Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 336: Professor Wen, please give more advice (8)

   Of course, among the girls who took the physical fitness test, there was also summer.

  Wen Linxia used to be a soldier, so he was very strict in physical fitness test.

   He also made it very clear that for the sake of safety, he would never be soft-hearted towards girls.

   Of course, he will not be soft-hearted towards boys.

   Physical fitness tests include weighted running, bow shooting, fighting and rock climbing.

   Must meet the requirements of Wen Linxia in order to pass the physical fitness test.

  Because Wen Linxia's requirements were too high, some boys failed to pass in the end.

   And girls, except for summer, none of them have passed.

   In the end, including the summer, only twenty students passed the physical fitness test.

   So obviously he took thirty students, but it turned out to be only twenty students——

   On the night before departure, Song Yanming knocked on the door of Summer.

  Summer was packing up when he heard a knock on the door and looked back.

  The door was not closed, she could see Song Yanming standing at the door, with a worried expression on Jun's face.

   "Dad." Xia Xia stopped his movements and called Song Yanming with a smile.

  Song Yanming walked into the room with his feet up and asked Xia Xia, "Baby...are you really going to that virgin forest?"

   When he asked him to sign the consent form in the summer before, Song Yanming refused in his heart.

   That is the primeval forest! What if there are beasts? !

   is the snake, worm, rat and ant, Song Yanming also feels very unsafe! Getting bitten by a mosquito is a big pimple!

  Unfortunately, Song Yanming couldn't resist his daughter's coquettish offensive, so he signed and agreed.

  Thinking of her daughter going to the virgin forest tomorrow morning to take a seven-day adventure before she can come back, Song Yanming's heart couldn't fall.

   Even before he went, he was already worried. If he went, Song Yanming estimated that he would not want to fall asleep for seven days.

   "Well, I'm really going!" Xia Xia replied.

Knowing that Song Yanming was worried about her, Xia Xia walked over to put his arm around him and put his head on his shoulder: "Oh, dad, don't worry, Professor Wen's physical fitness test is so strict that your daughter has passed, which means your daughter is Very powerful!"

   Speaking of this physical fitness test, Song Yanming felt a little sad.

   Before he signed the consent form, that is what Professor Wen said in the summer that there is a physical fitness test, which is super strict.

   If you fail the physical fitness test, you cannot go to the virgin forest.

   At that time, Song Yanming thought that he would definitely not pass the physical fitness test in summer.

   It's just that he didn't expect that he passed such a demanding physical fitness test so smoothly in the summer!

   Song Yanming wouldn't believe it if he hadn't watched the video of his physical fitness test in summer.

   He always thought he was a weak and weak daughter, since when did he become so strong?

   But according to the words of the summer, she used to want to be a female special forces soldier, so she secretly studied.

   Summer said so, and Song Yanming naturally believed it.

  Can he not believe what his daughter said?

  Song Yanming sighed, and still worriedly told Xia Xia: "When you go there, be careful not to be bitten by those snakes, insects, rats, ants, anti-mosquito medicine, allergy medicine, cold medicine, anti-inflammatory medicine, etc.?"

  Xiamen nodded again and again: "Dad, don't worry, I have prepared all the medicines, very complete!"

   Originally, I didn’t want to bring any medicine in the summer, and the capacity of the mountaineering bag was limited.

   As long as you buy a medicine from the Plane Association and eat it, the snakes, insects, rats and ants will definitely avoid her.

  Song Yanming snorted, and the worry on his face did not diminish at all: "I don't know if there are any beasts there, if there are..."

   "This father, you should rest assured! Professor Wen said, in fact, the virgin forest we went to is relatively safe, and there are no large beasts."

  For the safety of the students, Wen Linxia will not really take the students to dangerous places.

   In fact, Wen Linxia would lead the team to the virgin forest just to avoid any female students following him.

   Spring outing for seven days! He didn't want to be pestered by female students every day.

   Therefore, Wen Linxia ordered the very strict physical fitness test.

   However, Wen Linxia is not surprised that he can pass the physical fitness test in summer.

   After all, that night, he had seen the summer shot.

   Although it was only a very simple shot, it can also show that she is not simple——

   "You are the only girl going this time. You must pay attention to safety, do you know? Don't get too close to those boys, do you still need to know how to be on guard?"

   said, Song Yanming was even more worried.

  My daughter is so beautiful, will she be bullied? !

  Thinking like this, Song Yanming's face was hard to look at.

   Xia Xia was about to open his mouth to answer when he heard Song Yanming say, "Xiaoyun... Otherwise, will Dad accompany you to that virgin forest?"

   "Pfft... Dad! You think I'm still young! I'm already twenty years old this year!" Although he said that, Xia Xia was not angry because Song Yanming wanted to go with her on a spring outing.

  Song Yanming is worried about her, which is a normal thing.

   But she can't really take Song Yanming to the spring outing!

   So in the end, no matter how uneasy Song Yanming was, he left early the next morning in summer——


   Last night, Song Yanming pulled Xia Xia to talk, saying that he went to bed very late.

   It wasn't even dawn today, Song Yanming got up again and told Aunt Wang to prepare her to eat this way and that way.

   After being woken up in summer, I just woke up.

   If she hadn't stopped her, I don't know how much food Song Yanming would have her bring today!

   Later, the backpack that was taken in the summer really couldn't fit, so Song Yanming gave up.

   Although he has never been to outdoor adventures or anything, he also knows that it is absolutely unreliable to take a suitcase in summer.

   I want my daughter to take more, but I am worried that my daughter will not be able to carry it.

   Don't take it, and I'm worried that my daughter will be hungry.

  Hey... It would be nice not to go to that virgin forest!

  Girls, you should go to those resorts to play!

   Seeing Song Yanming's reluctance, Xia Xia was worried that he would cry.

  So in the summer, Song Yanming was determined not to send her to the airport, and he went by car——

   A total of 22 people went to the Bunia virgin forest in K City, including Wen Linxia and another physical education teacher who had sufficient experience in wild survival.

  Everyone was wearing sports clothes and sneakers. Wen Linxia made a list before and asked the students to prepare according to the above.

  Tent sleeping bags and water bottles are the most important, followed by medicine bags.

   As for food, Wen Linxia asked not to bring so much. After all, there are seven days, and you can't bring all three meals a day for seven days.

  In the virgin forest, you can naturally find something to eat.

   In summer, I only brought some of what Song Yanming asked Aunt Wang to do, but I didn't bring much.

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