knew that Lu Jinshu had been looking at her, hesitated for a while, and decided to 'wake up'.

   frowned, and Xia Xia opened her eyes.


   Xia Xia called Lu Jinshu weakly.

   This uncle is actually very awkward in summer.

  Calling Uncle Gu Yanyu or something, it feels so subtle.

   She can imagine that when Gu Yanyu regains his memory, he will definitely be very proud.

   The last world was her younger brother, and this world has even doubled her seniority!

   Hmm... Actually, thinking about it, Raiders' uncle, who is not his own, seems to be quite cute.

   And in summer, Lu Jinshu is not too old.

   Mainly, her body is too small.

   is only twelve years old, and it will be several years before Ji Jidu!

   Hearing Xia Xia calling him, Lu Jinshu hesitated, walked to the bed and sat down: "What's wrong with you?"

  Xiamen sat up from the bed, shook his head at Lu Jinshu, and reached out to pull Lu Jinshu's hand.

  Her hands were too small, tender and white, in stark contrast to Lu Jinshu's large, rough hands.

   "Uncle, mother, they...Are they all right?!" Xia Xia's eyes were full of worry.

   In fact, she also knew that there were not many people left in the Lu family, including her adoptive mother.

   Looking at Xia Xia's crystal clear eyes, Lu Jinshu couldn't tell a lie, so he naturally told the truth.

   "Your mother, they all went."

   As soon as Lu Jinshu finished speaking, Xia Xia was stunned for a moment, then suddenly jumped into his arms and cried, crying very sadly.

  This is, crying for the Lu family.

   Hearing Xia Xia's cry, Lu Jinshu was very distressed.

   He is a rough man. He has been training in the military camp since he was a child, and he does not have much time at home.

   and this non-natural niece, I only met a few times during the festivals, and didn't even say a few words.

  Usually, all the rough men he came into contact with, and he didn't even see many women.

   If he coaxes and comforts others, he will not say it.

   Hearing Xia Xia crying, Lu Jinshu could only froze and let her lean against him.

   raised his hand, very unnaturally, and patted Summer's back lightly.

   and then repeated: "Don't be afraid, I will be here in the future."

  ...As long as I am here, I will definitely protect you!


   I cried for a long time in summer, and those beautiful almond eyes turned into walnut eyes.

  I don't know how many times Lu Jinshu said "Don't be afraid, I'll be here in the future", and Xia Xia finally stopped crying.

   then sobbed and fell asleep in his arms...

  Summer really didn't fall asleep on purpose, but I didn't expect that crying would waste my energy.

   may also be the reason why the host did not sleep, and the nerves were extremely tense, and after relaxing, there was a feeling of exhaustion.

  Besides Lu Jinshu, I feel very relieved in summer.

  I fell asleep before I knew it after I was tired from crying.

  Lu Jinshu carefully laid the summer on the bed.

   Gently covered Xia with a quilt, and then Lu Jinshu's attention was drawn to Xia's face.

  Summer now, he is covered in embarrassment, with blood and tears on his face.

   It's funny like that.

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