Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 331: Professor Wen, please give more advice (3)

   I bought the positioning system and opened it, and went out.

  I didn't drive in summer, because it was really not as fast as hers in comparison————

   On a road intersection in a suburb, Wen Linxia went home late because of some things during the day.

   Halfway through, his car broke down for no apparent reason.

   He didn't know anything about this, so he had to call for help and sit in the car waiting for someone to help.

  Wen Linxia has a habit of going to bed early, usually he should go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening.

   Sitting in the car at the moment, he dozed off a bit.

   Eyelids fight, Wen Linxia is drowsy...

   At this moment, the door of the car was suddenly opened.

   The cool night wind blew in, and Wen Linxia shuddered and opened her eyes.

   However, before Wen Linxia could react, he didn't even see who was opening his car door, and was pulled out.

   In the next second, Wen Linxia's car was hit by a large truck flying over, and it spun twice in the air before falling.

   Then he was pushed forward by that big truck, and the body was completely destroyed!

   All this happened in just a few seconds before his eyes!

  Wen Linxia was really frightened, and was even more frightened by the harsh sound of sparks rubbing against the ground by the huge impact and metal.

   For a long time, he didn't respond.

   He couldn't help thinking, if he was still in that car and was pushed forward like that after being hit and flying...

   There is absolutely no chance of life!

   Xia Xia, who pulled Wen Linxia out of the car in time, was not frightened by the crashed car, and was relieved that he had arrived in time.

   If she had another second at night, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

  Summer's eyes fell on the uncontrolled truck, and his eyes were slightly cold.

  Why did Wen Linxia have no news after the car accident, because the truck driver... hid his body!

  This location is very remote, even if there are few vehicles coming and going, there is no monitoring.

  Wen Linxia's body was badly damaged, and the police could only find a lot of bloodstains belonging to Wen Linxia in the car.

   And where Wen Linxia went, the police did not find it.

   It was precisely because they were not found that Song Zhiyun knew that there was no news of Wen Linxia.

   The braking sound was very harsh, and the truck pushed Wen Linxia's unrecognizable car into a tree stump on the side of the road, and barely stopped.

  Wen Linxia finally recovered.

   He took a step forward, only to find that his wrist was tightly grasped.

   Turning his head and looking, Wen Linxia looked at Xia Xia in surprise: "Song Zhiyun?!"

  Wen Linxia did not expect that the person who saved him was his student! And she's a female student!

  Xiamen let go of Wen Linxia's hand and looked at him with concern: "Professor Wen, are you all right?"

   "I'm fine, thank you Song Zhiyun! It's so late, why are you here?" Wen Linxia asked Xia Xia.

  It's so weird to be here in summer, after all, it's in the suburbs and it's midnight.

  Xiamen pointed to his sportswear and said, "I can't sleep, so I come to run at night."

   "Running and running, I ran here, and then I saw Professor Wen fall asleep in the car. I saw that the speed of the truck behind was very fast, and it seemed a little abnormal, so I pulled you Professor Wen down. "

   This reason is very sufficient, Wen Linxia has no doubts about summer.

   He thanked again: "Thanks to classmate Song Zhiyun, otherwise I should have finished with the car."

   Xia Xia blushed embarrassedly, and then asked Wen Linxia to call the police: "In this case, let the police handle it."

  Wen Linxia nodded, took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police, but luckily he put it in his trouser pocket after he called.

  Otherwise, his mobile phone is probably dead now.

   The next summer's attention has been on the truck body, and he saw the truck driver get out of the car and run to Wen Linxia's car.

   Seeing that no one was inside, the truck driver turned his head and saw Xia and Wen Linxia standing not far away.

  I was drunk at first, but now I am half sober because I hit a car.

   The first reaction of the truck driver was to run!

   Seeing that the truck driver got in the car and wanted to run, he ran over in the summer to open the door of the truck and directly pulled the truck driver out of the car.

  The truck driver was thrown to the ground by Summer, screaming in pain.

   And Xia Xia stood in front of him, with his arms around his chest, and looked at him coldly.

   The truck driver on the ground got up and threw a fist at Summer.

  Summer just turned slightly sideways and avoided his fists.

   "Drunk and driving on the road, don't you know how to harm others and yourself?"

  Summer kicked the truck driver on the chest, I can't wait to kick him to death!

  But in front of Wen Linxia, ​​you can't do this in summer.

   Forget it, leave it to the police!

   Her movements were so smooth and handsome that Wen Linxia couldn't help but be amazed.

   I didn't expect his student... he was actually a trainer!

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Wen Linxia's favorability for you is 50%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Hearing the system beep, Xia Xia glanced at Wen Linxia who was on the phone.

   I couldn't help but be glad again, glad she arrived in time...


   When the traffic police arrived, the people who came to repair Wen Linxia's car also arrived.

   Just seeing Wen Linxia's completely deformed car, the person who repaired the car was a little dumbfounded: "Didn't you say... It's just because of a malfunction, so it can't be started?"

  Wen Linxia smiled helplessly and said, "It was originally a malfunction, but now... Forget it, there is no need to repair it."

  Finally, the traffic police recorded statements for Xia Xia and Wen Linxia, ​​and then left with the truck driver who was severely drunk.

   As for Wen Linxia and summer...

  The two got into the maintenance staff's car and went back to the city.

  The car was parked on the side of the road, Wen Linxia and Xia Xia got off.

   "Thank you very much, Song Zhiyun tonight, it seems too light to say thank you verbally..."

  Wen Linxia thought for a while and said, "Well, how about I invite you to dinner another day?"

   "Professor Wen did it himself?" Xia Xia asked with a smile.

   "Also! I'm not boasting, my cooking skills are very good!"

   It is early winter and the weather is already a bit cold.

  Wen Linxia was wearing the white shirt she had in class during the day, with light blue wool on the outside.

   was originally a very gentle person, and when he smiled, he was even warmer.

  Because of the height difference, Xia Xia can only look up slightly to see Wen Linxia: "Then I'll have a good time! Professor Wen has to keep his word!"

  Wen Linxia smiled and nodded: "Well, it definitely counts!"

   A taxi drove in front, Wen Linxia stretched out his hand to stop it, and said to Xia Xia, "It's too late, I'll take you home first."

  Xiamen shook his head: "No need, I'll just go back by myself. Professor Wen goes back to rest early..."

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