Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 308: Uncle Hou, whether to tease or not (9)

  Xiamen's brows wrinkled when Lian'er got into the carriage, and the next moment she opened her eyes.

   She stood up without a word and jumped off the carriage.

   Xiao Wang, who was about to drive, was startled, and the bell was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out, and exclaimed: "Miss—!"

  Xiamen turned back, waved at the bell, grinned and said, "I'll go to the front to find my uncle, you don't have to follow me!"

After   , he ran forward in the summer.

   She ran too fast, and when the bell hesitated, she ran quite far.

   Seeing that Lu Jinshu turned around and came back, the bell after hesitating did not get off the carriage——

   "What are you doing down here?" Lu Jinshu asked Summer.

  Xiamen raised his head, looked at Lu Jinshu on the horse, and said, "I'm tired of sitting in the carriage, will my uncle let me also ride a horse?"

   Of course, it’s not that I’m tired of riding in a carriage. If I were tired, I would have been tired two months ago.

   In summer, I just smelled an unpleasant scent on the body of the lotus, so I simply got off the carriage.

   As for why the scent is unpleasant, I don’t know in summer.

  It’s just that I don’t like it very much.

   Just in time, she came to find Lu Jinshu and talked to him too.

   Not to mention adding goodwill, you can also cultivate the relationship of 'uncle and nephew'!

   "You can ride a horse?" Lu Jinshu asked Summer.

  Although Lu Jinshu does not agree with riding in summer, after all, he thinks she is still young, only twelve years old.

   And, it's a woman again.

   But if Summer wanted to, he would still allow it.

  Of course I can ride a horse in summer, but Lu Zijin can't ride a horse!

   And the main purpose of summer is not to ride horses, but to…

   "I won't! But I can go with you, Uncle!" After that, Xia Xia looked at Lu Jinshu with anticipation with her big watery eyes.

   These eyes are very useful, Lu Jinshu was seen as softhearted, so he agreed!

   He ignored the issue that the 'niece' was already twelve years old.

  Lu Jinshu stretched out his hand towards Xia Xia, Xia Xia also smiled and put his hand in his palm.

  The little hand was tightly held, and it was only lightly mentioned——

   The next moment, Summer was already sitting on horseback.

  The horse snorted and twitched its tail.

  Lu Jinshu did not wear armor today, and there is no need to wear it.

   He only wore a black brocade robe, and his hair was **** high.

   Sharp edges and corners, extraordinary heroism.

   In the heat of summer, don’t wear bright colors.

   The pink and white skirt, nestled in Lu Jinshu's arms, is particularly eye-catching.

  Lu Jinshu took Summer to the front of the team.

   "Hey, son..."

   Jiang Shaoyun originally wanted to call Xia Xia Zijin's sister, but Lu Jinshu swept over with a knife, and he didn't dare to call.

   After swallowing his saliva, Jiang Shaoyun quickly changed his words: "Why did Miss Lu ride with Brother Jinshu?"

  Xiamen squinted at him and raised his chin: "Why, can't my daughter's family ride a horse? I'm not as squeamish as you are!"

   She looked like a twelve-year-old girl.

  Lu Zijin has a lively personality, even a bit unruly.

  Jiang Shaoyun was choked and stared at Xia Tian with wide eyes: "Where am I being squeamish?! I've been riding a horse all day!"

   Xia Xia was too lazy to talk to Jiang Shaoyun, so he hummed and turned to look at Lu Jinshu behind her.

   In the end, because Lu Jinshu was so tall, her neck was about to break, and she could only see Lu Jinshu's slashing chin.

   No way, she still turned her head back.

   His eyes fell on Lu Jinshu's hand, Xia Xia rolled his eyes, and reached out to hold the reins.

  Lu Jinshu thought it was summer who wanted to learn to ride a horse, so after thinking about it, he simply held summer's little hands together.

   Looking at his hand in Lu Jinshu's palm, the corner of Xia's mouth slightly raised


  The wind was clear, blowing the hair around Xia Xia's ears, and gently brushing it on Lu Jinshu's chest.

   Looking ahead in summer, I feel that the most beautiful scenery in ancient times is the pollution-free scenery.

   Unlike modern, do not want the real-world interstellar——

   Lu Jinshu and Jiang Shaoyun were originally in front of the team, but Jiang Shaoyun, who was physically exhausted, fell out of the team again.

   Later, it became Xia Xia and Lu Jinshu in front of the team.

  Lu Jinshu did not speak, nor did Xia Xia speak.

  Although the atmosphere is not awkward, I still want to find something to say in summer.

   So, she asked Lu Jinshu in a curious tone: "That girl Lian'er, why did she want to come with us? Is she going to Ancheng too?"

  Lu Jinshu hummed: "She has relatives in Ancheng."

   And listening to that Lian'er's accent, it is indeed similar to Ancheng's.

   Lu Jinshu's reticence is actually quite unaccustomed to in summer.

   After all, she was used to the talkative Gu Yanyu.

   Moreover, Gu Yanyu's hosts are not those who are taciturn.

   It is clear that Gu Yanyu is a talker... Now I just have no memory, and even the words have become so much less.

  According to normal circumstances, shouldn't Lu Jinshu tell her how they met this Lian'er and how they agreed to take Lian'er back to Ancheng?

   "Oh, then why is she here? Fleeing?"

   Her question was exchanged for another "Yeah" from Lu Jinshu.

   Now, summer is really unhappy.

   pouted, lowered his head, and asked Lu Jinshu with a very disappointed look: "Does my uncle dislike Zijin? Do you think Zijin is annoying?"

   Lu Jinshu, who was looking ahead, was stunned when he heard the words. He lowered his head to look at the little girl in his arms, but could only see the back of his head.

  's aggrieved tone of questioning made Lu Jinshu feel full of guilt.

   Although he didn't know what he did wrong.

   But this time he responded fairly quickly, and immediately replied: "I didn't dislike it, and I didn't feel annoyed."

   On the contrary, he felt comfortable with summer by his side.

   is the kind of comfort that radiates from his heart, and he doesn't know why.

   "Why doesn't that uncle look like he doesn't like talking to Zijin?"

   Hearing Xia Xia's question, Lu Jinshu paused.

  It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to Xia Xia, but he was born with a stupid mouth. Otherwise, why would he have to march to the battlefield instead of being a literati?

   Sometimes, it's not that he doesn't want to speak, but that he doesn't organize language.

  Well...that is, there is no way to express what is in my heart.

   Of course, when it comes to leading troops to kill the enemy, he will not do this.

The words    said can boost morale.

   "No." Lu Jinshu replied Summer.

   "That uncle is, isn't it more appropriate for him not to be good at speaking?" Xia Xia asked again.

Um? How did she know?

   "Yes." Lu Jinshu replied.

  Summer's tone instantly became lighter, and she said, "It's okay! You can say whatever you want!"

   "When you talk, you get used to it!"

   "Otherwise, I ask you to answer?"

   Although she couldn't see Xia Xia's expression, Lu Jinshu could hear her expectation from that tone.

   So, he hummed and agreed.

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